PC 79-229°ESOLUTION N0. PL79-229
WHEREAS, the Anaheim Clty Planning Cammisston did reccive a verified
Petitien for Conditionai Use Permlt from G. L. LEWIS PROPERTIES, 190~ East Fourth
Street, ~106, Santa Ana, ~altfornia, 92705, ormer~ and BURNETT-ENLINE CO., 1?00 East
Fourth Street. ~`106~ Santa Ana, California 92705, agent, of certain real property
situated In the City of Anahelm, County of Orange, State of California, described as:
PARCEL A: That portion of the 5outheast quarter of the Northeast
quarter of Sectia~ 26, Township 4 5outh, Range 10 West, as shown
on a map recorded in buok S1, page 10 of Hisceilaneous Maps, in
the office of the County Recorder of said L~unty, desrribed as
follows: Beginning at the East quarter corner of said fractional
section, as safd East quarter corner is shown on the map filed in
book 43, page 37 of Record of Surveys, in the office of said
County Recorder; th~nce North 0° 08' 00" 11est along [he center
1(ne of Placentie Avenue as shown on satd filed map, 335-76 feet;
*.hence South 89° 59' 35" West 631.9R feet to Lhe Easterly line of
the Easterly 11ne of the land described in the quitclalm deed to
Falstaff Brewing Corporation, recorded June 20, 1961 in book 5759.
page 921 of Official Records, records of sald Coun[y; thence South
0° 41' 11" East, along said Easterly line 335.65 feet to the South
line of said Northeast quarter; thence South 89° 5°' ~~1" East,
along said South iine b28.74 feet to the po!nt of beg(nning.
Except [he Sou[herly 200.00 feet of the Easteriy 203.00 feet
PARCEL B: That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Noriheast
quarter of Sectton 26, Township 4 SouYh, Range iQ West, in the
Rancho San Juan CaJan de Santa Ana. as shown on a map recorded in
bouk 51, page 10 of Miscella~eous Meps, in the offtce of the
County Recorder of sald county, descriGed as follows: The
Souiherly 200 feet of the Easierly 203 fect of the following:
8eginntng at the East quarter corner of said fractional section,
as said East qua~cer corner is shown on the map filed tn book 43,
page 37 of Record of Surveys, in the office o` said County
Recorder; thence tdorth 0° 08' 00" Nest along the center lfne of
Placentia Avenue as shown on satd itled map, 335.76 feet; thence
South 89° 59' 35" ~1est 631•98 fcat to the Easterly llne of the
iand described in the quitclain deed to Falstaff BrewTng
Coraoratton recorded June 20, 1961 in book 5759, page 921 of
Officia) Records, records of satd county; thence South 0~ 41' 11"
East, along sald Easterly line. 335.65 feet to the South line of
said Northeast quarter; thence South 89° 59' 41" East, along sald
South line 628.74 feet to the point o.` beginning. Said land Is
shown on a map filed in book 76, page 10 of ftecord of Surveys, in
the office of said County Recorder.
~. ~
WHEREAS, the City Planning CamTssion did hold a public heartng at the Clty
Hall in the City of Anaheim on Decembar 3, 1979~ at 1:30 p.m., notice of said publ3c
hearing having been duly gTven as required by law and in accordance with the
provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consTder
evidence fnr and against said proposed conditional use permit and to tnvestigate and
make findings and recommendatlons in connection therewith; and
WHEREAS, said Commission, after due tnspecLion, investigation and s[udy made
by ttself and in Its behalf, and after due consideratlon of ali evidence and reports
offered at satd hearing, does find and determine the following facts:
1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a conditionai use
permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Sectlon and to wtt: to permii a commercial office compiex and restaurant with on-
sale alcoholic beverages In the HL (Industrial, Limited) Zone.
2. That the proposed uses are hereby granted subJect to thc petitioner's
stipulation at the publfc hearing to permit the fallowing types of offtce uses,
except as may otherwise be approved by the Pla m ing Department:
(a) Engineeri~g and krchitectural Flrms
(b) Advertising and Graphic Arts
(c) Insurance Agencles
(d) LPA~s and Accountants
(e) Consultants
(f) Attorneys
(g} Outside Sales and Marketing.
3. That the proposed use wiil not adversely affect the adJoinii~g land uses
and the growth and developmen[ of ihe area i~ which It is proposed to be located.
4. 7ha[ thc size and shape of the stte proposed for the use is adequate to
allow the full development of the proposed use ln a manner not detrime~tal to the
particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Littzens
of the City of Anaheim.
5. That Che 9ranting of [he Condi[ionai Use Permit under the conditions
tmposed, if any, wiil not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general
welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anahelm.
6. That the traffic generated by the proposed ~se will not impose an undue
burden upon the streets and highways designed and improved to carry [he traffic in
the area.
7. That no one indtcated their presen~e at sa~d public hearing in
opposltion; and that no correspondance was received in opposition to the subJect
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPAC7 FtNDING: That the Anahetm City Planntng Commisston has
reviewed the proposa Lo perm t a commerclal office complex a~d restaurant wlth on-
sale alcoholic beverages in tfie 4L (Industrial, Limited) Zone on a rectangularly-
shaped parcel of land consts[ing of approxima[ely 3.8 acres located at the northwest
corner of Orangewood Avenue and State College Boulevard, havtng a frontage of
*2- PC79-229
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the CTty
Hall in the City of Anaheim on December 3~ 1979, at 1:30 p.m „ notlce of said public
hearing having been duly gtven as rsqulred by law and in accordance with the
provisions of the AnaheTm Muntclpal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider
evidence for and against said proposed condttional use permit and to investigate and
make findings and recommendatlons in connectian therewith; and
WHEREA5, sald Commtssion~ after due inspectton, investigatTon and study nade
by itself and in tts behalf, and after due consideratlon of all evidence and reports
offered at said hearing. does find and determine the fallowing facts:
1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a conditiondi use
permit is authorized by Anaheim Muntcipal Code Section and to wit: to permit a camnercial office complex and res:aurant wtth on-
sale alcoholtc be~erages in the HL (Industrial, Limited) Zone.
2. That the proposed uses are hereby granted subJect to the petitioner's
stipulation at the public hearing to permit the following types of office uses.
except as may otherwise be approved by the Planning Department:
(a) Engineertng and Architectura) Flrms
(b) Advertising and Graphic Arts
(c) Insurance Agencies
(d) CPA's and Accountants
{e) Consultanis
(f) Attorneys
(g) Outside Sales and Marketing.
3. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adJoining land uses
and the growth and development of the area in which tt is proposed to be located.
4. That the size and shape of the slte proposed for the use is adequate [o
allow the full deveiopment of the proposed usc in a manner not detrimental to the
particular area nor to the peace. health, safety, and general welfare of the Ci[izens
or the City of Anahelm.
5. That the granting of the Condltional Use Permtt under the conditlons
imposed, if any, wili not be detrimental to the peace, health~ safety and general
welfare of the Gitizens of the Ctty of Anahelm.
6. That the traff(c generated by the proposed use will not impose an undue
burden upon the streets and highways designed and improved to carry Lhe traffic i~
the area.
7. That no one tndtcated their presence at said public hearing tn
opposition; and that no correspondence was recelved In opposition to the subJect
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FItIDlNG: That the Anaheim City Planntng Coimilsston has
revlewed the proposa to perm t a comnercial offtce complex and restaurant with on-
sale alcoholic beverages ln the ML (Industrial, Limlted) Zone on a ~ectangularly-
shaped parcel of land conslsttng of apprQximately 3.8 acres located at the northwest
corner of ~rangewood Avenue and State Coilege Boutevard~ having a frontage of
_2- Pc79-229
approximately 560 feet on the north side of Qrangewood Avenue and a frontage of 268
feet on the west side of State College Boulevard; and does hereby approve the
Negattve Deciaratlon from the requirement to preparc an environmental impact report
on the basis that there would be no significant lndividual or cumulattve adverse
environmental Impact due to the approval of this Negattve Declaratton since the
Anaheim General Plan designates the subject property for general industrial land uses
cortmensurate with thP proposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are lnvoived
in the proposal; that the Inl~ial Study submttted by the petltloner Indlcates no
significant fndlvidual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the
Negative Declaration substantiating the foregoing findings Is on fiie in the City of
Anaheim Planning Department.
NON~ THEREFORE. BE !T RESOLVE~ that the Anaheim Lity Planntng Commissian
does hereby grant subJect Peti[ion for Condttlonal Use Permit, upon the fol~owing
conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use
of the subJect property in order to preserve the safe[y and generai welfare of the
Citizens of the City of Anaheim:
1. That the owner(s) of subJect property shall pay to the City of Anaheim
a fee, in an amount as determined by the City Council, for street lighting along
State College Beulevard and Orangewood Avenue.
2. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved
plans on file with the Office of the ExecutTve Director of Public Norks.
3. That fire hydrants shall bc installed and charged as required and
determTned to be necessary by the Chlef o` the Ftre Department prior [o commencement
of structural framing.
4. That flre sprlnklers shall be instatled in all buildings as requtred or
approved by the City of Anaheim Flre Department.
5. That the proposed canmerclal office complex and restaurant shall comply
with al) signing requirements of the HL (Industrial, Limited) Zone.
6. That subject property shall be deve)oped substantially ln accordance
with plans and speciffcations on file with the City of Anahelm marked Exhibit No. 1
through 8.
7. That Condition No. 1, above-menttoned, shall be complied with prior to
the commencement of the activi[y authorized under this resolution. or prtor to the
time that the buildTng permit Ts issued, or with(n a perlod of one year from date
hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the Planning Commission may
8. That Gonditlon Nos. 2, 4, 5 and 6, above-mentioned~ shal) be complied
with prior to final building and zoning inspecttons.
9. That the proposed office uses shall consist of the following:
(a) Engt~eering and Architectural Firms
(b) Adverttsing and Graphic Arts
(c) tnsurance Agencfes
-3- PC79-229
(d) CPA's and Accountants
(e) Consultants
(f) Attorneys
(g) Outside Sales and Marketing,
or (h) such other approprtate uses as may be approved by the Planntng Department
foltowing submittat of a wrttten descrtption of the office activTty by the
SE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that thc Anahelm City Pianning Commission does hereby
flnd and determine that adoptton oF this Resolutton is expressly predtcated upon
applicant's complfance wtth each and all of the conditlons herelnabove set forth.
Shoutd any such condttfon, or any part thereof, be deciared invalid or unenforceable
by the final judgment of any court of competent Jurisdiction. then thts Resolution,
and any approvals herein contained, shali be deemed null and void.
TtiE FOREGDIh1G RESOLUTION Ts signed and approved by me this 3rd day of
December, 1979.
/'wl~/.s«.L ~ ,~~.6w.~~~
`"~,~1 .~.° .
SECRE AR ,~r i~T~ L 11~1 N MHIS Ot~
I, Editl~ L. Harris, Secretary of ihe Anaheim Ctty Planning Commission~ do
hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of
the Anaheim Ctty Planning Commission held on December 3, 1979. by the following vote
of the memisers thereof:
IN Li1T~7E55 4/HEREOF, I have hereunto se[ my hand this 3rd day of December,
i~ .?.° ~~t,~:.
-4- PC79-229