PC 79-41RESO!.UTION 110. PC7?-41 A RESOLUT 1017 OF TYE ANAHE I'1 C I TY PLt,la~l I tJr, CO~t'1 I SS 10'I Tfil1T PETITIOfI FOR RECLASSIFICATION H0. 78-79-j2 EiE GRAI~TED. WNEREAS, the /ln~hcim City Planning Gor.imission d(d rece(ve a verified petition for Reclassifica[lon from DOUGLAS A. GJE35VOLD, ET AL, ~219 Vla Vista Drive, Bucna Park, California 9QG20, owner of ccrtain real property situa[ed in the City of Anahei~, Lounty of Orar.ge, State of California, described as: Tha[ portion of Che Southwest quartcr of thc Sou[hricst quarter of Sec[ion 3i, Township 3 South, Ranqe 8 41est, S.B.[~. L M., described as follows: Deginning at a point in thc ~lorth Iine of Lot I1 Tract tlo. 117, as shown on a Map recorded in ~oo~ 11, Page 1; of I1lscallaneous Maps, records of Oran9e County, California, said polnt being the m~:t Easterly cornr_r of that certaln parcel of land descrlbed in Book 21!11, Paye 327 of Of'(cial Records, which is distant Sou[h 3qO 59' 20" Nes[ 1.r+0 feet frorn the tlortheast corner of said Lot 11; thence ~lorth 45°4Q' O(1" Ilest alonn the Northcas[ linc of said certain parccl to thc Southeasteriy linc of that cer[ain parcel of land descrf6ed in t~e Deed to the State of Lalifornia dated June 21, 1~52 and recorded June 27, 1~52 in Book 234~, Page 33k of Official Records; thence Nor[heasterly alonq sald Southeastcrly linc to the 1Jestcrly linc of Lot 12 of s~IJ Tract No. 117; thence Southerly alon7 said Wes[erly line ind its Southerly prolonga[ion to the Northeast corncr of said Lot il; thence Sou[h E~° 59' 20" IJest 1.~~ fee[ to the point of heginni~q. WfiEREAS, the City Planning Commission did holc! a public hearinp at the Ci[y Hall in the City of Anaheim on Fehruary 26, 1!'+7~, at 1:30 P.n., notfce of safd public hearinq having been duly given os required hy law and fn accordance wtth the provisions of the Anaheim Municipa) Code, Ch,~pter 1d,03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed reciassifica[ton ancf to investigate and nake findings and recommendatlons in connection therewith; ind WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in i[s behalf, and after due considera[ion of all ev(dence and reports offered ~t said hearing, does find and dctermine the following facts: 1. That r.he petitioner oroposes reclasstf(cation of subject propercy from the County of Orange 8(1AR-10,000 (Agrlcultural/Res(den[ial) Zone to the City of Anaheim RS-HS-22,'I'JO(SL) (Residen[lal, Single-Famfly - Hilistde - Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone. 2. That the Anahefm Gener~l Plan designates subject property for hlllside estate denstty residentlal iand uses. 3. That the proposed reclassificatlon is hereby granted subject [o the condttion that sound-attenuation requirements to protect fu[ure residentlal construction shall be comptied wfth i~ accordance ~oith Councii Policy No. SL2, unless o[herwise approved by City Counctl, PC79-41 4. Thai the proposed reclassifica[ion of subJect property is necessary and/or desirable for thc orderly and proper devrlopment of the community. 5. That the proposed reclassifica[ion of subject property does properly relate to the zones and their permit[ed uses locally established in close proximity to subjec[ property and to the zones and their permittecf uses generally establlsheJ throughout the communi[y. 6, That no one Indica[ed their presence a[ said public heartng in opposition; and tha[ no correspondence ~aas rec~ived in opposi[lon to [he subject peti[ion. EIiVIRONHEtJTAL IMPACT FINDI~~G: That the Anahein, C1ty Planning Canmission has reviewed the proposal [o reclassi y subject property from the County of Orange 30AR- l0,OQ0 (Agricultural/Residen[fal) Zone to the Ci[y of Anahein RS-HS-22,000(SC) (Residential, Sin~le-Fanily Hlllsidc-Scenic Corridor Ovcrlay) Zone to establish a 3- lot subdivision witli walver of minimum lo[ area on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consis[inn of approximately 1,4 acres, havtng a fronta~e of approxfmately 270 fect on thc sou~heast side of Santa Ana Canyon ~o~d, havin~ a maximum depth of approximatcly 4~~ fcet, bcing located approximately t+~E feet nor[heast of the cencerline of Nohler Drive and does herehy approve the Neaative Declaration from the requirement to preparc an environmental impact renort on thc basis chat [here rauld be no significant individual or cumulativr_ adverse e m ironnent~l inpact due to the approva) of [tils Negative Declarotion since the An~heim Gen~ral Plan destgnates the subject property for hillside estate density residential lind uses crxnmensurate with the proposal; that no sensi[ive environnental impacts are involved In the proposal; [hat the Ini[ia1 Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no signiftcan[ individu~l or cumulative adverse environrnen[al impacts; and tha[ the Negative Declarar.ion subs[antia[ing [he foregoing findfn9s is on filc in the Clty of Anaheim Plannin~~ Department. NON, THEREFOP,E, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim f,ity Planning Lommission does he n:by grant subject Pe[ition for Reclassification an~1, by so doina, tha[ Ti[le 1S-Zoninn of the Anaheim !lunicipal Code be amended to exclude the above-described property from the COUI~TY OF ORA'~,r. 3~nn^10,^~0 (4r,RICULTU?tL/RE517E~lTIAL) ZONE and to incorpora[e said described property into the CITY OF At1AHEIM RS-11S-22,000(SL) (R~SID[~7TIAL, SINGLE-FAMILY HILLSIOE - SCENIC C0.°,RIDOP. 0'lEP.LAY) ZOtI[ upon the following conditions ~vhich are hereby found to be a necessary prerequtsite to the proposed use of subjeci property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. Thai Martin Place, a private road easement, shali be developed in accordance with the City of Anaheim's requirements for private streets in the Mohler Drive area, and/or [hat a bond tn an amo~nt and form satisfactory to the C(ty of Anaheim shall be posted wlth the City to guarantee the installation of the above improvements. 2. In the event that subJect property is to be divided for the purpose of sale, le~se, or financing, a parcei map, to record che approved diviston of subJect properiy shall be suh~itted to and approved by the City of Anaheim and then be recorded in the office of [he Orange County Recorder. -2- PC79-41 3. That the avner of subJect property shall pay [o thc City of Anaheim the appropriate par~. and recreation in-lieu fees as deterntned [o bc appropriate by [he City Councit, said fees to be paid at thc time the building permit is issued, 4. Tha[ subject property shall be servcd by underground u[ilittes. 5. That these recl~ssifica[ton proceedings are granted subject to completion of annexation of subJect property to the Citv of Anaheim. G. That che orrncr(s) of subject propcrty shall pay appropria[e dratnaye assessment fees to the Lity of Anahetm as determined by [he Lity Engincer prtor to approval of a parcel map. 7. That drafnagc of subject property shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer. S, That the vehicular access r(ghts, excepi at approvecl access paints to Santa Ana Canyon Road shal) be dedica[ed to [he City of Anaheim. 9. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charqed as required and determined to be necessary by [he Chief of [he Fire Departnent prior to co~r~encement of structural framing. 1^. That all reaufrements of Fire Zonc 4, o[hcrtioise Identified as Fire Administrative Order Plo. 7G-01, will be met. Such requirements include, but are not linited t~, chimney spark arrestors, protected at[ic and under flcwr openinqs, Class L or better rooffng material and one hour ftre resis[ive construction of fiorizontal surfaces if wlthin 200 feet of adjacent brushland. 11, That the owner(s) of subject oroperty shall submit to the Lity Attorneys Office for review and approvai proof of their ri9hts of use [o Hartin Place, a private road easement pr(or to the recordation of a parcel map. 12. That any specimen tree removal shali be subject to the regulations per,alnir.s to tree preservaticn fn che Scenic Corri~or Overi~y Zone. 13. That the owner(s) of subJect property shall pay the [raffic signal assessment fee (Ordinance No. 3896) amounting [o S3G.00 per each new dweliing unit prior to the issuance of a building permit. 14. That the rnmer(s) of subject property shall ded(cate and improve a 10 foot wide equestrian and hiki~g [rail as shoam on the Equestrian and Hiking Tralls Componenc of the Anahcim General Plan; and that fmprovement plans for sald trails shall be submitted in conjunction wfth the grading plan; and/or that a bond shall be posted with the City of Anaheim In an amount and form satisfaccory to the City of Anahelm to guarantee the improvement of the equestrian and htking trail. 15. That residential construction on subJect property shall comply with Council Policy No. 542 percalning to "Sound At[enuatlon In Residenttal Projects", unless otherwise approved by the City Council. lfi. Prior [o the Introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, Conditlon Nos. 1, 5, 8 and 14, above-mentioned, shall be compleced. The provisions -3- PC79-41 or rights granted by this resolution shall become null and vold by action of the Planning Commfssion unless said condttions are complied with within one year from the date hereof, or such further tfine as the Planning Commtssion may grant. 17. That Condition Nos. 4, 7, 10 and 15, above-~en[loned, shall be compited with prior to final buildin~ and zoning inspections. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby flnd and determine that adoption of this Resolutlon is expressiy predicated upon applicant's compliance wlth each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or ~ny part thereof, be deciared i~valid or unenforceable by the final Judgment of any cour[ of competent Jurisdiction, then thls Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. THE fORE;0ING RESOLUTION is sianed and approved by me this 26th day of February, 1979. ~ C, ,.A , ANA C ANNING COH`115510N ATTEST: `~~...~. ,~ ~. SECP.ETARY, AI~AHE IH C ITY PLAtlN I NG COMM I SS 10~7 STATE OP CALIFQBNIA ) COUN7Y OF ORAt~GE ) ss. CITY OF AtiAHEIH ) I, Editli L. Harris. Secretary of the Anahei~~ Cfty Plannina Lormission, do hereby certify that ilie foregoing resolutlon rras oassed anci adopt~d at a meeting of the Anaheim Ci[y Planning Commtssion held on February 2~, 1A7~, at 1:3~1 P.m., by the following vote of [he nembers Chereof: AYES: CONMISS~~)t1ER5: BARNES, BUStIOP,E, JAVI~i, MEkBST~ JOht750N, Kltl,, TOLIiR NOES: CO!1'115510NER5: NO!!E ABSEtlT: CO!iMIS510ttER5: t:OqE 197? I~! WITIlE55 WHEREOF, I have I~ercun[o set my hand this 2f,th day of February, e ~.~.~, .r.' '~L[-rt...4.- SECREIAR , At~AHEIM CIf LANWING COMMISSION -4- PC7a-4t