PC 79-45RESOLUTION N0. PC79-4$ A R[50LUT 101! OF THE ANAHE Ir1 C I TY PLANN I NG CO"1N I55 l0!i THl~T PETITION FOR COt~DITIOtlAL USE PERMIT N~, 194q EE GP,ANTED, IN PAP,T 4111EREl1S, t`ie Anaheim City Planning Commission dtd recelve a verified Petition for Condi[tonal Use Permlt from C. AtiTHOtJY A~l~ ESTNEf'. SILVA, 1557 Nest Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, Lalifornia, 92301, owners of certain real property situated in the Cfty of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, descrtbed as: PARCFL 1: The East 110.00 fect of the West 2~~.00 feet of that portion of the Southeast quarter of the Sou[hwes[ quarter of Sectior ?, Townshtp !i South, Ranne 1c1 West, in the Rancho San Juan CaJon de Santa Ana, as shown on ~ Map recorded in BooG: 51, page i!1 of Piiscellaneous Maps, records of Or~nne County, California, described as follor,s: Beglnn(nn at a point in the West line of [he SoutheasL quarter of thc Southti•resi quarter af satd Section 4, distant thcreon 22~ feet ~~ortli of [he Southwest corncr of said Sou[heast quarter of thc SouthwesC ouarter; thence East oarallel to the South line of said Section ~, 6~6,~5 feet; thence Nor[h parallel [o [he West line of thc Southeas[ quartrr of thc Sou[hwest quarter of Sectio~ 9 to a poin[ in the center line of the o0 foot 5[ate Hi,hway, as conveyed to the Statc of California by deed recorJed JanuarY ~7, 1°35 tr. boo~ 7~4, Pa9e 35~ o` Official Records; thence Northwesterly alon~ Lhe Center line of sald Sta[e Highriay [o i[s intcrsectlon wlth thc West llne of the Southeast quar[er of thc Southwes[ quar[er of said Section ~; thence South along said Wes[ line 1~P,,11 feet to [he ooint of begtnning. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commtssfon did hold a pufilic hearinq at the Ctty Hall in the Ciiy of Anahein on February 7.E, 1Q79, a[ 1:3~ ~.n., notice of said public hearing having 6een duly given as required by la~~ anci in accordance with the provisions of the Anahcim Mu~ici~al C~dA, Ch~~ter 1?,^;, to !~ear and consider evldence for and against safd oroposed conditional use and to tnvestigate and make findings a~d recomnendations in connection therearith; and 41NfREAS, said Commissfon, after due insnec[ion, invr,stigation and study made by itself and in tts hehalf, and after due consiJeration of all evicierce and reports offcred at said heari~o~ does find and determine the Folloo~ing facts: 1. That the proposed use (s properly one for which a cond(tional use permit is authorized by Anaheim Munlcioal Code Section 1°,q3.n3n.ot~ to wit: to permit Che outdoor storage of new~ automobiles wi[h waivers of: (a) SECTION 18.61,~63,011 - Mtnlmum setbacl: 5~ eet required; none proposed (b) SECTION 18,61.06f3.03~ - Requtred enclosure of ou[door uses. (Effective view screenin requir~d; none proposed PC79-45 2. That the proposed use is 9ranted, 3. That the proposed waiver (a) (s hereby granted on the basis that strict application of the zoning code depr(ves subJect property of privileges enJoyed by other property under identical zoning classification in the vicinity. 4. That the proposed waiver (b) is hereby denied on the basis that there are no special circumstances applicable [o the propertY, Including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, which do not apply to other property under identical zoning cl~ssification in the vicinity and tha: approval would be establishing an undesirable precedent. 5. Tha[ the proposed use, as granted, will not adversely affecc the adJoining land uses and the gra~th and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located, 6. That the stze and shape of the site proposed for thc use, as gran[ed, is adequatc to allow [he full developmenc of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to Che pariicular area nor [o the peace, heolth, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim, 7. That [he Conditional Use Permit. as grar.ted, and under thc conditions imposed, will not be detrimen[~l to the peace, health, safe[y and general welfare of thc Litizens of the City of Anaheim. S. That no one indicated thelr preser,ce at safd public hearing ln opposition; and that no correspondence vras received in opposition to the subJec[ petitlon. EIrVIROpMEt~TAI IMPACT FINDING: That [Fe Anaheim C1ty Pianning Commission has reviewed the proposal to perm(t the outdoor storage of new autortabiles with oraivers of required setback, and required enclosure of outdoor uses on a rectangularly_shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.3 acre, having a frontage of approximately 110 feet on the south side of Manchester Avenue, having a maximum depth of approxi~:iately iji feet and being located approxlmately 96 feet east of the centerline of Loara Stree[; and does hereby approve the Negative Declarat}on from the reouiremen[ to prepare an environmental impact reoort on the basis that there would be no significant individuai or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this Negative Declaration since the Anaheim Ge~eral Plan designates the subJect propcrty for general industrial land uses commensurate wieh the proposal; [hat no sensi[ive environmental impac[s are involved in the proposal; ~hat the Initial Study submi[ted by the petitioner indtca[es no signtficant individual or cumulative adverse environmentai impacts; and that the Negative Declaration substantlating the foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. NOti, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahetm Ctty Planning Lommtsslon does hereby grant, in part. subject Peti[fon for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following condiYions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequtsite to the proposed use of th~ subJect property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Littzens of the City of Anaheim: -2- PC79-45 1. That the owner(s) of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim ihe sum of three and onc-hatf doilars ($3.50) per front foot along flanchester Avenue for s[reet ilghting purposes. 2. That subJect property shall be developeJ substan[ially In accordance with plans and spectfica[ions on file r~ith the City of Anahelm marked Exhibit tJo. 1, 3, 7ha[ Condition No. 1, above-mentioned~ shall be complied wlth prior to the commencement of the activity authorized under this resolution, or prior to the time ttiat the building permit is issued, or wlthin a period of one year from date hereof, whlchever occurs first, or such further tine as the Planning Commisston may grant. 4, That Condition Nos. 2, above-mentioned, shall bc complied with prlor to final building and zoning inspections. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim C(ty Plannin9 Commission does hereby find and determine that adoption of thls P,esolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance wtth each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such conditton, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceabie by the final judgment of any court of competen[ jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOI~~G RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 26th day of February, 1979. . M P, A AH ITY ~41taG COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ ~. ~ ~,~.~..:.. SELRETl1RY, A4AIiEIM CITY PLf+NfllNf, COMMISSIO`I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY ~F ORANGE ) ss. C ITY OF ANANE I,"1 } I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anahetm City Planning Commisslon, do hereby cer[ify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Cortunission heid on February 2~. 1979, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: CO!~IMISSIONERS: BARNES, BUSHORE, DAVID, HERBST, JOHi~SON. KitlG, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIO~~ERS: NONE ABSEt~T: COM1115510t~ER5: NONE IN NiTtIESS NHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 2bth day of Fabruary, 1979. ~~tt,~-1. ,Z.' Zl~,, ~.~., SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMHISSION -j- PC)9-45