PC 79-48RESOLUTION N0. PC7~-48 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING LOHHISSION THAT PETITIOt~ FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 78-79-33 BE GRANTED. I~HEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Cormnission did receive a verlfied petition for Reclassification from TF.XACO-ANAHEI'1 H~LLS, IIIC „ 3°0 Anaheim Hiils Raod, Anaheim, California 92307, owner, and Anaheim Htlls, Inc., 3~~ Anaheim Hills RoaJ, Anahefm, Laltfornla 92(iC7, agent, of certaln reat property situated in the City of ~naheim, County of Orange, State of Caitfornia, descrlbed as follows: That portion of the land allotted to Paula Peralta de Dominquez as described in the Final Decree of Par[ition of the Rancho Santlago de Santa Ana which was encered September 12, 1Efi3 in Book "B", pagc 410 of Judgments of the Distrfct Court of the Seventeenth Judicial District in and for Los Angeles County, Californla, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Easterly prolon9atlon of the Northerly li~e of Lot 9 of Tract t~o. 75E7 NI[h the centerline of Hidden Canyon Road, all as shown on a Hap of saiJ Tract recorded in book 378, pages 7.1 through 25 inclusive of "4fscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County; thence, grnerally 1lesterly alo~g sald prolongation and Che Northerly line of said Tract No. 7~g7 South ~^.1° 46' 13" West, 4ua.59 feet, Hort~ 450 36' S2" West, 244.04 fee*_ and South 3QO 35' ~+°" West, 120.00 feet to an anqle point in the boundary of Tract No. 908(!, as shown on a Maa of sald Tract recorded in Book 331, pages 21 through 23 inclusive of satd Mlscellaneous Meps; thence leaving the boundary of said Traci t~o. 7587 and along the boundary of said Tract No. 908Q, North 9° 3~' 32" 41es[, 242.41 feet and North 41° 02' S0" west, GO.Of1 feet to t ooint on ihe centerli~e of Serreno Avenue, sald centerline belnq the arc of a curve concave Northerly and havTng a radius of 2000.D0 feet a radial line of sald curve bears South 41° 02' S0" East through said point; thence Easterty along said centerline through a central angle of 4° 00' 39" an arc distance of 140.00 feet to the end of sald curve; thence continuing Easterly alono sald centerline North l+4~ 56' 31" East, 306.96 feet to a l(ne parallel with and distan[ Westerly 27.00 feet from the tJorthwesterly prolongation of ihe centerlina of Nidden Canyon Road, 5~.00 feet wide as described in the easement deed to the City of Anaheim, recorded November 21, 1975 in book 11576, page 337 and following of Official Records, records of sald Orange County; thence along saici parallet ltne South 45~ 03' 29" East. 98.00 fee[ to the begtnning of a curve concave Southwesterly and havtng a radius of 321.00 feet; [he~ce Southeasterly along said curve th~ough a central angle of 21° 07' 19" an arc distance of 14H.45 feet to Lhe beginning of a reverse curve concave Northeasterly and having a radlus of 11q.00 feet; thence PC79-4E Southeasterly a~ong said curve through a central an~le of ql~o ~~~ 25" an arc distance of 195,30 feet to a pofnt on the Easterly line of said Hldden Canyon Road, said Easterly line being the arc of a curve concave Southwesterly and having a radtus of 5?.7,00 feet, a radial line of said 527.00 feet radlus curve bears t~orih S1° 08' 3~" East through satd potnt; ihence Southeasterly alonq satd Easterly line, through a central angle of 11° 20' 31" an arc distance of 104,32 feet; thence non-tan9ent to sai~i curve South 75° 21' 42" West, 27,74 feet; thence Sou[h 30~ 28' ~~" West, 5E.11 feet to a point on a non-tanqent curve concave Southwestcrly and having a radtus of ~00.00 feet a radial Iine of saicl curve bears North 3~° 28' 00" East through safd aoint; thenc~ Southeasterly along satd curve through a central angle of 33° 39' 46" an arc distance of 117.51 feet to a point on the centerline of said Hidden Canyon Road, said centerli~e being [he arc of a curve concave Southwesteriy and h~ving a radius of 5nn,p~ feet, a radial ilne of said 500.00 feet radius curve bears North 7~° 1~' O1" East through said potnt; [hence Southerly aSong said ccnterline [hrough a central anole of 120 07' 05" an arc dlstance of 105.75 feet; thence continuin9 along said centerilne South Q° 2E' ~h" West, 26.42 feet to the poin[ of 6eginning. NHEREAS, [he C(ty P1anning Lommission did hoid a public heari~~ at the City Hall in the City of Anahelm on March 12, 197~, at 1:3~ p.m., no[ice of said public hearing having been duly given as reryuired ~y law and in accordance w(th the provislons of the Anahein Municipai Code, Chapter 1A.03~ to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed reclassiftcation ancl to investi9ata and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and 1JHEREAS, said Cormission, after due fnspection, (nvestigation and study made by itself and in (ts behalf, and af[er due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the followin9 facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes reclassificatlon of subJect property from the RS-A-43~000(SC) (Resldential/Agricuitural - Scenic Lorridor Overlay) Zone to the RS-HS-22,000(SC) (Resfdenttal, Single-Fanily Hlliside - Scentc Lorridor Overlay) Zone. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan designated subject property ~or hillside 1ow-~ensity residenttal land uses. 3. That [he proposed reclassificatTon of subJect property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper dpvelopment of the community. 4. That [he proposed reclassification of sub]ect property does properly relate to the zones ~nd their permitted uses locally established in close proximity to subj=ci property and to tfie zones and theTr permi[ted uses gcnerally established throughout the community. -Z- PC79-48 5. Tha[ the proposed reclasstfication of subject property requires the dedfca[ion and improvement of abutttn~ streets In accordance with the Circulation Element of the General Plan, due to the antlcipated increase in traffic which will be generated by the intensffication of land usc. 6. That no one indicated their nresence at safd public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in oppositlon to the subJeci petition. E~~vlrtor:MENTAL IHPA~T FIt~DitlG: Environmentai impac[ Repor[ (EIR) No. 211 was certified by the ty Counc on March 14, 1a7p, in conjunctlon wi[h the approva) of Tentative Tract No. 8520 (Revislon No. 1}. An addendum to EIR No. 211 has been prepared to evaluate the environmental tmpact of the proposed tract map revision. The proposed revision will have no significant environmental imoact. Since the EIR for the tract map has been certified and there are no prOpOSed changes to the proJect wlch would involve new ~nvironmental impacts not considered in [he previous ElR, no actlon on the EIR is required, NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commisston does hereby grant subject Petition for Reclassificacion and, by so doing, that Title 1~3-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exciude the above-descrfbed property from thc RS-A-43,000(SL)(RESIDENTIpL/AGRICULTIIRAL - SLE>!IC CORRIDOR OVERLAY) ZONE and to incorporate said described property fnto the RS-HS-43,000(SL) (RESIDENTIAL, HILLSIDE SINGLE-FAMILY - SCE~JIC CORR170R 0!~EP,LAY) ZONE upon the foilowing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property In order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the CTtizens of the Ctty of Anahefms 1, That subject prooer[y shall be permanently preserved as scenic open space which is no[ to be developed in any manner other thon with such residenclal planned cortmunity identification signs which may be approved by the Plann(ng Commission or City Council; and [hat perr,anent main[anence shall be proviJed by the Anaheim Hilis Planned Community Association. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plann(ng Commisslon does hereby flnd and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predtca[ed upon applicant's compitance with each and all of the conditions hereinabove set for[h. Should any such condition, or any part thereof~ be declared invaltd or unenforceable by the final judgn~ent of any court of canpetent Jurisdiction, then this Resolutton~ and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. TFiE FOREG0ING RESOLUTION ts signed and approved by me this 12th day of March, 197~. HA R N. lA I LAN'! tIG COMN I SS ION ATTEST: ~~ .~ ~ ~ECRETARY~ At7AHEIM LITY PLANNING COMMISSION -3- PC79-48 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAt~fE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) t, Edith L. Harrfs, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Canmisston~ do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahetm City Planning Commission held on March 12, 1?7?, by the foilowTng vote of the members thereof: ~YES: COHMISSIONERS: OARNES~ BUSHORE, DAVID. kERBST. JQHtiSO!!. KINC, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: `IOAE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: TOLAR 1979. IN WITNESS bMEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 12[h aay of March. ~~c.~ .t' 7t~..~~~.. SECRETAP.Y, AMAHE121 CITY LANNING COMMISSION _y_ PC79-48