PC 79-58RESOLUTION N0. PC7~-58 A RESOLUT ION OF THE At1AHE 1'1 C IT~ P~A1;111 H~ CO't!1 I55 ION TNAT PETITIOti FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 79-7~-Ja BE G?AUTED. IMEREAS~ che Anaheim Clty Planntng Cor.,tssion did receive a verified pe[(tion for Reclasstflcation 'ron CITY Of AHANEI~~ Post Offlce Box No. 3222~ Anaheim, Californla a23~3~ o..ncr, and ANANEIM HILLS, IN~,~ ;8^ Anahein Ntlls Road~ Anahefm~ Cafifarnia q23D7, egent. of ccrtaln real propcrty sltuated in the City of Anahein. County of Oranae. State of California. described as follo~.s: Tha[ portion of thc land allotted to Psula P~rilta Je Oaninquez as described tn the Flnai D~cree o! Partitlon of the Rancho Santfago dc Santa Ana~ -rhich -ras e~ter~J S~ptember 12~ 1°~? in Book "8", paoe 410 of ~udgnents of the ~istrict Couri ef th~ 17th Judictal Qlstrict in and for Los Anneles CountY, California. descrtbe8 as folld.s: Beginning at the tnt~rsectton o° t~~ Eastcrly line of the land descrtbed in deed to the Cttv ~f Anahein recorded March 15. 1°73 in Book 105q5. page b41. pfficial Reterds o` Oran~e County. Mtth Lhe soutM+esterly Iine of Hohl Ranch Road as descri~ed in deed recordeC yarch :3. lo)'! In Boot 1^~^.~, paqe ~71, of said Official Rec~rAs, sai~ intersectton beina also the most northerty north.~rest corner of lot L~ of Tract No, °?It. as shown on a map recorCed in Book ;90, paqes ;? to 37 inclusive. Mlscellanrous 'tans, records of said Oringe County; t-+ence atonq the boun9ary of said IanC Qescril,eA in ~eed Lo !~c City of AnahetT and thc boundary of satd lot 6~~ thc foilou(nq courscs and distances: S 21~ 26' 33" H, 15L,QL feet; 5 n3~ 2~' Q;" f, 25~,45 feeL; S jG~ 05~ '15~' E. 3fS.C3 fce[: tlnd S)no iL~ t2" E, 25^.33 feet; thence continuing along said Fwund~ry of the IenC described in tN- deed to the City of Anaheim 5 G4° 4F' 13" M, ;~C.44 feet; 5 17~ 3y" 1~1. 726.65 feeL and N 07~ 50' if"' 4l, iF7.n? feet; tn~ a H r19~ 2E• j~" E. 42C.71 fee[: [hente N ~~ 25~ 5S'• W. 311.30 fecc; thencc N Oo 5~' 37" ~~33.3° feet to sald southwesterly Iine of Nohl Ranch Road; ihence along said SoutMvesterJy line S L~ 2;' 18" E~ Ifo.30 feet to the begin~ing of a tangent curve cor.cave nor[heasterly having a radius of 8;7.00 feet; ihence Southeas[erly a~a~g said southNeste~ly line and along ssid curve through a central angle of t~O 08' 04" an arc dTstance of 27^,52 feet; thence contfnutng along sald Sout!n+esterly 11ne 5 5°.° 33' 22" E. 19.69 feet to the point of be9lnning, NFIE4EAS. the City Planning Camiisslon dld hold a publTe hearing at thc Ctty Hail in the City of Anaheim on !~arch 2~~. 197a~ at l:;rf p,~r,~ notice of sald pubitc heartng hoving been duly given as requlred by laN and in accordance with the provisions of the Anahe(m Mun(cipal Code. Chaoter 19,~;~ ~o hear and constder evldence for and agalnst sald proposed reclasslficatlon end to Investigste and make findtngs and recarendatTons in connectJon tAerewlth; end IMEREAS~ sald Camilssion~ after due insDCCtion. Investlaation anA study made by ttself and in Its Dehalf, and after ~fue consTderation of all evictence and repo~ts offered at seiJ heartng, docs flnd and d~ternine thc followinq fatts: PC7^-58 .~ ~ That the petitioner proposes reclassification of subject oroperty from the PR(SL)•(Public Recrea[ton-Scenic Corrtdar Overlay) Zone :o the RS-A-43,000(SC) (Residential/A9ricultural-5cenic Corr(dor Overlay) Zone. 2, That the Anaheim Ceneral Plan designates subjcci aroperty for general open space. 3, That the proposed reclassification of subJect property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of the community. 4. That the proposed reclassification of subject Oroperty does oroperly relate to the zones and their pern)tted uses localiy established in close proximity to subJect property and to the zones and thelr permitted uses generally established throughout the community. 5, That no one indica[ed their presence a[ sald public hear(ng in opposition; and that no correspondence aras received in opposltton to the subject petition. EI~VIRONMENTAL IHPAC7 FINDING: That che Anaheim Citv Plannina Commisslon has revierred [he proposal to rec assi y property from [he PR(SC) (Public Recreation- Scenic Corridor Overlay) to the RS-A-43,000(SC) (Residentiai/Agricultural-Scenic Corriclor Overlay) Zone and to permit a co~r~+ercial r.questrian center on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land conststing of approximately 14.7 ~cres having a frontage of approximately 4(9 feet on the southti+es[ siJe of Hohl Ranch RoaJ. having a maximur.i depih of approxl^~ately 152^ feet, tieing IocateJ approximately 1a20 feet southeast of the centerlinc of Canyon Rim Road; and does hereby approve the Negatlve Declaratlon from the requiremen[ to prepare an environnental impact report on the basis that there hvuld be no signlficant imlividual nr cumulative adverse envfronmental inpact due to the approval of [his '~e9ative Declarailon slnce the Anahelm General c'lan design~tes the subject property for genera) ope~ space land uses comnensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive environnental ir+pacts are involved In Lhc proposal; that t`~A ~~itial Scudv suhmttted hy thc netttioner indica[es no significant indivi~ual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negatlve Declaration substantiatiny the foregoing findings ls on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. NON, TfiEREFORE, BE IT ttE50LVED that the Anahelm City Planning Comm(ssion does hereby 9rant subject Petition for Reclassification and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above-described property from the PR(SC) (PUBLIC RELR[ATION-SGEMIC CORRIDOR OVERLAY) 2QNE and to incorporate said described property into the RS-A-43,000(SC) (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICUITURAL-SCENIC CORRIDOR OVERLAY) ZONE. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved h me this 26th day of March, 1979• A , NAN ~ CI LAtINING COH`11SSION ATTEST: `~~. ~.° ~,~,.~.~. SECP.ETARY, ANAHEIM CITY ANNING COMMI5510~! _Z_ PC79-58 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COU~~TY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris. Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commlsslon, do thceAnahetmiCityhPlanning~Ceommissionsheldion Marcha26ed1979,abyPthe followingtv te of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BAP,NES, BUSHORE, DAVID, HERBST. JOHtISOtl, K141G, TOLAR NOES: COHMISSIONER5: NONE ABSENT: LOMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITHE55 b1HERE0F. 1 have hereunto set my hand this 26th day of March, 1979• SECRE ARY~~.EI~Y ~~NNING COMM SSION -3- PC79-58