PC 79-8RESQLUTION N0. PC7^-8 A RESOLUT 10"1 OF TI1E ANAHE IN C I TY PLAP~N I NG COtIM I5510~~, ADOPT~NG AND RECOMMENDIMG TQ THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF ANAHEIM ADOPTIOq OF ANAHEIM GENEP,AL PLA~t AMENDMENT N0. 14~ - LA-ID USE ELENENT ANa ~IOISE EL£MEqT. WHEREAS, the City Louncil of the Ci[y of Anahetr+ did adopt the Anaheim Ceneral Plan by Resolutton No, 69R-644~ showing the general descriptlon and extent of land uses within the C(ty and indtcating the present belief of the (.ouncil as to possible fuiure development and redevelopmeni of land within the City; and I~MEREAS, pursuant to a request from a property owner for General Ptan s[udy, the City of Anaheim Plannin9 ~ommission directed Clty staff [o preoare a General Plan Amendment for proper[y consisting of approximately tvro acres on the east side of Knott Street, approximately 6b0 feet nor[h of the centerline of Ball Road, FMEREAS~ the Planning Depar[ment deemed it approprtaCe, pursuan[ to the provislons of [he Californla Govcrnment Code Section 653~2(9), [o adopt a Noise Element of the General Plan; ond blHEREAS. [he Plannin~ Oepartment de~e~ tt appropriatc, pursuant [o the provisions of the California Envfronmental Quality Aci, [o prepare Envirommental Impact Report No. 222 for the Noise Element of the General Plan; and recommended that a Negative Declaration be approved for amendment of the land use element - Area 1 on thc basls Chat the praject area has been reviewed as wcl) as an Initial Study and Staff finds no significant environmental impacts. WtiEREAS. The Anaheim City Plannin9 Carmisslon did hold a public hearing at the Anaheim City Hall, Council Chamber, 204 East Ltncoln Avenue, on Deceriber 4, 1978. at 1:3~ D•~•. notice of said public hearin9 having been duly 91ven as required by law and in accordance wl[h [he provisions of the Anahe(m Munic(pal Gaie. to hear and consider evidence for and agafnst said Amendment to [he Anaheim General Plan and to invesiigate and make findings and recommendations tn connec[ion therewith; and blHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection. investigation and study made by itself and fn its behalf and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at satd public hearing, DOES HEREBY FIND: 1. That evTdence was presented which substantiates the rteed for amendment to the land use elemen[ of the Anaheim General Plan, and it is deemed approprtete that "Exhibit A" (low-medlum density) be adopted. 2. That evidence was presented indicating that the low-medium density residenttal land use designatlon would be best imptemented by sTngle- family residential developmen[ not exceeding the maxlmum density permitted by the City of Anaheim (Residential, Single-FamTly) RS-5000 Zone. Pt79-8 3. That evidence was presentcd which substantiates the need for adoption of the Noise Elenent to the General Plan to include obJectives, policies, standards, program and maps which are to be used as a basis for making decisions affecting the nolse environment within the City of Anaheim. NOW THEREFORE. BE 1T RESOLVED~ that the Anahetm City Planning Commission has revlewed the subJect proposal for an amendment to the Land Use Elenent of the General Plan on the property consisting of approximately 2 acres on the east side of Knott Street, aparoxima[ely 65f feet north of the centerline of Bali Road and does hereby reconmend to the Citv Gouncll that a Negative Decliration from Lhe requirement to prepare an environmental impac[ report be approved on the ~asis that there would be no signtficant individual or cumulatTve adverse environmen[al im~acts due to Lhe approval of thls Ne~ative Deciaration; and that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial S[udy submttted by staff indicates no significant individual or cumutative adverse environnental inpacts; and [hat the Nega[ive Deciaration substantiating ihe foregoing ffndings are on file in the Clty of Anaheim Planning Dcpartment. FURTHER~ tha[ Environmental Impac[ Repor[ tlo. 222, havtng been considered on January 3, 1?79. by the Anahefm City Planning Corrnission and evidence, both written and oral, having been presented to supplemen[ draft EIR tlo. 227_, finds that any significant environmental impacts would be nftigated by the reouirement for conformance with established Ciiy and Statc codes, poilcles, plans and ordtnances, an~ the Planning Canmission fur[her finds and reca~+~ends to [he Ctty Councll that they certify tha[ Environmental Impact Report No. 222 is in compliance wtth [he Lalifornia Environmental Quality Act and with the City and Statc EIP, Guidelines. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED [hat, pursu,~nt co the foreqoina findings, the Anahelm Ci[y Planning Lommisslon does hereby adopt and recanmend to Lhe City Councii of [he Lity of Anaheim adoption of General Plan Amcndneni No. 149, as follows: 1. That "Exhibit A" (Low-Medium Density) be adopted for the approximate Le:e scres loc3ted ort the eas: stde ef Y~aLL Streei. ~pP~~x~mately 650 feet north of the centerline of Eali Read; provided, however~ that satd general plan designatton shall be implementeci by single-famlly residential zoning. 2. That the Noise Element of the General Plan be adopted and, further, [hat the Planning Comm(ssion recommends that [he City Councii request staff to prepare a NoTse Ordinance consistent with the Hodel Noise Ordinance prepared by the State Department of Hcalth and the Lounty of Orange. TNE FOREGOI~IG RESOLUTION is s(gned and appraved by me this 15th day of Ja~uary, 197°. A. A A LA~INING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ ` ~~CRE~I~ ~ NAH IH T LANN I NG MM ~T6N -2- PC79-8 . STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) LOUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) !. Edith L. Harrls. Secretary of the Anahelm City Plannfng Cortm(ssion, do hereby certify that the foregotng resolutian was passed and adopted at a meecing of the Anah~im City Ptanning Commisslon held on January 15, 197g, at 1:30 p.m.~ by the followTng vote of the members chereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, BUSHORE, DAVID, HERBST. JOHNSO~J~ KING~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE 1979 IN WITNESS WHEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand chis 15th day of January, % ~ ..~ ~ .~. ~ S~~E~TARY~ ANAHEIH CtTY PLAlINt17G COHMISSION -3- PC79-8