PC 79-85RESOLUTION N0. PC79-85 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM LiTY PLANNI~IG COM1115510N ADOPTING AkD RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF At1AHEIM ADOPTION OF AN/'.HEIM GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT ~10. 150 GENERAL PLAN TEXT AND LAND USE AMENDMENT WHEREAS, the Lity Cc~uncll of the Lity of Anahcim did adopt the Anahelm General Plan by Resolu[ton No. 69R-644, showing the general dcscriptton and extent of land uses wlthin the Ciiy and indicatinq ihe prese~t belief of [hc Council as to possible future development and i'edevelopment of land wlthin the City; and 4fHEKEAS, pursuant to re~~uests fro~ property owners for General Pian study, the Anaheim City Planning Commissio~~ directed Ctty staff to prepare a Generaf Pian Amendment for property consistfng of 17.1 acres located on the east side of Harbor Boulevard approximately 870 fee[ north of the centerilne of Chapman Avenue; and 11HEREAS, during the consideration of mobilehome suhdlvisions, development processing time and rental assiscance on February 20, 1979, the Ci[y Council directed City staff to amend the General Plan text to permit mobileh«ne parks in cortmercial arcas; and WHEREAS, the Planning Department deemed It appropriate, pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmen[al Qualfty Act, to recommend that a Ne9ative Declaration be approved for Che amendment to the General Plan text and to the land use element - Area 1- on the basis that the pro)cct area has been reviewed as wel) as an Inftial Study and Staff finds no stgnifica~t environmental impac[s; a~d NHEREAS, the Anaheim Clty Plannfng Commlssfon did hold a public hearing at the Anaheim City Hall, Louncil Chamber, 204 Ea~: Llncoln Avenue, on April 23, 1°79, at 1:3~ P.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly glven as requtred by law and in accordance with provfsions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, to hear and co~sider evidence for and against said Amendment to the Anahelm General Plan and to investigate and make findings and recommcndations in connection therewi[h; and WNEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigatlon and study made by itself and in its behalf and after due consideration of ali evidence and reports offered at said public hearing, DOES HEREBY FIND: 1. That evidence was presented which substantiates ihe need for amendment to the land use element of the Anahelm General Plan, and it is deemed appropriete that "Exhibi[ A" (General Commercial and Low-Medtum Density) be adopted. 2, That evidence was presented which substanttates the need for adoptton of an amendment to the General Plan text to permit mobilehome parks in commercial areas. PC79-85 NOW~ THEREFORE, BE tT RESOLVED, that the Anaheim Ctty Planning C~nrnisslon has reviewed the suEJ~ct proposal for an amendment to the General P1an text to permit mobllehane parks in =ommerclal areas and for an amendment Lo the Land Use Element of the General Ptan on the rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 17.1 acres located on the east side of Harbor Boulevard approximately 870 feet north of the centerline of Lhapman Avenue and does hereby recommend to the City Louncil that a Negative Declaration from ihr requirement to prepare an environmen[al impact report be approved on che basis that [here would be no slgnificant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts due to [he approval of this Negative Oeclarafion; and that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by staff tndicates no significant i~divfdual or cumulative adverse envtronmental tnpacts; and that the Negative Declaration substantiating the foregoing ftndings arc on file tn the City of Anaheim Planning Department. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that. pursuant to the foreoging flndings, [he Anaheim Cfty Plannin9 Commission does hereby adopt and ~ecommend [o the City Counctl of [he City of Anaheim adoption of Generai Plan Amendment No. 150, as foliows: That "Exhtbit A" (General Lortmercial and Low-Medium Density Residential) be adopted for the aporoxTmately 17.1 acres located on the east side of Harbor Boutevard approximately 870 feet north of the cen[erline of Chapman Avenue. 2, That [he text of [he Ge~eral P1an be amended as follows: Pages 19 and 20 - Elements of the Plan - P1annEng Area A Ge~eral Commerciai "The General Commercial cate9ory provides for the development of mobllehome parks and Nide variety of commercial uses permitted (n accordance wfLh the standards contained in the L0, Lommercial Office anJ Professional Zone; CL Commercial Limited Znne; CG L Commerctal, Genera Zone; and CG, Commerc a Heavy Zone. Commerciai-Recreation "This policy is implemented through the Corrrierciai-Reereation Zone which provides for the development o~ commercial-recreation, tourist-convention, reglonal office facill[ies and standards ~overning mobilehome parks developme~t." Commercial-Professional "Comme~cial-Professional uses and standards governing mobilehome park development are implemented in accordance with standards contained in the Commercial Office Zone. -2- PC79-B$ ~ Pege 68 - Planning Area B "The General Plan prov(des for standards overnin mobilehome ark develo ment and basically [wo types o shopping centers: a number o small neighborhood cent~rs and a large community or regional center." THE FOREGOING RESOlUTION is s(gned and ap roved by me this 23rd day of Aprii, 1979. , ANAHEI TY ANNIMG COMMISSION ATTEST: `~~ ~° ~..-~ _ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS510-I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ed1th L. Harris. SecreCary of the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon, do hereby certify that the foregotng resolu[ton was passed and adop[ed at a meeting of the Anahcim Ciiy Planning Commission held on April 23, 197°, by the following vo[e of the members thereof: AYES: COMYISSIONERS: BUSHORE, DAVID, NERBST, JOHNSON, KING, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES 197° IN WITNE55 WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thts 23rd day of Aprtl, ~~ .~ ~~ SELRETARY~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -3- Pt79-85