PC 79-98RESOLUTION N0. PG79-98 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAFIEIM CITY PLANNING CQW115510N THAT PETITION FOR LONDITIONAL USE PERHIT N0. 1976 BE GRANTEO, Ifl PART 41HEREAS, thc Anaheim City Planning Comm(ssion did receive a verified Petition for Condi[ional Use Permi[ from LOUIS A. CANH0~1 AND FRANCES CANN0~1. 13223 Ventura Boulevard, North Iiollywa~J, Lalifornia 91664, owners. and KENT PHILLIPS, 1011 East Nalnuc. Sarsta Ana, California 92701~ agent, of cer[aIn real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as: Rll that certatn land in the Ci[y of Anaheim, Lo~nty of Orange, State of California, described as [he Westerly 321.00 feet, measured at rfght angles to the Hesterly lot ltne of Lot 7 i~ Biock 7 of the Goiden State Trac[~ as shown on a map recorded in book 4, pages 66 and 67 of Hfscellaneous l7aps. records of said Orange Councy~ California. NHEREAS. the City Planning Lommission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on May 21. 1979, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by la-r and in accordance aith the provistons of the Anahelm Muntcipal Code, Chapcer 18.03. to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use and to investigate and make findings and recomnendations in conneciion therewlth; and uHEREAS, said Lommission. after due inspeccion, investigatton and study made by itself and in fts behalf~ and a(ter due consideration of all evidence and reports offered a[ said hcaring. dces find and dete rtnine the following fac[s: 1, That the proposed use is properly one for rrhich a conditlonal use pe rtnit (s authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Section to Nit: to pe rtnft an out~loor pipe storage yard wlth Naivers of: (a) SECTION 18.06.060 - Minimum re uired arkin . 79 spaces requtred; spaces proposed) (b) SEC710N - Haximun permltted aall hetght in a ~ ront setback. 2 eet permltted; 6 feet proposed) (c) SECTION - Pernltted encroachment into ~equired setback. Ou~ o~ r storage not per+nTtced3 2. That the proposcd use is hereby granted for a p~~riod of five ~5) years, subject to review by the Plan~tng Commission for posslF,le extenstons of time. 3. That the requestcd waiver (a) is hcreby granted on the basts that the proposed use is primarily outdoor storage, wlth a maximum of five employecs and very li:tle customer traffic. 4, Thot the requested waivcrs (b) and (c) are hereby denied on the basis that subject property is located {n one of Anahefm's prime SndusLria{ areas PC79-98 and approval could set an undesirablc precedent and there are no special circumstances apPlicable to the properiy, Tncluding size, shape, topo9raphy, locatlon or surroundings rrhich do noc apply to other property under iden[ical zoning ctassification in the vicinity. 5, That thc proposcd use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the greri+th and development of the area in ++hich it is proposed to be located. 6. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the usc is adequate to allovr [he full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrtmental to the particular area nor to the peace. health, safety and general welfare of the Cttizens of [hc Lity of Anaheim. 7. That the granting of the Condi[Iona) Use Permit under fhe conditio~s imposed will no[ be detrimental [o the pcacc, health. safety and gcneral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 8. 7h~c no one indicated eheir presence at sald public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to the subject petition. EHVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FINDit1G: That ihe Anahcim Gity Planning Commission has revicvre t e proposa to perm t an outdoor storage yard Nith waivers of minimun requireC parking, maxim~an per~etteJ wal! hsight in the fren~ setback, and eermictcd encroachmenc into required setback on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consistt~g of approximately 4.5 acres having a frontage of approximately 321 feet on the north slde of Miraloma Avenuc, havtng a depth of approxima[ely 615 fect, and being located approximately 985 feot ++est of the centerline of Red Gum St~eet; a~d does hereby approve thc Negative Declaration from thc requiremcnc to prcparc an environmental Tmpact repor[ on the basis Chat there would be no sig~ificant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approvai of this Negative Declaration sfnce [he Anaheim General Plan designa[es the subject Droperty for general industrial land uses commensuratc Nith the proposal; that no sensitive envfronraental lr.r,~.~cis arr 1nvalvr.d 1n thc propoial~ chr~L L'tc lnitial 5[udy suhmltted by the peti[loner indicates no si9nificant individual or cumulative adverse environ- mental impacts; and that the Negative Declaration subs[antlatin9 the foregoing findings is on file in che City of Anahcim Planning Department. NON, 7HEREFORE~ BE IT RES~LVED that the Anahcim City Planning Camission does hereby gran[. in par[. subject Petltfon for Condittonal Usc Permit. upon the folloNtng conditions xhich are hcreby found to be a neccssary prerequistte to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safetY and general welfarc of the Litizens of the City Af Anahcim: 1, Thac streec Iighting facTlities along Miraloma Avenue shall be installed prtor to the final building anQ zontng inspcctTons unless otherWfse approved by the Director of Public U[ilities, and in accordance with specifications on file in the office of the Direccor of Public Utilictes; and/or that a bond, certlficate of deposit~ le[[er of credtt, or cash. in an amount and form satiafactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted wtth the C(ty to guarantee che (nstallatlon of the above-mencioned requirements prior to occupancy, 2, 7hac trash storage areas shall be provided In accordance Nith approved plans on file with the offlue of the Director of Public ~rks. -2- Pt79-98 ;, That thc am cr(s) of subJect propcrty shall pay the traffic signal assessmcnt fce (Ordinance tlo. 389b), in an amoun[ as dctc rtnined by the Ctty Gouncil, for industrial buildings prior to thc issuance of a buiiding Ptrmit. 4. That the proposed storage yard shail comply with all sl9^~^9 requireme~ts of the M~ (i~dustrial~ LimTted) zo~ing. 5, 7hat subJect property shail be developed substantially t~ accordance wich the adopted Louncil Policy 110. 526 regardtng metal buildtngs. 6. That subjcct property shall be developed substantiaily (~ e«ordance wtth plans and specificaClons on file N(th the City of Anahei~ marked Exhibit No, 1, prevtded. ha+ever~ that the use of the front fifty (5a) foot setback shall be limited to landsw P1ng and parking, in accordance with the NL Zone regulattons. 7, That Condition Hos. 2. 5 and 6. above mc~tioned, shall be complted aTth prior to finai building and zoning inspections. 8, That the proposed use 1s hnreby granted for a perTod of f~~e (5) years, subject to revia+ by che Pianntng Comnission for possible exte~sions of time Tf it is determined [hat the use has not had an adverse impact on nearby industrial uses. BE IT fUR7HER RESOLVED that the Anahelm C(ty Planning Cortnission dxs hereby find and determine [ha[ adopiion of this Resolution is expresslY Predicated upon the appiican['s compilance with each and ai) of [he condTtions hereinabove set forth. Should any such co~dition, or any part the~eof~ be declared (nvalid or ur~cr,farcea6le bY the ffns! }vdgacnt of acsp r~ri of c.a~setent jort~~~ction, then this Resolution~ and arty approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and wid. THE FOttEG01NG RESOLUTION is signed and approved~ me this 2~st daY of MaY. ~979• - ~ i.~~ _ , ---~F+Ar . a+ ir~CT i ~ar+-+ ~+ conn i s i oN AT?EST: ~~ ~ ~~~ SECRE ARY, ANAHEIM C17Y LANNI G COMHISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUHTY OF ORAt(GE ) ss. Ct7Y OF ANAHEIM ) 1~ Edtth L. Marris. Secretary of the Anahetm City Pianning Comnission~ do hereby certify that the forego(ng resolutio~ was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahetm City P~anniag Commtssion held on May 21~ 1979~ by the folla+ing vote of the members thereof; AYES: COMMISSIOHERS: OARNES~ BUSHORE, DAVID~ HERBST~ JOHItSON~ KING, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONE RS: NOME A85ENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN W~TNESS WHEREOF. I hava hercunto se[ my hand this 2ist daY of May~ 1979, ~ ~ ~ a~-.,~:, SELi1E AR1f ~ AHAtiEI M CI TY PLANN ItIG COMMI SS I ON -3- PC79-98