PC 80-10.:S~~L!,~ ~„ ,1,. f!:~~-1!'
~ "[SOLJT(!'~'! (1F TIiE ,11!C,,;!E(" CIT'( PLP.',~ti~~ir ~rj,~~~~~~I~~':
Ttl/1i ?E7IT101! FOR 11,hR1!!'ICE ;;.1. ?1,-.:> i'f co~,,~i~~-(1.
!1fiCRf:;15, tl;c ,,nahc i n C i tv P l,~nn i n^, Coc;ni ~ ., i
pet i t i on `o~ !~a r i anee f ron '~d. F. ~;f.ALTY r^,~';~ ~., ~, s i ~. ~. i ri rccc i vn a v~r i ~ i ed
Oran c p •, '~:,' Fa~t ~;ateili G!ven!i~, Suitc ~nn
9, Cali rrnia ~2~(~7~ o',~'ner, ~n~l TF!'?r", FI:'1l1 P^^P~^T F~ ;~r ~ '
Avenuc, Suit~ ?n~, Oranqr• Cali`orni~ n2~~ I~.,, i.,:~; rasr ;'~talla
in the City of F y al ~~P~nt, of certoin re:~i~proocrty ;ituated
,naheim, Count of Or iae, State of Cali`~rr.ia, descri~e~J as folloo-~s•
That porrion o` the ~:iest one-half of .
Secripn ~ , tl~e Soutnea;t ^~~art~r o`
--7> in Tormsnin 4 Soutl~, °.ariy~~, 1'? '.Jest. San Berr,ardino
~?eridian, partly in the Ranr.'io La= Bo)s,~s, aricl oartly in the
Rancho San Juan Cajon-Je Sanr.a Ana, as sho!-rn •~n a map thereof
recorded in Eool; 51, Paor_ 1'1, '.+i~r.r.'13n~~,i~~ ti;~~s, records of ;ai:~
Qrange County, descrihed as foll~r~s; ?ecinnir.~ ar the
intersection o` the ccnterline of !!arhor f'1vd. ~•rith the cent.^rlinr-:
of Cranq~~,~ooci Avenue, sai~! intersection aiso heino th~~ center of
said Section 27, T.l~S., ?•1^.'.!. ;,s sf•oi-~n on a ~~~ce1 ~nap recorded
in tlonl: 1~3, Paye 45, r,~cords of s,~id Or~~~~ Courty; the.nce alnnn
said ce.r.T.erline of Fiarb~r Plvd. S, 0 denrees 1~? minute; ?' seconds
E., 17h~.2~. ft:et to t!~e inter;~etio~ of said centerline o~ i'arbcr
[:ivd. ~/~ith the ~•~esr~rly prolonqation o,` the northerlv line of
Parcei ~, as sho~:m on saici Parcel "'ar, 1~'-t;.r.
northerl line S. F'~ -~ ~ thenrc alnn~ sai,!
Y d~grees 3~ iinutes 13 seconds C., ~3:,.~~1 fect
to the True Pcint of iieginninc~; ther,e~ alonn saicl ~lortherly line
S. g~ deyrees 3~ minutes 13 secnn-l; `.~ r cn
i~^ters~ction of said northerly line ~-~ith rh~ -~r^ir f~~t,_~O `h~
"r,c-I~al~ u( iuutheast ~~uar-ter oF said 5ec ~ ^ .. y~~
as sho~:n on said Parcet Ma i?~_ Y.ion ^7, T./;,5,, R,~n,~~.~
:1 deqrce> ~~1 r~inutes ~rr ~ 45; t5ence al~_,r.~ ,ai~i F~st 1 in~ tI,
~.~ seconds , S'~~ R? Feet, tc the
int~rsection of said east line with th.~ sout'i~:rlv line c.~f Lots ;_'~
and 2^ as sho~~m on a map of Tract ~!o. ~ o~
~' ,i:.,, r~cor~(~:! in °.oo~• ?f~.
Peg~:s !F~? and ~~'), rec~rds of said Orann~ County; thence aionc said
southerly 1 ine PI. '?~
r clegr~es 3~3 rrinutes ^" secone.!s ',;' ,^~,-7~
~~et, to tiie south~:~est corncr of said Lot ~;. ~,,~ ~'' ^' ,
4-. minutcs ~~7 , „ •- t. .ncc S. -jecrees
seeonc,s [. 1.'7~ f_`~ SputFlrrlY line of
~• > > to th,~
l.i li:en 'riay; t~~ence aloncr saiu sout',erl ~ 1 ine ~f 1~' ~.~ ~,,
cie rees ,~ ) . i l l:er. ..ay ~'. , ,
9 _,.: min:rtes ~~ seronds ~,.'est l~?~,;~ c ,,
de~rees 2~~ min~~tes 1; ' " -~ r''~t; th~~ncP .,, ~
scconds ',! >~~~ t~~ feet t~ t'n~ True P
of [3eginninry. •' . cint
:+`H[:R~15, t!~~c City Flr~nnin~~ Cor:nissien diJ hol.; ~ ~,ii` lic 'iccrinq at th~. Cit~•
ilail in thc City of Maf~eir~ or~ J~r,~~ary ~i;~ ~~,';-i ~~ ~;;~ n.m., noticc~ of S~i;i puhlic
5earing havinq i~ecn duly niven as rc~uire:; !,~ ),i,, i
provi,ions of F - ~ ~ ~3n.. in ~ccnri~nce r~ith the
C.ie ;lnahe i m 'tun i e i;~ 1 Co,.tc, C ha;~ t•~,- n-
ev~cJence for and :~e,a r '•.~, tc~ hear ~r.d r_onsi;er
ins_ sai~! nropos~,i v~riance <_n;J to im~csticatc anc~ maL•c fin~lings
and reeor,ir.?e~dat ions i n ~nnnect i^n theret; i 41i; an~i ~
P C ~''~- ; ^
l4iE~~,~E~",~, ;~i.i Corn~issi~~n, ~~~tcr rlur: in~tit:rtion, invr•,ti:;~tir~r-~ ,~r,J <;?':_idy mac,c
by itself anJ in its h~l~al`, .~ncl aftcr duc c~':nsi-ic•r~t:i~n o~ -i11 cvic!cnc.~ ~nrl r~.onrt.s
o`fcre~i r.t s~icl hearirc;, ~loc.s fir,d anJ d~.:t^_rr,~ine the `ollo~::inq `~cts:
1. TLat t:he ~et i t ior~r:r ~r~pns ~s a~::~ i v~r n~ t'~e ~ c i lr,~,•~i nc~ Co eonstruct ~
1-lct, 1~+.'.-unit condon~iniur^ su;~aivision:
Sf_CTI~!i 1:;.?1.~~1.~12 -:'tirimu!a !>uildii~a siCe arca ner rl~:~ellir.g unit.
~~^0 square `e,~t r~~.~uire~~1;
~? ' ; ,a!i~rc ~ cct ~ronn~,~~l)
?. Thac thc above-n~ertione:J ~iaiver is hcrehy nrantr_:l on th~ '~asis that the
petitioner demonstr~ted that a hardshin =::ists in Chat strict aprlication of the
Zoning eoc'e dearivrs the ,r.roperL'y of ;~rivi iea~s enjoye~l ~v ~[her r,rnperty under
identic~l zonin9 classification in thc vicinity an~ t!~at t5r. V~IVn~ is ~iniral.
3. That tf-~ere are excentional or er.tr,iordinary eircur~star.ec~s or eonditions
epplic~ble to the ~r~perty involved or t~ thc inten~!ed use of the oropert'~~ tyat ~lo
not apply qenerally to the nroperty or class c.` use in the ssr^~ vi~inity and zone.
1;. That the requestr_~d variance is nccessary f~r the ~resen~ation and
en_jo~ment nf ~3 SIIE'StBfltl?~ PI"On°~t~~ rjqht_ ~~pe5nc~i°C~ ~,)~ nth,nr ~r~r,~rty In CF!P 5.9n1P
vicinit~~ and zone, and denied to the prc~perty ~n %~ucstion.
That the request~~~i v.~riance tri i l ri~%t ',c ~~~aterial lv d~trir:~r~.al to the
publie riclf~r~ nr injuricus to the nropcrty nr im~rnve~iients in such vi~initv ancl ~ene.
in ~:~f~ic~i the ~re~~rty i; 1^cate~i.
E. 7hat one person indicatr_d t'~^ir prc•sencc ~t s~i-I ~u~lie he~rinq in
opposition; and that ne eorrespondence :i~s received in onn~sition t~ the s~~h,ier.t
EPJ1:'IR~tJP1E11T/1L 1'?PACT FitlDlilf,: That the ,1na!~eim City Plannin~ Commissic~,i
does herehy find L'hat Environmen*.al l~~pact R.e~ort flo. 27~j f~r *f;e prnposed
d~velonment of 1l:2 condominiur~ residential units on a site of approximately 1~1 acres
located on the south side of ~~lil~.en lday ~nproximatel~~ ~?~ feet east af Harhnr
L'oulev~rd having been considcred this dat~:, and evi~lenr.e h~th ~•iritC~n and er~l,
hav~ng heen presented to sunpiem~r.t draft ~I~ Ple. 32P, ~otential environmental
i^~pacts of the proiect may he reduced to ~n insiqnificant level bv r.onf~r^~anc~ ~aith
City Pl~n, policies ancl ordinances and clraft FI^ .'Jo. ?2~~ is in comniiance ~:~ith the
California Envi mnmental Quality ~act and ti•~ith City and STate EI~ ~uidr~lines ~nd,
there`ore, based u~c,n sucF i nformat i on , t!,e ~.n~h~ i ri C i ty P 1»r, i ng !:o~an i ss i nn
certifies FIR 'io. 2?R.
~;0'l, TI~~~;~F~n~~ GL IT RESOL':'~~ t!'~~t t,n An~Leir^ CiC~~ Plarninq Com~~ission
,iocs !ier^_hy grant si~.'~iect PeYit'ion `or Variancc, u~on the ~ollo~~~in~~ conditions ~.!h~~h
are Iiere!~v found Cc Lc n necessory ~rr_re^uisi"~: Tn t'~^ or~;x~c^_1 ;~s, oc tf,:~ suhj°ct
prnp~rty ~n ordcr Co pr<:scrvc rhr~ s:~fc.t„ and cic,ncr,-~l ~•r~~lrarc ~f tl-.~ ~ir: ~cns ef th~
~ity of ^,~~~heiri:
-. - ~'~~^-1 ^
i. Th~~it this '~larir,rce i~ orant~~cl ;~.i~~j~c[ *r, th~~ eoranletion nf
'eclassifieatin~~ ~;c~. 7'~-~~~-:=1, no~~ pen~!irn-;,
"l. ~liat sut,j~ct ~ro,^.~~rty ,hsll !~c dev,.io~r_~I ;u!~startiallv ir, aceordanec
wi tF: ~?ans and c~,eci f icat i~ns ~n Pi l~~ ~;-i th tiic C i ty o` 'lnahein ;~,arl:e; ~xhf bi t ilos. 1
throu4~, ~.
~F IT FUZTfIER °,!"S~L'.r[-r~ Chat rhr~ '~.n~~hcim City Pl~n~in~ Cor•,nission do~s herAhy
~~~d and ifeternine that a.lo~tion of this Resol~itinn is ~_•*:nr~:,sl~~ ~rr..rlica~ed up~n
~PP~~eant's cor,~plianer ~~ith eac!i ~nd all of the conditi.r,ns her~inabnve set forth.
Should any suefi ccndition, or ~ny rart thereef, i~e decl.ired invalil or ,~nenforceable
5Y the f~nal judqrent of any court of compeient jurisdiction, then this Resolution,
ar.d any anprovals herein eontained, shall be deemed nuil an~! vn~cl.
TtIE FO?FG~It;G i;ESOU!TI!?IJ is si~ned ~nr1 anprovccl Ly me this ll~th :~y of
Januar„ 19F^.
;1/ -~ ,1
c!;AI!','~;~a, nr~ni~r_i~, cir~~ L!\!llllt~~ c~~~~+issir,r,
~~ ~ ~~~
SF.CRETARy, ~U1/~li[ I"1 C I7Y PLA~Cd I L'~ Cn~1!1 I 55 ! 0;!
COII~ITY bF 0":~1iIGF ) ss.
CITY OF /~^lAllElii )
I, Edith I.. 'iarr~s, Se.:retar~~ of tL•e Anahein Cit~~ Plannir.n Coairiicsion, cio
h°~~~~;. ~~r~~~y L~~~;~ ine i-ureyoing resoiutfon ~.•~a~ pass~d and ~dcnted at a me.etin~ of
the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on January 1f,, 1~~^, hv the followi~g ~~c+te
of the members tliereof:
AYE~~ COi1.'USSIO~?[FS: SARPl~S~ f;U51i(1'2E~ ~~^,~~I`l~ F,^,y~ i1Ei,BST~ KII~~, TOL!1Z
IJOES: C0~11+IS510!JEf;S: I10~1[
FlBSFF;T; CC'i~11SSi0~,FR~: 'lO~dE
IP1 !llTilES'~ 4iHE?EOF, I have hcreunto set m~; ii:~nd t,~is l~~th ~ay of Janiiary,
~~,~ .~ -~~~
s~cr~~.~~;azv, n~u,fiEi~~ cir~r P~;~,.~;r~i,~~ cn~~r!issior,
._ ~ _
_ ~~-?~,_i ~,