PC 80-109RES2LUTIOt! ~~p, pr,~~-1~~ A RESOLIlTIOt' OF THE At1AF!F I!1 C I TY Pi.A~~~l I H~ C~~~~t I SS I ~~I P,[CG'1h1C`1D I'1G TO TIiC A"!411C. I'! C I TY Crn1i1C I L T!IAT GY,!11 R I T"E" PROPOS I PI~ !1"1Ft1Dt1FNT OF A^,EA D[V~Lpp~1~?dT PLA11 P;O, 1'1^ BE oErit Fo llHEZEIIS, on Au~ust 3, 1'1? i, tiie Anahe i m C i ty Counc i i ~ppl'OVed /lrea Oevelopnent Plan i~fo. 1~3, Exhihit "D", Hodifieu, regarding vehicular access generally bounded by I<raener Boulevard or, the east, La Nalma Avenue on the north, and the Riverside Free~~ay on the south, and 4/HERE/1S, on April 21, l~~Ct, the petitioner (~f. 1•!. Ranill, Realty Ylorld- Ranill Realty) requr_sted amendnent to Area Development Plan Ilo. 1~~ to delete a portion of La Mesa Avenue located in unincorporated ~range County, t•iest of 4/hite Star Avenue and north of the Riversirie Free~~ay, in order to ~llo~v develo~Ment of an industrial conolex; and 4!N[REAS, the Planning Commission directed staff to set for ouhlic hearing consideratlon of Amendment to Area ~evelonment Plan No, ln.°,; and WhlEREAS, the Planning Department, pursuant t~ the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, prenared a Negative Der.laration in r_onnectian with the Amendment to Area D~velorment Pian IJo. 1~°; and 41f!F!2EA5, the Planning Commission did hol~.l a ou~~lic !iearinn at the City Nall in the City of Anahein on June 3~~, 1~3^, at 1:3'? p.n., notice ~f said puhlic heartng having been duly given as required by la~•~ and in accorrlance t•rith the provisions of the Anaheim !1unici~al Code, to hear and considAr evidence for and a~ainst said proposed area development plan amendment and to investinate anci malce Findings and r~c~mmendations in connection therea~lth; an~i 4lIiEREl15, said Commission, after due investigation, and study, made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidrnce an~i reports offered at said hearing, does find and det~rmine the follo~•~in9 facts: 1. That the suhject property is an frregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting o` ~~nproximately 30.') acres hounded on the north by La Palma .4venue, on the E.'t by Kraemer Boulev~rd, ~,nd on the south and p/P.SL by the Riverside ~ ~..r~ay. 2. That on June 2~3, 1~~1, the Planning Conmission recommended adontion of /lrea Development Plan Plo, 1~8, folle~~ing a puhlir. hearinq, notice of said public hearing having heen duly given as required F.y la~:~. 3. That Area Development Flan No, 1~`i, estahiishinq a collector an~J ?ocal street circulation pattern for suhject area, was anproved hy the City Council on Auqust 3, 1^71. Suhject ~lan extFnded R1ue Gum Street, retained Uhite Star Avenue, a~lded Armando Street, ahandoned Canal Strret and r.rn~r~~i~~{ a ne~•~ frontage road ;La ~~1esa Av~nue) . PC~~-1~~ ~~, That La Mesa Avenue is pre,ently impro~~ed from Blue ,um Str~et easterly to the Anaheim City Limits and serves an er,isting industrial compiex. 5, That the port(on of La Mesa Avenuc.bc~ing consid~rcd for ~leletinn by this amendment is located bett~~een *_he Anahein City Linits an~l the southerly tcrminus of Whitc Star ~venuc. Said nnrtian of blhite Star Avenue has not been inproved and the ~djacent property to the north has not Feen rleveloped. o, That five (5) persons indicate~i th~ir presence in orp~sition to suhject request at the public hearings. ?, That other property o~~rners in the inmediate araa have developed their properties in accorriance with Are~ Gevelonment Plan ~Jo. 1'1`?, as approved in 1~71, ~~rith a fronta9e roarl (La .'Sesa Glvenue) and that deletion of La Mesa Avenue ti•:outd create hardships for those prooerties ~~ith existing freeway ex~osure. ~!. That the Anaheim City Pl~nnin9 Conmission has determined that Amendment to Area Develonment Plan rto. ~03, Ex.hthit,E, is inappronriate at t!-iis ttme and no change should he made to the er.istin9 olan. iJ041, TIiEP,EFOP,E, [3E I? RESOL!~ED that the An~';:in Cit~~ Planning Commission has reviewed the pro~osai to ar~end F~rea Develonment Plan (Jo. ?^`±, enc~mpassing an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consistin_ry of approximately 3~,~1 acres hounded on the north hy La Palma Avenue, on tne east hy I:raemr_r Boulevard, an~i on the south and west by Riverside Free~•iay, to delete the portion of La Mesa Avenue located in unincorporated Orange County i•rest of :/hite Star Avenue and north of the P,iverside Freeway in order to develop certain pronerty ~•~1th an industrial com~lex; and ~loes hereby approvc the ~4egative Declaration from t:'~e reouiremenT. to prep~re an environmental imnact report on the basis that there ~•iould be no sinntficant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact riue co the appraval of this Ne~ative Declaration; that nn sencitive e m~trnnm~ntai im~~crc ir~ fr.vn)v~~ in th~ proposal; th~t t}ie lnitial Study subnitted by the petitioner in~!icates no individual o~ cunulative adverse environmental impacts; anrl that the Nevative Declaration substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in the llnaheim City Planning Depa rtment. DE IT FtIRTNER RFSQLI/EJ, that pursuant to the foregoinq findings, the !',naheim City Planning Con±nission does '~ereby recommend to the City Councit o` the City of Anaheir~ that Amendment to Area Development Plan ~lo. ]n3, Exhibit "E", bP disapproved, with no change to the current plan on the hasis of t`~e foregoing findings. THE FOREGOIN~ RESOLUTION is signed and approved hy rse this 3~th day of June, 19&0, ~~~~~~,..~ ~ S~' J ll .~~.t~:/ CIIAIR!rQ~~A"i, A~'/111Ei~t CITY PLA~ININS COPIn+iSSiON ATTEST: ~ ~.~ . ~~ SEfRETARY, AtlAIIE1~4 ClTY PL~1tJNlr!r, C~"~~11SSlOPi -2- PCB~-1o9 STATE OF CALIFOR~IIA ) COUMTY OF OP,APJG[ ) ss. C ITY OF ANlIFIE IM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the 6lnaheim City Planning Commission~ do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and arl~pted at a meettng of the Anaheim City Planning Corrxr;isston held on June 3~, 1930, by ~he following vote of the rnembers thereof: AYES: COM~IISSIONERS: BARMES, BUSH02E, FR1', NERBST, KltlG, TOLAR NO[S: C011"iISSIOPIERS: P1CNE ABSEPIT: COM~4ISSIONERS: NONE VqCANCY: OP!E SEAT ild WIT`lESS 4/HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 3~th day of June, 5960. ~ f ~ ~., ~ ~ SCCRETARY, AF!AHE f" C I PLANN I P1r, C0~1!1155 I OM -'- Pr.3~-to~