PC 80-112RESOLUTION N0. PC 30-112 A r~ESOLUTIO~t OF THE ANANEIM CITY PLANNi~IG COM}11SS10~! TNAT PETITION FOR kECLASSIFICATIOtI N0. ?.0-$1-2 BE DENIED W~iEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a vertfied Petition for ReclassiTication from LINDA M. GRAH.AM, S233F East Howard~ Whittier, Californ(a 90G01, owner, and AtITJE HENDERSON~ (,00 West Roherta Avenue, Fullerton, California 92G32, agent, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Jrange~ State of Caiifornia. described as: That portTon of Record of Survey Booi: i Paae 55 of Record of Surveys~ in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California~ shown as Parcel No. 2 on a Map filed in 9ook 25 Page ly of Parcel Maps~ (n the 0`fice of the County Recorder of said Co~nty. WH=REAS~ the City Planning CommTssion did hold a publlc hearing at the Lity Hail in the City of AnaheTm on June 3'~. 19Z~, at 1:3~ P.m „ nocice of saTd public hearirtg having been duly given a5 required by lar~ and in accordance with the provlsions ~f the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence f~r and aaainst said oroposed reclassiftc:~tl~n ~nd t~ investi~ate and !~ke findings anj recortenendations In connectlon therewith; and WH_REAS, said Comntssfon~ after due inspection~ investiqatlon and study made by ftself a~ci in its behalf~ and after due cons(deration of all ev(dence and reports offer~d at said heartng, does flnd and deterrrine the foll~inq facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes reclassification of sub~ect proper•ty from the RS-7200 (Residentlal, Singie-Family) Zone to the R.`1-1200 (Residential, M.ultiple- FamTly) Zone. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan destgnates suhJect prooerty for low density and/or medium density residential land uses. 3. That approval of this reclassiftcation would result Tn "spa[ zoRTng" on Cherry Way and would have an adverse impact on the nearhy single-family resfdential uses. 4, That the proposed reclassification of suhject property is not necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper develooment c,f the ccxnr~un6ty. 5. That the proposed reclasstfication of suhsect pr-oparty does not properly relate to t'~e zones and their permicted ~ses locaily estaF>listied Tn close proximity to suFject property and to the zones and their pcrmitted uses acnerally establish~d throuahout the communtty. 6. That approximately fifteen (15) persons indicated thelr presence at sa:d public hearing in opposi[ton; and that no cnrresoondence was received in opposition to the s~hject petition. PC80-112 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Plannina Cortmission has revie~Ned t e proposa to reclass y suhject property from the RS-77.00 (Residential~ Single-Family) Zone to the RM-1200 (Residential~ Multip'e-Family) Zone to construct a 4-unit apartment complex with waivers of maximum structural he?9ht and minimum landscaped setback on a rectangularly-shaped parc~l of land consist(ng of appr~ximately 577p square feet, having a frontage of appror,imately 5~ feet on the east side of Cherry Way, havtng a maximum depth o` aoproxlmately 115 feet and being located approximately 150 fee; south of [he center lfne of R~mneya Drive; and does hereby disapprove the Negative Declaratton from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis that there would be signlfican[ individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts due to the approval of this Negatlve Declaration in that reclasstfication would be "spot zoning" on Cherry Way; that sens(tive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Inttial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates significant ~ndividual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE~ that the Anahetm City Planning Commtssion does hereby deny subject Petition for Reclassification on the hasis of the foregoing findfngs. THE FOREGOI~IG kESOLUTIO~! is signed and 3pp;oved by ne thlc 14th day ~f July, 133C. ATTEST: ~ __~~~~~~t- ~'~ ~c/ CHAIRI!~MAt~~ AFIAH~'IM CITY PLAtJNIN; COMMISS104 / ~ I,C~~ `'~ 7J~ ~ . Ot / TiCi'/L.t.c.. SECRETARY~ ANAHEIn CITY PLAMNING COMMISSt0~7 STATE OF CA~ 1 F(1R1t ~ 4 1 COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF A~lAHEIM ) I, ~dith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Plannlna Commission, do hereby certlfy that the foregoing resolution was passed and ad~pted at a meetino of the Anahe(m Ctty Plan~ing Commission held on July 14~ 1~°~~ by the foliowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ BUSHORE, FRY~ KI~~r NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSE~IT: COMMISSIONERS: HERaST ABSTAIN: COMMISSIOtJERS: TOLAP, VACANCY: ONE SEAT IN WIT~IESS WHEREOF~ I have here.~nto set my hand this it+th day of July~ 1980. L~'~S'~C.t~ f~ ~ ~.t.t. ~. SEC?ETARY~ Ar~AHEIM CITY IANtJING COHMISSION -2- PC80-112