71R-100 .~tESOLU;.rIOii' de. 7l1{- 100 A llliSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AH1\.HEII~ SUPERSEDI~'~G RESOLU'I'ION NO. 66R-238 AND 67R-375 &~ENDING I~TES OF COMPENSATION FOR BI4PLOYl\'lENT l\T rrHI: li.N1'...HE~I2'/l S11ADIUI"1 Al'JD ANAHEI!ll CONV~SN~IIOi~ CEN'rER l\l'iD E.STA.BLIS~-IIi'IG NEl."1 CLASS 1- PIC.i\rrIONS A~jD RArrES OF COl;jIPEFiS.~TION AT TH}~ ANAHEI!'l CONVENTION CEI'TTER. WHEREAS, the Personnel Director has met with and dis- cussed wages and other working conditions for certain classifi- cations of employees with representatives of the Service and Hospital Employees Union, Local 399, regarding adjustments of such classifications represented by said Union because of rnerr~er- ship of e~ployees; and \~IEPEAS, the City Manager and Personnel Director have recommended to the City Council wages and other working conditions for classifications as set forth below. NO\-v, THEREFORE, BE Irr RESOLVED by the City Council of "the City of Anaheim that the compensation plan and classifica- tions listed below shall oe adopted effective March 8, 1971, as follows~ CRO\vO COciTROL BMPLOYEES - STADIUM ..- ..----"."- -.-- .--.-.....---.- - .~_..__.-_-...._..--...-.........---.._.---....-- CLASSIFICArrION ....--.-.-. -....-....--.. .-- ...-. .- -...- Usher Director Usher Captain Information Guide Press or Employee Gatenan I:eicket 'faker Gate Captain Haad Usher Head lI'icket 'raker Ticket Seller (G.A.) Ticket Seller (Res. & Box) Ticket Seller (Adv./Excn.) Ticket Seller (Exchange) r-ioney Counter ~levator Operator HOURLY RArrE 2.95 3.54 3.55 2.95 3.81-1/2 3.59 3.94 5.30 5.10 4.10 4.47-1/2 5.66-"'2/3 4.36-1/4 26.65 per 5 hr. shift 2.96-1/2 .t'~ll classifications listed on an hourly basis shall be paid such rate for hours worked with a four-hour guaranteed minimum per event except as noted above. Said work period is not restricted to any specific hours but shall be as required by ANAHEIM for each event. Pay for more than ~~e minimma shall be compensated in fifteen (15) minute increments. ~\ll classifications listed above shall also be entitled to the following: ~l!.~_~;_~~~_ ._~~_~9_tl~_..~5'1~~)"_c!__E~_~~~~__._c3;.~<?:_ _;I?~~_~.Y_~_~_~_~~_~~!le~_ - Time & one-hal f . ~~~ajor. L~cr.~~.li.ll._. St~;:.._~~es ..'~ Time & one-half. ;~o ~~pa~_~te Eve!1ts_ .... Double Pay. Ticket Seller classes listed above working on an event basis shall receive an additional $3.00 per event for national competition professional double headers. -1.- ...............- .......~.... ....-.... . ~...... ..._........~. :1.."'." ,... .a:.40....... ......._.1._.... i.....-..._..___... 011. :~ew Year I S Day, ileIilorial Day I Independence Day, Labor Day r Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, Elnployees workin9 in the above classifications shall receive a minimum guaran- tee equal to ~~e equivalent of ONE (1) HOURS PAY in addition to the minirilums specified above. In case of rain out or cancellation of event and if ill~].~qEIM does not give reasonable notice, either personally or through public communications, the above classification employees will receive TWO (2) HOURS' PAY if the employee reports for work and FOUI~ (4) iiOUH.S 1 Pli.Y if tile :rates are open. o;rH:C;R TYPE EI"1PLOY~ES ,- S'rADIUi~ .. -" -------- - .- --. -..---..-...--.--. .----_.~- -"_._- -......- CLASSIFICl\TION HOURLY RATE GROUP A Janitor* Head Utilityman utilityman Sweeper TlJatchman 3.07-1/2 4.18 3.93 2.92-1/2 3.05 GROUP B Nurse Ivlaid Porter rricket Clerk 'ricket Seller 4.30 2.92-1/2 2.92-1/2 3.45 4.82-1/2 *rrhe classification and rates of [';Janitor" above shall apply only to employees regularly assigned to perform janitorial functions at specific office locations at Anaheim Stadium. Janitorial-type functions or services rendered in all other areas shall be performed by Porters, Sweepers and Maids and ti1ey shall be paid at the applicable rate for their respec- tive classifications. In the event ~~AHEIM assigns Sweepers? Porters or Maids to perform janitorial type work in the same specific office locations, employees so assigned shall receive a prelnium in the amount of FIFTEEN' CENTS (l5t) per hour above their regular hourly rate of pay for each hour or quarterly fraction thereof that they perform work in these specific locations. If leadmen are used by &~~kqEIM in any of the above hourly classifications, they shall receive an additional FIFTEEN CENTS (15~) per hour. In case of rain out or cancellation of event and if &~AHEIM does not give reasonable notice, either personally or through public communications, the above classification employees will receive TWO (2) HOURS' PAY if the employee reports for work and FOUR (4) HOURS' PAY if tile g~tes are open. Sweepers shall receive a :ninimwn of I~IGHT (8) HOURS; PAY. All hourly employees in any classification listed in above Section shall receive TIME AND ONE-HALF for work in such hourly classification in excess of EIGHT (8) HOURS in any ONE (1) DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS in any ONE WEEK. -2- cnO~'JD CON'll;~~Ol, B~'1PI..IaY:2.;ZS .,-. caNVEI'ITIO~'J CEl'1TER .............--..-. -...... - -..---.-....... -- -...- ....... - ~_.~_._...--. -. .-...-....-. .....- .--..---- ---..-.........--.-..--- CLASSIFICAI'IO:~ Usher Director Usher Captain Information Guide 'llicket '11aker Gate Captain ;-read Usher Ticket Seller (G.A.) il'icke"t Seller (i:~es. & :dO}~) Asst. Box Office Treasurer Box Office Treasurer Money Room Attendant Fire Door Attendant HOURLY RA;rE 2.62.-1/2 3.17--1/2 3.45 2. 6 2~"1/2 3.30 3.55 5.05 3.78 4.11 37.40 per 8 hr. shift 42.40 per 8 hr. shift 25.75 per 5 hr. shift 2.62-1/2 ..:-\11 classifications listed on an hourly basis shall be flaid such rate for hours T~lorkeQ with a four-hour guaranteed ~ninimum per event except as noted above. Said work period is not restricted to any specific hours but shall be as required by ":.:4'JA~.-fElt,,! for each event. Any pay for more than t..~e rainilUUr..1 shall j-:>e cOlupensated in fifteen (15) minute increments. For the events where the four.-hour minimunl rates are appli- cable for crowd control employees? they shall be paid such four"-hour faini:;:-.1u:m rate for each separate event which they vlork in any day. fJn dew Year I 5 Day, i:"lerl1orial Day, Independence Day 1 Labor DaYr ~hanksgiving Day and Christmas DaYr Employees working in th.c above classifications shall receive a minilTIWn guaran.- tee equal to the equivalent of ON:8 (1) IIOURS PAY in addition to the :ninimums specified above. In case of cancellation of event, and if ill~AHEIM does not give reasonaole notice~ either personally or through public cOITmlunications, ~~l\HEIM will pay to crowd-control employees as follows;. '1",10 (2) :i.l0Ui:~S I PAY if the employee reports for work.~ and POUR (4) llOORS r Pl1...Y if the aates are open (as to ..::tl';7iER 'llYPB ~1'/IPLOYEj~S ~- CO~.:JVEi'.t11IOtl CEI\jrrER.. see Section below) . CLASSIFICATIOU iJ'rHE1{ TYPE El..'lPLOYEES .- COj.'~VENTIOl\l CEi~rllER . _._~a_.. .._ _. _.. .__ _._. __ .... __ ..___ _ ___...__ ._.._" ..........__. __._ _... .._ .-..._.. ._. ._ _ __ ._........ _..... .-.",____. _.. ._..-.- GROUP 1\ Cleaner Set.-up ~!lan Cleaner Set-~up i"!lan Leadrnan Senior Cleaner Set.-u~ ~lan Leadman Janitor* v?atchluan .-3.- HOURLY RATE 2.92-1/2 4.03 4.28 3.07--1/2 3.05 ....... -":-" ~._'... -~. .."Ii... ........ ....... .... ........ . ...........-.:...........~~.-___.____~J.._..........."".._._:,.~._.I....lII'... ,......._............-..-......................._.. .. q!,HE~._~~P~ . E~~.9Y~~S ~___CONYE.~~~!.9}~_..__~~p1TER (Con t . ) CLASSIF'ICA~.rION HOURLY RATE GROUP .8 l~urse 1\1ai d Porter fl1icket Clerk 1licket Seller 4.30 2.92-1/2 2.92-1/2 3.30 4.77-1/2 *The classification and rates of ';Janitor:~ above shall apply only to employees regularly assigned to perform janitorial functions at specific office locations at Anaheim Convention Center. Janitorial-type functions or services rendered in all other areas shall be performed by Cleaner Set-up Men, Porters, and Maids and they shall be paid at the applicable rate for their respective classi.- fications. In the event ill~lu9EIM assigns Cleaner Set-up Men, Porters or Maids to perform janitorial-type work in ~he same specific office locations, employees so assigned shall receive a preraiurn in the amount of FIFTEEtI CENTS (lSsr!) per hour above their regular hourly rate of pay for each hour or quarterly fraction thereof that they perform work in ~~ese specific locations. If leadrnen are used by ANAHEI~-1 in any of the above hourly classifications! they shall receive an additional FIFTEEN CENTS (15~) per hour. In case of oancellation of event and if AN~iEIM does not give reasonable notice, either personally or through public communicationsr the above classification employees will receive TWO (2) HOURS' PAY if the employee reports for work and FOUR (4) HOURS' PAY if the gates are open. Cleaner Set.,.. up Men shall receive a jninim~~ of FOUR (4) HOURS' PAY. All nourly employees in any classification listed in above Section shall receive TIME AND ONE-HALF for work in such ~lourly classification in excess of ~IGHT (8) HOURS in any 03E (1) DAY or FORTY (40) HuURS in any ONE \~EK. rlE IT FURTHER RESOLVZD that the Finance Director is autl10rized r where there are e:-cpress authorizations signed by each employee covered: to submit to the Union Trust Fund a list of all ~vent-.."tirne eluployees who have wor}~ed at the l~naheim Stadium and convention Center during L~e precedinc:r ~uonth. For enlployees listed under Crowd control ~!aployees-Stadiwn, Crowd Control Elnp10yees - Convention Center, Group iiB;' of Other Type Employees- Stadium, and Group ,oBi: of Other rrype Employees-Convention Center r the Finance Director is authorized to transmit to the Trust Fund (50~) for each shift worked. A~D 3E IT FURTctER it8S0LVED for employees listed under Group "i-\;' of Jt.iler :i,'ype ~:~r:lployees--Stadiuln and Group ~;A:! of Other Type ~raployees - Convention ~enter, tile Finance Director is authorized to submit to the Trust Fund a list of employees who have signed said express authorizations and who have worked and/or been paid for the equivalent of eighty(80) hours or more during tile preceding mon~l and to transillit to the Trust Fund the sum of SEVENTEEN and 70/100 DOLLARS ($17.70) for each listed employee. --4- ". ..-...... .,..~ ...~ ........ . w._ . .......... .........~..~......__..a.Io.._...._____,......-.....-.........-..-:_.-....-.........._-.... THE FOHEGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me tilis 9th day of March, 1971. A~.i?'rES111 ; ~-t4 ~ -:/~/ " - TY 0 NAHEIM'- CITY CLERK OF THE cfifY-oF-'A1\IAIiEilwf--'--'- STATE OF CALIFO&~IA ) COUI-JTY OF ORAL'1GE ) SS . CITY OF A1~AHEIM ) I, DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim! do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 71R-100 was passed and adopted at a -------- regular meeting of the City Council held on the 9th '''-day-- of--'-March , 19 71 , by the following vote of "t1~e-"meffibers thereof: -.-- - AYES: COUioJCILl1El~ : Roth, Stephenson, Pebley, Thom and Dutton NOES: COUi\ICIL:-IBN ; None l-iliSEiJl' : COUNCILMEN: None AND I :t"UR1fHER CERTIFY that the I:-1ayor of the City of ~-\naheir~l approved and signed said resolution on the ~th day of . .__.._~rc~ ._ _....' 19 _?]._. Ii~ vJI'l'NESS .WHEP..EOF! I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Ci ty of ~:~naheim this ~~.th.._ day of March , 19 71. CITy-CtE-RK"OF--THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (S~AL) I, DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 71R-100 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council 0'0 March 9, 1971. City Clerk '.rI'r ~ 1118 ...5- .....- ...::~. ............ --.....-:.. . ....~.... ................ ... -....... --.....-.......... .....-.......-...-......... --. _:._-......:,~.II+.._~._......