PC 80-129r,FSO~ur~o~a r~o. PC3o-t29 A RESOLUTI Or1 OF TlIE A~lAIiE I~1 C ITY PLnhtr7l~lr, Cn~1P115S l0~!, ADOPTIMS APlD RECQI•1t1~tJDI~dG TO THE CITY COU!ICIL OF THF CITY OF APJAHEIFt DEN I/1L OF AtdAHE 111 GENERF,I PLAPI A"1Et1D1~ErlT IIp. 1 5~ - LF~tJ~ USF FLE~IEMT IIHFREAS, The City Council of the City of Anaheim did adopt the Anaheim General Plan hy Resolution Plo, '^R-622, sho!•~ing the general descriotion and extent of possible future development and redevelopm~nt of land ~•~ithin the City; and Wf{ERE~S, pursuant to requests from the property o4mer for General Plo~~ Study, the Anaheim City Planning Commission dir-ecred City staff to prepare a~~eneral Plan Amendment for oroperty consisting of ap~roximately 1?.f~ acres located on the south side of P,io Grande Drive appr~ximately 427 feet t~~est of the centerline of Fairmont Boulevard; and IJHEREAS, THE Planning ~epartment deemed it aopropriate, pursuant to the prcvisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, to orepare Environmental Impact Report tdo. 237, in connection i:~ith the General Plan Amendment for the foregotng area under consideration; and WHERFAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did hold a public Fearing at the Anaheim Civic Center, 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, A~aheim, on AugusY 11, 1980, at 1:3~ P•m., notice of said public hearing having i?een dulv 9iVen as reauired by law and in accordance arith the orovisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, t~ hear and consider eviclence for and against said Amendment to th~ Ana'ieim ~eneral Plan and to investigate and mal;e findings and recorxnendations in connection there~~rtth; and l•1NER[AS, said Commission, after due inpsection, investigation ar.~± study made by itself and in its behalf and after du~ consideration of all evi~:'ence and reports offered at said hearing, DOES IIEREL'Y FIP!D: 1. That evidence ~resented indicated the ma_jority of the property had been under a resolution of intent to RS-115-22,000(SC) zoning since 1~73; that the terrain of the property ~~ould nat support the ~roposed increase in density; that ~tilities in the hill and canyon area ~~~are not planned to accommodate the proposed increase in density; and furthermore the evidence presented ~~ioes not suhstantiate the need for an amendment to the Anaheim General Plan, and it is cieemed that "Exhihit A" be denied. 2. That approximately tv~enty (?_C) nersons indicated their presence in opposition to subject request and petitions ~~~ere submitted containina approximately 231 signatures of persons in opposition. tlObJ, TI1ER[("ORF, BE IT l;ESOLI'ED that after considering Environmental Impact Report No. ?_37 for General Plan .4mendment ~lo. 153 for the oroposeci Rio Grande Vilias residential development, and reviewing evidence, ~~oth ~~~ritten and oral, presented to supplement draft EIR No. 237, tlie Plannin~ Commission finds that draft E.IR No. 1_37 is in compliance ~~ith the California [nvironmental Quatity Act and a+ith City and State EIR Guidelines and potential environmental im~+acts of the project may be reduce~l to an insignificant lcvel hy conformance ~:iit`~ City olans, p~licies and ordinances; ?CS~-129 therefore, 6ased upon such information, the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that EIR PJo. ~37 he certified. QE IT FUTfIER R[SOLVFD that, pursuant to the foregoing fin~linns, the Maheim City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim denial of General P1an Amendment Plo, 153, as P0~~0415: 1. That "Exhibit A" he denied and r.o chan9es he Made to the current General Plan Designation. THE F~REGQI~lG RESOLUTION is signed and approved hy ne this 11th day of August, 1~f30, /a~;~"~ ~ ~'~~-- f,11AIRM t!, Artl~HE111 CITY PLF,NMIMR COF4~ISSIOM A'~T E ST : /., ~~ ~'~/ i5 ~uli/1iL~ SECf2ETARY, AhJAHEl1•1 CITY PLANPlIIJ~ CO^!"11S510~1 STATE OF CALIFORHIA ) COUNTY OF OR/1~IGE ) ss. CITY OF A!JAHEIPI ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the f~regoing resolution ~•ras passed and ar~optPd at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on .Auaust 11, 1~~^~, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COt1MISS1(1rlERS: B.AR^IF~~ B~I~nc~ g1~c~i~nc~ Fr+v~ uc-nn<r~ i~~•~~~ TCL;~ ~JOES: COHMISSION[RS: NQME ABSEPIi: CQMHISSIONERS: NONE Iha 4/1T~lESS lJtfEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this lith day of August, 1930. /n ~t/,(.~lc. ~ ~`I~Qiu-c..i SECRETARY, APJ4HEIM CITY PLA.r.~plN~ C~11~115SION -2- PC30-129