PC 80-132RESOL~rlor~ r~n, PCAn-~3~ A RESOI.UTIOtd OF THE AIJAHEIM CITY PLAtIFlI~JG C~!1!!ISSION THAT PETITION FnR P,FCLASSIFICATION PJO, BO-f31-j BE GRAIITF~, WHEREAS, the Anaheim Clt~~ Planning C~mmissi~n did r~~;~ive a verified petition for Reclassification from EPRANI!1 TALEBI, ET AL, 2?~~5 TortJa, Mission VieJo, California ~2791, o~m ers of certain real pro~ert~i situatnd in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as fnllows: PARCFL 1: TIIE NORTHERLY t~?,5 FFFT OF L(1T 1~ A~iD TNF S~I~THE°,LY 31.5 FEET OF LOT 9 OF TP,ACT t10, 796, I~! THE C~U`JTY OF OP,A!dGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER HIiP P,ECORDFD I~! BOOK Z~!, PAf.F 7_~ OF MISCELLAlIE0U5 P1APS~ RECORDS OF SAID C~I;~ITY, PAP,CEL 2: THAT PORTIOII OF LOT 1 ItI BLOCY, A OF T?ACT M0. 7~F~ ~ry THE CITY OF A~JAHEIFI AS PER MAP RECORDc~ 1F; Bonl; ?!,~ pqr,E ~p, ~F MISCELLANEOUS MAPS tN THE OFFICE OF TNE C~i1MTY RECeRnEG OF 541n COU"lTY; ADJOIFlING LOTS ~1 AFID 10 OF SnID TR,ACT LY:H~ ;nl1THFP,1_Y nF THE WESTERLY PROLONGATION OF A LIME NORTH OF A'1~ PA?ALLEL ll(TH THF SOUTH Li~lF OF LOT 9, 31,~J FCET, EXCERT TNF $OUTN 7S.n0 FEET THEREOF. PARCEL 3: THE SOUTN 75 FEET OF LnT t0 oF T~ACT Nn, 7~~~ Irl THE CITY OF AtlAHEIM, AS PER MAP RECOR~FD IN 809Y, 24, PArE 70 ~~ MISCELLAN[OUS MAPS~ it! THE OFFICE OF THE COUFITY Rr-C~P.DF; OF 541~ C OU~JTY, PARCEL 4: TtIE SOUTH 75.Qp FFET OF TFIE F!!L~~~.r~~~r, pFSC~'IBEII LANn• THAT PORTION OF LOT 1 Itl BLOCK "A" oF TRArT Nn, ~~r ~~.~ T~,` ~tTY OF AN.AHE111 AS PER ~1AP RECQROEO I'J DO~K 21+~ PAGE 2R OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF TNE Cn1!~JTY RECDRDER OF SAtn COUNTY~ A~JOIN-NG LOTS 9 AIlD 1~ OF SAID TRl1CT LYING SO!1THERLY OF THE WESTERLY PROLO~tGAT10~1 OF A LINE NORTH OF t1PID PAP,ALLF.L W~TH THE SOUTli LINF OF L~T ~, 31.Sh FEF.T, WHEREAS, the Cit/ Planning Commisston dtd hold a puhlic hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on July 28, i~f30, at 1:3~ p.m., notice of said public heartng having been duly given as required by la~•~ and tn accordance ivith the provislons of the Anahetm Municipal Code~ Chapter iR,03~ to hear and consider evidence for and agafnst said proposed reclassiftcation and to investioate and make ftndings and rec«nmendations in connection therearith; said puhltc hearin~ havPng been conttnued to the Planning Commisston meeting of Au~ust 25, 1~^~; ~~c~ WHEREAS, said Comnission, aftPr due inspection, investiqation an~l study made by itself and in 1ts bPhalf~ and after due consideration of all evt~IPnce and reports offered at said hearing, does find and deternine the fc,lloi~~in~ facts: 1. Th~at the petitloner oroposes reclassification or suhiect oroperty from the RS-A-43~000 (Residential/Agricult.,ra1) Zone to the RM-30'1n (Resldenttal, Multlple-Family) Zone. ~r.~gp-132 "~ That [he ~1nnhein G~ner~l Pinn ri~sinnat~~ suhject prr,p~rty for medium density residential land uses. 3. That the n~oposeJ reclassificatinn nf subject pronerty is necessa ry and/or desirablc for tli~_ orclerly ancl prn~er devclonmrnt nf the eornunity. <<. That t!,e ~rnposed reclassificotion of su~ject prnperty ~ioes pro erl relate to the zones ~nd their nernitted uses )ocnil~~ e,ta!~(isl~erl in close n y to subject ~roperty anJ to the zones •~nd thc~ir pr~mj[~r~l ~~,r, q~ner~)- P Proxini[y throughout t`~P co~7nunitv. Y stablished 5. That the prnnosed rrcl~ssification ~f suhject ornoerty requires the dedication and inproven~nt of ahutting streets in accordanc~~ ~:~ith the Cireulation Elenent of thn General ?lan, due to the an[icipate~l increase in tra°fj~ ~ytiie!~~•rll) he generated by the intensification o` land use. ~-. That no one inclicated ttir.~r orrsnnc~ aY saicl i on~osition; and that no corres~on:ienc~ ~:•as reeeivc~rt in .;;,, ~uhlie iearing in perition. ~~siti~n to the suhject E!~\r ~ a!1r~!~f'JT,1L I'1P;1CT F I N~ I" ;• ~ revin~.; _._. . TiaL thn A~~ti~~.~ rii~~ °Iannin~ Co~nisslon '~as e~ t~t pro~osa I tn r,•elass i ~v ;~ i,• ~Zesi~!ential/Ac~ricultur~l) ?one tn t'ie E'~-3~~^ .~,,~ecr' ~r~nrrtv fron °5-1-~ ~n~~ Cnnstruet a 1-lot, 3~-unit ennrinr~iniur , i.a•„• ~'esir,enti~l, 'tultinl~-Fanilyl ?one to ~''s~~~ ~'it`~ ~~~iv~ra n' ninirun lot area per tiu~elling unit, naxin:rn ~i[e cr;ver<;r~~, -i,ii~„_i~ fln~r .7rn~~ niniM~r~ inn~lscape~l sethae::, rlnimun recreationai!lcisure area ancl ryininu~~ n,imh~r ~n-1 tyre oF oarL•fn~ spaces on a rectangularly-stia~ed narccl of land cnn,isting o` icpr~xinat~ly 1,~ ~cre, having a fron[agc of a~prqximatcly 3'1] `cet ~nJ hetnr, loc~t^ ~ aooror,ir~atcly 1^7~ feet snuth of the c~n[crlinc of nrange l~venue; ind ~in~s 'icr~~•y a~orove the ?leqative ~eelaration fro,~ thc r~quire,~ent to pr~~a~e ar. eovironmen ~1 basis thit rh~~~ ,.~,Si~ ~.. t t^~n:icf r..n..r~ ~., `!,,` c~~ ~iunificant inri(vi~lual or cu^iulitive advcrsc environmentaI in~ac[ due to th~ app Mva1 ~f thi; ~lenativr Declarati~n since th~ Anaheira General Plan Jc,iqnates thc su~ject pmnerty fnr ne,li~r+ ,ienslty resirlenttal land uses land uses commensuratc ~~i['i th, pr.>posal; t!~~t n~ srrsitiv~ ~nvironr°ental icinacts are invoived in thc ~,ron~sal; that t'•e Initial Study suhmitted 'uy th,, petttion~r indieates no signific~nt indiv;du~l or cunuiative adverse environ~^ental impaets; and that the Negativr Declaration suhstantiatinr~ the foreqo(n9 findings is on filc in t!~e City of 4nahcim Planning Lepartr+ent, HOl'. TIlEREFORE~ !3E IT ~CSOLVE,'1 that the Ana'ici^~ City Plannin~ Commtssion Joes liereby gran[ su!~ject Petition for Reclassific,~tion and, '~y so d~ino, i'~at Title 18-Zoning of the Anahein ~iunicipal Code he amended t~ ~x~~i!!~•, th~ ab~ve-~1~scrihed P~~perty from the RS-A-l~3,~~~ ('tESI~E'~IAL^,F~~n[~'LTU^n~_) ~nr~r i~~~ t~ inc~rporate safd desertueu property in[o the R`t- ~ follo:~ieC c~nditions irhich ~re 'ierr.hy fou~:l t~ ~,,,T~h~' ~~"LTIPt_F-FA~11LY1 Z~,yF up~n the pronosed usc ~f sub'eet ~~ ~eces;.iry pr~r~~uisite to the J prnnertv in order [o nn~srrv~ the S.1Frty an~1 aeneril ei,;ifare of the Citizens of the City of ~1nnh,im; 1, Th~t ~n ~rdinanc~ r~zer.tnq t'~e su'~j~ct prnncrty sh~11 jn no r.vent becor,e effecttve e:ccept unon or folln~,i~~ ~~.e -^cord~tion of Finnl Tr.iet ~1ap No, 1117t' riltllin the time specified (n Gov~rnnent Cocl~. S~crt~r. ~~f~/3,~ ~r such fi:rther time as the ~dvisory aRe~cy or City Council r~ny ~ira~t. -2- PC3n-13? 2. That completion of these rncla;sific~ti~n nroc~~dinas is contingent upon the arantinq of t~ariancc IJo, 31i.i. DE IT FURTHE" R[SOLVED that thc /lnahcim City Pl:~nning Commission does hereby find and deternine that the adoption of t!~is Resolution is r_r.pressly predicated upon applieant's compliance :~ith each and all of the conditi~ns tiereinahav~ set forth. Should any condition or any ~art thernof, be ~ieciared invalid or unenforceable by the final jucl~m~nt of any enurt of cor~netent jurisdiction, thrn this ZrSOl~ltln~~ and any approv~ls herein r.ontained, shall he c'eemed null and v~i~!. THF Fr'nF6n~,~; a,r50~!~TIOt' is si~ne-! and approvcri hy r~~ this °~th day of AUgUSt, T^~3 ~. ~ ~ L.~tc~c~C, ~ • ~QiLir.-ca~ l1CTIt!R cti~i^~+n~i ,1`!!1!!EI`! CITY PLF,!!tII~J~ C~'~"IS51^`1 nTTEST: ~~~~ SECRETARY, !1!!!11!E I!1 C ITY PL.~'1'J I'If; C~'1'11 SS I ~'i STltTG OF C.A~ I FCP,1; I A ) COUNTY OF 0^A~IGr ) ss. CITY aF A~IAHEir; ) 1~ Edith L. Harri~T $ecr~tarv nf fti~ 11n~~rf~ Clt~~ PlarnTna f~~nnicci~nT ~n hereby certify that t!ie forenoinq resoluti~n was passed and adnnt~~' at a r~eeting of the Ana!~eim City Plannino Commission held on Aunust 2;, 1^7~, ~t 1:3'? n,n „ bv the foliowing votc of ttie men~~ers t!iereof: AYES: Cn~~~!ISSIO~fERS: G.4R'!ES, EOl!~S, FRY, 'fE^.~ST ~lOES: Cn~1~11S5t0!!ER,: !!nt!E ABSEP!T: COIa`115510'~ERS: BUSHORE~ !:i!Ir,, T^L~R I~! ttlT!;ESS :lHc"RE(1F~ I`iave hcrPUnt~ s~t ry hand this 25tti day ~f .4ugust, 1~1^0. ~~ ~ 1~~~:. SEC?ET~^.RY, A'!A!'CI~' ClTY PL4~I•Iltl~ Cn""~IS~I"'! -3- PC80••132