PC 80-133RESOLUTION !!~. Pc9n-133 RESOLUTIOtJ OF TNE AMAHEIM CITY PLA~aNi~lr: CO~1r+I5S10"I TI;.4T PETiTION F~R ~/ARIFlr~CF N0, 31•=1 Bf 6RANTF~, WHEREAS, Lhe Anaheim City Plannina Comnlssion ~iid receive a verified petition for Variance frorr EBRAHIM TALF~I~ ET AL, 27G95 Torija, Mission Viejo, California 92791, owners of certain real pronerty situated in the City of Anaheim~ County of Orange, State of Calffornia, descrihed as folicx~~s: PAP,CEL t: THE ~lORTHERLY h3.5 FEFT OF LO? 1'~ A~Ip Tf~E S(1IITHERLY 31.5 FF.ET OF L~T y OF TRACT ~10. 7~F, It! THE CnU°!TY OF ~RANr,F, STATE OF C~ILIFOF"IIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED I'I BOGK 2t~, PAGE 2° OF MISCF.LLA~lEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF S,41n COUNTY. PAP,CEL 2: THAT PORTION OF LOT 1 IM BL~f.Y. A OF TRACT ~10. 796, I!! THE C ITY OF ANAHE 11 AS PER ~1AP RECORDED IPI BOOK 21+, PP~E ?." OF MISCELLAPIEOUS MAPS I~! THE OFFICF OF THE COU~lTY P,EC~P.DE? OF SAI!1 COUNTY; AnJ01~11P1G LnTS q AND 10 OF SAID TRACT LYI~I~ SnUTHF~LY OF THE WESTERLY PROLC~IGATIOtI OF A LItJE NQRTH OF qN~ P.qR!!LLEL 1dITH THF SOUTN LINE OF LOT 9, 31,50 FEET, EXCEPT THE SOU?N 7,'.~~ FEET TNEREOF. PARCEL 3: THE SOIJTH 75 FEET OF LOT 1~ QF TRAf,T ~~Q, 7n~~ ~H THE CITY OF At~AHE1M, A5 PER ~1AP RECORDED It! ~300Y, 21i~ pqr,F 2? (1F NISCELLANEOUS "1AP~~ 1~~ TFiF OFFICE OF THE COU~~TY RFC~RDFR OF S41n CQUNTY. PARCEL 4; THE S~UTH 75.!10 FFET OF T!iE F~LL~b!Illr• DfSCRIBE~ LA~ID: THAT PORTIO~! OF_LOT i IN BLOCK "!1" OF TRACT N~. 7~f, It! THE CITY QF ANAN~ ~H AC PFR N4P P,FC,~RnF~ ~~~ q~n~~ ~f~ p~r,~ ~R ne MiSCELLANE0U5 MhPS It! THE OFFICE OF THE C~I1~J?Y REC~.°.~FR OF SAI~ COU~~TY~ A^JO I N 1 NG L~TS 9 A~!D 1~ OF SA I D T~ACT LY i NG SQt1TNERLY OF THE WESTERLY PROLO~lGATIOM OF A L INE NORTIi ~F A~J~ VARALLFL W~TN TNF SOUTII LIW~ OF L~T ~, 31.50 Ff.ET. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commissi~n did hold a puhtic hearing at the Ctvic Center 1n the City of Anaheim on July 28, 14^0, at 1:3~ p.m „ notice of said public hearing having been duly given as reauired hy 1ai•~ an~i in accordance with the provisions of the Anahelm !tunictpal Code, Chanter i~.03, to hear and cpnsider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investigate and maDe findings. and recommenclatlons in connection [herewith; said puhlic hearing liaving been continued to the Planning Commission meetin~ of Auaust ?~, 1~4~; an~i WHEREl15, said Commtssion~ after due inspection. investiaation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evicien~e and repnrts offcred at said hearing~ d~es fTnd and determinc the follo~.~inn facts: 1, That the petiiioner pronoses a~aivers of the folla,~inc~ to construct a 1- lot~ 3~-unft condomtnium subdtvlsion: (a) SECTIO"~ 13,31,OF.1.Q1?. -`ltnimum lot area ae~ dwelltnq unit. 3000 sauare eet required; square eet proposed) PC3^-133 (b) SECTI01! 1n.31.C~b2.`~2'1 - ~laximun sitr_ c~verane. E^~ perni tte~1; ~~7%' pro~osecf) ~c} SEf.T10'! 1".;1.'1C.2.^?~? - ttinimum flnor are~. 95~ s~uare Pet p~r unir_ reaui red o~=hP~{ro~n ~~n i ts; ~~7~ snu~re fc~t pronos~d) (d) SECTIO'f 1~.31,~~,'.;,^,^l~ - !tinimun lan~lscaped set!-icl:. 2^ eet required a~ijacenf. to RS-72~^ .'_on i na; 7 feet nroposed) (e) SfCTI`1'I 1;?, j~,~1~3.^31 - f?iniru~ recreational-leisur~ area. ~'~~~ squ~re feet ner untt renulred; 3t'i snuare c~et-prooosed) (f) SEC.T1'1'I 1~".31.^~,6. )1C -"inimu^+ nunhcr and tYnc of par~:)na spaces. ~"S SD7C@5, '~ enclosed in ~l~~~qe5 1'~nU I fPCi ~ ~7 spaces, 31 in carn~rts oroo~sed) 2. That the ahove-n~nti~ned riaivrr, arF hernh~ ~r~~~r~~ ~~ ttir hasis that the petitioner stipulated that 1'~~t, of thc units ,rill he sol:{ is l~t~ incl mo~lerate eost housing in nrice ranges as re~uired by the Cih~ nf q~a!,ei.~~ pi~rsuant to Governnent Code Section E;5^1~ nertalntn~ to densitv ~onu~~s an~! nr.hrr tncentives for la~ and n~~~ierate ineome housing, 3. That there are exceptional or ertr~ordinarv circu^,stances or e~nrlitions applicable to the ~ro~cr[~r in~~~iv~~+ ~~ ~.. ~~.,. ., granted, that do not a 1 . ,r,t; ~..~., u,e oi thP oroocrty, as ~P Y 9enerally [~, r.hc nrnnertv or class of use in the sar~e vicinity anJ zone, 4• Th~t thc rcaue,ted v~rianc~, as granted, is necessary for the preservatton and enje~~nent of a su',santi~l prorcrt~ rig!it pe>s~ssed ~y other proncrty in the sane vieiniLy and zone, ~nd denicd to the nropertv in question, S. That [he reauested variance, as granted, ;•~ill not he r~atertally detrir~ental to the public a~elfarc cr injurions to the property ~r ir~provements in suchvicinlty ancl zone in ~•~hich tiie pru~er[y is l~c~tr~i. ~. That no one tnJicated thetr prosenc~ it saTd ~ul:lic hearinq in oppo5ition; and th~t no correspondence ~•ras recr.ive~! in onpc~sition to the subjeet petition. E'IVI~~Otl~1E'~TAt. I'1P11CT FII~~I'!G: That thc An~hein Cit~~ Plinnin~ Conr+ission has revicwed the proposal to r<•cl~;sify su!. ('tesidential/Agriculturil) lone to the R~~_ ~;~,~ ,~~ect ~r~onrty fren ~5-0,_l~Z ~~r~ ccnstruci ~ 1-lot, 3!'-unit condominiwn suhdlvision,t~i'thtofaivnrS,.~f~,c-F~~i~y) `°~P to pcr da:clling uniC, rnnximun st[c coveragc mtn(num f ~in~'n~;~' 1°t area setbacl;~ r~lnimum recreational/Ieisure area artd min~mum num~,er~rand ~tyoel~~of~noarbjng spiecs on a reetangularly-shaoed parcel of lan~i consistinn ef a~prnximatcly l.n acre~ -2- P~3n-t33 havin~ a frontarie of anproximately 3~~ f~et ~~nd !;einq locatec; ~pproximately 1~7~ feet south of the centerline of Oron~e Flvenue; ard does hereh,y aoorove the Megative Declaration rrom the renuirr;ment to nrepare an .~nvironmental inp,c* report nn the basis that thern ~:;ould he no siqnificant individuai or cumulative adverse environmental impact due tc~ th~ apnr~vil ~f this Ile~ative ~eclaration since the Anaheim General Plan designates the suhjcct propertv for mn~'ium densiry resi~ential land uses land uses commensur~te ~•~it'~ thc nrc,posal; thnt nn sensitive Anvirnnmental imoacts ara involved in the nr~nosal; tt~at the Initial Study SUh('IICLf~I b}~ the Petition~r indicates no signific~nt individu~l or cue~,!ative advr_rse environmental im~acts; and that th~ Ney7tiVn Declarition sutisr~nti~tinn th~ foregoin~l finriinns is on file in thc City of llnnhcim Plannin~ ~enartnent. ~!~':1. TNE^.EF~RC , CE I T ~ESOL~'E~ t`ia t t`~c Ana'~~ i n C i tv Pl ann i n~i Commi ss i on does fiereE;y ~ran[ suhject Fetition for Variance, uonn the fnltoa~inq conditions +•~hieh are found to he a necessary prer~quisite to thn pr~oose.i use nf the suhiect oro~erty in ord~r to prescrve the safety and gr_neral ~•i,r.~F?~~ o` Lhe Cit+~^ns o~ thA City of Anaheir~: 1. That this Variance is nr,~nted suh;cr.r t~ [he co~pletion of Reclassification tlo. ~~-11-3 and Tentativ~ '1ar nf Tract ~Io, 1117". noi:~ p~~c+inn. 2. That suhjeet nr~oerty sh.311 ~e dev~lo~~d suhsiar,ti~lly in aeeor~'anee with nlans and specificatinns on fi)r_ ti•~ith ti~e Citv of Ana~-eir~ marl:e.i Revision ~!o. 1 of Exliibit ~los. 1 and ?.. 3. That Condition No, 2, above-mentioned, sh.~il hA c~molicd ~~ith nri~r to final building and zening inspcctions. t! That the developer s!iall enter lnto an anrcemenr ~•~ith the ~ity of Anaheim pursuant M Gov~r~mrnt ('~rln Snrr~,.~ (.r~•~r c~ta „r....,,,. ..ti~ii ~„ a.~ - _ . .. . . . 'CCCt..C., ConCUrrently ~:ith or prior to the final map an<I shall provi~le t!~at 1^~%: ~f the units shall he sold ac ~Al/ or mn~lerate income hou5ing as defined in GovernmFnt Code Section u'y_115, Said agreement shall inclucle anproximate resile contrnis as a~oroved hv tne City of AnaSeim. ' tiE IT FUqTIIER R[SOLV['1 that the Anahetn City Pl~annin9 Commission does hereby find and determine that the ado{~tion ~f thts Resolution is exnr~ssly pr~dicated up~n applicant's comp)tance ~•~ith each and all of the con~liti~n5 hereinabove set forth. Should any conditton or any part tliereof, be cleclarPd invali~l or un~nforceahle hy the final iudgment of any eourt of eom~etent ,jurisdietion, then ttiic Resc+lietion, and any approvals I~erein contained, shall be deemed null and void, Tf'E FORF,OIt:; R~SOLUTIO'; is signed and .in~rnved f,v r^e t`~is '.'~th day of /lugust, i'~:;!l, ,j i ~ J ~ L`I ~.c~,~`--~~~...,1~ ~o, - i acT t~~c c~!a i RHn~i Ar;A~trl~+ CITY PL~N^il~!~ C~~~~+1551^~l ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ ~~~z ECRETA ~ ANAHEI"1 CITY PLAM'IINS CnM'11551~~~ -3- PC8o-133 STATE UF CP,L I F0~~1 I A ) COUtlTY OF ORA"I~F ) ss. CITY OF A~lAlIEI~1 ) i, [dith L. Ilarris, Secrctary of tiie Ana'.ei~ City Plannina Cor~r~~?ssion, do herehy certify r.hat the foreroing resolution i~~as passed and adootc~i at a meetina of the Anaheim City Plannin9 Comnission helci on Aunust 2~, i°7~, at 1:3~ p•m•,hY the foi io4~ing vote of tfic menbers thereof: AYES: COM!1155 i0'lERS: BARNES, eOUAS, FaY, t1Ei,E?.ST NOE5: CO"1'11SSIO~IE°5: Pl~ttE ABSENT: CO!1'iIS510t1ERS: BUSH04E, f:I~dS, T(?L:1p Itf 'dIT~;ESS llHEP,:'OF, I have hereunto set mv hanr! t`~is ^~th d~y of Auqust~ 19°~. ~., ~,/ ~.° ~ ,~,~~ SFCR[:T.~RY; ,4~!A~IEIM CITY PLn."t~~t~ir, C(11!'~ISSI~H -~~- PC8n..133