PC 80-138RESOLUTI0~1 I;O. PC~'^- 1?^ A RFSnLUTlnri ~F TfIE AtJllfl[I!1 CITY PL/!t1PlI~1G C~~IHISSInrt T!IA? PETITIn~I FnR °~CLFISSIFIC!!Tln?! ~ln, ;?n-^~-~ RE GRn~ITFn, Llfl[R~11S, t'~e Anaheim City Plinning Comr~issl~n did receive a veriried petition for Reclassification frnn LE~^ICIO T. LAU°[L, ET .~L, 7.5 Qull Run, Irvine Califurnia ^271:~, oam~rs, and RICNA3n H, STn,nyr,~ ~c~~ ~r~~r ~<~rell:~ Avenue, An~hei^~, California ^23^2, a~ent of certain real property situated in the City o` Anaheim, County of Oran~e, State of California, descrihed as f~il~~•,s: A portion of Lot 7 in ~lock 17 of a s!ihdivisi~n of th~ South half of Section 21, in To~~rnship 4 South, Range 1'! l•lest. in the Ranchn Las Bolsas, in the City of Anaheim, County o` OrangP, State of California, as per map recorded in hooi: 1 page 33 of 'liscellaneous Haps, in the offiee of the County P,ecorder of said County, descrihed as folle~•rs: be9inninn at the South!~/~_'$C cornPr of said Lot 7; therce ~lortl~ ~° ~F~' ?~" Fast G~~.~~ feet alnna the L~'e5t line of said Lot to t!ie ~Jnrtho-~est corner therenf~ Y~in~rP SOUth ~~ ~~3~ 50" Eas2 ;3?.!1~ fr_et along the tJorth line of said lot; thence South 0° 33" 10" 4lest LGB.?7 fr_et to the South line of said Lot 7; Chence North 3nO S1' 10" iJest 3~~~.1i!1 `eet alona said South 1 ine to the point of beginning. Except the l•lest l~~,n~ feet thereof. Also except the ~lorth 3^0, » feet thereof, Also except therefrom an undivided 4/5ths interest in the South t~,^~ feet of Che East 12.~ feet of said land, WHEP,EAS, the C?ty Planninq Corm,ission did hold a nuf•lic hearina at the Civic Center (n t(ie City of Anaheim on flu9ust 25, 1~3~, at 1:;~ p,r~,, notice of sald public hearing naving heen duly gtven as re~uired hy laai and in accordance arith the nr~vici~nc ~f ttia n~~ti~r.~ +i~..;~ipZ1 Cc;lc, Ch~oter i~. ~i, to iiear anrf eonsidcr evidence for and against said proposed reclassification an~i to investigate and ma{;e findings and recommendations in connection therei•~(th; and IJHE~EAS, said Commission, after due inspection, invr.sti9ation an~l study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due considerition of all evidence and rep~rts offered at said hearing, does find and determine the follcn•~inq facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes reclassiftcation of subject property from the RS-10,0~q (Residential, Strtgle-Far~ily) 7.one t~ the CL (Cormcrclal, Limited) Zone to construct an office building, 2. That the proposed reclassification is herel~y granted sub.ject to the petitioner's stipulatlon at the puhlic hearin~ to suhr~ittin~ a revise~l plan for Planning Commission revie~~~ and anproval, said plan to providr_ a t~oentv (2n) foot wide landseaped huffer adjacent to the sinnle-familv residential ar~a to thc north of subject property and to limit the numher and placement of ~•iinrla•,s nn the north-`acing building wall. 3. That the Anaheim General Plan rlpe~nn~[pq suhj~ct pr~perty for commercial orofesstonal land uses. PCBo-t33 4. That the ~ropose~l r~classification of suhject property is neeessary and/or desirahle for tFc orderly ind proper dr_velop~~nt of the community. 5, That the nroposed r~classificati~n of subjer.t prnperty does properly relate to the zones and their percittrd uses locally est~Flished in close proximity tc subject ~roperty and to the zones and the+r pe~mitted u,r.s ner.Prallv esta~lished th~ouqhout thc Community. 6, That the nr~n~sed reclassification of suFjer_t nronerty renuires the improvement of abutting streets in accordance t~rith the Circ~~lation Elenent of the General Plan, due to the .+nticipated increase in tr:~`fic i•~hic~ ~•~ill hP qenerate~ ~Y the intensification of land use. 7. That o~e person in~fic~tecl ttieir or~sencr. ~t said nnhltc hearinq in opposition; and that no correspondence oias r~ceive~f in o~posit?~n to the suhieet petition. EtIVIP,Ot!t'~NTAL I`1PACT FIMDI"!~: That thP Rnahein f,itv Planninn Commission has revie~~~ed the proposal to reclassifv suhject prooertv fro:~ the RS-t~,~~~ (Residential, 53ngle-Family) Zone te thP CL (Comnercial, Lir+itP~f) lone t~ construct an offiee buildtng on a rectanqularly-shaned narcel o` land consistinq of a~nrnximatelv 1.35 icres, havin~ a frontan~ of anoroximatelv iQ~1 feet on the north side of Katella Avenue, yavinn a maxim~m depth of anoroximatr.ly :S!) fePt an~ `eing locate~f appr~xTmately S0~ feet ~~est of the c~nterline ~f t3ayless StrPet; and does herehy aoprovc the Ncgativ~ Declaration from t'~e renutrement tn nreaare an environmental imoact report ~n the basis that therP ~~~oul~i he ~~ sicnt`icar,t individual or cumulative adverse environmental imoac[ due t~ tFe anproval of this Negativr_ Dectaration si~c~ the Anaheim f;eneral Plan drsignates the Suhject orooerty for commercial professional iand USP.S connensuritr ~.rit~ the oroposal; that no sensitive environmental inp~cts arr. involved in the ~rn~osal; that the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no si9nificant in~iividual or cunuTative adverse envirornnentai i~m,ac[s; arc [`~t t`e `!c~at?:~e ^°c1,r,r;~~ c~~hcr,~ri,ti~a the foregoing findings is on file in ttie City of Anaheir Plannin~ ~epartment. NOW, THERErO°E* BE I? RFSOL~!ED that the Anaheim City Planntnn Commission does herehy grant suhject Petition for Reclassificati~n and, hy s~ .~nin4, that Title 18-Zonin9 of th~ Anaheim Mu~icipal Cod~ he ar+endrd tn exr,lnd~ the a6~ve-~lescrihed property from the RS-1o~nq~ (RF51!'~E~~TIP.L, SItI~LE-FAFIILY) ZO!JP: and to incorporate said described property into the CL (Cf1M"'FRCIAL, LINITF~) Z~HE un~n Yhc folla~~tn9 conditions t•~hich are her~hy found to he a necess~ry prere~uisite to t~e prooosed use of suhject propertY in order to preserve the safetv and gPnPral ~•~elfare of the Citizens e` the City ~` Anaheim: 1. That all enqineering requireMants of the C.ity nf Anaheim alon~ Y,atella Avenue includiiig nreparation of improvement olans and installatinn of all impr~vements such as curbs and ~utters, sirie~>ol~s, street nridinq and paving, drainage facilities or other a~ourtenint ~•~orl:~ shall he c~molied t•iith a required hy the City Engineer ancl in accordance ~•~ith specifications on fil~ in th: Oftice of the City Ennineer; and/or that a hond, certificat~ of de~osit, letter of creclit, or eash~ in an amnunt and for~+ satisfictory tr, the Cir.v of Anaheim sh;~il he ~~sted ~•~ith the Cit, to qua~antee the instillation of the a5ov~-mentlone~~ renuirPments prior to ~ccupancy. -2- Fc~~-t38 w ~ 2. That t~c n~:ncr(s) ~~f su~,j~rr. nrnncr[~~ :~~all pav tn thr ~irv ~f qnahein a fce, in an ar±.~unt .~s d~t~~rr^in~r! Fy ~~,r• Cit~~ C~~~ncil~ fnr *r~r ~l~nti~n oi;rposes alonn I:arr..l l~ Av~nu• . i. Th~t tras'~ ;tornnr ~r^as s+iall `.~ ~,mvi-!.,r' in ,.- ~ lars n~ fil~ ~ ~ c rt~^c~ „i~~, ?oorov~d P ;~ith thc Offic~ o th~ Er,•.cutivr ;I~rr~r+~ ,,f Pu' lir_. '.;or:~s. ~~. Tha[ f f tr !~y;lranLs s'ia 1 i ~,e i nsta 1 ler! orn1 e~_~roe:' a~ r~n!ii red and deterriined to he nc~c~cs~ry ty the ~hi~` o` t'ie Fir~ ~e~artr~nt nrinr to cor+mencenent of structural franinq, S. That su~j~et rr~acrty shill '•e ~rrvr., `v ~m~'rrrrrn a , ~~~ '~ti itir5, ~. ~h~t a ~-fnot '~icrh ~nsnnrv ~:rall ;h~ll '~ crnstrnct^~+ prooert~ linns, iin~n tti~ north 7. Thit :Irain~r,r ~f au'~lnct nrcn~rt., shall ~c -+i;~ns~a n~ in ~^,ann~r satisfact~r~ t~ ttie City ~nninccr. ~. That t~e o::nnr(s) o` ~u'~'~~• ~. ;.._ nrnrcr~,• 5 ~11 nav !~o trg~f:c S~cr.~~ 355CS5.^!CfSL fCE ~^f[i1P~hc^ ti0. ~~`'l-.f i'S ~1 3r,~.U'1~ .l5 r!n!n 4 1. ~. for cor^nrrcial tiui lriims ~r ior t~ t'~c i;c~ ~. ninn~l . Y [ n ._ i[•/ ^ounCi l~ »nc•• o` ~ ~il~in~ nrr^it. ~. That th~ rxnrr(s) nf ;~1tii^c[ nr~~~rtv s+,~l~ niv ~n t`~c ~itv ~f °~ni'~cin ~~ec, ir an aciount as det~r~ined ~• t~z~ C(t„ Y,atella /1v~nu~, Y ~~uncil~ f~r strnrr 1i~htirn alonq i^. That the a•mcr(s} of ;utij~ct or~nrrty s!~nil ;u1,~it a letter r~~uestlna the ternination of 4eelassification 'lo, ~n-E,~_r„ t~, thp ~'lanninn Denirtnen[. 11. Th~t suhjeet pr~perty shall h~ d~vrl~or,) gu~,stantially in aeenrd~ne~ with plans and soecificattnns on file ~~~ith t`~e Citv ~' Anahetn mar~~e~+ Extii5lt 'lps. 1 throu~`~ _~; provided~ fior,ever~ that a t~•rentv (2~! font ~•rir!~ lin~i4caoe~! h~~ff~r sh~ll ~~ Pnst~lled along the no:-th property iine and [ha~ the nun~cr nnd ~lac~nent ~f r~ir.~a~is on the nor[h-facing ~~a 11 :h~ 1 1 !~e nnd i f icd to el ini nare any arlvrrs~ ir+oact on the nearhy rr_sidences. 12. Tha[ r~vised nlans ;ho~•~ine t~~~ ifnremrnti~nec: t~~~~nt~ (2n) fcxit h~ff~r and modlfied :•rindrnr trcatm~nt s`~a11 '~e suhmt[ted to t~~ Planninn ComiSSton for revier~ and approval. 13. Prior to the (ntrodncti~n of an or~'(nancr rr~~nin~ ~,,ibirct rron~rty. Condition t~os. 1~ 1., 9~ 1'1 ~nd 12, ahovc-m~ntfn~~d~ ,h~ll 6c c~~nlrt~d. The ~:rovisio~s or ri9hts granted hy thts rc;nlution shall ~•~cc+^+~ nu~t ~r,~+ .f~,~~ ~~~ ~~tinn of ihe Plannin9 f.~mMisston unless sai~l conlittnns arc cnn~)i~•+ ~~,itti ~••Tihin ~ne ycar from thc date `ier~of, or such further tinn aa tti~ Plnnninn Co~~issi~n T.~v nrant. 1~•. Th~t Condition 'lo~. ?, ~~ ~. ~'. ,~:' li ilov~-,~ic complted a~ith nrior to fin~l ~~uildinn an~+ ~nn(nn i~~~ .' ~ti'~n~~f~ stiall he rc~lc,. , 15. That anv nar{:Ina lrca li~titino ~r~nos~r+ s!~ill ~e d~i~n-llnh~ino of ~ maximum heiqht nf 1? feet~ :~hic`~ li9ittinr, shali +~~ direct~el ~vnv fr~xn t'+~ north property Ilne to protect tt~c r~sidrntiil Intrnri[~• ~f ~tir arrn, -3- ~C~in-1~~ 1~. That a 7;•f~~t l~n~~ ~~•!o Partinnn Jrn~ ;hall !~e deiiniated on Y,atella :9venur_ .~dji~~nt to ;ur-j~ct ~r~nertv n~ rrnuir~r+ hy thr Stre~ts ind Sanitation Division t~ ornvtd^ f.,r tr.~sh ~icLu~. DE IT F!~';THc~ a,~S~I_!~ED [hat rtic /lnahein Citv DI~rlnine CoT-~ission ~1~es hereby fi^c'• and deterninc that ttie ~a~n[ion nf t~~is A~„~-iition is er.nressiy predieated upon a~olicint's cM,o)ian~P ~.~it~, nacti i~d all of th~ conditin~S ~~~reinabove set for[h. Should any c~ndition or any ~ar[ ther~o~, ~,r ~l~~l~r~rl invil~~! nr ur,rnfp~Cgq~Ip hy the final judnnent of anv co~~rt ~F c~nnrt„nt ;,1r;5i1fCt1^n, then r~is R(~gr~~ULlOfi~ and anv anaraval5 herr•~n eontainec', ;hall ~~ ~lnn^rd rull ~n~! voi~', • Auqust, ~T;~. Fr^EG~I!,~ RES~1_'ITIO'+ is siqned ird inprnvn,l tY "~~ this ?Sth day of ,. `~ .1. i~ _ ~_ CuA I P,uP'; P?p TF'1P0°F ATTF.ST: A`:;'~FI': i.fTy P~n,~,;~~~r ~n~.,~IC$~~~~ r ~ y/, ~/i? ~Ll.FtiA°Y~ n I~I~E~ 1 ~' Y r(~M1'J''~~~ ~~y•t~.~i~ I'1'1 STATE 0~ C4lIFA?r11A ) C~fRITY OF OP,Ar~r,[ ~ S_ cirv oF n~~n~iEir~ ~ I, Editti l. Harrts, Secretary nf t'~r An~hein Cit~~ Planning Cor•inission, do herr.Fy cert(fy tha[ t'~e fnrp~nin~ resolution r,ac passe~l and arl~pt~.~ at a~eecing of thr Ana!~cin Ctty Plannina Cnririssinn ~eid o-; Auoust 2~~ 1^"^, it 1•3^ n.m.,bv thP foilavtng ~~ote of the nr.rfhers thercof; AYES: C~y~tI5S10'IE.°.5• 3AP,}.'FS~ 9U5!!'1nE gnl~Ac F~ ~ ur~nsT~ Y.II~r; ~1'1f5: C0~1~~IS51~'!ERS: Nrn;r • • Y AQSEr!T: Cn!~~~ISS10'1FRS: TOLAp I'! WI~~IFSS 4AfEREOF~ I havn c~rcunto r+ ' t ny tii~,+ t~fs 2~th ~aY of August, 194p. C f ~~ ~ ~ c o n~ .'IO~rF~w .I Y I.A~n~~~~~.~~~Scl~r! -4- PcE~~-i3n