PC 80-144RESOLUTION DIO, PC8f1-14t~ A RESOLUTIOh1 OF THE A~IANEIM CITY PLANHItd~ C~HMISSInrd APPROVING EXNIP,IT "C~~ FOR AREA DEVFLnPhtENT PLAN Nr,, 118, WHEREAS, on June 2, 1980, The Anaheim City Planning Commission instructed the Planning Department Staff to prepare Area Development Plan No. 11R to consider vehicu)ar access to the area located along the nortii side of Lincoln livenue and south ~f a public alley, bet4reen tdestern Avenue on the :vest and Grand Avenue on the east; and WHEREAS, Area Development Plan No, llP was considered in conjunction a~lth Planning Commission-initi~ted Reclassification No. 7a-8n-37~ propostng reclasstficatPon of subject property from the R5-7200 (Residential, Single-Family) Zone to the CL (Commercial, Limited) Zone;and WHEREAS, the Planning Comnission directed staff to set Area Deveiopment Plan No• 113 for public hearing; and Center inWtheECity ofeAnaheimlon September~3, 14$p~hatd ~:3~h~ic hearing at the Ctvic P~blic hearing havin been dul F•m., notice of said 9 y given as required by law anr.1 in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Lode, ta hear and consider c:vidence for and against said proposed area develooment plan a~d to investfgate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WfIEREAS, said Commission, after due investiqation, and study, made by itself and in tts behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered as said hearing does find and determine the follot~~ing facts; 1, That the study area is comprised of three porttons as `ollows: A;EA t consists of the ~•iesteriy 250 feet of the block alon9 Lincoln Avenue. Said portion is partialty developed with a drive- through restaurant in the CL Zone. AREA 2 consists of the easterly 1~00 feet of the b)ock alona Lincoln Avenue. Said portion is develooed with fifteen single- family residences and one duplex on sixteen lots and ls z~,ned RS- 7200. AREA 3 is ar adJacent residential area which would be impacted by any changes to the existing circulatton patterr or land use and consists of the block fronting on Polk Avenue north of the publtc alley. Said block ts developed a~ith single-famity residences and ta~o duplexes in the RS-7200 Zone. 2, That in i967 a renort titled "A Study of the Problem of Residential Homes Fronting on Arteriai Higha~ays" was prepared by the Planning ~cpartment to determine the land use potenttal of residen*iai home sites frontinn on arterial highways, Subject property is located in one of the areas studted for potential commercial zoning. fiowever, on the hasis of proximity to intersect3ons of arterTal highways, existing commercial concentrations, and areas of commercial potential as PCBo-1t14 indicated on the Anahei~ General P~for commercial~conversionnot one of the areas designated by the report as appropriate 3, That Areas 1 and 2, above-mentioned, front on Lincoln Avenue, a 10~- foot oride major arterial highway carryl~9 approximately ?.~i,?n~ vehicles per day according to the 197a Traffic Census Repflrt. 4, That access to subject propertY, as well as the property to the north f~onting on Polk Avenue. is provtded by an exis~ing standard 20-foot wide improved dedicated alley with only one parcel (blendy s drive-through restaurant) utilizing street access to Lincoln Avenue and four houses havtng driveways to Polk Avenue (Nos. 3110~ 311b, 3122 and 3730). 5, That subject properties have exlsting curbs and gutters although dedication of the right-of-way on Lincoln Adenue t~ the uitimate half-width (51E feet) has not been made. The Lincoln Avenue right-of-way ts presently ~EO feet wide and an additional 14 feet wtll be dedicated at such time as indiviclual lots develop with other than the existing residential uses. 6. That 14 of the 1G property owners in the 31~~ block of West Lincoln Avenue have requested reclassification of thetr properties for commercial uses. 7, That it was determtned that Exhihtts ''A" and "B" as presented were inappropriate and should be modified as folloo-rs and identified as Exhibtt "C": a. That there should be only one commercial access point onto Lincotn Avenue from the lots currently zoned resident3ally, said access to be altgned with Topanga Drive to the south. b. That all parce~s sho+~m on Exhihits "A" and "R" as Portion 1 and located westerly of Topanga Drive should be assembled and developed as one c•~mmercial narcel; and that all parcels shown as Portion 2 and located easterly of Topanga Drive shall be assembied and developed as a second commercTal parcel. c. That a raiseo median shall be constructed in Lincoln Avenue the entire length of suhject property with one openina for vehicle left-tur•ns, said opening being altgned o~ith Topanga Drive to the south. (d) That the dedicated tv~enty (20) foot wide alley should be widened to twenty-ei9ht (2S) feet to accommodate the anticipated increase in traffic when and if the residential properties frontinq on Lincoln Avenue develop commerciallY. 8, That approximately siK ~~) tnterested persons were present at the publlc licarTng. F_NVIRONMEN7AL IMPACT FIIJDINr: lhat the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon has reviewed the proposal to study vehicular access and reclassiftcation from the RS-7200 (Resldential, Single-Family) Zone to the CL (Commercial, Limited) Zone on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consistincl of approximately 3.~' acres, having a frontage of opproximately 994 feet on the north side of Lincoln Avenue, having a maximum depth of app~oximately 1~F7 feet and heing located aopr~xtmately 3~~ feet east _2_ Pc8o-144 ~„~,~.~:,, >~ ,~ 1 I ~ °f the centerline of 4lestern Avenue; and does hereby aporove the Negative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the basts that there wuuld be no significant individual or cumulative adverse envtronmental impact due to the aprrovai of this Negative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan designates the subject property for low-density residential land uses; wiih nearby property to the southeast bein9 designated for and developeci with commercial land uses and with the General Plan providing flexibility tn instances where designated land uses adjoin one another or front directly across from one another on arterial higFnyays; that no sensitive environmental tmpacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner indTcates no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Declaration substantiating the foregoing findings is on ftle in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planninc7 Commission does hereby adopt Area Development Plan No. 11f3, "Fxhibit C", which shows and ts conditioned by the following: a. One access point onto Lincoln llvenue aligned with Tooanga Drtve. b. Alt properties as shown on Portion 1, svesterly of Topanga Drive are assembled and developed as one parcel, and all nroperties shown on Portion 2, easterly of Tonanga Drive are assembled and developed as one pa rce 1 . c. Construction of a raised median in Lincoln Avenue with one opening aligned ~Nith Topanga Drive. d. Widening of the dedicated tiaenty ~20) foot wide alley to twenty-eight (28) feet. BE IT FURThIER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Comm(ssion does hereby find and dete~mine that ~doptlon of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon aPPlicant's compliance a~ith each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. 5hould any such condition, or dny part [hereof, be declared invalid or une~forceable bY the final Judgment of any court of competent jurisdictton, then this Resolution~ and any approvals herein contained, shal' be deemed null and void. TNE FOREGOIPIG RESOLUTIOPI is signed and approved by me this Sth day of September~ 1980. /C~~:~,C~,~ ~ " ~~ CHAIRMAN, A~JAHEIM CITY PLAMniING COMMISSION SECRETAR~l~iNAHEIM CI~Y~r, CGMMISSIO~I ~ A7TEST• -3- PC80-144 STATE OF CALIFORt~IA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris~ Secretary of the Anaheim City Piannina Commission~ do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution o~as passed and a~opted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon held on Septemher $, 19t10, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, BOUAS, BUSHORt, FRY, HER[~ST, KINr,~ ?OLAR NOES; COMMISSIODlERS: NONE ABSENT: COr1MISSI0NER5: NONE 19E30, (N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this gth day of September, r~ ,~° -1~,~....~ gECREYARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANrJINr, COMMISSION -4- PC8o-t4'.