PC 80-149RESOLIITIUp; ~JO, PC30-l~~l A RESOLUTIOPd OF THE F1t1AHE!!t CI7Y PLANhIINr, CqH'115510^! TIiAT PETITIOId FOR RECLASSIFICI;TIOhI N~, rn-~~-~p pF GRA!ITED. 41H[REAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified petition f~r Reclassification from AtJAfiEI`1 REDEVELOPMF~IT A~EtJf,Y, 1!1F Morth Claudina Street, P.naheim, Cal ifornia 92,~305, o~,~ner, and 610RM,1~I J. P21EST, E`(FCUTIVE ~IRECTOR, APIAHEIM REDEVELOPMEIlT AGE6ICY, 1~6 North Ciaudina Street, Anah~im, California ^2Re5, agent of certain real property in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as: A11 that certain real property in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Califn~nia f~eing a portion of the ~lew Suhdtvision of Vineyard Lot D5, Anaheinr per map recorded in Bo~k 17, Page 7? of Miscellaneous Records, records of Los Anneles County, California described as folloa,s: Bec~innincl at a point on the centerline of the Precise Alignment of Lincoln Avenur (11~,n(1 feet ~~ide) per Resolution 7~R-57 of January 3n, 1^7~ recorded in BooF; 13026. Page 150Q, Offtcial Records, records of Orange County, California said point heinn South h'1° ~s7' 0~1~~ 1Jest, 1~7,n~ feet from the Nc+rtheasterly terminus of that certain r_~urse in said centerline having a bearing of ~lorth 1~`t° 1F7' ~4" East and a length of 384.90 feet; thence North ~+n° 17' Sf," 41est, 55.~0 feet to a line a~hich is parallel with and 55,00 feet Worthiaesterly of said center)ine and t!~e T nie Point ~f [3eginning, said point also beina on the Westerly line of Clementine Street (6~.0~ feet ~•~ide) as shotvn on said map; thence alona said parallel line South ~!~+° 47~ OG" blest, 220.93 feet to the beginnina of a curv~ concave tdortho-~esterly having a radius of 12ti2,F7 fP~t; thenc~ South~~esterly along said curve throu9h a central angle of r,o 2~~ 0$" an arc distance of 115,71 feet; thence South 55° 0"' 12" 41est, 23,96 feet to the beginning of a curve c~ncave Northwesterly having a radius of 941,Op feet, said curve beinq cor,centric with and 59,00 feet Ncrthvesterly of that certain curve. on the centerline of said Precise Fllignment of Lincoln Avenue, having a radius of 1000.~0 feet and a central angle of 25~ ~~0' S7_"; thence South~vesterly along said curve through a central angle of 3° S~F~ Oi" an arc c~istance of (4,06 feet to the lJesterly line of Nelena Street (60.00 feet ~•~ide) as sho~~:n on said map; thence along said Westerly line North 11~~ 27' 3;" 4lest, 2~3.57 feet to the Southerly line of Cha rtres Street (formerly Esplande Avenue, 57..Sn feet wide) as sho~,m on said map; t!ience along said Southerly line North 75° 27' 2S" East, 393.22 feet to said 4lesterly line of Clementine Street; thence along said l•lesterly line South 1t~° ?_4' ~7" Fast, 117.39 feet to the True Point of Beginninq. Containin~ an area of 1.3"G acres, ~ore or less, 41HERE!i5, the City Planning Commission did hold a nuhlic hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on Septemher 3, 1i30, at 1:3~ o,m., notice of said public hearing having been duly qiven as required by la~•r anci in accordance. with the provtsions of the Anaheim Piunicipal Code, Chapter 1n,~3, to hear anci consider PCFio-149 evidence for and against said proposed reelassification anri to investigate and maE;e findings and reeommendations in connection therea~ith; and 4lHERFFlS, said Commission, after due inspection, investiqation ~nd study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the folloaiinn facts: 1. Th~t the petitioner proposes reclassificatior. of sub_ject pronerty from the CG (Commercial, General) and PD-C (Park.ing District, Commercial) 7_ones to the CL (Commercial, Limited) Zone. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan designates suhject pronerty for medium- density residential and/~r general commercial land uses. 3. That the proposed reclassification of subject property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and rroper development of the community. 4, That the ~roposed reclassification of subject ~roperty does properly relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally estahlished in close ~roximity to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses qenerally established througliout the community. 5. ihat no onF indic~ted their nresence at sai~t public hParing in opposition; and that ~o correspondence ~•~as received in onnosition to the suhjett petition. ENVIROMNE"lTAL I.MPqCT FIMDIMG: That the /lnaheim City Planning CommissTon has rr.vieiaed the propo;al to reclassify suFject property frnn the r.r. (Commercial, General) and PD-C (Parkina District, Corxnercial) Zones to the CL (Commercial, limtted) Zone to construct a'4asonic TemplP and commercial retail `ac?lity with waiver of the minimum number of oarkinq spaces ~n an irreqularly-shaped parcel of l~.nd consTsting of approximately 1,° acres, having fr~ntanes of approximately t~3n feet on the north side of Lincoln Avenue and 3°5 feet nn the south side of Chartres Street, and being located approximately 355 feet east of the centerline of Harbor Boulevard; and does herehy appro~~e the Negative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental imnact report on the basis that there would be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due tn the approval of ihis Negative Declaration since the Anaheim ~eneral Plan designates the subject oroperty for medium-density residential and/or general commercial land uses commensurate a~ith the pro~osal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are tnvolved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by the netitioner indicat~s no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Dectaration suhstantiatinn the foregoing findTnns is on fiie in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. tJOtd, TIIEREFORE, BE IT P,FSOL!~ED that t!~e Anahein City Plan~ing Commtssicn does nereby qrant suh_lect Petition for Reclassification ar.d, hy so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amendeu to exclude the above-described property frc,m the CG (COM'~E?C1.4L, GEIlER/1L) ,4"I~ PD-C (PARKIr!r, p~STRiCT, COMMERCIAL) ZONES and to incorporate said described property into the CL (COMMERICAL, LI"ITED) ZQNE upon the following conditions which a~-e herehy found to be a necessary prerequisite to the prooosed use of suhject property in order t~ preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of tlie City of An~h~im: -~- PCR~-ih~ i. That the oamer(s) of suhject pronerty shall submit a letter requesting the termination of Variance Flo, l~c~ to the Pl~nninn Department. 2. That suhject pro~erty shall he developeci suhstantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file ~•~ith the City of Anaheim marF:r_d Exhthit P!os. 1 through 5. 3. Prior to the introduction of an ordinancr rezonina subject property, Condition Plo, 1, ahove-mentioned, shall be camoleted. The provisions or ric~hts granted by this resolution shall hecone null and void hy ar_tion of the Planning Commission unless said conditiens are comolied r~ith vrithin one year from the date hereof, or such further time as the Planning Commission may grant. BE IT FU"TFIER RESOLV[D that the Anaheim City Planninc~ Comnission does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is e:c~ressly pre~iic.ate~1 upon apo)icant's compliance ~~~ith each and all of the conditions hereinahove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of comnetent .jurisdicti~n, then this P.esolution, and any approvais herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOP! is signed an~i approved by me this ~th day of Septeriber, 1 ~3p, ATTEST• /Cy~z,~ex~ v ~~ CHA I R, nr~, APJAHE i'1 C I TY PL~~Ir~ I nl~ COP!~1155 I Or! ~~, ,~-° e~~ ~ECRETARY, AHAFIE I M C ITY PLAMP! I NG COP1!11 SS I Otd STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) C~UFITY OF OP,Af~~E ) ss. C ITY OF API/1HE I!1 ) 1, Edith L, fiarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Conmission, do hereby certify that the foreaoing resolution i•~as passed and adorted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Septemher ~, 1^"n, hy the following vote o.° t' c m-:mbe~ thereof: ~YES: C'^'t~SIOhlERS: BARN[S, BOUAS, F~Y~ HERRST, KIPIG, T~LAF PlOES: COMriISSiOtJERS: P~OME ABSENT: C(:'1HISSIOMERS: BUSNORE li7 FJITFIF.SS 4IHEP,E(1F, I have hereunto set my hand this rth ~lay of September, 19~0. _ ~~~ ,~_° ~.~ ~ ~ SECRFT/IP,Y, Att/1HF I'~ C I TY PLn.~tr~ I r~r COt1h I SS ! OM -3- PcBo-t tEq