PC 80-150RFSOLUTIO'I tl~. PC3~-15~
A RESOLUTIO~! OF ThIE A!lAHE I~1 C I~ Y PLAr!tJ I tlr, C0~1~+I SS I nti
THA7 PETITI01! FOR vnr..in"1Cf t10. ;171 (lE 6RAtITF~.
WHEREr1S, the Anaheim City Planninn Commissinn ~!id receive a verified
petition for Variance from ANAHEIM RFDFVELOPMf~!T A~E~•!CY, 1~( Plorth Claurlina Street~
Anahetn, Caltfornia 928n5, o~,mer, and "~OR~1/1~d J, PRIFST, EXECUTIvE ~IP,Ef,T~R, AMAHEIM
REDF~!ELOPMEPIT AGEPJ~Y~ 10G North Claudina Street, Anaheim, California °2?~5, agent of
certaln real preperty in the City of Anaheim, County of ~range, Statc of Caiifornia,
described as:
All that certain real pro~erty in the City of Ana!ieim, County of
Orange, State of California heina a portion of the tleH! 5ubdivision
of Vineyard Lot D5, llnaheim, per map recorded in Book 17, °ane 72
of Miscellaneous Records, records of Los An~el~s County,
Calif~rnia described as folla•~s: Beginninq at a point on the
centerline ef the Precise Alignment of Lincoln Aveni.ie (11~.n~ feet
wide) per Resolution 7^R-57 of Januar~ 3~, 1Q7~ rr.r_~rde~ in Book
1307.6, Page 150Q, Official Records, records nf Oranae County,
California said ~oint being South 4~° 47~ Ol~" West, T~?.0~ feet
from the Northeasterly terminus of that certain course in said
centerline having a bearing of North 1i~° 4~' 04" East and a lenqth
of 381+.90 feet; thence Plorth ~i0° 12' S~" 4iest, 55.~~ feet to a
1 ine aihich is paral lel ~•ii th and 55.0~ feet ~~orth~•resterly of said
centerline and the True Point of Deginnin~, said point atso beinq
on the Westerly line of Clementine Street lG'l.!1~ feet wide) as
shown on said map; thence along said parallel line South t~~o y~i
04" West, 220.93 feet to the beginnin~ of a curve concave
~lorth~~iest^rl•~ havin~ a ra~iius nf 1^1+?.57 f~c~t; the~cP
South~-~esterly alang said curvc through a c~ntral angle of 5° 2f1'
03~' an arc distance o` 115.71 feet; thencP South S5° 001 11" West,
28.96 feet to the beRinning of a curve concave ~lorth~•iesterly
having a radius Of ~~f~.00 feet, said curve being concentric a~ith
and 5~,~!1 feet Northaiesterly of that certain curve on the
centerline of said Precise Alignment of Lincoln Avenue, having a
radius of 1000.()0 feet and a central anc~le of 25° ~t^' S2"; thence
Southaresterly along said curve through a central an~le of 3° 5~E'
O1" an arc distance of 6~E,QG feet to the blesterly line of Helena
Street (GQ.On feet t•~ide) as sho~~~n on said ma~; thence along said
Westerty line North th° 27' 35" 4lest, 2n~?.57 feet to the Southerly
line of Chartres Street (formerly Esplande Avenue, 57_.5'1 feet
tvide) as sl~o~m on said mip; thence along said Southerly line North
75° 27' 25" East, 393.22 feet to said Westerly line of Clementine
Strect; thence along said Westerly line South 1t+° 2~' n7~~ East,
117.3^ feet to tlie True Point of [ieginning. Containinq an area of
1.f396 acres, more or less.
4!HEREAS, the City Pl~nning Commi~sion did hold a pul.lic hearing at the Civic
Center in the City of Anaheim on Septemher 8, 19f;!), at 1:3^ P.n., notice of said
public heari~g havtr.g heen duly given as required by la~~ ~nd in accordance wtth the
provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Codr., Chapter 1`i.^3, t~ hear an~! consider
evidence for and against said proposed reclassification and to investigate and mal;e
findings and recommendations in connection there~vith; and
Uf!EREAS, said Commission, after due insnection, invf~sti9ation and study made
by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports
offered at said hearing, do~s find and d~CerMinc the fo1)oi.ilnq far.ts:
~. That the petitionr_r proposes ~•~aiver of the fo11o~•iing to construct a
Masonic Tenple and commercial retail facility:
SECTIOH 1~i,OG.OCO - Minimum number of parkinc spaces.
1~ spaces requir~d;
11.~ space, proposed)
2. That the above-mentioned ti•~aiver is herehy granted on the basis that the
petitioner demonstrated that a hardshTp exists in that ~n-site oarlcin~ usaqe by the
Masontc Temple ~•~i)~ be primarily durinq evenings and ~•~eeker;ds, v~h(le commerctal
parking o-~ill primarily o~cur during ~~~eel:days, and that a letter stip~~lating to those
hours has heen submitted to the City of Anaheim,
3. That there are exceptional or extraordtnary circumstances or c~n~iitions
applicahle to the prop~rty invalvF•d or to the intended use oF the property that do
not appiy generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone..
4• That the requested variance is necessary for the preservation and
enjoyment of a su6stantial prnperty right possessed by ~ther property in the same
vir.inity and zone, and denied to the ~roperty in ~uestion.
5. That the requested variance ~~~tll not he materially detriMental to the
pub)ic welfare or injurious to the property or tmprovements in such vicinlty and zone
in which the prooerty is located.
6. That no one indicated their ~resence at said pubitc hearing in
oppositlon; and that no correspondence ~•~as received in opposition to the subject
EMVIRO~IMFNTAL 111PACT FIPIDIIIG: That the Anaheim City Piannino Commission has
reviewed the proposal to reclassi y subject property fram the Cf; (Commercial,
General) and PD-C (Parking District, Conmercial) Zones te the CL (Commercial,
Limited) Zene to construct a Masonic Tem~)e and commercial retail faciTity a~ith
wa?ver of the minimum nurr' of parking spaces on an irregularly-shaped parcel of
land consisting of approximateTy 1.9 acres, havinn fronta~es of appreximately 430
feet on the north side of Lincoln Avenue and 395 feet on the south stde of Chartres
Street, and heinq located approximately 3S5 feet east of the cPnterlTne of Harbor
Boulevard; and does hereby aoprove the Negative Declaration `rom thP requirement to
prepare an environmental impact report on the hasis that there ~vould be no
significant individual or cumulative aciverse envirormental iripact due to the appro~al
of this Meqative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan designates the s~ablect
property for mPdium-density residential and/or general commerctal )and uses
commensurate o-~ith the proposal; that no sensitive envir~nmPntal tm~acts are involved
in the proposal; that the Initial Sturly suhmitted by the petitianer indicates no
siqntf!eant individual or cumulative adve~se environmental im~acts; and that the
PC~O-~ t;n
~,....... ..
Negative Declaration suh~tantiatinn thr forc~oinn finrlings is on file in i:he City of
Anaheim Planning De~artment.
PJO':J, THEREFOP,E, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission
does hereby grant suhject Petition for Variance, u~on the fnllo~-~ing cnnditions which
are hereby found to be a necessary prerenuisite to the prop~sed use o` the subject
property in order to preserve the safety and gener~l ~~felf~re ~f the Citizens of the
City of Anaheim:
1, That this Variance is qrarted suhject t~ the completion of
Reclassification No. 80-P1-t(1, now pendinq.
2, That suhject pro~+erty shall be dr_veloped sul~stantially in accordance
tYith plans and specifications on fil~ ~•rith the City of Anaheim marked Exhlbit Nos. 1
through S.
BE IT FIIRTHER RFSOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby
find and determine that adoption of this Resoluti~n is expressly predicated upon
applicant's comptiance ~•~ith each and all of the conciitions hereinahove set forth.
Shouid any such condition, or any part thereof, he declared invalid or unenforceable
by the final Judament nf any court of com~etent jurisdiction, then this Resolution,
and any approvals herein contained, shall he cleemed nu~l ancl vnid.
TIIE FOREGQIMG RFSOLUTIRN is siqned and approved by me this ~th day of
Septemher, 195~.
/~ li' ~o~- _
r,HA I 2~~Ari, AtIAHE I ~1 C I TY PLAr i I rlr COr~M I 55 I Ot•I
l~ ~l~k, ~ /~~'LC~
SECRE7ARY, NAHE IM C ITY PLA~Jtd t ~Jr, COt?~115510~~
I, Edith ~. Harris, Secretary of the Anafieim Citv Planninn Commission, do
hereby certify that the foregoin9 resolution rfas passed and adopted at a meetincl of
the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Septemher 3, l~Z^, by the following vote
of the menbers thereof:
IP7 WIT!IESS ~1HERF.OF, I hav.^. hereunto set ny hand this "th day of Se~tember~
-~~~ ~ 7,~