PC 80-1512ESn~t~ri~r~ !io. P.r, ~~-~~,t A R[SOLfiTION OF TF![ /1~lAfIEi'~ CITY PI.A'~tlltl~ C~1~1"ISSI~"~ T!~l1T PETITIntt FnR Il,np~A~IC~ ~!0. 31~; f3F ~^n~ITF[~ Wf!EREAS, the Anat•~cim City Planninn Commission cli~l rereive a verified Petition for Variance fror~ LARF'i~l ~. ?titl0^,, 31~~ ~ast Chapel, Santa Ana, California 931i5~~, o4~ner, and STEPIIEP: ~lILLIA'!S, G:,4'? Liv~ Oal~ Street, `ell Gardens, C~ ~~?~1, aaent, of eertain real property situate<I in the Cit~ of Anaheir~, County ef Or~nge, Stite of California deserihed as: THE EP,ST ; ACRES OF THE NOR?H HALF OF TuE tlnpTIIFAST Q~~~°TFR oF THE ~IORTHf.l15T QUl1RTER OF SECTIOtI 1", T~',!t~SHIP f~ SOI~TN, RA'IGF In WFST, I~! Tf?E RAnCt!O Lc?S Cc1Y0TE5, I~J TNE CITY OF Ar~AI~EI~~, A'~D I~i TNF COII"ITY OF ORA!lGE, STATE OF CALIF~R"IIA, AS SAI~ SECTI~~! IS SNM•!~1 Ot! /1 ~1AP RFCORDED IN BOOY. ;1, PA~E 1~ OF !115CFLL~F!E^~IS MAPS, I'~ THE OFFICE OF TIIE C^U"!TY :ELDR~ER OF SAID f.^Ut~TY, F~CFPT THE N~~T~' 21~ FEET OF T'{E Fl:ST i~^ FEET T~'E^[~F. AL50 EXCFPT T~'E ~I~~T~~ /~ FFET OF THE 1•~EST 150 FEET THEREOF, ALS~ EY,~F°T T~'E 41FST °~ FEET UF 1'4E SOU7H 1:;~) FE[T ~JF THE fl(1RTf' ~1~ FEFT T~~cnFnF, 4df!EF,Fl;S, the City Plannin~ Corxnissi~n did hol~+ i puhlic hr~rin~ ~t the Civie Center in the City of Anahcim on Sept~mF~er ~~, 1^s^, at ':3^ ~.^'., notice of said publie `~earing :iaving heer. rtuly aiven as required'•y l:+~r arn1 in accnr~+anee ~~~ith the pr~visi~ns of the Anaheim ~iunicipal Cn~;e, Chi-,ter 1"•.''~, to heir inc' c~nsider evidence for ard ~nainst said proposed r~classifitotinn an~ to investinate an~i make f i nd i n,s and recor-m~endat i ons i n c~nneet ion th~r~~•~i t'~; anr' t~lllRnrnc ~~tr! r..mm~iccfn.~ ~Frl.r .I~~n incn(.rrinn' in~,rcrifl~Cit~n 1n!~ if1V~y ma(~P by itseif and in~its f'ehalf, and a`ter due r_~nsi~icration of ~11 Pvirience an~ renorts offered at satd hearing, docs find and detPr~+in~ the follrn•~inn far_ts: standing sign: That the petitioner prnp~ses ~~~aivers of Lh~ follo~ain~ to perr~it ~i `ree- (a) SECTION 13,05.^0~.~~11 -'1ar.imum numhcr of siqns 7. free-stindtna siqns pernitted; 3 nroposed (b) SECTION 13.n5.~°3.~23 -~'ermitted loc:ation of sinns ~ ect rom nr~oerty line requir~d; S and 1; feet DYnp05!`~~~ (c) SFCTIOtJ 1''..OS.^93.~?31 -.Minimum distincr. het~•~een sinns. 3~0 eet rec±uir~d; t?~et ~r~~o,e~i) 2. The atiove-mentioned a~aivers ar~ hPrehy ~rant~cl on thc+ hisis that the petitioner dem~nstrate~l that a hirdshio exists in that the nropose~l sign replaces an existinn non-conFormtng stgn :~nd Is smaller than sai~l non-confnrmina stqn, and that denial +•~oul<I deprive the mm~erty cf ~rivilogr.s r.njoycd hy ~ther nronr.rty undcr identieal and zontnn in the vicinitv. ff3~-151 3. Tliat there are exceptional or r..xtraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the ~rorerty involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply genera'ly to the ~roperty or class of use in the sanf• victnit~ and zone. 4. Th~t the rPqur.sted virlance is necessary f~r the preservatinn and enjoyment of a suhstantiai prooerry ri~hL nossessed hy ~ther p moerty in the saMe vicinity and <one, and d~nied to the ~r~oerty in question. 5. That the r~quest~d variance tirill net he materially ~etrimental to the nuhlic ti•~elfare or in_jurious to the pr~~erty ~~r inrrnvemrnts in such vicinity and zone in ~•~hich the property is located, 'v. That no one indicated their prr_sence at said puhlic hearing in opnosition; and that no c~rrespondence ~~~as recefved in oppositi~n to the suhject petition, EtJVIfiO"~MENTAL I!1PACT Fltt~lll~: The Pianninn Director or his authorized representative has deterninrd thaL the nronosec' ornject falis ~•iithin the rlefinition of Categorical Exer~ptions, Class 3. as d~fined in Para~raoh 2 of the City ~f /lnaheim EnvPronmental Inpact Report ~uif~lines and is, therefore, caten~rically exempt from the requirement to prcpare an EIR. NQI;, THEREFORE, [3E IT RF.SOLI~ED that th~ Anaheim City Planninn Commission does herehy grant suhject Petition for Variance, unon th~ fol)o~.:~inq cenditions o-~hieh are herehy found to !,e a necossary pr~renuisite t~ t'~e nr~nosPd ~se of the siib,iect propcrty in order to prr_serve the safety and aeneral a~elfarQ ~f the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That suhject property shall he devr,lone~i suhstantially in acc~rdance with rlans and sor_~ifieations nn file ~•~itti the Cfty of Mahein mar~~~d Exhihit }los. 1 an~l ?. BF IT FU?TNER Rf.SQLVF~ that the Anahei~ City Plannin.a Co~mi;sion does herehy finrl and determine that adoption of this Resolution is er.nressly nrrdicated upon applieant's eompltance t•~ith each and all of the conditi~ns hereinabove set forth, Should any such condition, or an;~ oar[ thereof, I~e cieclared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court nf c~nnetent jurisciictio~. then thi; Resolution, and any approvals herein cont:ined, shall he d~eme~1 null ancl vnid. THE FOR[G~I!1G P,ESOLUTI~tJ is sinned and a~prnved hy r~e this ?th ~iay of September, 1~3n, ATTrST: ~~ ' ~ ~~ N rt~, r~ N/1HF ~~ , L4N~11 Pl~ .~~„~ i ss i or~ `~a.~-~f. ~° ~,,,L.~, SECRET<,RY, A~IAHEI"1 CITY PLANNIIlr CN~~~~SSln~i '•'' Pf.R^-151 STATE OF CALIFOR~IIA ) COUNTY OF OP,AtI~E ) ss. CITY OF A~•)ANEIhi ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Comnission, do hereby certify that the foregoinn resolution rras nassed and adopted at a meeting of the AnaheiM City Planning Ccmnission !~eid an Se~temher ?, 1°n~, by the followino vote of the members thereof: AYES: C~t1Mi551~'1FR5: BARNFS, BOI~AS, 9USH0~`E, FRY, HERP,ST, Y.IP!~, T~LA~ NOES: CO.M~11551o1~ER5; NOt~[ ADSErlT: CQMMISSIO!lERS: tl0tlE It! 6lITNESS b!HEP,FOF, I havc hereuntn set my hanrl this Pth day of Septem5er, 19~30, , ~ ~. ~° 1,/ .i,~.t:, ~.CS~:~~.R~, t1,H itf t~ LA`IFrit(r, r,pwr+IS5I0tJ -3- PC£?~-151 ~ ,,,~