PC 80-158. .. . RESOLUTlO~a N~. PC2~-15°. A RESOLUTI ON OF THE A'IANE ~'1 C ITY PLANN IN , CO~1M I SS 1~~1 THAT PETITIOiI FOP, CONDITIONpL USE PER""IT N0. 71~~ BE G441lTED WfiEREAS, the Anaheim City Planninc~ Commission did reccive a verified Petition for Conditlonal Us~ Per7it fron BRUCE bJAL?7., 7_52~. West Clearbr~ok Lar-e, Anahetm, Caltfornia, ~2$~~~ and RUTri J, EN~LISN, ~~pn West C.learbroo~ Lane~ Anaheim, California, ~2$n4, ~~mers of c~rtain real property st[uated in the Citv ~f Anahefm~ County of Orange, State of Cali`ornia, descrihed as: Lots 40 and 42 of Tract 2(tF2, r!.M.qY,. 71., P~S. 3 and !~; "In uninc~rperated [c r,itory ~range County, California hrl~o a subdiviston of a portion or' the SN 1/h of Section 13, T, 45, R• »~1•, in the Rancho Los Coyo*cs~ S,9,M,~ M,N, ~1-}~ County of Or~nge California. 41HERE/1$, the Ctty Plannino Cormissl~n did ~olr1 ~ putilic tiearing at the Civic Center in Lhe Cicy of Anahefm on September 22, 1~R^~ at 1:3~ o,m,~ notice of said publle heari~q havinq been duly gtven as required hy ~~t;. ~nd fn arrn-_ prev?sions of *.hc Aflbheirn HunlctPal Code Lha cer iP,~ ~~~~~ •~i'~ `~~ evldence for anrl aqainst sald ~ ~ 3+ t~ `~Par and consider ma~e findings and rzr_ommrndationsopnSCO~nectionother~sltherqn~} a~~ =o Inv~stioate and t~HEREAS~ sai~' Cortunission~ after Aue inspection, invrstlc-ation an~! study made by itself and in its bei~alf, and after due consid~ration of ~11 evidPnce and renorts offere~ a[ said heartng~ does find and deternine the f~1)cx•~in~ facts: 1. That the proposed use is pr~perly onr f~r whieh a condir!or~~1 ~es~ permTt iS authc~ri7Pd hy 4n~tiRt,T y;~-;j=I~,~~ ~que ~ec[ion Ir.n3.~3^.'ll~ tn wTt: to ~etatn two aviartes in chc RS-72~0 (ResiAentiai, Singl~-Famlly) Zone y1~LF1 waiver of: SECT10`f 13,!12,057.~12 - Minimum sethack for hird avlaries. ~S^ teet ~om np qhAerina rpsid~nces ancl 2~eet from oroperty Iln~ revulreri; ~11 and ~+ feet exisclna) 2. That the proposed use ts h~rPb~~ qranted fo~ a nax(mum of seventy-five ~75) birds on each lot for a pertod of one (1) year~ suhject to rPVTew for possible extenslons of ttme to de[erminc whether the use has ha~ a detrTmental Ir~pact on thc surrounding resldential arca. 4. fhat the proposed use ~~ill noc advertcly aFfecc th~ id(otn~~a )A~~i uses and the growth and development of L'+c area in ~•~hich it te nr~~,OSed t~ bc lozat~d. 5. That the slzr. and shapc of the slt~ nroposed f~~ the us~ is adequate to allow the full develo~ent of the~ oro~osed usc ln a manncr nnt detrimrntal to thc partlcular area nor to tlie peace~ health, sofety~ and neneral rre)fare of the Ci[izens of the Lity of A~~heim. Pf~9~-159 6. 'ha[ the nrantina of [he Conditional !)se PerR,it under Che condittons inposed, if any, will not he detrimental to the oeace, health, safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anahefm, 7. That the traffic generated hy the proposed use v~ill not impose an undue burden uoon the streets and h1g'~~+» y5 d~slgned and improved to carry the traffic in the a~ea. 8, Tha[ no one indicated their presence at said public heartng in opposition; and that seven (7) 1~tters were received in support of the subject petition, and one petition was received ~ontainino six (G) signatures of neighbors supporting the rr.quest. E~IVIRON:MENTAL IMP~CT FIN~ING: That the Anahein Citv Plannina Commisslon has revicr~d the proposal to retain r.vro ~viaries on t~~ lots in the R~-71_~f1 (Residential~ Single-farily) Zone with a watver of minimum setbac~ for hird aviaries on two rectangularly-shaped parcels of land consicting of aporoxinately !1,3F. acres, having a fronta~e of approximately 1~+4 feet on the sou[h sidP of Clearbrook Lane~ having a maxinin depth of approximately 11~ feet and being located ap~roximately 14(1 feet east of the centerlin~ of Velare Strcet: and does hPrehy aoprove the ~~eg~tive Declaration from the requireme~t to prepare an environmentil im~act report on the hasis that t~~r? ~:~uT~ t,e n~ ~ign{ficant ind(vi~ual oF cur~uiative a.iveese envirenr„entai impaet due to the apnroval of this Negative Declaration sTncr, the Anaheim ~eneral Plan designatns the sutiject nroperiy for loar-density r~sidential land uses conmensurate wlth thc proposal; [hat no sensitivr_ envlronmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Inltlal Stu~fy sutimitteci by the ~etiti~ner indicates no signiflcant indivfdual or cumutacivc acfverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative ~eclara[lon suhstantiating the foregoinc~ ftndings is on file in the City of Anaheim P2annina Department. I~QV, TNERfFf1RE, PE IT 4ES~LVE~ thai the AnahPim f.ity Plan~ina C.ommicsion docs !ir_ret•y gr~nt subjrr_t Petition for Conditional 1'se Permit. upon the foilowing condtttons which are hereby found to he a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of tfie su~~ject oroperty in order to preserve the safety and g~neral F~elfare of the Citizens of the City o` Anaheln: 1. That subject nroperty shall he devel~oed suhstantTally in accordance with plans and specifications on file wit'~ Lhe City of Anaheim marked Exhibit No. 1 2. Tha~ the orcK>osed use is nranted far a maximun of 75 bircls on each lot for a pertod of on~ (1) year sutiiect to rrvler~ for possihle extensians of time to determine If t~~e use has had a detrimPntol tn~ac[ on the surrounding resTdential area. Said r~vicw hy th~ Plann(nn Ccrr.~issien shall he tnitiated hy a written request of the petictoner, RF. I1' FURTHER AFS01_VED tf,at the Anrheim City Planninn Comritssion does hereby find and Jetrrnine chat adnption of this 4esolution is r.xpressly predtcated upon appliean['s conplia~ce witti each ind all of Lhc c~n<Iltions herein~bove set forth. Should ~ny Suc~, cc~nditfon, or inv ~art th~reof~ tin dcclared Invallr~ ~r unenforceable -?- PC~3~-1 r,o ~ by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals ~i°rein contained, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOItJG RESOLUTlOPI is signed and aopruved by me this 22nd day of September, 193~• ~~~~~~ ~ CHAI~AN,~~M CITY PLANPlINR COMMISSION ATTEST: c~l~C,r~w ~ • . SECRETARY, NAHEIPI CITY PLAtJNiNG COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFOR~lIA ) COUNTY OF OP,ANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANANEIM ) I, Edith L, iizrris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoir~g resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Septe~nber 22, 19~0, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BUSHORF, FP.Y, HERBST, KIPlr,~ TQLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COPIMIS510NERS: BARNES IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand this 27.nd ~ay of September, 1980. ~,~-~ ,~ ~~..~ SEC°ETA°,Y, RNAHEIM CITY PLANNIMG COMMISSION _~_ PCBo-15~