PC 80-174RESOLUTIOP! N0. PC30-174 A RESOLUTIOP! OF TI!E A~lAHEIM CITY PLAMNING C011111 5 5 1 0'J RECOh1MEtJDlNG TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY QF AtIAHEIH DISAPPROVAL OF A"AHEIM GFNFR~L PLA~1 N0, 1(Q LA~JD USE ELEh1F.NT WHEREAS~ the City Council of the City of Anahcim did adopt the Anahelm General Plan by Res.lution ~Jo. 6.9P,-6~~4, shoa~ing the general description and extent of possible f~~ture development of land ~•iithin the City; and WHEREAS~ during deliberation ~~f a puhlic hearing t~ reta!n an outdoor storage yard in the area~ the Anaheim City Planning Commission directed City staff to prepare a General Plan Amendnent for the 7.~ acres located north of Center Street er.tending northerly and southerly of both sides of Coffman and Cypre.<.s Streets; and WtiEREAS, [he Plannina Denartment deemed it appropriate, pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. to prepare ~legative Declaration in connection o~ith the General Plan Amendment for the foreqoin~ area under considerat~on; and WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Cortmission did hold a public hearin~ at tha Anaheim Civic Center, Council Chamber, 2~^ South Anaheim Boulevard~ Anaheim, on October S, 1~80, at 1:3~ p.m „ notice of said puhlic hearing havtnq been duly given as required by law and in accordance ~~ith the pr~visions of the Anaheim Municipal Code. to hear and consider evidence for and against said amendment to the Anaheim General Plan artd to investigate and make findings and recommen~lations in connection therewith; and i~iii~R~=~S, yaid Comnission, after due ir,specr.ion, invr.stfgation and study made by itself and in its behalf and after due consideratior of all evidence and reports offered a t said hearing, DOES tI~REEY FI~10: 1. That evidence presented did not substanttate the need f~r an amendment to the Anaheim General Plan at this tim~, 2. ihat approximately 2>" persons were present at satd puhlic heari~g ancl the maJortty expressed the desire to see no chancle of land uses at the present time. ~lObt~ THEREFORE, QE IT RESOLVEO that the Anaheim City Planning Commission having reviewed the proposal for a ~eneral Plan Amendment to constder alternate proposal ~f ultimate land uses on an area consisting of approxin~tely 7,6 acres located north of Center Street extendinc~ northcrly and southPrly on both sides of Coffman and Cypress Streets, does hereby apprrne the !legative Declaration f roM the requiremer.t to prepare an envirnnmental imnact rPport on the basis that there would be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmencal im~act due to the aporova) of ~his Yeqative Declaration since no sensitive environmental impacts are involved In the proposal; ~nd that the Pleaative Declaration substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in thc City of Anaheim Planning Departnent. PC£30-11~F BE IT FURTaER RESOI.V[D that, pursuant to the foregoin~ findings, the Anaheim City Planning Commission does herehy r~commend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim disapproval of General Plan Amendment Plo. 1G0, as follows: 1. That no changes be made to the currPnt General Pian Amendment. THE FOREGOIMG RFSOLUTIO~! is signed and apprnved hy me this 6th day of October, i°80, ~ ~ Lti.~J-C~ ~ - ~ l~ ~yb-.T-~..,'~ CHAIRMAPJ PRO TEMPORE A!IAHE I M C I TY PL4~ltt I D!G CONM I 55 I ON ATTFST: ln f~ ~ w ~ SECRETARY, APlAHElM CiTY PLANNI~lG COMF115510'i STATE OF CALIFORt11A ~ COUPJTY OF ORANGE ; ss. CITY OF AfJAHE1M I, Ecith L. Harris~ Secretary of the Anaheim City P]anninq Cammission~ do her<by certify that t!~e fo~ego~ng resolution t•~as passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Pianning Comnission h~ld on Octoher 6, 1~F0~ at 1:3!1 p.m.,by the following vote of the mem6ers thereof: AYES: COMMISSIO~JERS: BAR~JES, BO!IAS, BUSHORE, HERRST, t;IFIG FlOES: COMMISSIOtJERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIOPlERS: FRY, TOLAR IPt WIT~lESS WHEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand this 6th day of October, 1~R0. ., ~ L~ ~ SECRETAftY;'A"IAHEIM CITY PLANPIING COMMISSIOM -2- PC8(1-174