PC 80-182RESOLUTION P10. PCoO-S~2 A R[SOLUTIOtI OF TtIE !1tlAllElll CITY PLAllllltlG COFIMISSIOW TIIAT PETITIUI! FOn COIIUIi'0!1AL USE PEPFIIT tl0. 212'1 BC ~Rl1NTED WIIEREAS, the Anahcim City Planning Comnission did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit fram t~nr~r,~r S. RIMY.ER, P. 0. [30Y, 7250, Newport Deach, California, 92SG3, avner, and ALVIIJ R. STEELE:, 15;0 [verglade Clrcle, Placentia, California, 92670, a~ent, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, Coun~y of Orange, State of California, described as: That portion of Lot ~! of Tract tlo. 92~ as shoa~n on a map recorded in ~look 2~, Pages •'E2, 1~3 and 1E4 of 11iscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California, descrihed as folloo-~s: Parcel No. 2, as sha~~n on a map filed in Boo4: G1, page G of Parcel Ptaps in the office of the County Recorder of Orange County, California. WfIEREAS, tlie City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on October 2(1, 1~80, at 1:3Q p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by iaw and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Hunicipal Code, Chapter 1L.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use pernit and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewi[h; and 1JHEREAS, said Comissiun, after due inspe.•ction, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalr, and af[er due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does fincl and determine the folla~ing facts: 1. That the proposed use is oroperly one for which a conditional use pera~i[ ~s 3utt~ori=ed b;~ l1n~;zeir,z t;u;zicip~! Co~ic Sectien 2`l.~t.~?5~.~~1 Lo :•rit: Lo permit an automotive repair service in the P1L{SC) (Industrial, Limited-Scenic Corridor Ovcrlay~Zone. 2. That the proposed use is hereby granted subject to the following stipulations made by the petitioner at the public hearing: (a) There shall be no outdoor storage of any I:ind, inciudin9 autortrobiles. (b) All aiork shall be conducted wholly inside the building. (c) The hours of epera~.ion shall typically be ~:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 3. That tf~e proposed use will not advcrsely affect the adjoining la~d uses and the gra~th and development of the area in alhich it is prooosed to be located. 4. That the size and shape of the site oroposed for the usc is adec,uate to alla~ the full development of the proposed use in a rkinner not de*rimental to the particular area nor to the peace, heilth, safety, and general o-~elfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. PC80-132 5. That thc granting of tlfe Conclitional Use Pernit ~~~der the eonditions imposed, if any, ~ri11 not bc detrimental to the pc,3ce, health, safcty and c~eneral welfare of [he Citizens ef tlie City of Anaheim. 6• That the traffic ~eneratecl by the proposed use a~ill not im~ose an undue burden upon the streets and highways desiqned and improved to carry the traffic in the area. 7. That no one indicatecl their presence at saiJ ~ublic hearing in opposition; and that no corres~~ondence v~as received in opposi[ion [o the subjeet petition. EIJVIRO~JMEt~TIsL IMPACT FItJDIdG: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to permi[ an autonotive repatr scrvice in the ML(SC) (Industrial, Lir,iited - Scenic Corridor Overlay~ Zone on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consistiny of appru~;inately G.5 acres, having a fron[age of approximately 240 feet on thc north side of La Palma Avenue, having a maximun depth of approxima[ely ~325 feet and being locateJ approxir~~tely 2~2n feet ~rest of the centerline of Imperiai Iliyhway; and does hereby approve the t~ega[ive Declaration from [he requirement to prepare an environmen[al impact report on the basis thai there 4rould be no significant individual or cue,ulative adverse environr~er~tal inpact due to the aPproval of this Neyative Declaration since the Anahein General P)an desionatec [he subject property for aeneral indu,trial land uses corimensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive environmental inpacts ~re involveJ in the proposal; [hat the Initial Study submitted by the petitiuner indicates no significant inJividual or cumulative advarsc environmental impacts; and that the 1legative Declara[ion substantiating the foregoing fincJings is on file in the Ci[y of llnaheim P)anning Department. NOl•!, TfiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED [hat the Anaheim City Planning Comnission does hereby yrant subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, u on conditions which are hereby found [o bc a necessary ~rere:~ui~icc [o Ci~ehProposedWUSe of Ltic SubJect pruperty in ordcr to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of thc CiCy of Anahein;: 1. That the owners of subject property shall pay the difference between traffic signal assessment fees for commercial and industrial buildings (Ordinance No. 3Ggf,} prior Co issuance of a building Fermit or prior te commencement of the activity authorized heretn~ whichever occurs first. 2. That all rnechanical work shall be conducted wholly inside the building with no outdoor s[orage of vehicles or vehicle parts. 3. That subject properiy shal) be developed substan[ially in accordance with plans and specifications on filc wi[h thc City of ~nahcim marked Exhibit ~~•:. 1 and 2. 4. ThaC Conditton No. 3, abovc-men[ioned, sh.~11 he complicd a~ith prior to final buildin~ ancl ::anin~ inspecticns. B~~ IT FURTlIER FESOLVEU [hat [hc Anahein City Planninct Commission docs hereby ftnd and ~~termine [hat adoption of tf~is Resolution is expressly ~+redicated upon -2- ~ PCuO-132 applieant's eonpliance ~iith each and all of [he conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the fi~al judgnent of any court of corpetent jurisdic[ion, then this Resolution, and any approvals hercin eontaineJ, shall f,c deened nuil nnd void. TUE FOREG01lif RESOLUTI Oti i s s i~~ned ind approved by nc th is 20th Jay of Oc[ober, 1J~~• ~ CUA I MA'1, At~AfIE l lt G I PLA~UI I tIG COttit I5510;7 ATTEST: /a ~fG~(, ~ f~l~Q~~ ~s SECRETARY, A~IAiIEIH CITY PLNl;JI,IG COFt115510.1 57ATE OF CALIFORIiIl1 ) COUi1TY OF ORAtIGE ) ss. CITY OF A;JAtlElft ) I. Edi[ti L. 1larris, Secretary o` t!~e Anihein City Planning Co:n.~ission, clo hcreby cer[ify tha[ thc fore~oin~,; resoluLiun was passc~ anc adopted at a mee~ing of [ne Anahcici City Planniny Cornission hc1J on Gc[ober 2~. 19~•~. by the folla+ing votc of thc rac~crs thcrcof : AYCS: C0111t1S$IOiIEf:S: tiARtJES~ E30UP~5~ E%USfiO"r,c~ FiY~ !IERuST~ f:llif,~ TOLI~R i10E5: LOHt115510t1C^S: t1~;JE Al1SE1lT: COIIHISSIOtIERS: tlO~lE Itl W171fE55 WNEREOf"~ I fiavc hcrcunto set rry lianc: ttiis 22n~1 ~ay of Sepfenbcr. 1~:,Q. n ,~ . ~ a~ ~ ~- s~cc~Tt,PV. Atll1HEIN ci ~r ~n~uir~.r, ~~r.issi u -3- P C30-1 Fi2