PC 80-214RESOLUTION 'J0. PC80-211~
WHEREAS, the Anahetm City Planning Commission dtd receive a verified
petitian for Reclassification from NED HUTCHI~SON, ET AL~ N$0 Harbor Rtdge Drive,
Newport Beach, California 92GG0, owners~ and THOMAS I. GILLMAN, 14192 Del Amo,
Anaheim,CCountynof Orange~a5tate of Californiaa,described astfollowsi~ the City of
The Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast
quarter of Section 24 Too-mshlp !~ South, Range 11 West, in Rancho
Los Coyotes, City of Anahelm, County of Orange, S[ate of
California, as per map recorded in book 51, page il of
M(scellaneous Maps, in the office of the county recorder of said
county. Except the West 132.00 feet thereof. Also except the
South 329.00 feet thereof. Also except the East 262,30 feet
Center inWtheECitytof Anaheimaon'December51,~1980a hat~ ~:P~y~ic hearing at the Civic
pub)ic hear(ng having been dul 3 P•m•. notice of said
provtsions of the Anaheim MunicipalVeCode.reChapterby~gao and in accordance with the
evidence for and against said proposed reclassification and to investlgate andsmake
findtngs and recommendations in connection therewith; and
WHEREAS, sa(d Commission, after due tnspection~ investiaation and S*,~dy r~ade
by itself and in its b~half~ 2ttd 3ft~r due consideration of all evidence a~d reports
offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts:
the RS-A'43~OOOat the petitioner proposes reclassification of subJect property from
(Residential/Agricultural) Zone to the RM-31100 (Residentiai,
Multiple-Family) Zone.
2. That the Anaheim General P)an designates subject property for medium
density residential land uses,
3. That the proposed reclassification of subject property is necessary
and/or desirable for the order)y and proper development of the community.
4, That the proposed reclassiflcatfon of subject property does properly
relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally estaf,lished in close proximityto
subJect property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally establlshed
throughout the community.
5. That the proposed reclassiftcation of subiect propert~ requires the
improvement of abutting streets in accordance r~ith Lhe Circulation Element of the
6eneral Plan~ due to the anticipated increase in traffic whtch will be gene~ated 6y
the intensiflcation of land use,
6. That no one (ndicat^.d their presence at said public hearing in
opposition; and that no correspondence 4~as received fn opposition to subJect
ENVIROIJMENTAL IMPACT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Con~ission has
~eviewed the proposa to ~eclassify subject
(Residenttal/Ag~icultural) Zone to the RM-3000 (Residential,fMulttpleeFamily~ZoneO~o
establish a one-lot~ 22-unit condominfum subdtvision with waivers of minimum lot area
per dHielling untt, maxtmum structural helght, minimum landscaped setback and minim~m
recreatlonal-teisure area on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of
approxin~ately 1,7 acres, having a frontage of approximately 270 feet on the sout~
stde of Ball Road, having a maximum depth of approximately 2u0 feet and being located
ePproximately 260 feet west of the centerline of Magnolia Avenue; and does hereby
approve the Negative Declara!ton from the requirement to prepare an envlronmental
impact report on the basis that there a~ould be no significant individual or
cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this Negative
Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan deslgnates the subject property for medium
density land uses commensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive environmental
im~,acts are involved in the proposal; that the initial Study submitted by the
PPtitioner (ndicates no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental
impacts; and that the ~~egative Declaration substantiating the fore~otng findings is
on file tn the City of Anahetm Planning Department.
NOW~ THEREFORE~ ~E IT RESOLVED that tfie Anaheim City Planning Commission
does hereby grant subject Petition for Reclasstfication and~ by so dotng, that Title
lII-Zonfng of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above-descrtbed
prooerty from the RS-A-43~q00 (RESIDENTIAL/A~RICULTURAL) ZONE and to incorporate said
described property into the R11-3000 (RESIDEP~TIAL, MULTIPLF.-FAMILY) ZOPlE upon the
follow(ng conditions whtcli are herehy found to be a necessary prerequisite to the
proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare
of the Citizens of the Ctty of Anaheim:
1. That street ligh•_ing facilities along Ball Road shall be lnstalled as
required by the Offlce of Utilittes General Manager, and in accordance 4~tth
specifications on file in the Office of Utilities General Manager; and/or that a
bond, certificate of deposit, letter of credit. or cash, in an amount and form
satlsfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the
installation of the above-mentioned requirements prior to occupancy.
Z. That the owner(s) of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim
a fee~ in an amount as determined by the Clty Council, for tree p)anting purposes
along Ball Road.
3. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved
plans on file with the Office of the Executlve Director of Public Works.
k. That fire nydrants shall be installed and charged as required and
~etermined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department prior to commencement
of structura! framing.
5. That subject property shall be served by underground utllittes.
-2- PcBO-214
6. That sidewalks shall '~e installed alon4 Ball Road as required by the
City Engineer and in accordance ~iith standard plans and specifications on file in the
Office of the City Engineer.
7. That drainage of subject property shall be disposed of in a manne~
satisfactory to the City Engineer.
L. That the oo-m er of sub;ect property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the
appropriate park and recreation iR-lieu fees as determined to be approprFate by the
Cfty Council~ said fees to be paid at the time the building permit is Issued.
9. That the original documents of the covenants, conditions, and
restrictions~ and a letter addressed to developer's title company authorizing
recordation thereof~ shall be submitted to the City Attorney's office and ~aproved by
the City Attorney's Office, Public Utilittes Dept., Building Division~ and the
Engineering Division arior to final tract map approval. Said documents~ as apptoved,
shall be filed and recorded in the Office of the Orange County Recorder.
1~. That street names shall be approved by the City Planning Department
prior to approval of a final tract map.
11' That all private streets shali be developed in accordance wfth the City
of AnahelR: s Standard Detail No. 122 for private streets, includina tnstallation of
Street tJame signs. Plans for the private street lighting, as required by the
standard detail~ sha11 be submitted to the Butldtng Division for approval and
inclusion with the building plans p~tor to the issuance of building permits.
(Private streets are those ~ahich provtde primary access and/or ctrculation within the
12. If permanent street name signs have not been installed~ temporary
street name signs shall be installed prtor to any occupancy.
13. That the owner(s) of subject property shall pay the trafftc signal
assessment fee (Ordinance No. 3896) in an amount as determined by the City Louncil,
for each new dwelling unit prlor to the issuance of a butlding permit.
l~E. That all on-site sanitary sea~ers shall be private.
15. The ~eller shall provide the purchaser of each condominium untt with
written information concerning Anahetm Municipal Code 14.32.500 pertaining to
"parking restricted to facititate street s~~eeping". Such written information will
clearly indicate when on-street parking is prohihited and the penalty for vlolation.
16. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoninq subject property,
Condition No. 1 and 2~ above-mentioned~ shall be completed. The provtsions or rtghts
granted by thts resolutPon shall become null and vofd hy action of the Planning
Commission unless said conditions are complTed with ~oithin one year from the date
hereof~ or such further time as the Planning Commission may grant.
17, That Condition Dlos. 3, 5, 6~ 7 11 and 14, abcve-mentioned, shall be
complied with prior to ftnal build=ng and zonina inspections,
-3- PC80-214
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commissian does hereby
find and determine that adoption of this P,esolution is expressly predicated upon
applicant's compliance with each and all of the conditions heretnabove set forth.
Should any such condition~ or any part thereof~ be declared invalid or unenforceable
by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdicti~n, then this Resolu*ion,
and any approvals herein contaTned~ snall be deemed null and void.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIO~! is signed and aoproved by me this 1st day of
December~ 1980.
/~c~~ v ~sc~~
~~ .~° ~.:
1, Edith L. tlarris~ Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do
hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of
the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on December i~ 1980, by the following vote
of the members thereof:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this tst day of December,
.~( w i..i
-4- Pc8o-2il~