PC 80-30f: ~; RESOLUTIO^, !,10. PC3n•-3! A R[SOUJTIOi! OF Tf~E /1.'1AFiEl.'t CITY PLF;;^JIPI!; C0.':"ISSIOt' TH/IT PETITIOh! FQR RCCL/1SSIFICltTI0t4 Pln, ]~-CQ-25 RE !;RA~ITED. WNEP,E~S, the Anah~im Ci±y Planninq Commission did receive a verified petition for Reclassification `rom TEXACO AtlAf!CI~`I HILLS, ItIC., 38~ Anaheim Hills Road, AnahAtm, California ~23~7, oti•mer of ccrtain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, Coun[y of Orange, State of California, described as: Ali that certain real property i~ the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, being that portion of projected Sections 11 and 12, Too-mship 4 South, Range ~ West in the. P,ancho Santiago de Santa Ana; described as follo~•~s: Eeginning at the most Plortherly correr of the ~and described in Parcel 2 in the deed to tiie City of Anaheiro recorded '~arch 15, 1°73 in Bool: 1059r, Pages 4~t1 et. seq. of Official Records, records of said County, said most flortherly corner being the Northerly terninus of that certain course in the boundary of said land described as having a bearing o` "lorth 15° 30'23" East and a length of 277.G3 feet; thence Southerly along the Ylesterly line o` said land the follot•Jing courses: South 15° 30 23" 4lest, 277.63 feet; South 44~ 18~ 13" !•lest, 393.72 feet; South 2EP,.24 feet; Morth E32° 59~ ?5~' East, 6it;.5o feet; South 25° 04' 18" East, ;77.5P, feet; SouCh 5~0 Z9~ ~5" East, tt21.7.5 feet; thence leavin9 said boundary tlorth ~° ZF~ 30" East, 42Q.71 feet; thence East 315.11i feet; ther.ce Sout:h ~F~° ~5' 05" Cast, 3E5..^.3 feet; thence South 70~ 14' 32" East, ~~~.33 feet; thence 5outh 9° ~F(' 13" tlest, ;~6,~~4 feet to the boundary line of said Parcel 2; thence along said boundary line South 77° 45' 34" West, 48°.13 feet; thence leaving said boundary 1 ine South 31E~.3~ feet; thence Scuth 16° 24' lF4" 4!est, ~127.49 feet; thence South 15° 3Q~ 00" East, 451.00 feet; thence South 5(0 30' ~~" East, 24C.~0 feet; thence Sou~h 67o n;~ ^0" tJest, 5~7.~n feet; thence ~lorth 8~o p]~ 3U~~ 4!est, 5~~f.R6 feet; thence South ~7° 55~ 0(?" 41est, 250.0'l fnet; t!ience South 50° 41' 0~" 4!est, 87Q.~0 feet; thence South 3E° 21' ~~4" ~~lest, 290.5~ feet; thence North 5Lo 35' QO" 4fest, 503.00 feet; thence South 35° 25' ~~" 4!est, 215,n4 feet; thence South 80° 25' 00" ldest, 7~.71 feet; thence ~Jorth 7!i° 35' 00 West, 17.O.np feet; thence ilorth 9° 35' ~~" ldest, 99.On feet; thence Plorth 35~ 25' 00" East, 95.00 feet; thence North 340 12' 42" 41est, 27G.45 feet; thence North 77° 30' 00" West, 539.53 feet; thence Plorth $5° 40' 47" West, 827.13 feet to the 4lesterly line of said Section 12; tli~nce along said Westerly line North 0° ~+3~ 51" East, 609.53 feet to a line parallel with and distant 1Q00.00 feet Nartherly of the Southerl, line of said Sectiun 11; thence along said parallel ltne North b9° 13' 18" lJest, 838.25 feet; thence Plorth 65° 02' 22" West. 755.21 feet; thence North 8&° SO' 00" West, 1203.35 feet; thence t~lorth 17° 35' 33" blest, 360.29 feet to the North~,resterly line of that certain easement described in Parcel 1 in the deed to the Southern California Edison Company PCBO-30 recorded December 23, 196g in Doo4: ^'24, Page 19 et seq. of Official Recurds; thence alor~~ said ~~orthrresterly line the following courses: North 72° 24' 27" Fast, '35E.5~ feet ~lorth C9° 05' 26" East, 1209.9G feet; Dlorth 72° 24' 32" East, 2.75b.57 feet; ~Jortli 72° 23' ~E5" East, 713.69 feet ancl North 6~O 2S' 2~+" East, 454.53 feet to a point on the cent~rline oT Nohl Ranch Road as described in the deed to tiie City of Anaheim, recorded tlarch 23, ~973 in 8ook toGo9, Page G74 et. seq. of said Official Records; thence along said centerline~ South 4u° 23 12" East, 40.19 feet to the beginning of a curve concave tJortheasterly and havfng a radius of 600.00 feet; thence Southeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 26° 01' 25" an arc distance of 272.52 feet to the point of beginning. Containing an area of 31ff,,~~~ acres more or less. WfIEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hal) in the City of Anaheim onFebruary it, 1a80, at 1:3~ p,m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provlsions of the Anaheim Ftunicipal Code, Chapter 13.03, to hear and consider evidence fo~ and against sai:: proposed reclassification and to investigate and make findings and ;ecommendations in connection therewith; and 41HEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itsel` ar.d in its behalf, and after due consideratier of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes reclassification of subject property from the County of Orange A-1 (Agricultural, General) and City of Anaheim RS-A-43,000(SC) (Residential/Agriculturai - Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zones to the RM-2400 (Residential, Muttip;e-Family), RM-3000 (Residential, Ptultiple-Family)~ RS-HS-22,000 (Residential, Single-Family Nillside) and OS (Open Space) Zones in the SC (Scenit Ccrridor Overiay) Zone. 2. Canyon Area General Plan, as amendeu, designates subject property for Hl)lside Low-Density, 1ledium-Density and Open Space land uses with a maximum density of 1.61 dweiling units per gross acre. 3. That the proposed reclassification is hereby granted to establish the zoning shown on Revision No, i of Exhibit FJos. lA and iB submitted on Friday, February 8, 1980, and the "open space" ~reas shown in green on Exhibit No. 2 submitted this day, Plonday, February 11, 1980. and based on the petitioner's stipulatlon at the public hearing to providing any necessary additional exhibits conforming to Exhlbit No. 2 and any necessary legal descriptions for the plans suumitted at the public hearing. 4. Furthermore, that the proposed reclassification is hereby granted based on the petitioner's stipulation to install a*.raffic signal, as required by the City Traffic Engineer, at the Intersection of tJohl Ranch Road and Covered Wagon Trail ir the northeastern corner of subjecL property, ttiereby exempting all 559 dwelling units in subject property from Che payment of the signal assessment fee. '2' PCBo-3o 5. That the proposed reclassification of subject ~roperty is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and prooer development of the community. 6. That the proposed reclassification of suhject prooerty does properly relate to the zones and their perm(tted uses locally established in close proximity to subjPct property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally es*_ablished throughout the community. 7. That the propesed reclassification of subject prcperty requires the dedication and improvement of abutting streets in accordance ~vith the Circulation Element of the General Plan, due tc the anticipated increase in traffic which will be generated by the intensification of land use. ~. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence .•~as received in opposition to the subject petition. ENVIRONFtE~lTAL IMPACT FINDIPIG: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission does here~y ind that Environmental Ir.ipact Report Pio. 235, supplementing EIR t~o. 2076 which covered the addition of Planning Units IX and XIX to the Anaheim Hills Planned Community Zone and tJ]S certified by the City Councll on December 20, 1977, for the proposed development of 559 residential units on an area of approximately 31E7 acres located approximately 1400 feet so~sth of the intersection of Nohl Ranch Road and Anaheim Hills Road, having been considered this date by the Anaheim City Planning Commission and evidence both writcen and oral, having been presented to suppl~ment draft EIR No. 235, the Planning Commission finds that potential project generated individual and cumulative adverse impacts have been reduced to an insiqniricant level; and that tha subject draft EIR No. 235 conforms to the City and State EIR Guidelines; and therefore, based upon the foregoiny information and testimony given at this pubitc hearing, the Planning Commission does hereby certify satd EIR Dlo. ?3S. ~101J, TNERFFORF, B[ !T °ESQL;!ED ~hat the ~naheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for P,eclassification and, by so doing, that Title 1S-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above-descrtbed property from the County of Orange A-1 (AGRICULTURAL~ GEPlEFAL) and Ci~y of Anahelm RS-A-43,000(SC) (RESIDENTIAI/AGRICULTURAL) ZONE and to incorporate said described property into the RM-21100 (RESIDENTIAL, MULTIPLE-FA~41LY rtr~-3oo0 (RCSIDENTIAL, PIULTIPLE-FAMILY), RS-HS-22,000 (RESIDENTIAL, SI!l~LE-FAFIILY HILLSIDE) and OS (OPEN SPACE) ZOfJES in the SC (SCEFIIC CORRIDQF OVERLAY) ZOPIE upon the following conditions whtch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequ(site to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety and general ~•~elfare of the Cittzens of the City of Anahelm: 1. Th~at completlon of these reclassification proceedings are contingent upon the grantinc~ of Variance No. 3136. 2. That these reclassirication proceedings are granted subject to completior, of annexation of sub;ect property to the City of Anaheim. 3. Th~t the owner(s) of suhjec[ propertv (Anaheim l~tlls, !nc., or their successars, assigns, o, transferrees) shall install a traffic signal at the -3- Pcan-3o intersection of tJohl Ranch Road and Stage Coach Road (to be renamed Camino Grande) as required by the City 7raffic Engineer and in accordance with specifications on file in the Office of the City Engineer; and that prior to issuance ef a grading permit, a bond, certif;cate of deposlt, letter of credic or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee instaliation of said signal prior to occupancy of any dweliing unit. 4. That prior to the introduction of an ordinance to establish zoning on each specific tract excepting "open space" Tract P•lo. 1097~, there shall be submitted to the City Planning Commission for review and approval specific plans of development for said tract. Final specific plans shall inciude, hut need not be limited to~ the following: a. Topographic map. b. Site plans and elevations showing the placement of the buildings and structures; the front, side and rear elevations; and the exterior building materials including roofing. c. Lot dimensions and pad size of all lots sufficient to indicate the relationship of the proposed lot coverage and useable open recreational space to each lot and pad area. d. Landscaping plans indicating the extent and type of proposed landscaping and including any existing vegetation. Any lots intended for open space or recreational use shall be so-designated. e. Vehicle circulation and parking plan indicating the nature and extent of public and private streets or other public accessways, and off- street parF;ing. f. Equestrian and hikin9 traiis plan showina the placement and improvements of the trails easements for the Regional "frail No. 3 (Anaheim Hills Trail) and Backbone Traii FJo. 19 (Oak ~anyon Trail) as designated by the Equestrian and li?king Trails Component of the Anaheim Genera] Plan Trails Element; including the specific design for any tocation where a trail crosses over a public or prtvate street; and also including the off-site trail easement as shown on Exh?bit No. 2. g. Fence and/or viall plans indicating the type of fencina along any lot line of a site abutting public and private streets. 5. That residential iots having ~~iidths narrower than fifty (50) feet and fronting on public streets shall share circular driveways o~ith at least one adjacent lot. 6, In accordance with the provisions or Zoning Cocle Section t~es. 1~'„1.020 and 12.32.020, ali dwelling units in the R~?-3000 and R??-2400 (Residential, hiultiple-Far+ily) Zones shall be attaclied units; provided, ho~•~ever, that detached one-family do-rellings may be built subject co all restrictions and -i.- PC3o-3!~ regulations of either the RS-720~ of RS-50~0 (Residential, Single-Famil.y) Zones. 7. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning any portion of subject property or prior to approval of a final tract map, ~•~hichever occurs first, a program for the maintenance responsil~ility and estimated cost thereof of all open-space zoned lots and Tract tlo. 10~7F shall be submitted to and approved by the City of Anaheim. II, That prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning any portion of subject property, or prior to the approval of any final tract map, whichever occurs first, the deo•~]upers of the Anaheim Hills Planned Community (Anaheim Hills~ Inc. or their successors, assi9ns, or transferees) shall submit a parks and recreational facilities plan for the entire area to the Parks and P,ecreational and Community Services Department for revie4~ and approval. Said proposal shali determine the specific means by a~hich the developer provides park and recreation fac~lities for the future residents of the area, Such means may tnclude, but need not be limited to, the following: pay to the City of Anaheim parE; and recreation in-lieu fees as determined to be appropriate by the f,ity Council at the time of building permit issuance, or dedicate park lands acceptable to the City of Anaheim; or a combination thereof. Acceptance of the specific neans shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Parks and Recreation and Com~unity Services. ~. That prior to a~proval of any final tract map, the owner(c) of subject property shall dedicate and improve ten (10) foot :iid~ equestrian and hiking trails as shown on the EquesYrian and Niking Trails Component of the Anaheim General Plan Trai1s Element; that improvement plans, in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the Office of the City Engineer~ shall be submitted in conjunction ~~fith tl~e grading plan; and that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City prior to final tract map approval or issuance of a grading permit, which ever occurs first, to guarantee the installation of the a6ove-mentioned requirements prior to occupancy. Said dAdication and improvement shall include the off-site trail as shown on Exhibit P:o. 2. 10. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charoed as reguired and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department prior to commencement of structural framing. 11. That all requirements of Fire Z~ne ~t (otnerwise identified as Fire Administrative Order Flo. 7b-Oi on file tn the office of the Fire Chief) shall be met. Such requirements include, o~~t are not limited to, chi~ney sparl; arrestors, protected attic and under floor openin9s, Class C or better roofing material and one hour fire resist?ve construction of horizontal surfaces if within 200 feet of adjacent brushland. 12. That fuel breaks shall be provided as determined to be required hy the Fire Chief. 13. That no public or private street grades shall exceed ten percent (10~) except by prior approval of the Fire Department and the Engineering Division. -5- PC3o-3o 14. That in accordance ~•~ith the policies cf the Fire Department, native slopes (as discussed in Chapter 17.0(~, "Grading, Excavations and Fills in Hillside areas" of the Flnaheim ;lunicipal Code) located adjacent to neo-~ly constructed homes shall b~ hydroseeded with a IoHr fu~l combustive seed nix. ~uch slopes shall be sprinl:lered and ~~eeded as required to estahlish 100 feet separation of flammable vegetation from an~ structure. 15. That prior to any wa[er connections in any of the Tract Nos. 10~67 through 1~97~, inclusive, the developers of thc Anaheim riills Planned Community (Anaheim Hills, Inc., or their successors, assigns, or transferees) shall submit to the Director of Public Utilities for his revie~~i and approval, a proposed plan for the acreage payment of v~ater nain extension fees. Said plan shall consider alt land ~•iithin the torelve (1') tracts (Mos. 10°~7 through 1097$,inclusive) including open space. 15, That ordinances reclassifying the property shali he adopted as each paresl is ready to comply ~•iith conditions pertaining to such parcel; provided, however, that the v~ord "parcel" shall mean presently existing parcels of record and any parcel or parcels approved by the City Council for a lot split. 17. That subject property shall be developed suhstantially in accordance rrith plans and specifications on file t•~ith the City of Anaheim nari<ed Revision Plo. 1 of Exhibit Plos. 1A and 16 and Exhibit Plo. 2.; provided, hoti•~ever, that the total d~-aelling unit count shall not exceed five hundred and fifty-nine (554). 13, That prior to the issuancc of a grading permit, Conuition 'Jos. 3 and 9, above-mentioned, shall be ccmpleted. 19. That prior to the introduction of an ordinance re~oning subject property, Conuition ilas. Z, •'~, 7 anJ C, above-mentioned, shail be completed. The provisions or rights granted by this resolution sfiall become null and void by action of the Planning Commission unless said conditions are conplied v~ith :•:ithin one year `rom the date hereof, or such further time as the Planning Commission may grant. 20. That prior to the approval of a Final Tract ~1ap, Condition PJos. 7, 8 and 9, above-mentioned, shall be completed. 21, In accordance with the requirements of Section 1R.~2.Q~E7 pertaining to the initial sale of residentlal hoMes in the City of Anaheim Planning Area "B", the seller shall provide each buyer ~•~ith ~~ritten information concerning the Anaheim General Plan and the existinq zoning ~aithin three-hundred (300) feet of the boundaries of subject tract. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance ~~~itii each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or uner~forceable -~- PCIIo-3o by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Kesolution, and any approvals herein contoined, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOIFJG RESOUJTIOt! is sigred and approved by me this llth day of February, 1^80. ATTEST: !~'?~ ~ ~~./ CtIA I R4JOMA~J ~ FlFJAHE I M C I TY PLAPRI I NG COMM I SS I OP~ ~ . ' iQLQ~Cn_.~~ SECRETAR , AtJAfiEIN Cll'( PLAPJ~IING CGMt91SSI0~d STATE OF CAL I FORDJ IA ) COUNTY OF ORAyGE ) ss. C ITY OF AtIAhIE IP1 ) ~, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Cor.imission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~~as passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Plannfng Commission held on February 11, 19II~, by the follo~,~ing vot~ of the members thereof: AYES: COI:~IISSIOWERS: E3ARPlES, CUSHQRE, D/1VID, FRY, HERBST, KIilG, TOLAR NOES: COMP115SIO~IERS: NOhlE ABSENT: COMMISSIO~IEP,S: t10~lE ~~~ WITh1ESS 41HEREOF, I have hAreunto set my hand this lith day of February, 1980. `~~ :~ -~,~,~..e., SECRETARY, A~JAHEIPt CITY PLAUNIPlG CO~~IMISSIUDI -7- PC`?n-3~