PC 80-43RESOL'JTIO"i ?;0, pC~O-G3 A RESOLUTIO~J OF THE AtlAHEI'~1 CITY PL.~~l~Il~lf, CON!115510~1 AGOPT Ihlf A!JD ft[CO!it1EMD I P1G TO THE C I TY COU"!C I L OF TtIE C ITY OF AF!Aflf. I'4 ADOPT 10;~ OF AtlAfl[ I tt GE?!E,°,AL PLA~J A!1E~lD';E~lT N~l. 15% - LAiJD USE .411D C I RCULAT14tl ELC!tEPITS WFIEFEAS, the City Council of the City o` /lnaheim did adopt thc Anaheim General Pian by Resolutic,n Flo. 69P,-51~i+, sho~•~ing the general ciescription and e:ctent of land uses ~~ithin the City and indicating the present belief of the co~nci] as to possible future development and redevelopment of land ~aithin the City; and WHEREAS, pursuant to requests from property o~~mers for Seneral Plan study, City Staff prepared a General Plan Amendment for the Land Use Element for property conslsting of approximately 47.7 acres located south of the Riverside Freeway and north of the Santa Ana River bet~veen f,)assell Street to the ~:~est and Tustin Avenue to the east. WHERF.AS, purs~ont to requests from the City of Anaheim Engineerina Division for General Plar study, City ~:taff prepared a General P1an Amendment for the Circulation Element to change the current designation of the follo~~rina existfno and proposed highways: A° Clementine Street heti~~een hianchester Avenue and Freedman k~ay. (Collector to Secondary Arterial Highway), B-!+lanchester Avenue bet~•~een Clementine and Haster Streets. (delete as a Secondary Arterial Highalay) C - Ch3nge "Collector" designation to "Commuter". WNEREAS, The Planning Department deemed it aporopriate, pursuant to the provisions of the Lalifornia Environmental Quaiity Act, to prepare a Plegative Declaration in connection a~ith the General Plan Amendr~ent Land Use Eiement and Circulation Element for the foregoing areas under consideration; and 4IHEREAS, The Anaheim City PlanninG Commission dic~ liold a public hearing at Anaheim City Hail, Council Chamher, 20~t East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, on February 25, 1980, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sai.i public hearing having been duly qiven as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Fl~aheim ttunicipal Code, to hear and consider evidence for and against said Amendment to the Anaheim General Plan and to in~~estigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therea~ith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investioation and study made by itself and in its behalf and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said public hearing, DOES fiEREBY FIP1D: PCIIo-r~3 i. That evidence ~•~as pr,se.nted alhich suhstantiates the need for an ~mendment to the Land Use Elnment of the ~naheim General Plan, and it is deemed appropriate that "Exhibit A" he adopted. That evidence 4~as prPsented t•~hich sut~stantiatFS the need for ar amendnent to the Circulation Element of the Anaheim General Plan, and it is deemed appropriate that "Exhibit A" he adopted. P10~1, ThIEREFORE, BE iT RC~OLVED that the ~naheim City Planning Commission I~,as reviewed the proposal to amend the Anai~eim General Plan to change the land use designation of subject property from General Open Space to ~eneral industrial on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 1t7.7 acres located south of the Riverside Freea~ay and nor~h of Santa Ana River bet~~~een Glassell Street to the west and Tustin Avenue to the east; and to change the current Circulation Element designation of Clementine Street between Manchester Avenue and Freedman 41ay from a"Collector" to "Secondary Rrterial High~aay" and to delete Manchester Avenue bet~aeen Clementine and Naster Streets as a Secondary Arterial High~•iay and to change "Collector" designation to "Commuter" designation; and does hereby approve the ~legative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis that there would be no significant individual or cumulative advers> environmental impact due to the approval of this fJegative Declaration; that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Nec~ative Declaratian suhstantiating the foreetoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. BE IT FURThIER RESOLVED that, pursuant to the foregoing findings, the Anaheim City Planning Commission does herehy adopt and recommend to the City Counctl of the City of AnaheiM adoption of General Plan Amendment PJo. 157 as folloais: 1. That "Exhibit A" be adopted for the Land Use Element for the lE7.7 acres located south of the Riverside Free~~ay and north of the Santa Ana River betti•~een Glassell Street to the ~aest and Tustin Avenue to the east. 2. That "Exhibit A" be adopted for the Circulation Element for A - Clamentine Street between Planchester Avenue and Freedman 41ay, B- Manchester Avenue bet~•~een Clementine and Naster Streets, and C- Changing "Collector" designation to "Commuter" designation. THE FOREGCING RFSOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 25th day of February, 1~80. ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ CHA I RllONP~1, F!A~E I M I'E TY PLANN 1 F!~ COM!11 SS i OPd ATTEST: -~~ ~ ~ SECRETAP.Y, ~1NAHE I M C I TY PLANN I N~ COM"11 SS I Otd -2- PC~3~-1E3 ~.''. NI STATE OF CALIFORPIIA ) COUNTY OF ORAtIGE ) ss. C ITY OF AfIAHE l!1 } I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Pianning Commission held on February 25, 1930, by the following vote of the members Yhereof: AYES: COMMISSIOMERS: BARP1[5, DUSH~P,E, DAVID, FRY, NERP,ST, KINr,, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: PlONE ABSEPJT: COMMISSIOPlERS: PIONE IPl WIT6lESS 4/HER[OF, I have hereunto set my liand this 25th day of February, 1930. ~~-C~ ~ ~ SECRETARY, A~dAHE 1 H C I TY PLA^!~! I F~r, co~+.rt ~ sS ~ n~~ -3- PCRO-!f3