PC 80-52?FSOLUTIOFI I•10, PC3~-52
THAT PET IT IOId FOR fiECLr15S I F I CnT I OM td0. 7?-3n-zr, i~[ GRA?1TED.
4lHEREAS, the llnaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified
petition for Reclassification from PHlLIP F. PORR[TT.~ A~!p Et11LY PQ°RETTA, 70!1 South
t1agno!ia Avenue, Anaheim, Caiifornia 923~4, o~•mers, and ROtJAL~ 0. MONTGOhiERY, P. 0.
Box 113?, Huntington Be~ch, California 926~~7, agent, oF certain real property
situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as
PARCEL 1: The South %5 feet of the ~dorth 6.~0 acres of the Idest
half of the t•lest half of the Plorthwest quarter of the Southti~~est
quarter of Section 13, in To~rr,ship 1~ South, Range 1~ blest, in the
Rancho Los Coyotes as slioi-m on a map thereof recorded in Book 51,
Page 7, et. seq., ~liscellaneous !1aps, records of Orange County,
California; and
PARCEL 2: The tlorth 10 feet of that portion of th~ llest one-half
of the West one-ha 1 f of the t;orth~•~est one-fourth of the SouthH~est
one-fourth of Section Eighteen, Toivnship Four Soutli, Range Ten
l•lest, S.~,li, b ~1, lying South of the Plorth 6 acres of said portion
of said Section Eighteen, the ~forth line of said 1~ feet being the
South line of said 6 acres.
l•1HEREAS, 'the City Planning Commission did schedule a~ublic hearing at the
City Hall in the City of Anaheim on March 1'!, 1~79, at 1•3~ p.m., notice of said
public hearing having been duly given as required by lat~r and in accordance a~ith the
provisions of the F,naheim hi~nicipal Code, Cha~ter 13.03, te hear and consider
evidertce for and against said proposed reclassification ancl to investigate and make
findings and recommendations in conn~r_tinn therot,it`;; said puhlic hearin,y haviny been
continued to the Planning Commission meeting of P'arch 24, 1~5;0; and
IJHEREAS, said Commission after due insper.tion, inv~stigation and study made
by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration or all evidence and reports
offered at said !iearing, does fincl and d~termine the follo~ving facts:
1. That the petitioner proFoses reclassification of subject property from
the ftS-A-43,000 (R[SID~NTIAL/AGP,ICULTI;RFlL) ZOt!E to the P,M-24~~ (RESIDENTIAL,
2 ?hat the Anaheim General Plan designite= subject prooerty for lovr
medium density residential land uses.
3. That the proposed reclassification of subject property is necessary
and/or dFsirable for the orderly and proper developmer,t of thc cor~munity.
~+. That tlie proposec: reclassification of suhject property does properly
rel~tr to the zones and their pernitted uses locally ~stah;ished in close proximity
to subject pruperty and to the zones and their permitted uses generally established
ttirougt~out tlie commun i ty.
5. That tl~ree (3) persons cn `larch 1~, 1^"!~, and one (1) person on !•tarch
24, 1~8~, indicated their presence at said puFlic hearings in opoosition; and that no
correspondence ~~as received in opposition to the subject petition.
EtlVIROp1PiE~JTl+I. I!1PAC1" FIP!DIP!G: That the Anahein City Planning Commission has
revieo-~ed the proposal to reclassify suhject property from the RS-A-~t3,QQ0
(RESIDEPITI,4VAGRICULTURAL) ZO!!F to the R,'1-?~i~~(1 (PFSI~f'~~TIF~L, MULTIPLF-Fn.~~ILY) 70'lE on
a rectangularly-shapeci parcel of land consistinct of aoprc,ximately ~,l~i' acre, havina a
frontaye of approx;mately ~; fcet on the east side of Plagnoiia Avenue and having a
maximum depth of approximately ?.~;5 feet and tie~ng located approxiinately °0~ feet
south of the centerline of Orange Avenue; and does ~ereF~y appreve the tJegative
Declaration f rom the requirement ta prepare an er.vironmenta) impact report on the
basis that there ~•iould he no significant individual or cumulative adverse
environmentai impac~~ due to the a,:proval o` this D~egative !ieclaration since the
Anaheim General Plan designates the subject property for 1o~,i-medium density
resi:Jential land uses commersurate ~~ith the pronosal; that no sensitive environmental
impacts are invoived in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted hy the
petitioner i~~dicates no significant individu~l or curculative adverse environmental
impacts; and that the ~Jegative Declaration suhstantiatinc, the foregoing findings is
on file in the City of Anafieim Planning De~artment.
N04/, TNEREFO~F, t3[ IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission
does hereby grant subject Petition for ?eclassification and, by so doing, that Title
13-Zonirg of the ~4naheim Municipal Code 6e amen~ed to exciude the ahove-described
property from the RS-A-~E3,'1G0 (RESIDENTIAL/.~GP.ICULTU°AL? ZOtJE and to incorporate said
described property into the R1"-?.~~00 (RESIDF?ITIl1L, '1UL71PLE-FP.~11LY) ZOP~E upon the
folio~ain9 conditions which are hereby found to he a necessarv prerequisite to the
proposed use of suhject oroperty in order to preserve the sa~ety and general i~ielfare
of the Citizens of the City of ~~naheim:
t. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordancr with approved
plans on file ~•~ith the Office of the Cxecutive Director of Fuhlic Wor!<s.
2. Tliat sub~ect property shal l be servrcl hy underc~roiinr.! uti 1 ities.
;. That a!i-foot I•,igh masorry t~~all shall be constructe~ along the north,
ea,t and south property lines.
1E. That drainage of subject property shall he dIS~O5eC1 of in a manner
satisfactory to the City Fngineer.
5. That the owner of suhject pronerty shall pay to the City of .4naheim the
ippropriate parE: and recreation in-lieu fees as determined to he appropriate by the
City Council, said fees to be paid at the time t!~e 6uilding permit is issued.
6. That the o~:mer(s) of suhject property shall pay the traffic signal
assessrnen*. fee (Ordinance Plo. ;39G) in an amount as determinecl by the City Coimcil,
for each neo-r do-~ellir.g unit prior to the issuance of a building ~ermit.
7. That suhject property shall be develooed suhstantially in accordance
with plans and specifications on file ~aith the City of Maheim marke~i [x!-~ibit ~ao. 1
and Revision Pdo. 1 of Exhi~it Plo. ?,
Fi. That Condition tlos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7, ahove-nentioned, shall be
complied ~•rith prior to final building and zoning inspections.
-2- PC~3~-52
• BE IT FURT'IER R[SOLVE!1 tliat the /lnaheim, City planning Cor~mission does hereb
finc; and deterrnine that the adoption of this Resolution is er.pressl
- ~pplicant's compliance ~,~ith each and all cf the conditions here~nabovecsetdfort,'~n
Should any condition or any part thereof, be declared inva1id or urenforceable by the
f~~~~ J~dgment of any courY. of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolutlon, and a
approvals herein contained, shali he deemed null and void.
; ~1arc!-i, 19$Q,
TH[ FORE~OIPIG RESOLUTIOFJ is signed and approved by me this ?_4th day of
~; ,'
/«~,r~"'- ~ ~G~`E~_
ATTEST: ~1NANE I M C 1 TY PL/1!dPl I F!G CO'4~1 I SS I Q~d
~d,;-~ ~° ~,~~, -
STATE 0 F CAL I FOR~i ~ q )
C ITY OF At1AHF. I!q )
~, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Ana;~eim City Planning Commission, do
theebAnaheimfYCit~yt Planning~~Commisstontlhe)daonnhiarch Zly~ ~~g~tea at a meeting of
following vote of the members thereof:
~ t 1:30 p.m.,by the
IN 411TIlESS bJHEP,EOF, 1 have hereunto set m
y hand this 21:th day of Plarch, 1g30.
~t~I ETARY, ANAHE IM ~~ pLqp~pl INr., LO"qM i SS I ON
~,,,.,. _... PC3~-52