PC 80-60^ ~J RESOLUT 10'J id0. PC ~Q-(~ A P,ESOLUTIO~! OF THE A~JANEib1 CITY PLAPIN!NG CQ'1~115S10~I THAT PETITIOtt FOR RECLASSIFIChT10!1 N0. 7~-~;~-31 ~3E GRq~1TE~. WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified petition for Reclassification from fiOLLY 1JA~E DAVIDS0~1~ P, 0. Box 123, H~nalei, Hawati, 9F714, owner, and JAHES MOHLER qNp THOflAS PLE'!AN, 15l~2-B Moulton Parka~ay, Tustin, Californf~ ~268!?, agent, of certain real property situa`ed in [he City of knaheim, County of Orange, State of California, descri5ed as folla.vs: FARCEL 1: TF;AT Pi)RTION OF BLOCY. 25, OF Tf~E f,OLDEN STATE TP,ACT, AS SHOWN ON A MAP REC~RDED I~! BOOK 4, Pi,GES 6(> A~1D G7 OF MISCELLANEOUS "tAPS, RECORDS OF SAID ORAtl~E COUPdTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN"JttJG AT THE SOUTHEASTERLY TERMIN!!S OF THAT CERTAI~I COURSE CITED AS "SOUTH 19 DEG. 35' 32" EAST, 2Q.71 FFET"; IN DEED TO THE STATE OF CALIFORt11A, RECORDED JUtIE 4, 1~~3 I~! BO~K 55%3, PAGE 167, OFFICIAL RECORDS ~F SAID OP.A~~,E COUrITY; THENCE ALONr, THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SA1D LAST HFPJTIOt,lED LAPJ~ THF FOLLOWINf: COURSES AtJD DISTANCES; NORTH 7~ DEG. 31~' S3" WEST 49,ij FEET; SOUTN 65 DEG. 3~' 00" ~lEST 2(32.~i1 FEET; SOUTfI 4F OEG. 37' 39" WEST 2~3.20 FEET; SOUTH 37 DEG. 50' 29" WEST 6nE.~~ FEET; SQUTtt E5 UEG. 47' 42" L1EST 173,~f1 FEET; SOUTH 2~ DEG. 42' S!l" WEST 15.~i3 FEET; A~lD SAUTH 15 DEG. 57~ 10" EAST 3.~3 FEET TO '(tiE EASTERI.Y LIPIE OF THAT CERTAIN LAND DESCRI9ED IN PARCEL 123,~1 ItJ DEED TO THE COU~JTY OF ORANGE~ RECORDEb JI~NE 4, 1~71 !F~ 900Y, 4663. Pnr,E 7~3 oF snt~ OFFICIAL RECORDS; THEtJCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY LI~aE SOUTH 7.~ DFr,, ~1' ^2" EAST 149•75 FEET TO A POINT IN TNE P~Of',TFiWFSTFRLY LIP!E OF THAT CERTAIP! ~AND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO ORANGE COUMTY k'ATER ~ISTRICT. RECORDED JANUARY 20, lg3° 1~1 BOOK 975~ PAGE 441~ OF SAID OFFICIAL RECORDS, SAI~ NORTHWESTERLY LINE ~EI'IG A CURVE CONCAUF S~~~T~~~pL~ '~~,~~"t.^~ ~~ RA~~U~ rr 12,.25.7C~ FEF.T, A RADIAL LIME OF SAID ~URVE PASSI~dG THROUGH SAID POItJT BEARS NORTH 26 DEG. 47' 11" WEST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONr, SAID CURVE TO THE MOST NORTNERLY CORMER OF SA i D LAST MEIJY I ONED LAPID ~ SA I D CORNER BE I NG A PO I NT ( ~J TIfE NORTfIEASTERLY LINE OF SAID BLOCK 25; THENCE ALON!; SAID NORTHEASTERLY LIFlE OF BLOCK 25, NORTH 1Q DEG. 35' 32" WEST G9Q.7q FEET TO THE INTERSECTION 4JITtf k LI~~E TH/1T BEARS NORTH 70 DEG. 2A' z8" EAST FROM SAID POIt~T OF DEGIPlNING; THENCE ALONG SAID LAST ME~JTIO~JED LINE SOUTN 7q DEG. 24' 28" IJEST 10,~ F[ET TO THE POItJT OF tiEGIN~~ING. EXCEPTiNG TNEREFROM THAT PORTIOtJ 0~ SAID LAND INCLUDES I~I THE FOLLOWING: BEGINNIr~G AT THE PolrlT OF ItJTF.RSECTIOtJ OF T~IE WESTERLY LINE OF NEWKIRK ROAD, 40 FEET IDt WiOTIt~ 1JITFI TFiF. NORTF.ERLY L INE OF TIIE 100 FOOT R I GHT OF WAY DF.SCR I BED I ~~ DFEII TO TNE COUNTY OF ORANGE~ RECORDED ItJ BOOY, 4A~, PAr,E 32G OF DEEDS~ RECORDS OF SAID COUPITY~ TNEPlCE NORTH 1q D[G. 38~ 16" WEST ALD~lG T-IE SAID WESTERLY LINE OF MEWKIRK ROAD, 50.0~ F[ET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGIPJNING; THE~~CE PlORTH 19 DEf,, 38~ lE" WEST ALOtdG Tl1E SAID WESTERLY LINE OF ~J[4/KIRK ROAD 461.5q FEET TO A POItdT IN THF cni~r~~~~STERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CALIFORPJIA STATE HIaHWAY~ NORTHWESTERLY AND b1ESTERLY ALONS THE LAST MENTIONED RIrHT ' LINE THROUGH THE FOLLOWING COURCES APlD DISTA~ICES; N~RTH 5( PC80-60 DEG. 2(1~ 3£3" WEST; 34.71 FEET; THENCE Pl~RTIi g~i DEG. 21 ~ 7.3" WEST 112.65 fEET; A~D SOUTIi 71E DEG. O1' 45" WEST 118.G5 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 19 DcG. 3~~ 1F," EAST ALOMG A LINE PARALLFL ~lITH THE SAID WESTERLY LI~IE OF tJEWKIP,Y, ROAD 517.03 FEET; THENCE tdORTH 70 OE~. 21' 44" EAST 25~.Q0 FEET TO THE TRUE P01^iT OF EECINNIMG; AIJD PARCEL 2: AN EASEMENT FOR IP1r,RF55 A~in EGRESS 3~ FF.ET IN ~JIDTH (FIEWKIRK ROAD) LYIPJG WESTEP,LY OF TfIE WESTERLY LIlJE OF LO75 11 A~ID 32 OF ~JRANGE fROVE ACP,ES TlO. 2, AS SH04l~! OCI A'1AP R[CORDED IN BOOK 7, PA~E 3~ OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS~ RECOROS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, BOUNDED SOUTNERLY BY THE WESTERLY PP.OLQN~ATION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 3z APID BOUtIDED tI0R1HERLY BY THE WESTERLY EXTENS I OtJ OF THE SOUTHERLY L I NE OF TfIE LAIlD CONVEYED TO TFIE STATE OF CALIFORIdIA BY DEED RECOP,DED MAY 21~, 1~F3 I~! [i00K 65G1, PAGE 239 OF OFFICIAL aECORDS. ti!NEREt,S~ the City Planning Commisslon did hold a puhlic hearinn at the Ci~y Hall in the City of Anaheim on April 7, 19t30, at 1:3~ p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as requTred by latia and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Co~e, Chapter ~3.03~ to hear and conslder evidence for and against said proposed reclassification ancl to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and 4JHEREAS, said Commission. after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evldence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the follaaring facts: 1. That the petitioner proooses reclassification of subject property from the County of Orange A-1 (GE~~ERAL AGRICULTURE) ZQNE to tlie City of Anaheim ML (INDUSTRIAL, LINITED) ZO~JE. 2, iiiat [iie :~nai,eirn GE~rierai i 1ar~ designa[Cs subjec[ prcperty `or gencrst indus[rial land uses. 3. That the proposed reclassification of subJect property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper devr_looment of the community. 4. That the p~~oposed reclassification of subJect prooerty does properly relate to the zones and their permltted uses locally established in close proximity to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generatly established throughout the communtty. 5. That the proposed reclassffication of subJect property requires the dedicatton and imFrovement of abuttina streets in accordance with the Circulation Element of the General Plan, due to the anticipated increase in trafftc ~ahich will be generated by the intensification of land use. 6. That no one indicated their preaence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no corresp~ndence o~es received in oppositton to thP subject petition. ENVIRONFIENTAL IMPACT FItJDtNG: Thai ;he Anaheim Ctty Planni~a Commission has reviewed the proposal to reclassi y ei~hjec~ pf~perty from ttie ''ounty of Orange A-1 _- FC80-60 !T ~ '~9 f':1. i.:~ (Genera) Agriculture) Zone to the City of Anaheim ML (Industrial, Limited) Zone to construct an industrial complex o~ith oraivers of required lot frontage and minimum landscaped setback on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land conststing of approximately 6.34 acres located at the southeast corner of Frontera Street and Glassell Street, having a frontage of approximately 1~~~ feet on the south side of Frontera Street and a frontage of approximately 15~ feet on the east side of Glassell Street; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration from the requfrement to prepare an environmental inpact report on the hasis that there would be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environnental impact due to the approval of this Negative Declaration s(nce the Anahein General Plan designates the subject property for general industrial land uses commensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are tnvolved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner indica*.es no significant individual or cumulatlve adverse environmental impacts; and that the ~legative Declaration substantiating the foregoing f(ndings is on file in the City of P.naheim Planning Department. ~~OW, TfiEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim C1ty Plannin9 Commission does hereby grant subject 'etitlon for Reclassification and~ by so doing, that Title 19-2ontng of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the ahove-described property from the COUPITY OF ORANGE A-1 (GENERAL AGRICULTI.IRE) ZO~JE and to incorporate said described property into the CITY OF APIAFIEIP1f1L (iN~U~TRIAL, LIMITED} ZOtlF upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a neces~ary prerequtsite to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the s~fe;y and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Fnaheim: 1. That the owner(s) of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 3a 'eet in width from the centerline of th~: street along Frontera Street for street wfdening purooses. 2. That ail engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim alang Frontera Street and Glassell Street including preparation of lmproveme~t plans and installa[ion of all improvements such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks~ street grading ar;~ p~virtg, tlrainsqe facitities ur vCher appurtenant Nork, shaif be complfed with as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with spectfications on file tn the Office of the City Engineer; that street lighting faciltties along Frontera Street and Glassell Street shail be installed as required by the OffTce of Utilities General Manager~ and in accordance with specifications on file in the Off(ce of U[ilities General Manager; and/or that a bond, certificate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the Clty to guarantee the installation of the above-mentloned requirements prior to occupancy. 3. That trash storage areas shall be provtded tn accordance with approved plans on file with the Office of the Executive Dir•ector of Public lJorks. 4. That fire hydrants shall be ir,stalled and charged as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Deoartment orior to commencement of structural framing. 5. That subject pro~erty shall be served by underc~round utilities. G. That drainage of suhject property shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer. -3- PC80-6Q ~ 7• In the event that sub,ject property is to be dividecl for the purpose of sale, lease, or financtng, a parcel map, to record the appr~ved division of subject property sha11 be submitted to and approved by the Cfty of Anaheim and then be recorded In the office of the Orange County Rec~rder. $• That the original documents of the covenants, condttion,, and restricttons, and a letter addressed to devel~per's title comoany authorizing recor~ation there~~f, shall be submitted to [he Ctty Attorney's office and approved by the City Attorney's office and Engtneering Dlvislon prior to final parcel map approval. Said documents, as approved, shall be filed and recorded in the Office of tF,e Oranye Count•~ Recorder, 9. T!,at street names sha)i be approved by the City ~lanning Department ortor to approval of a final parcel map, ~~• That these reclassification proceedings are granted subject to completion o~ annexation of subject property to the City of Anaheim, 11. That ali priva[e streets shal) be developed in accordancE wlth [he City of Anaheim's Siondard Detatl Dlo. S22 for private streets, fncluding installatton of street name sign~. Plans for the private street ligfiting, as required by the standard detall, cha!: be submltted to the Building Dlviston for approval and inclusion wtth the building plans prior to issuance of building permits. (Private streets are those orhich provide primary access and/or circulation within the project.) as~esament~feeT(Ordinance~P~oer38q()~j~ anbamountpasPdetermined baYthPe traffic signal for (ndustrial buildings prior to the issu~RCC cf a buttdin~ Y ~jty Council, ,1 permit. 13. That any propos~J structure having a calculated fire fiow in excess of available o-~ater supply shall ba completely fire sprtnklered. 14. That subject property shall be develooed sut,stantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file ~aith the City of Anahetm marl;ed Exhibit Mos. 1 through 1~, 15. Nrfor to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, Condition Nos. 1~ 2 and 10, above-mentionad, shall be completed. The provtsions or rlghts granted by thts resalution sha11 become null anci vo(d b Planntng Commission u~iless said conditions are complted ~•~ith wtthin one 3L~~~from the date hereof, or such further time as the Planning Commisston may Qrant. 16. That Condition t~os. 3, 5, 6, 13 and 14, above-menttonc ~hall be complied with pri~ar to final building and zoning inspecttons. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEO that the Anahetm City Planning Commission does hereby ftnd and deter~ine that adoption ot thts Resolutt~n Is expressiy predicated upon applicant's compiiance wtth each and all of the conditions here(r.above seC forth. Should any such condition~ or any part thereof, be deciared invatid ur unenforceable and any approvalsdherein~conta(ned~tshall~beedeemedunullian~~void,~en this Resolution~ -1+- Fc3o-6o THE FOREGOI~~G RESOLUTIOfJ is signed and apF-oved by me this 7th day of Aprfl, 1980. ATTEST: r ~/ ,r~; r,~., .. /.-' . CHAIR410MAN~ AP7AHEIM CI Y/~LAN~lIMG CQMPIISSION ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ SECRETARY, qfJANE IM C ITY PLAPJN I tJG COMM I SS I OP! STATE OF CALIF~IRNIA ) COUPdTY OF 0R4NGE ) ,S, CITY OF ANA4EIH ) ~. Edith L. Harrts~ Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Cortenission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~~as passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on April 7~ 1980, by the follooring vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNF.S, BUSHORE~ QAVID, FRY, Ktt1G NQES: COMMISSIOPIERS: f1ERB5T ABSEtJT: COMMfSSiONERS: TOLAR IFJ WITNESS NHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 7th day of April, 1980. ~~ ~C_ '~„ ' SECRETARY, ANqHEiM CITY PLAN~~ING COMMISSION 'S' PC3o-6o