PC 80-63RESOLUTIOM N0. PC30-63 A RESOLUT I Ot~ OF THE A~L1HE I M C I TY PLAtItJ i N6 COHht I SS I OPI TIIAT PET IT ION FOR RECLASS I f ICAT ION PIO, 7~1-90-34 f3E DE~! I ED. b1HER:'AS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission dtd initiate a petitfon for Reclassification for certain real property situated in tF~e City of Anaheim, Coianty of Orange, State of California, described as folloo-~s: Parcel 1: That pcrtion uf Vineyard Lot A-1, as shoo-m on a map recorded in Book 4, pages 62~ and 630, of Deeds, records of Los Angeles County, Calif., described as follows: Deginning at the southeast corr.er of Tract No. 3024, as sho~•:n on a map recorded in Book 103, page 30, tliscellaneous !1aps, records of said Orange County; thence following along tlie east Ilne of Tract fJo. 3Q24, the following courses and distances td 15° 43' 15" 1J, 185.00 feet; thence S 74° 15' 48" W, 10.00 feet; thence N 15° 54' 15" 4J, 233•?5 feet; thence P7 7-E° 15' 48" E, 1~.00 feet; thence (J 15° 43' 15" ld, 157.00 feet to the northeast corner ef said Tract tJo, 3021E boundary; thence S 740 15' 48" W, 255.54 feet along the north line of said Tract No. 3024 to the northwest corner thereof, said northr~est corner being a point in the east line of Tract ~lo. 1618, as shown on a map recorded in ~ook t+?, pages 15 and 16, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County; thence EJ 150 43' 35" W. 225 feet along a port;on of the east line of said Tract ~~o. 1G18 to the northeast corner of Lot 52 in said Tract t7o. 1618, said ~dortheast corner being a point in a line parallel ~•~ith and 31.7~ feet southerl;~ o` the cer.teriine of I3ortn Street; tf~ence h! 74° 15' 43" E~ 210,00 feet along said parallel line to an intersection ~oith the west line of the East 164 feet of said Vineyard Lot A-1; thence S 15° 43' 15" E, 80 feet alc,ng said West ltne to an intersection with a line parallel with and ~0 feet southerly of the north line of said Uineyard Lot A-1; thence N 74~ 15' 48" E, 164 feet along said narallel iine to an intersection with a line parallel o-rith and 33.00 feet aresterly of the centerline of East Street; thence S 15° 43' 15" E, 711.9n feet along the iast mentioned parallel line to an intersection with the easterly prolongaCion of the south line of the aforementioned Tract Plo. 3024; thence S 74~ 15' 48" 41, 120 feet along said prolongation to the point of beginning; and Parcel 2: That portion of Lot 115 in Anaheim Extension, as shown on a map filed in Book 3, pages 1G3, et seq, Los An9eles County Plaps, records of said Orange County, describeci as folloo-~s: Commencing at the centerltne inters~ction of E~st Street with the centerline of East Ilortli Street, as sho~•m on a map of Survey recorded in Book 17, page jE7, Records of Surveys, records oT Orange County; thence S 74" 50' 20" l•!, t~S,On feet; thence N 150 ~6~ ~5" «, 41.25 Feet to the true point of '~eginning of the parcel PC8o-63 hereinafter described; ther,ce S 71~° 50' 20" W, 91r.~3 feet; then~e N l5° 06' 25" bl, 150 feet; thence N 74° 50' 20" E, 325.!1G feet; thence 5 l5° 06' 25" E, 35.~0 feet, more or less; thence t! 74° 50' 20" E, 146.53 feet; thence ~J 15° ~6' 25" E, 115.l~1 feet, mor: or less to an intersectton ~•~ith a line parallcl a~ith and 30.00 feet southerly o` the centerline of La Palma Avenue; thence PJ RaO 56' 15" E, 297.28 fcet; thence S 15° ~6' 25" E, 2?_.~0 feet to an intersection witF~ a line paratlel ~•rith and 53.~~ feet southerly of the centerline of La Palma Avenue; thence N 3~° 56' 15" E, 134.08 feeC to the beginnin9 of a curve concave southt•~esterly and having a radius of 25 feet; thence Easterly and Southerly alon9 said curve through a central angle of 7~s° 57' 3~" an arc distance of 32.71 feet ta an intersection oiith a line parallel with and 45.00 feet westerly of the centerline of East Street; thence Southerly along said parallel line a distance of 53.47 feet to the beginning of a curve concave northwesterly and havina a radius of 15.0~ feet; thence Southerly and Westerly alono said curve through a central angle of 89° 56' 45" an arc distance of 23•55 feet to an intersection taith the north line of tJorth Street; thence N 7G~ 5~' 20" E, 26.f39 feet to the true point of beginning. IJHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hoid a ~ublic hearina at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on April 7, 1~80, at 1:3n p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as ~equired by 1~~•~ and in accordance ~•~ith the prov;sions of the Anaheim hiunlcipal Code, Chapter 1~.03, to hear and consider evider.ce for and against said proposed reclassification and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therea~ith; and WNEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reoorts offereu 3t S.~iii: tiC~1~iT'iL3~ (.~O^~ F1lTC~ 3f:!~ r1(.tprl+!1f1^ tfl^ Fn~~OI'f~fl(7 facts: 1. That the Anaheim City Planning Commission proposes reclassification of subject property from the RS-7200 (RESIDEPITIAL, SItJGLE-FA~11L1') ZOPIE to ~he RM-?400 (RESIDCtJTIAL, MULTIPLE-FAt11LY) ZOPlE. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan designates subject property for medYum density residential land uses. 3. That tfie proposed reciassification of subject property is not necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper devetopment of the comm~nity. 4. That the proposed reclassification of subject property does not property relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally established in close proximity to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally est~blished throughout the community. 5. That approximately 32 persons indicatei their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence t~ras received in oppos+tion to the suhject petition. -2- PCBO-63 ENVIROP;~IEPJTAL INPACT FINDIPJG: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to reclassify subject property from the RS-7200 (P,ESIDENTIAL, S I WGLE-FAt11 LY) ZONE to the RN-21E00 (P,E I DEtdT i/IL ~ MULT I PLE-FA!11 LY) ZONE on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consistiny of approximately 5.8 acres having a frontage of apFroximately 725 feet on the ~•~est side of East Street, 210 feet on the south side of North Street and 900 feet on the north side of tlorth Street; and does hereby disapprove the Flegative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis that there r~ould be significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this P~egative Declaration ; that sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study indicates significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the tlegative Declaration substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. tJ04l, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby deny subject Petition for Reclassification. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOPI is signec and approv~d by me this 7th day of April, ~gao. ~, - ' ;, t~ . -t - ~ f HA i R4lOt1AN, APlAHE I H C I TY PLAP~~J I PJf; COMM I SS I ON ATTEST: ~~ ~ ~~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COh1t115510~1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUPJTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIN ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on April 7, 19P0, h~~ the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: C011MISSIQtlERS: BARNES, BUSHORE, UAVID, FRY, HEFBST, KltlG NOES: CO"1~11 SS I ONERS: NONE ABSENT: COPIHISSIONERS: TOLAR ItJ WITNESS 4MEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 7th day of April, 1g80. ~~. ~ SECRETARY, ANAFIEIH CIT PI.ANNIPJ, COMMISSION -3- PCao-63