PC 80-66R,ESOLUTI0~1 nl~, p~^~_(,~, A RESOLUTIQtJ OF TFIE AtlFlHFIM CITY PLA'Itllt;r, C0~1~11551~!1 T;IAT PETITIOtJ FoR RECLasSIFICr~Ttori M0. 7~-3't-3~ B~ GRA"1TEC, 4lHEP,EAS, the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commission did receive a verified petition for Rec'assification from D[NNIS C. FRY AP!G ERI'•' E. FRY, ET AL, glF<< East Concord Avenue, Orange, California 92i6], o~~rners of certain real property situat'ed in *_he City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, de,crihed as follows; TFIAT PORTIO~; OF DR[YFUS A~JD OTfIEP, LANDS, AS SI10ld19 ON A t1AP OF SURVEY FiapE BY WILLIAII HAFIEL AMD FILED FQR RECO!;D I!I LOS AtIGELES COU"lTY, A COPY OF WhIICH IS FILED IM Tf;E OFFICE OF THE CQU~ITY RECORDER OF SAID OP,AilGE COUNTY ON PAGE 1G3, qH0 F(?LLO;J-Plr~ E001; 3, ENTITLFD "L05 APIGELES COUP~TY P,ECOR~S", DFSCRIBFp qS F~LLQ41S: TFIE SOUTFIEASTERLY 2G1 .GG FEET OF TNF PJQRTHtdESTERLY ,~1 , r~r FFET h1EASURFD AL~MG THE C.EtITER LINE OF EA5T STP,EET OF TNF NQaTHFASTERLY 1F1.5Q FEET h1EASURED PAR~LLEL IJITfI TNF CEtlTER LI~lE OF SOUTH STREET. EXCEPTI~IG THE~EFRO!1 TH[ NOP,THIlESTERLl' 1n~ FEET OF S.AID SOUTHEASTERLY 261.46 FEFT. 4lHE2EA5, the City Planning Commis~ion did holcl a nuhlic hearin~ at the City Fiall in the City of Anaheim on llpril 21, 1?u~, at 1;3n p,m,~ notice of saicl public hearing havi~g been duly given as required hy la~•~ and in accordance with the provisions of the M aheim Municipal Code, Chapter ~R,n?~ t~ f~ear and consider evidence for and against said proposed reclassification and to investiqate and make findings and recommendations in connection there~iith; ind 41HEREFlS, said Commission, after due inspection, invPStigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determin~ t~•^ f~)!~,.;~;;q f~~ts: the Rhi-1200 (ResldentialPetultiple-Family)S?one,toSflLi(Ind~s~~ia1,~~Limited)~Zone',from 2. That the Anaheim General Plan designates sub.ject property rar medium- density residential and/or industrial land uses. 3. That the proposed reclassification of subject property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of the community. 4. That the proposed reclassificaCion of subject property cioes properly relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally estahlished in close proximity to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally established throughout tlie community. 5. That the proposed reclassification of suh_ject property reauires the dedication and improvemenY of abutting streets in acc-~rr;ance with the Circulation Element of the General Plan, due to the anticipated increise in traffic which wil) he generated by t~.e intensi`ication of land use. PC3n-~( G. 7hat no one inriirated th~ir pl"rSenCr at sai~+ nuhlic hearina in opposition; and that or~~ lett~r centainin~ t~,n (1'~) sinnatures ~-ias received in opposition to the suhjec` petition. EiJVIROF!'+.F.^1TAL I'1PFlCT FI'lDl~ir,; Th~t th~ Ana~•rin Citv Planninn Co!~mission h~s revierrec! the ~rnposal t~ reclassi v sui,ject ~rn~ertv fr~r^ the R"~-120f1 (,RFSI~F.41T1/;L, ~1Uf.TIPL.F-F~,~11LY) ?n;!~ to ~II_ ~I~I~~~)STR11l_, LI~11Tf~~) Z0~!'" t~ r^tain a contractor's storage yard ~~iCh waivers of ninim+im lan~scaped sethacL•, m,v;imum strur.tural height and maximum fence height on a retangulariv-shan~cJ parcel of l~rd consisting nf approximately n,~•~ ~cre, having ~ frontayr of anprnxim,~tely 1~1 feet en the west side of [ast Street, hnving a maxinumdepth of appror.imately i~^ fr.et an~l being lacated approrimately ;3~ fcet soiith of the cent~rline of South Street; AMn D~FS HCREBY APPROV[ TNE Negative Declaration from the requirement to nrepare zn environmental impact report on the basis that there arnuld hr_ no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental im~+act duc to the a~provai of this t•le9ative Declaration since the Anaheim ~eneral Plan destgnates the suhject ?roperty for medium-density residential land uses comnensurate ~•fith the proposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study su6mittec by t`~e petitioner inrficates no signtficant individual or cumulative adverse envi~onmental impacts; and that the Plegative Declaration suhstantiating the foregoing findings is on file in tiie City of Flnaheim Plannin~ Department. tIOW, THE:',EFORE, BE IT RESOLNED that the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Reclassification and, hy so doing, that Title 13-Zoning of the Anaheim ~lunicipal f.ode he amen%ied to exclude the ahove-described property from the RM-12Q:1 (RESIDEtJTIAL/-AGpICIILTU°,AL) ZOPIE anci to incorporate said described property into the ML (I~lDL~ST'tIAL, LIMITE~) 7.(1FIE upon the following conditions ~.yhich are herehy found to be a necessar~ prerenuisite to the proposed use of subject property in orc;er to preserve the safety and ~en~ral ~•~elfare of the Citizens of the City of .4naheim: 1. That the o~vner(s) of suhject property shall deed to the City of .~lnaheim a strip of land 4(? feet in width from the centerline o` the street alono East Street for street widening purposes. 2. That all en9ineering requirements of the City of Anaheim alonq East Street including preparation of impr~vement plens and installation of all im~rovements such as curbs and qutters, sidea~alks, street c~rading and pavinq, drain~ge facilities or otlier appurtenant worl;, shall he comnlied with as renuired by the City Engineer and in accordance ~•~ith specifications on file in the Office of the City Engineer; that street lighting facilities along East Street shall he installed as required by tf~e Office of Utiliiies Ceneral Manager, an~i in accordance with specifications on fi1F in the Office of Utilities General ~lanager; anci/or that a bond, certificate of :fe~~osit, letter of credit, r~r cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the installation of t;ie <ibove-mentioned requirements orior to occupancy. 3. ThaC dr~inage of sut~ject ~roperty shall be disposed of in a manner s~tisfactnry t~ t'i~ f.ity F.n~inePr, fF. That the existing structure shall he brought up to the minimum standards of the City of Anaheim, includin~ the Uniform Huildina, Plumbing, Electrical, 'dechanical and Fire Codes as ~dopted hy the City of Anatieim, ~'- Pc3o-66 5- That tt;e o~mer(s) of su~~ject property shall pay the traffic signal assessment fee (Ordinance tdo. 3"`~~) in an amount as determine~l by the City Coi.mcll, for industrial buildings prior to the issuance of a huildin~ oermit, 6. That tiie proposed contractors storage yar~! shall comply with all signing requirements of the ~"L (industrial, Limited) zoning. 7. That all outdoor storage areas be c~moletelv paved ~•~ith asphalt to a minimum depth of three (3) lnches. 3. That sut:ject property shall be developed suhstantially in accordance with pians and specifications on file i•~ith the City of Anaheim narked Fxhihit No. 1, including a six (~~) foot high blocl: ~•~al l alonn t~ie nerth property 1 ine (Rt1-11.n0 Zoning) and provided th~t the six (6) foot high chatnlink fencP ~aith redwood slatting may be constructed only ten (1Q) feet from East Street around the parking area southerly of the house, and must not be constructed closer than forty-one (41) feet to East Street in front (east) of the residential structure or t~ the north of said structure. 9. Prior to tfie introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject pronerty, Condition P7os. 1 and 2, ahove-mentioned, shall be completeci. The provisions or rights granted by this resolution shali become null and voici by action of the Plannir,g Cammission unless said conditions are complied i•~ith 4iithin one year from the date hercof, or such further tine as tlze Plannin~ Commission may grant. 1f1, That Conditiens Nos. ?, !., 6, 7, and 2, above mentioned shall he conplied ~•~ith prior to final building ancl zoning inspections or within a period of sixty (60) days from the date of aoproval of this reclassification. BE IT FURTHEP~ RESOLVED that the !!naheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that a~loption of t'iis Resolution is ex{~ressly predicated upon applicant~s com~liance aiith each and all of the conditions hereinab~ve set forth. ~hould any such condition. ~r any part thereof, be decl~red tnvalid or un~nforceahle by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisclictinn, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOP.E601Nf RESOLUTIO~J ts sinned and apnrove~l h~~ me this 21st day of April, 1980. i~ //~ ( 4 ~~ G~-r, / _% Gl2~i~-C_., / CHA I R~:lO~•1Atl, AtIAHF I,M C I TY PLA~!~I I NG Cf1M~1 I SS 10~! ATTEST: /y~.t.G(, a~ . %~ta~ SECP,ETARY, ANAHEI~•1 CITY PLANtJIW~ COMHISSIO~! ~3- PC3~-66 STATE OF CALIFORtIIA ) COUhlTY OF ORAI~~E ) ss. CITY OF /1PIAHEI~1 ) ~, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anahein City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoin~ resolution i~ias passed and ado~ted at a meeting af the Anaheim C1ty planning Com,.,issian held on P,pril ?1, 1~?0, by the folioaring vote of the members Chereof: AYES: C0f1MISSI0h1Eft5: BARFlES, QUSIIORE, DAVID, FRY, tIERRST, f;ItJr,~ TOLAR VOES: COh1~11SSI0NER5: fJONE AE3Sc"NT: COt4~91SSI0PlERS: IJOIIE i~! WIT~IESS IJIiEREOF, I have liereunto set my hancl this ?1st day or April, 1980. ~~ ~ ~,~ SECRETAEY, A~lAItE I!1 C i i Y PLAPRI i NG COMM I SS I OPI -t~- PCII~-C6