PC 80-79RFSOLUTIO~J PJO. PCBn-7~ A RESOLUTIOt: OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLADlMItlG COHMISSION ADOPTIPlG AND RECOMMEMDIPIG TO TIiE CITY COU~!CIL OF THE CITY OF APIAHEl~1 ADOPTIOtJ OF ANAHEIN GEt1ERAL PLAN Ap1F~l9~1ENT MQ. 155 LADID USE ELEMFNT R^!D CIRCULATIOt! ELE'1ENT WHEREAS, the City Council of tfie City of Anaheim did adopt the Anaheim Generai Plan by Resolution No. 69-61+!~, sho~•~ing the generat description and extent of land uses ~~ithin the City and indicating the present belief of the Council as to possible future development and redevelopment of )and o-~ithin the City; and WHEREAS, pursuant to requests from property oo-mers for General Plan study~ the Anaheim City Planning Commission directed City staff to prepare a General ?lan Amendment for property consisting of approximately 95~ acres generally located south of the Bauer Ranch, a~est of the ldallace and Douglass Ranches~ narthwest and north of the Southern California Edison easement and east of the present Anaheim Hilis Planned Community, and that Monte Vista Road betareen Santa Ana Canyon P,oad and lleir Canyon Road be deleted as a ttillside Secondarv Arterial liighway from the Circulatton Element of the General Plan. WHEREAS, the Planning Department deemed it appropriate, pursuant to the Provisions of the Californnia Environmental Quality Act, to prepare Environmental Impact Report Plo. 231 in connection with the General Plan Amendment for the foregolr,g area under consideration; an~ WHEREAS, The Anaheim City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at Anaheim City Hall, Council Chamber, 204 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, on March 24~ 1980, at 1:3~ p.m.~ notice of said puhlic hearina having hoen ~1~)~ ~(ver 3; required hY 1a:r and ir accorJance witf~ the provistons of the Anaheim Hunicipal Code, to hear and consider evidence for and against said Amendnent to the Anaheim General Plan and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connectton thereo-itth; and said public hearing was continued to the meeting of May 5, 19F0; and WHEREAS~ said Commission, after duc inspection, investtgation and study made bY itself and in its behalf and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offere. at said public hearing, DOES 4ERFBY FIND: 1, That evidence aias presented which substantiates the need for an amendment to the Anaheim General Plan, and it is deemed a~nrnpriate tha~ "Exhlbit A Amended" be adopted subject to a further amendment designatinr i p~rL, sl~ nenerally located south/sou[h~vest of the commercial s1re. 2, That the petitioner stipulated at the pu}lic hear' that the c»ximum number of resfdential units shall be 2Fq0 for this antire gene~ area. plan amendment 3. That suhsequent to the advertisement for deletion of !tonte Vista P,oad~ the petitioner suhmitted a letter requestiny withdrawal of t~,eir request for an amendment to the Circulation Element. PCan-7q ~lOW, THEREF~RE, BE IT RESOLVED that Environmental Impact Report No. 231, having been considered this date by the Anaheim City Planninn Commission and evidence, both ~•rritten and oral, having been presented to supplenent sald EIP, ~lo. 231, thc Planning Commission o~lieves that said EIZ ~lo. 231 <loes conform to the City and Statc Guidelines and the State of California Environmental Quality Act and, based upon suc~i information, does recomnend ttiat the City Council certify said EIR PJo. 231, together 4+ith the Statement of Overriding Consideratlons as follows: "!•lhereas, the Anaheim City Council has reviel•red EIR Plo. 231 for the proposed General Plan Amendment for Anaheim Hllis P~znning Units I, Ii, III~ IX and .K and has determined that sald report identifies the follao-ring potential significant impacts which sa(d project could have on tfie environment: ~;) There rrill be an increase in automobil:: traffic which ~•~i11 generate congestion, noise and air o~llution in the area. '~) There will be an increase in tlie number of students ~•rhich ~•~ill create an additional burden on schools ~•~h~ch cio not have adequate capacity for them. ~) ~rading will occur on approximately 355 of the project area aiith consequent alteration of landforms, disruption to fiora and fauna and destruction of specimen trees. *) Development of the area could have an adverse impact on the hiological resourses of 4Jeir Canyon; however, ~e) such enviornmental impacts ~•~ill be reduced hy conpllance with City Codes, Poiicies and Procedures, and (b) the project ~~ri11 bring substantial beneftts to the ~~t~zens of Anaheim hy providing enployment and permittir,g the development of a higlz q~aiity resider,tial cor~munity to assist in meeting tl~e demand for houstng,and (c) economic and social considerations ma{;e it feasible to mitigate all of the tmpacts identified in the EIR. Noti~~, therefore, the City Council does adopt this Statement of Ovcrriding Considerations in approving General Plan Amendment No. 155. BE IT FURTFiER RESOLVED that, pursuant to the foregoinq findings the Anaheim City Planrting Commission does hereby adopt and recommend to the City Councii of the City of Anaheim, adoption of General Plan Amendment ~~o. ~55, as foilows: i• Flrea 1- Land llse Element - that "Exhibit A Amended" 6e adopted subject to a further amendm2nt designating a park site generally located south/southwest of the commercial site; and further that a maximum ef 26~0 resiclential da!elling units be permitted in this General P;an Amendment Area, 2. Area II - Circulation Element - that the requested deletion of Monte Vista Road beto-reen Santa Ana Canyon Road and l:eir Canyon Road as a Secondary Artrial Hfghway be withdraam. TNE FOREGOIDlG R[SOLUTIOta is signed and approved by me tt~is 5th day of '1ay, 198Q. ~i~irc./Q _ _ J~ ~~e ~ CIIA I R4/OMAM, AFlAIIF. I"+ C I TY PL4rItJ I N~ CQMM I SS I ON ATTEST: n ~C~. ~ ~Lti~ SECRETARY, A~lAHEIM CITY PL/1PINI~J~ C(1~1.MISSIDt1 -2- Pr,90-~~ ST/1TE OF CqLIFORrlIR ) COUtJTY OF ORq;~gE ) ss. C ITY OF ANAHEI~1 ) ~~ Edith L. Narris, Secretary of the Anaheim Ctty Planning Comroission, do hereb;i certify that *.he foregoing resolution r~a~ the Anahein City Planning Conxnission held ~~ ~~aasrs-`~`~ and adopted at a meettng of the memoers thereof: Y>> >9~'~, ~~Y the following vote of AYES: COMP115510~lERS: BAR~dES g , USHORE, DAVID, F2Y, HER.CST, Kltlf, TOLAR VOES: COMMISSIOIIERS: NOtIE ABSENT: ~OMMISSIOFlERS; FlOME , ~F~ WITtI[SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 5th day of ~1ay, 1980, S~~~ct~q~~~-~~' ~'TY P~ . J1qr~ ~ p~r ~~r~M I 55 I ON -3 PC'3~-79 ~