A RESOL!1T10~. OF T'fE ~~~',A!;EI'1 CITY PLA~I!!I'7G C~!;~115510'J
ThAT PETITIO!: FOP, VFlP.IAt1CE tl0. 31~4 eE GP.l1!ITF~.
WHEREAS, the Anahcim City Planninq Commissi~n did reccive a verified
petition for Variance from GIL RODRIGU[~, ET AL, 20'? tlorth Fern Street, Orange,
California 92uGi, o~~;ners of certain rcal pro~erty situaterl in th~ City of Flnaheim,
County of Orange, State of Califo rnia, described as folloa~s:
Lots 7 and ~ in BlocF: 1 of Resh's Subdivision of a part of
Vineyard Lot ~-f~ in the City o` Anat~cim, County of Orange, State
of Ca 1 i forn i a, as sho~:m on a map recorded i n Eoo'c 1~, Page °2 of
Hisceilaneous ~1aps, records in the office of the County Recorder
of said County.
4lHEREAS, the City Planning Com~ission diJ
Hail in the Ctty of Anaheim on June 2, 1?3~, at 1:3~
hearing having b~en duly given as required by
provisions of the Anahein `tunicipal Code, Chaptcr
evidence for and against said proposed variance and
and reconmendations in connection therea~it!~; and
ioid a public `iearing at tne City
p.n., notice of satd public
la~~~ and in accordance tioith the
1'.03, to hc~r an~i cor.sider
to investinatc and mal;c findings
WHEREAS, said Commission, after duc inspection, investigation and study made
by itself and in its be~alf, and after due c~nsideration of atl evidence and reports
offered at said hearing, does find and deterrine the follo::ing facts:
t. That t5e petitioner proposes ~raivers of thc follov~ino to construet a 9-
unit aoartment building:
(~) ~ECT1C:i T::.}"~i. ~i:j.ii: - 'iiniru:~i tanusc~peu seCL:i::i;.
1S feet required;
1~t proposed)
(b) SECTIO"! 1~'.;~!.n63,n32 - 'linimun recreational-leisure area.
2;1~ s uare feet per unit required;
7^ sq~et proposed)
2. That the ahove m~ntioned ~•~aiver (a) is herehy ~ranted on the hasis that
the petitioner demonstrated that a hardship exists in that ther~ are existing
buildings in the area also located 1'1 fect from Chartres Street; and based on the
limited size of the property.
3. That the ahove-mentioned i•~<iver (b) is hereby g~anted on the basis of
the lir~ited si~e of the property in ordcr to naF:e efficient use of thc property, to
provide needed !~ousinn in tiie City of /1n~hei~; an:i on the, h~sis that a recreational
area exists across the stree~ at the pu?lic school.
la. That t!~ere are exeeptional or r.y,tr~urdin~r; eireunistanees or eonc'.iti~ns
appl icable to the pro~erty involvecl or t~ the inten•1e~i iise of the property thar ~io
nut apply ~enerally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone.
5. That the ree~.~estcc v~rianee is neeessnry f~r the prr.servation and
enjoyr~.~nt ~f ;, ,uhstar,tial pr~perty riqht p~;sr,,c! ;;y nther or~pcrty in thc same
vieinity and ;one, and denied to the pruperty in ~uestion.
6. That thc rcr,uested viriancc riill not ~c materially detrimental to the
public 4~elfare or injurious to the property or ir~provements in such vtcinity and zone
(n v~hicn the propcrty is locat~d.
7. That no one inJicated t.,cir presence at said public hearing in
opposition; and that no corres!~ondenr.e ~ras receivec! in opp~sition to the subjeet
E~~VIGpn!~ErtTAL 1~1PACT FIilDI~~G; That the Anahein City Planning Corrontssion has
revie~~ied the proposa~ to reclassify subject property fron the R!1-21:00 (P,esidential,
t1u)tiple-Faraily) Zone to the Rt!-190p (ResiJential, ~~ultiple-Fanily) Zone to construct
a~-unit apartment complex ~•:it!ii•~aivers of minimum landsca~ed setbacl< and ninimum
recreational-leisure area on a rectangularly-shaped parcr.l of land consisting of
approxinaLely ~.7.; acre located at the northeast corner o` Chartres Street and Citron
5[reet, having a frontagr. of aporoximately 12^ feet on the north side of Chartres
Street and a frontage of 91 feet on t'ie cast side of Citron Street; and does heraby
approve the tlegativc ~eclaratioi~ fron the requirement to ~repare an environmental
impaet report on th~ basis that there t:ould he no significant individual or
cumulative adverse environnental irpac[ due to the ap~roval of this Negative
Declaration sinc~ the Anaheim General Plan desi9nates the sut,ject property for medium
density land uses conmensurate mitfi ttie proposal; tliat no sensitive environmental
impaets arc involved in the proposal; that the Initial Sturly sub~itted by the
petitioner indicates no si9nificant individ•ia1 or cumulativc adverse environmental
impacts; and that the Megative ~eclaration suhstantiatinR [he foro~nina findings is
on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Deoartment.
~lObl~ TfIEREFOP,E, [3E IT RESOLVE~J that the An~heim City Plannin~ Ccimmicsion
dces Fiere6y grant suhject Petition for Variance, upon the follo~•~ing conditions ~,hich
are hereby found to be a necessa~y prerequisite to the prnpnsed use of the subject
property in order to prescrve tlir_ satety and gener~l ~•:elfare of the Citizens of the
City of Anahein:
1. That this Variance is 9ranted subject to the completien of
Reclassification tlo. 79-8~-3~3, nou ;~ending,
2. That subject property shall be developed suhstantially in accordance
with plans and specirications on file with the City oF Anaheir~ marF:ed Exhibit Plos. 1
through 3.
BE iT FURTHER R(:SOLVE~ that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby
find and determine [f:at adop[ion of this 4esolution is expressly predicated upon
applicant's compliance r~ith each nnd all of [he conditions h~reinabove ser. forth.
5hould any such condition, or any p~rt thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceabte
by the final jud9ment of ~ny eourt of cor~petent juris~licti~n, th~:n this Resolution,
and any approvals herein cont~inecl, shall br_ der.med null ~nd void,
TI'E F~RLGOI,:G RESOUJTIOtI is sianed and approved by ne thi ; 2nd day of June,
~~.~~.~~ ~ ~a-~~.~~
ATTEST: ~~ ~ CHA I RLlO~tAt7, AtIAHC 1'1 C I TY PLA~l~! I Mf C0~1N I SS I OPJ
SECR.ETA~~ A~JAHE Itt C I LAN~`~Or ~1 S ,
-z- Pc3o-~r,
I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do
hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~~as passed ard adopted at a meeting of
the F~naheim City Planniny Commission neld on June 2, 1~R6, by the following vote of
the members thereof:
IN 4/1TP~[SS 4lhIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 2nd day of June, 1980.
`~~. ~° ;~3,~~~,
°3- PCEo-8II