PC 80-94RESOLUTI0~1 tl0. PC&0-qta A RESOLUTI Ot~ OF TI'E ANAfIE ~~I C ITY PLAPIt! I ~lr, CO~tt11 SS I ~~~ THAT P~TITIO~I FOR COtiDITlO"lAL USE PER~11T ~JO, 2pnrE DE r,RAtdTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim Ctty Planning Cammission did receive a verified Petition for Condttional Use P~rmit from JERRY L. POE, ET AL, 17~31. Hiliwood Drive, Yorba Linda~ Caiifornia, 92G36, owners, 2nd J. S. I. T'i~CKI`I,, JIM 8. SA~JDERS, PRESIDEIJT, 918 East Vermont Avenue, Anaheim, California 92?~5, agent, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Oran~e, State of Calffornia, described as: THE IJESTERLY 77,10 FEET OF THE N02T~{ERLY 1~1.00 ACRES OF TNE EASTERLY 25.Op qCRES OF LOT 21 OF A~IAHEIN EXTE~lS10"t, A$ SHOlJ11 ON A MAP Of SURVEY MqbE BY llILLIAr! HA!1EL /1ND FILED Itl Tf!F OFFICE OF THE LOUIJTY RECORDER OF LOS ANGELE$ C~Ut7TY, CALlFO~HIl1, A COPY OF WHICH IS SHOSlN ItJ BOOK 3~ PAfE 1f,3~ AMD FOLL06!IH~, F.F;; ITLED "LOS ANGEL~S COUNTY MA.PS", I~J T!-!E OFFICE OF TNE C~U"1TY RFr,na,DER OF SAID CQJ~lTY; AfiD THE ~lQP,TNERLY 1II7,~0 FEET OF Tf?E EASTE~'LY 233.flj FE:T OF TNE 50UTlf[RLY 979,21~ FEET OF THE tJESTERLY 1~ ACRES OF T~IE EAST[RLY 35 ACRES OF LOT 21 OF ANAHEIM EXTEPlSIO~~, It! THE CITY OF A-lAHEIM, COUHTY OF ORANGE ~ STATE OF CAL I FORt! I A~ AS SNOIIt! 0~! A Ml1P OF SURVEY MADE BY 4!: LL IAM HAMEL AND F I LED I lr' TNE OFF I CE OF TftE COIi~JTY RECORDER OF LOS AilGELES COUNTY, CALIFOR~71A, .4 COPY OF 'dHICH 15 RECORDED IPl BOOK 3, PAGE 1G3 ET. SEO., ~ttTITLED "LOS AtIGELES COU4TY MAPS", IN T4E OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER Of SAID ORA'JGE COUNTY, EXCEPTING THEREFROH TNE ~JORTHERLY 30.0~ FEET OF THE EAST~qZY ??.]~ FC[T TIiL;2CGF. WHEREAS, the City Plannfng Commission dic schedule a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on June 2~ 19°0, at 1:3~ p.n,, ,-~otice of satd public hearing having been duly given as required by ia~r ar.d in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municlpal Code, Chapter iti,e3, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed condtttonal use permit and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection thereo-~ith; said public hearing having been continued to the Planning Commisston meetiny of June 1G, l~nn; and WfIEREAS, said Commission after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due censideratlon uf all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does finci and determine tliP following facts: permit is'authorizedtby AnaheimcMunicipalSCode^~Sectionne'~fo~,ai^inh ~~r_onditional use retain a[ruckin 5 5~ to wit: to g yard in the ML (Industrial, Limited) Zone ~~~ith a~~.aiver of: SECTIOPI 1E3.61,n,4,~Zn - tlaximum fence height. .3~ inches permitted i~~ron t-setbac!:; f~ feet proposed) PCgn-9p strict applicathon ofhtheaz~onlnyecoder~deprtilvesethe15 ~ereby granted on the basis that other property under identical zoning classificationr~nethe vic~nityl~~~s enjoyed by 3. That thc proposed use is herehy grante~ suh_ject to the petitioner's stipulation to treating and maintaining the entire vehicular stora9e area with oil and gravel within thirty (3n) days to eliminatc any dust prohlem. and the 3. That the proposed use ivill not adversely affect thc adjoining land uses gro~th and developr~ent of tl~e area in ~~hich it is proposed to be located, 4• ThaC the size and shape ~f tfie slte a11ow the ful) dev~)opment of [he proposed use in arnanner fnotthdetrimentaleQtotethe particular area nor to the peace, hea]th, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of tl~e C i ty of Anahe i r~. imposed, 5f a~That the granting of the Conditionai Use Permit ~-.r{er the condi;ions welfare of theyCitlzens~ofb~;;ceCityeofaAnaheine Peace, healtfi, safeLy and general 6• That the tr~ffi~ gcncrate~ t~y the proposeci use a~ill not impose an undue ourden upon the strce[s and highti•~ays desiyned and imoroved to carry the traffTc in the arca. opposition• a~dhat one perso~ indicate:i his prese~ce at said public hearing in . that no correspondence was received in ooposition [o the subject petition. ENVIRONM~NTAL lr1PACT FIPlDI~:G: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission hac reviewed the proposal to retain a ~''~L~ 3;1~iver uf maximun fencerUheightY'on 'an~i1rreLular~ustriaf, Limited) Zonz conststing of approximately 2,~ acres, having a frontage~of a Y-sh~~'ed parcel of land the south side of Vermont Avenue and having a maximum depth ofp~oximately 77 feet on and betng located appraximate)y 750 fe~t west of the centerline ofrEastaStreet9n fand does hereby approve the Negative [~eclaration from [he requir~nent to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis that there would be no signific.ant indIvidual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approvai of this Negative Ceclaratton since the Anahelm General Plan desfgnates the subject property for general indus[rial land uses conmensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive environmental impa~ts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Scudy submltted bY the pettttoner indicates no significan[ individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Weqative Declara[ion substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in the City cf Anaheim Planning Department. NOW, THEREFOP,E, BE IT RESOLVED that [he Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby gran: subject Petftion for Condittonal Use Permit, upon the following conditions whlch are hereby found to be a necessary prer~=quisite to the proposed use of the subjett property in order to preserve the safnty anci c~~neral welfare of [he Citizens of the Ci[y of Anaheim: 1. That appropriate water assessment fees as determined by the Office of the Utiiities C,eneral Manager shall be paic to the City of llnaheim prior to the -~- ` PCE30-~ti issuance of a building permit, or ti•~ithin a per?od thirty (3p) ~>>ys from the date hereof, whtche~rer occurs first. 2• Thet the o:•rner(s) of sul,ject property shall sr.~bm(t a letter requesting the terminatir~n of Variance ilos, ZI,Go an~ 742 tc thc Pl~nnin~ Drnartment. 3. That subject property shall he developed suhstantially in accoraance wlth Plans and speeifica[ions on file ~iith rhe r.i~ y ef Anaheim marked Exhihit tJo. 2, ~+• That Condition No. 2, ahove-mentioned, shall he conplied with the commenr_e,nent of thE activity authorized under this resolution, or tlme that thc buildin prior to grant. period of one year from date hereof, v;!~icfiever occurs9fipttm'p~isuchsfuatfier [ime'nas the Pianning Commission may 5. Tha[ Condition 'lo. 3, ~bove-mentioned, shalt he coc.~lied with prior to final b~il~ing and zoning inspec~ions. f• That the entire vehicular storage area shall be treated wjth oil and gravel within thirty (3n) days of the datc hereof or such further granted by the Planning Comnisison; and, th3t 537G~ ait and t~"~e as may hA so as Lo prevent ary dust prublerrs. 9~~~~~ shall be malnta~ned B[ IT FURTHEP, RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Connissipn does hereby finJ and determine that adoptton of this Resolution is expressl aPPl~eant's compliance wi*_h each and all of the conclttlons hereirabovecset~forth.~ Should any such condition, or any part ther~of, 6e declared invalid or unenfcrceable and ane aflnal judgment of any court ~f conpe[ent jurisdic[ion, then this Res y pprovals herein contained, shall bc dcemed nuil ond void, olution, THE FpRE~^)t1r ~rSQL;;-=~~y iy ;i~ned and approved hy n~ th;~ 1(Lh day of June~ ~9~0. .~~a~, ~° ~°~~, ATTEST: ~~~AIRtJOMql~ qs{ 1,1 CITY PL.M1!INItl; CDMMISSIOf~ SECRFreR nr.~n --••-...,..~ ^~•^~,~~r~ ~irr PLAtINING COr4r~lsstp~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COU~lTY OF ORAf1GE ) ss. CITY OF A~JANEIN ) I~ Edith L. hereby cerLify that thc the Anaheim City Plann the members thereof; AYES: COM1115SIONERS: NO[5; COM111SS IOUERS: AQSEt1T: COMMISSIOtIERS: Harrfs, Secretary of the Anaheim Clty Plannln~ Cormitssion, do for<~going resolution ti•ias p~ssed and adonted at a meeting of ~ng Commission hcld on June 1F, 1~8~~ by the follo~oing votc of BARPlES, BUSHORE~ D:,VID~ Ff.r~ Kltl~~ Tn~qR HERaST N~tfE ~'~ WIT~t~SS WHERcOF, I have hereunto set mv hand this l~th day o£ June~ 1~sp, / lR~R~-t.~ar ~~ ~ A E M T PN NG COMMISSION ~,,,.... _~...: . - 3- PC8q-9-~