PC 80-95RFSOLUT~O~I ~ln, PC ;~-~~5
A RFSQLUTi~tl OF THE A!IA.'t~l,"1 CITY PLA;I`Ilt!G CO!t~~ISSI~~!
TI!AT PETITI(1!1 FOR VAP,I!'~~~CE iJO. 3151 PE ;r,r,!!TEn~ ~~! pr~nT
b/tIEZFAS~ the Anaheim City Planning Cnr+mission i!id receive a verified
Petition for Variance `rom TE;(AC!1, I~IC.~ 334~ Nilshire Boulev~rd, LOS Angeles~ CA
9onto, owner, and JC,12~ !!. C~''~rA, ;;r;) Wilshire 6oulevard, Los Anc~rles, CalfFornta
90010, agen[, of e~rtain rcal prnnertv situated in t~r ~ity o° ~lnahri-, County of
Orange, State of California drscriheci as:
Pareei 2 of a Parcel Map recerded ~entenher 7~,, ]~7? in 90~~ 55,
Page 21~ and adjusted through lot line adjustMent recorded J~ne 7~
1973 in ~ook 1?7CG, Paoe 13~'~, ail in miscellaneous maos, County
of Oranqe~ Calffornia.
4lHEREAS, [he City Plannin~ Commission did scheduie a?uhlic bearing at the
City Hall in the Cit, of Anaheim on June 2, 1~1':~~ a[ 1:3^ p,~,, ~~tice oF s.~id nubTtc
hearing having been duly giver. as reauired by lar~ and in accord~nce rii[h [he
provisions of [he Anaheim Municipal f.ode, Chapter 1'.~?~ to '~ear and consider
evidence for and against said proaosed varianc~ ,n~ t^ ?r.:•-st?c-;e :~~ -at~c fin8ings
and recommendations in connection thereti~i[h; said puFlic ~earino havtng heen
eontinued to the P1 nning Coc.nission ^eetin~ of June 1~, i~^~~ ~n~
WFIEREAS~ said Commission, a`tcr d~ie ins;.ec[i~3n, investioatinn and --•~dy r~~f~
by i[self ~nd in its hehalf~ and after duc tonsid•~r~tion n° a11 evldenc~ and re~orts
offered at satd hearing~ does f;nd and de[ernine the fnilnrii~c; facts:
1. That the petitioncr prnposes ~•~aivcrs of thc fo.laiing to pcrmit a frce-
standing gasolinc pri~^ si~n:
(a) SECTtO!1 lII.J5.091.~10 - Permitted numher of sian~,
1 shonpinq centr_r iden[tficatlor
siqn perr~itted;
2 sians p~oposed, inclu~llna
1 gasoltne price sian)
(b) SECTI0~1 l0.'15.0~i,n1li - Naxinum sinn area.
Z~ square ect permt[ted;
7.5 square eet pr~posed)
2. That thc above-mentioned waiver (a) is herehy grante~l on the h~sis that
the petftToner demons[ratecl that a hardship exis[s in that recent municipal
leglslation requires gasollne price signs vTsihie to triffic f~r all service statlons
and strict applicatlon of the zoninq codP a,~ul~' de~rivP the prorerty of prlvileges
enjoyed by other property un~er stmllar zoning classification in the City.
3. That the above-mcntioned waiv~r (b) is herctiy rier,ir~ on the basis that
subject property is locate~l in the Scentc Corriclnr Overlay 7.onr~ oncl [here are no
spectal circumstances aoplicah~e to the property~ incluJinn size~ shaoe. topography.
location or surroundings~ whtch da not a~nly to other property under tden[l~al zoning
classtfication fn ~;,e vicinitv.
j, That there are excepticnal or er.traordinary circun,t~nres or condittons
applicable to the prooerty involved or to thc intrndc~' use, as 9ranted, of the
property that do not aoply nenerally [o thr pro~ertv or C~A55 of use in the same
vicinity and zone.
4, That the reauest~d varianc~, as 9ranted. is necessary f~r the
preservation an~1 enj~ymen[ o` a substantial n mp~~riy rin`+t nossessed by othcr
propertY in thr_ sa~+e vicinity and zon~, an~ denic•i to t~~e ?r~P~rtY in aucstion.
5, That the r~aucstcd varianc^. ~~ nranted, will not be •~aterially
detrimcr,tal to the puhlic wcifare or injurious [o the nrnpcrty or inprovements ~~
such vie+~itY and zone in ~~hir_'~ [he or~perty i~ iowted.
E. Tha[ no on~ indicated their presence at s~id ouFlic hearing tn
opposition; and t'~at r.o corresoondenc^ ~•~a~ receivr.d in o~nnsition t~ ttie subjeet
EIIVIROti"E'1TaL INPl~CT F~ND~t1~: Thac t`:^_ Fia~~~~~ ~~rector or his authorized
rep~esentativc has deternined [hat the pro~sed projcct Fa11s ~~~it~in the definition
of Lategorical Exe~~[ions, Class 3. as dc " ned in Par~r,ra~h 2 0~ t~e City ef Anaheto
Environm~n[al Imoac[ Report ~uidelines and is. ttierefore, cate~orically exe^Dt fro~+
the ~equirc~cnt to Nic}~~~ ~' =~°-
t~0'.~~ Tf~EREFO°E. EE 17 ?ESOLVED :hat t~c ~+n~~^c1r, C':y Plannin~ Co~'*~ission
does '~ereby gra~t, ~~ ~~rt. su!~ject Petition for `:arianc~, unon t~e fpllowTng
eondi[ions ahTeh arc hereby found te `~c a nc~essary ~rcre~uisit^_ t~ t*^ proo~sed usc
of the subject praperty in order to pr~scrv~~ the ;~fety ~nA acnera) wclf~re of the
Citizens of thc City of Anahci~.
i. That suh;ec: pronerty shaiT he develoae~ suhstantially In aecordance
xI:"` ^~~n6 ~nr' en~cificatln~ic or. file ~riNi t!~c City ~f Anahcin m~rkc~f Exhibit ~Ins. 1
anJ 2.
2, That CoriditlOn !lo. I. a~ovc-r+cntioncd, sha11 ho cn-nllc~! with o'ior to
ffnai b~ildinn and zon~~n~ insDCCtions.
DE IT FUP,THER RES~LV"cD [hat [hc An~heim Citv Planning Cocr,ission does hereby
fTnd and deternTnc that thc adoption of ttiis Resolution is ~xpressly predicated upon
applicant~s compliance with each and a11 of [`~e conAitions hereinahove set forth.
Should any condition or an, par[ thercof, be declarea lnv~lid or unenforceable bY the
final judgment of any court of compe[en[ jurisdic[ion. then thls Resolutton. and any
approvals hereln con[ained, Shatl t,c decmed null an~t vold.
T~IE FOREG~INC RESOLUTIO~i is signcf onc; .~pprovcd Fy ne this lft'+ day of June.
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H„ ~+;,•: r~o c~rc^c
~~'~ANEI`t CtTY Plrtl!l1•1~ Cn•~,~~s~~n~;
~ ~Cl~. ~ ~~~Ley P C`~ ~.. r~ r,
S~ ~ f ~~~ UMMI 10~! -2-
STl'~TE OF C1lLIFOR;t~ll )
COU~t7Y OF QP,l,'rGE ) ;S,
~. Edit!~ L. Harris. S~cretary of the Anahein City Planning Comr~ •~on, do
hereby certify tha[ th•~ foregoing resolution ~•~as passzd and adopted at a me~ ~~r
the Anahe(m City Plannino Comr,tssion held on June 1f, i~^n, at ~.3~ of
follaving votr_ of [hc rt:enbers thereof: P•m- ~ ~e
AYES: Cr,~t,ilS5iuf1EP,5: 8(15H02G, L~s~YfD, F?Y, NER85T, Y,IFI,, T~LP,R
NOES: LCtt.t15,10?lERS: 'JO;:E
ABSEtJT: C~Hr115510!JERS: BlIR";ES
I'I '~lIT;IFSS ~lfEEEOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand this l~th day of June, 1980.
~c.~~ .t°. ~,,.,~,~
-3- PC30-9;