PC 81-10, ~ RESOLUTI0~1 P~~, PC81-1~ A RESOLUTIOM OF THF A~JANEIM CITY PLAN`JI~I~ CONMISSI~H TFIAT PETITIOri FoR C~~IpIT10~lAL USE PF.RMIT No. 7_1F3 CF GP,A-iTFO WFIEREAS, the Anaheim Ctty Planning Commission did receive a verified Pet 1 t ton for Cond i t i ona 1 Ilse Permi t f rom FRANCH I SE REAI.TY I rITERSTATF Cf1RPORAT I ~~1, 109F~0 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Anqeles, Califnrnia, ~0~:!1E, owner of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, Cnunty ~f Oranae, State of California, described as: PARCEL 1: Parcels A and B, in the City of Anaheim, Coiinty ~f Oranoe, State of Caltfornia, as shown on a Parcel Man filed in book 48 paoe 1 of Parcels Mans, in the office of the County P,ecorder of sald County. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission dtd hold a puhlic hearinq at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on January 12, 1981, at 1:3`~ ~.m., notice o-' said public hearing having been duly given as required by lar~ an~' in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Hunicipal Code~ Chaot~r 18,^3, to hear and consider evidence for and against satd nroposed conditional use permit and to Investigate and make findings and recortmendations in connection therea~ith; and WHEREAS, saf~ Commission, after due inspectton, investiaatinn and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due constderation of i~~ evidence and reAOrts offered at said hearing, does find and determTne the followtnq facts: i. That the proposed use is ~+r~~eriy one for ~~~hich a cnndttional use permit fs a~rthorized by Anahetm Municipal C~de Sectlon t?,1!t+.~S~.3np to wtt: to permit a drlve-through restaurant. 2, That the proposed use ~oill ~ot adversely affect the ad.joinin~ land uses artd Lhe gi'ae•tL`t ard ilevetopmen[ of the ared in whicn it is pro-~osed to be locate~l. 3. That the size and shape of the site oronosed for th~ use is adequate to al)ow the full development of the proposed use in a manner nni detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace~ health, safety~ and aeneral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anahefm. 4. That the grantine of the Conditional Use Permit un~ler the conditTons imposed~ If any, will not be detrtmental to the peace, health, safety and qeneral welfare of the Ctttzens of the City o' AnaheTm. 5. That the trafflc generated by the proposed use will not (mpose an undue burden upon the streets and hfghwavs designed and improved to carry the traffic in the area. f. That no one tndicated their presence at said public hearinq in oppositien; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to the subject petitlon. PC81-10 reviewed tNe'p~oposaALto~permitla,nlrGve-througf^restaura~tton a,arectanqu~lmar~sion has parcel of land censisting of approximately 0.7 acre havinc a frontaqeapof approximately 210 feet on the north side of Ball Road, havtng a maximum depth of approxtmately 150 feet and '~eing located ~p~roxinat~ly 175 fe~t west of the centerllne of Gilbert Strect (2l~11 West Ba11 Ro~d); and does fiereby approve the NegatJve Declaration from the requirement to orenare an environmental impact report on the basfs that there would be no significant indivldual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval ot this Negative Declaration since the Anahelm Generai Plan designates the subject property for general cor+nerclal land uses commensurate wtth the proposa); that no sensitive envtronmental tmpac*s are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Stucly submltted by the petitioner indicates no slgnificant individual or cunulat(ve adverse envir~nmental impac.ts; and that the Negative Declaratton substantiating the forPgoing findtnns is o~i fi)e in the City of Anahetm Planntng Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the APahelm City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the followin9 conditions which are herehy found to he a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject pr•operty in order to preserve the safety and general welfare. of the Citizens of the Clty of Anaheim: 1. That trash storage areas sha~~ hP provided in accorciance a~ith approved pians on file with the Office of the ExecutivP ~'r,:~tor of Public Wor~s. 2. That the owner(s) of suhject property shall su5mit a l~tter requesting the terminatlon of Conditlonal Use Permit Plo, 269 to the Planning Department. 3. That subject property shall be developed suhstantially in accordance with plans and specifications on ftle with the City of Anaheim marked Exhthit Nos. 1 through 3, 4. That Candition t3o, 2, ahove-mentioned, shal) be complied ~1th prior to the commencement of the actfvity authorized under this resolutton~ or prlor to the time that the building permit is issued, or withtn a period of one year frrxn date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the Planning Commission may grant. 5. That Condit(on Nos. 1 and 3. a6ove-mentfoned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspectior.c, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEQ ~hat the Anahetm City Planntna Commicston does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolutio~ is expressly ~redir,ated upon applicant's compllance with each and all of the conditions hereinabov: set forth. Should any such condition~ or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final Jud~ment of any court of competent jurisdictt~n~ then t~ls Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, sha11 be deemed null and v~id. THE Fp~EG01AIG RFSOLUTION is signed and approved by me th(s 1?.th day of January~ 1981. ~ ATTEST: ~~hi~~ pl~ AN HEIM I PLANNINI: r! COM lSSlc1N ~~ ~ M ~AflNIMG COMMISS ON -2~ PC81-10 ~ ~ , SrATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF AMAHEtM ) 1, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Canmission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutton was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anah~lm City Planning Commission held on January 12, 19~i1, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BUSHORE, FRY, KING, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, HERBST I~J WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of January, t981. ~a2.e~. ,t°. 7~~:. SECRETARY, AN HEIM CITY PLANNlNG COMMISSION -3- PC81-to _ _ .5,~ RF~OI_IITI~"i .'I~. FC31-1~ A RFS('LUTIOIi OF 7fIE A'Ir.,ur~~~ (;ITY PL.ti;'ll•!^ Cq~"~IS~In~I TtIqT PFTITI!1„ Ff!R L"'~~"l ITI~';/11_ USC f["~+IT ~i~, 71~' ~~ G"1'~T~~ 411![RCP~~, t~~~~ ~n~heim City Plinninn Cor^~i«inn ~ii~' r~cnivr ~ verifirri ~etltion for Conditional ~i5r Perr~it frnr, F~/1~1f~!ISF ~'F~;.TY I"~?F?~T~T~ f.fl~pn^,l1Tl~tl, 10^~'! 1./ilshirn f',~,ilcvnrl, L~, I,nnrl~s, f.,;iifnrnii, ~~n~/: ,.,r.~r n~ ~~rtain real pro~erty situatec' in thr Citv n` l:n:~heic~, Cnuntv ~f ~~~~~~ ~c-~t~ nr Ci~ifnrnii, descr-ihn~f a5: P~~C[L 1: Parc~l~ h in~~ ~', in the Cit~~ ~` f,n~heim, C~un,v nF Or?no~, St~tr of f.alif~rnia, ~s sh~~.rn ~n ~ ~ar~~l '~an filrri in h~ol< h;; na~e 1 ~f Parcrls `"~"s~ in r'~~ n~~ICC nF th~ ~oun*v Recnrder of sai~i f,nun[v. lll!E~EAS, the f,it~~ Pl,~nninn Cnr+rission ~1iri h~1~1 n~nhlic h~~rinn ~t the f ivic Center in the Citv cif Ani'ieim nn !anuarv 1'?, 1°~1, ~t 1:"i~ n.r~., nntice af ~aid public hc~arinv havinn heen dulv qiven as rcr.uirerl Fv 1~~• ~n~ in accnrri~nc~ „~it'~ th~ prnvisions of the Ar,.~h~eif~ ~~unicipal Code, Cha~t~r 1',,^3, r~ hear ~r.ri cnnsider ev i dence fc,r and aqa i nst sa i d nrnr,nc~.! r~~.i ~ t i„~-. t ~~„ ~~; ~__., ~ ~~..,_ t "~ , i inatr~ anc makP findinn; and r~cormenrliti~ns in rnnnection th~r~~.•~itti•lan~1 IJHEREA~, said Co~r~issinn, after 1u~ in,nection, inv~~tin~tinn ~nrl stu~ly r~ade by itsel` an~i in its heh.~lf, an;! af-~r due cnnsi~!~•r?ti~n e` ~11 ~videnc~ nn~1 renorts offered at said hearin~, cinrs fin~i :~n1 ~ietFmir^ th~ fnll~,i•~inct f.~ct~• 1. That the prn~osed use i s ~m~er ly onc~ for ~ ~h ~ ~h ;~ ~~nd i t inna 1 usr permit is authorized hy Anaheim ~lunicin~l Codr S~ctinn 1",f~l~,n~~.~n~ tn v.~it: to per~it a drive-tt,rounh restaur~nr. 2. That the prnposc~i use ~:~ill n~t arlverselv ~G'ect th~ ~din~nin~ lan~i USP_S and the ~roa~th and devel~nmcr~ of ~tie are: in ~:~h~eh it i~ or~n~se~i t~ h~ ine~te~i. 3. That the s i ze ~r,d shane ~~f t',e ~ i t~ nr~~nsed fnr t`~~ u~~ i~ ~dFa~iat~ to al lo~•+ the full devel~nment ~f the prnnose~' use in a manner rnt rletrimer,tal to the particiil.ir area nor t~ the peace, he~l[h, safetv, ~nc~ ~eneral v~Pl°nr~ of the Citi~ens of the City of Anahelm. ~E. Th~t fhe ~rant inn c~f the ~ond i t inna 1~Js~ Prrmi t iin~l~r the condi tinns impnsed, if any, ~~~ill n~t he detrimental to the neac,•~ health, Sifetv ~nri ~eneral welfare of the Citizens nf the Cit~;~ of ~nahcim, S. That the tr~ff(c cienerated hy [~e nr~nose~! use aiill n~t imnnse :~n unuu~ burdc-n unon the streets ar,ci hi~h~,avs cl~~~inn~d an~'. irr+mv~d tn carrv the trarIIic in Che ar~a, ~. Th~t n~ onc indicat~d tii~ir pr~sc~nc~~ ~~ ~~i~i nuh~ic h~~-in~ !r, opnnsltlnn; arn9 t~~:t no c~rrc~;~~ndener• ~~.~; rc~c~i: ~d in onnnciti~n t~ rhe suh petition, jPnt Pf,81-1~ ~t1VIR0I:HEWTl~L It1PAC7 Fll;pl`!~: Th,it CI•~ P,n~hei^ f_'ity Flanninn Cor~misslon has revic~~~ed t!~~ proor~sal t~ permit a drivc-thrrn»I~ re; pareel of l.~nd con>istinr~ nf .~nprnr,im<~tel~.. Caurnnt on a rectan~ularly-shapcd anproximatcly 21~ feet on the nor[` side of [~all Road, havin~'13~in~~r,imumr~fepth of approximately 1;Cl fect ar,:l ',einn located .i~nrn~i^~t~lv 17~ f~et ~:~est of the centerline of Gilhert Strcet (?+';ii idcst `i~'1 Ro,3~1 ; tlegativc ~eclaratinn fr.x~ ~ ~^~j `-~~~~ hr_rchy ap~ro,r~ the t`~r requir~ment tn or~o.~-,~ ~nvironmenta) ~m on the i~a,is tliat t~~ere r;ould !~e nn si~nificant in-livi~lual ~r ~aet r~port environment~l i~pact ~u~ to th:~ anpr~v~l nf this !lenativc ~,cu~ul~tivc ~riversc Anaheim Gener~i Plan desi~nates the suh'ect nroper g ~claratinn sinee the c~r~-~ensurate vrith the ~ t~~ ~r `~~'~'~'~~1 cmm~crcial land uses P~o~osal; that no ,cnsitive envirn~n~ntal imracts are invnlved in the proonsa); that the Initial Stu~iv submitted ~y t`~e netitinner indieates no s(gnifieant individu~l or cu~+:il~,tive adverse envirnnmAntal imoacts; and that the !Jegative peclaration suhstantiatir.~ the f~renninn findin~s is nn file in the City of ~~aheim Planning De~artment. ~''~~'~, T!'ERLF~~?C, F.E IT RrsOL~!Ep ~hat the Anatiein City Planning Commission does herehy r~rant subject Petition f~r Conditior,~l l'se Per~it, unnn the follot~~inn Conditfons o-~hich are her~hy p.,und to he a necrssarv prrr~quisite t~ the proposed use of the subjeCt PriLer~y 1~~I,eder to nreserv~ r~e s~Fetv and aFnnral ,d°lfore. ~„' the ~I~IZEf15 !1f ~o (' r t ~ . i. That trash storn~e areas shajl i,e ~rovid~d in ~ccordanee :•~ith approv~d plar.s on file s•~ith the Offic~ of the ~xecutivc• ~irectnr of Pu5}i~ ~:1pr4•s. ' Th~~ the oi~mer(s) of suhject nr~nerty shall sctin-t i letter requesting [he Cerminati~n of Conditlonal llse Permit No, 2~~ to the Planr.inq ~e~artment. with ~~~s'~~~That suhject prnperty ~ha11 he rlrvrlpped suhstantiallv in ~ccnr~ianr~ F Snecific.~ti~~~i5 nn f;1., ..i_ ~iirour~r, i, "~^~ ~~~~ ~~i tinahe~n marked Fxhihit Nos. 1 4• That Condition Plo. 2, ahovr-nentioned, Sha11 be ~~n~~iA~l~;~ith prinr to the con~encement of the activity authorizerl under this resoluti~n~ ~r ,~~i~r t~ the time that the 6uilc~inn permit is issued, or ~•~ithin a perind of onr_ year from date hereof, ~~~hichever occurs first, or such further time as t6e Planninn Commission may grant. 5. That Condition tJos. 1 and ?, ah~~~.-m~ntione<i, shall he canplied with prior to final building ancJ zonina inspectinns. CE IT FIIRTHEP. R!=SOLVFf1 [hat thc An~heim Ci*_v P1?nnin~ Comr~icstnn dnes hrrehy find and deterr~ine that adon[ion of this Resolution is expressly ~rPdicated upon applicant's c~mpliance ~rith eac'~ incl all of the c~n~litinr~ her~inibov.~ set forth. Should any such condi[i~,n, or any part therF,~f, he drelared invalirl or unenforceab)e by thr_ final judnment o~ any cnurt ~f comneCenr iurisciicti~n, thc~n this Resnlirtion, and any anprovals herein cnntained, sh~il he ci~e~ed nu11 ~~nd v~;~i TIiE FOR~Gn(~if Rt~SOLUTI(?~I sinneri .~r~ ,, , January, 1~lEl. ' ~~nrove, ,;y n~r. t~is 12th rlay of ~ ~~~ ATTEST: ~~+FliRr~nri, n~nF~FI~~ Clrv P~n~~Fll"r, co~~Mlssl~?i ~R . ~I IM CiT L!',~lNIPIG CnM'tiSS~n~~ -`- Pr~1-ln STFlTE Or CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAfiEl~1 ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning f,ommissi~n, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted a: a meeting of the Anaheim Cit;~ Planning Commission held ~~n Jaruary 12, t~£il, hy the foilowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COM~115510~l~RS: [i0UA5, (3USHORE, FRY, KI PJ6, TOl_AR N~ES: COMhiISSIONERS: ~!0`lE ABSEPIT: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, HERBST t981. IPl 411T~1ES5 WfiEREOF, I have t~ereunto seL my hand this 1?th day of January, ~~.~. .~' 1~«.~.~. SECRETARY, APdFlHEIPI CITY PLA?ItvING CONMISSION -3- PC~1-10