PC 81-103arsnt_i;T~o~~ ~~n, P;,;~t••t~3 .1 ~[SOLUTICiI OF TI([ ,1'~~f~El'1 CIT~ PL~.~!"11'ir C~1~?!11~510!! TH/',T PETITIO'; FO^ RECLASSIFICATi!?'! N0, ",n_;~~_~ ~ r~[ G4/~`ITF~, W!!F3EAS, t:~e qnahe(m Cit~• Plannino Co~missi~n ~!id reeeive a verlfied petition for Reclassification frr,c, ~~R;,Rp ,-, Uq;^,p~ 1~iD .lOYCF !1, IJAR~c, ~Fj31~ East La Palm~ Avenue~ Anaheiri~ Califc~rnia ?~:t~7, ormer> nf ccrtain real pr~perty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Oran9e, State of Calif„rnia, descrihed ~s folla.vs: The South 21~,~;) fect of tl;e East 1"~~.0;. feet nf the lJest 10.27 acres of the Southeast quarter of thc South~:~est nuarter of Sectio~ 2~, To~mship !a South, Rangc l~i ldes[, Rancha Los Coyotes, City of Anaheim, as sham on a man record~d in bool: 51, paqe l~i of Miscellaneous t1ar.s, recor~is of Orange County, Catifornia, descriL-ed as follotrs: t3eginring at a point on the South line of said Sout~ieast quarter of the Southwest auarter o` 5ection 7.n~ Townshio 4 South, Rangc 1~ West, ~F'?7.2 feet ~+'est of the Southeast corner of said Southeast quarter o` [ie South~~est ~uart~•r; *h~nce l!cst ~lony Lhe ~CUCh iine oP said ~cutheas[ qua~ter of thr South4~est quart.:r ~?; fect to the Sout!n•~c~t c~rner nf sa;d SOUCI1C35t quarter o` t7e Soutn~•~est Cuarter, ,af~1 ~oint bein~ 137~.3 feet tast of the South~•rest corner nf said Section 20; thencr_ North alorg thc '~dest lfne of the Southeast ouarter of the Southo-~est quarter o` sai~' Section, 1211~ feet t~ [he South linF of the tract a` lanu conveyr_d tu the Southern Pacific Failroad Company hy deed recordeu Septer..~er 1~, 1~,~9, in ho~!; 1~5, pa4e lh~ of Decds; thence Eas; along said South riaht of o-~ay line "35 feet; thencn $outh 1?1!~,~= fr~t rn r~,~ ~nt~r ~f ~,,,,,r...,;..., WHEREAS~ Lhe City Planniny Commission did hcld a puhlic hearfnn at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on ~1ay 4, 1~31, at 1:3~ n.~., netice of said public hearing having heen duly ~aiven a; rryuirecl I-y iar~ anci in acr_ordince wfth the provisions of the Anaheim Munic~pal Code, Ciiant~~r 1',.~3, to hear and consider evid?nce for and against said proposed reclassificatinn and to inv~stigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therP~•rith; said puhlic !~earinc havin3 been conttnued to the Planninc Commisslon meetin9 of May 1~~, 1~31; and IlIIEREAS, said Cormiission, after due inspection, investi9ation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearinn, does find and deternine the follo~~in~ facts: 1. That the petittoner pro;~oses recl~,sification of suhject oroperty from thc RS-7_'0~ (Reside~tial, Singic~-Farnily) Zone to tiic R~i-~f1C" {Residential, ~lultiple- Family) Zonc, 2. That the ~naheim ;cner~l ~l;~n desiM~tr~s suF,irct r,rnn„rty fnr 1~~•r- medium density residential lnnd uses, 3. That th~ prnposed reclassifieation of sub,ject pronerty is necessary and/or desirahle f~r tn~ orderly ~~n:l proner c:evel~pm:~nt of thA community. PCc~I-103 ~ ~ ~~. That the proposed recl~ssification of suhj~~ct nro~erty do~~: properly relate to C'~e zones anci their permitted us:s l~eally es[ablishr_d in cins~ proximity to subjecC pronerty and to t'ie zone: ~nd th~ir ;~crmitted uses generaliy established throunho~t the eommunity. 5. Tliat the proposed reclassificaTic,n nf suhject pron~rty reouires the dedieatio~ and improvement of ahuttinn ;treets in •_lCCnfr{a~tCr ti•~it~ ihe Circulation Element of the General Plan, due t~ the anticipated increasr_ ir trafFic which aiili be ye~erated hy the intensification ~f land u,e. ~. That 3 Rersons indic,3ted their pr~se.nce at saicl ~uhiic hearina in opposi*_ion; and that a petition con[aininc~ anproximatelv 77 s+~natur~s b/e5 received in opposition to t~~~ suhject petition. EIlVIRONMENTAL 1~1PACT FIPlftitlR: That the Ana~cim City Pl~~nninc Connission !~as rev~ewed the proposal to reclassi,y suhject property fr~r tne R~-7?~~ (pesidential, Single-Family) Zcne to the RP?-3~~~ (Residential, ~lultinle-Fanily) Zone to establish a one-lot, ?-unit condoninium suhdivision on a rect~nnularly-~haned rarcel o` land eonsistinn of approximateiy '1,(1• acre located at the nort!~r=_st corner or Katella Avenue and Dallas Drlve (2~;3'~;est Katella llvenu~~); and docs her~hy approve thA Negative Qeclaration from the reauirement te prepare an e m~ironmer,tal inpaet report on the basis that there aiould be no sianific~n• individua~ er cunulative adverse environmental impact dur_ to t~r anproval of this PJenativ~ ~~clarati~n since the Anaheim General Plan desi~nates t;ie suhjecr ~,roperty f~r lo~~~-medium density residential land u;es comnensura*c ~:rith t!~A prooosal; t~it n~ s_csit(ie en:ironnental impacts are involved in thc ~ropos~l; tiiat the Initi~l S[udy sui,ritted by the petitioner indieates no si9nificant individu~l or r_uT.ulative adverse environr~ental impa~ts; and that the ~le9ative Deelaration suhs~:niiar.i~~r the foreaoin~ findir,q~ is on file in the City of Anahein Pl~nnin9 Departmen~, NOll, TNcREFQRE, E3E iT RFSOLV~~ that tiie Anahr_im Cit~~ ?lan~Ino Cor+miasi~n r ~c.,n~ ~u., ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~" ~ ~~~c.~ ~c:~i~,un ror KP.riassiticatio~~ and, ~y ;n ~1~1rG, chat Title 1~-Zoning of the Anaheim !lunicip~31 Cod,~ he amended to exclude th~~ ;bove-described property from thA RS-7200 (RESIDEIITIAL, SI"IGLE-FAMILY) Z0~1~ and tn in~.oroorate said described property into [he RFi-3~,~v (RE;I~E'lTIAI_, !~!~LTIPLF-Fq~~~t.y) ~nflE upor. tht: follor~ing conditions 4~hicn are I;erehy found Co he a necessary ~rere~uisite to the pronosed usc of suhject propcrty in ordcr to oreserve the safety an~i qeneral ti•~elfare of the Citizens of the City of Anahein: 1. That the oym er(s) of suhject property s'~all deeci to the City of Anaheim a strip of land ~~ feet in •;iidth from the centerline of the street along Katella Avenue ror sLreet ~•~idening purnoses. 2. That ~ll en~incerlnq ro~uirem~nts ~~ thc City of Anaheim along I<ateila Avenue including preparation of i~~rnvrment plans and installation of a11 improvements sur_h as curbs and gutter~, ~icl~~:.a1Hs, street gri~i;,q and pavinc~, drainage faeilities nr other appurtenant ~•~orl:, shill be cornnlied ~;rith as requireci by the City Enc~ineer and in accerdance ~•~ith specificat~ons on `il~ in the Orfice of the City Engineer; that strc.et lin'~tin~ facilities a)nn- !(a[ella Avenue stiall hc instailed as rc-~quired t,y the Officc cf tltilities Gener~l `1an,~er, and in accordanee ~+ith snecificati~n~ nn file in the ^ffice o` L'tilities ~~~neral I~ianager; and/or that a bond, certtfieate of deposit, letter of credit, or casii, in an amount and form _•,_ ` PC81-t~3 Sat i sft~ctory t~ t~ic C i Cy of ~inahe iri ;h~ I 1 '~c post~_,r1 ~-~i t'~ the C i tv t~ c~uar:~nt^e the install~tion of the ~31~ove-nentioned rnquir~~n~nts nrior to ~ccun~ncy. 3. That thr o~:mcr(s) of subject rrn~ert" <'i.ill nay tn t~i,~ r,;ty of Anahein a fee, in an '~mount as rl~terminAd !:y the ~ity C~uncii, fc,r tree ~lanting ourp~ses alon~ Katell:~ Avenu~ and Dallas Driv~,. ~r. That trash stornnc ,~re~s ;hal i he rrnvided in icr_~rdance ~•~ith apnroved Plans on `ilc~ ~•~iC'i the Office of the Fxeeutiv~ 7irector of Puhlie ldr.rL,:, 5• That fire hydrtnts shal) be installed anrl c`+araed as reQUired and determined to be necess~ry hy the Chief of t7e Fir~~ ~~p~rtment pr:or t~ commeneement of structural framino. G. That drainag~ of ;uhjeet r~rnnerty sha?! bc r'isp~seri ~f in a nanner satisfactor~~ to the City Ennineer. 7. Tnat [he oti•mcr o` su'.-~ject pronerty sha11 pay to tE~~ City of Anaheim the appropriatc aart: and recreation in-lieu fPes ~~ ,{~`,.rT;~~,, `~ ~-- ~,~~,r'ooriate by the City Council, said f~es to he paid at the tim~ th~ ;;i~i)~~i;,~ ~r.rnit is is.ued. i~. Tiiat thc original d~cun~rts ~f thc cnvenants, conditions, and restrietions, ar,d : lett~r ac!dressed to dev~loper's title connany auth~rizing recordation thereof, shall he suhmitt~d to thc City l~tiorn~y's offic~ an,-i aporovecl hy the City Attorney's Office, Puhlic Utilities Department, Buildin~ ~ivision, and th~ Engineering D'vision prior to final tract ma~ aoproval. Said docurents, as aoproved, shail ;+~ fileo and recorded in the Offic~ of the Orangf~ County Recorder. C1 Tl. , _ .,~~[ ~~~~~c~ nac~es shni. i,r aopr~v~d h~~ [h~ rity Pl~nnin9 ~epartment pr;or to approva) of a finai tract niap. 10. That appropriate ~~~ater assessment fee~ .is det~~r-ined hy the Officc of Utilities Gene~al Flanager ,hall he oaid to the City of 4n:±F•eir~ ~rior r., the issuance of a bulldiny ,;ermit. T1. That all prfv~te ;treets shall he develo~~ed in accordance ~~ith the City of Anaheim's Standard Detail Plo, i?? for private streets, including installation of street namc signs. Plans for the private street lightin~, as required I.y the standard detail, shall be suhmitted [o the Quild(nn Civision `or a~proval and inclusion !•~ith the ~uild(n~ plans prior to the issuancc• of huildinq permits. (Private stn~ats ~re t'inse i:hich prrnide ~rir~ary <1CCl?55 ann/~r eireulation ~•~ithin the project. 12. Tha[ tlic oti:mer(s) of subjcct propcrh~ •;hall pay thF traffie signa! assessment fec (Ordlnancc Ko, 339,5) in ~~n ar~nunt as rJ~termined by the City Couneii, for each ne~•r di•;ellin~~ uni[ ;~rior to t!~e issuanc~ of a hiiil~linn nerrit, 13. The ,eller sh~ll provide Lh~~ pur•c;haser or each condc,mtnium unit witft a~ritten i~formation conc~rnin~ Ar.ihcim "unicipal Cor1c 1!!.32,~~n ncrtalrtinq [o "par4;ing restrieted to facilitate st:reet sviceninn", ~ii~h ,;,ritten informatfon wi11 ciearly indica[e irhen ~n-street parl<ing is orohihited ano the penalty for violation. -3- PC~1-t~3 1~~. "Ilo pari•in~~ `nr ;trcet ~;~^r~inn" ~ i ~ final sCrc . ~ '~`~"'' ~'~1 ~c instailecf prior to e: insnection a; rc~;u~rrd ~y l:l,~~ F~~tilic l!nrks ~r,eeutive ~irr.etor in aeeordanc~~ ,~ith ;peeificatinns nn fil~ :~it;~ [~r ;tree[ 'laintenance Divisi~n, ~.'.~. ThaL an ordin~~ic.~ rc~~nin~i t~~r su~~' _ oceonc cffcctiv< <~xccpt unon ~r fc,ilo~,in~ t'~e r~cnrdoti~n ~f~nFinal,~Traetn taon "!ot l1~3t1 (Revi:i~n No. I) ~~~it~+in t',e ri~,. 5~,.~ifiecl in ;r~•~~rr~r~enr Co•!~ $ectien ~(J~(;,~ or such f~ir[hcr ti~;:, ~s t~~: advisory .~~en~y ~r Cjty C~iincil n~~~ ar~nt. ~~'• Tt~it the vehicular access rights, exc~~nt at street ~nd/or ~~~ey open ings sha 1 1 ~>e rled ica[ed to t'ie C i t~~ o` llnahe ir~, ~7. That subject pro~erty shall he dev~l~ned suh5tantial~y in accordanee ivith plans ar.d sp^cificakions on fi1~ t:•it`i the Citv ~f Anah~>1n marked Revision ~do. Z of Exhihit `~os, 1 and 2. ~~. Prior to the introciuc[ion of an ordinance rr.zor,ir,a subject property, Co;~dition t~os. 1, 2, 3, 3, 15 and ;4, ahove-mentior,ed, s~ill f,e com~leted. The provisions or rights ~ranted hy [his resolution sh~tl h~c~m~ nuil and void by action of the Pl~nninn Cor-:~issi~n url~;; said conditions arF cr,~.,; ~~,+ ,.;~t~; y;~~hin one year fr^^~ *_Ei^ d~te .'ir.rro~, .~r su~h further [ia~~ as ~'ie Plannina Connission may ~7rant. ~". That Cor,dition i1o;. !;~ connlied ~~ith nrior to fina] h '~~' ~~~ ~,~ ~hovr-mnntion~rl, shail he ui)dina ancl ~oninq insocctin;;~,. EiE IT FU^,TIIE~. RESOLVEJ tha~ t'~c llnaheim Cit; Planni~a Comnfssion does hereby find and determine that t!ie adoption o` ttiis Resoliitio~ is exnressly predieated upon applicant's conpliance ,tit'i each and all of tfie r_enditions herefnahove set forth. Should ony eondition or any part thcreof, hc declared invalid r~r un~nforr.~,hl~ h„ .ti„ f ina 1 judqmenf ~f r,r,~. .- -,c ~,~r -=,~~i'~~~:~,~ .iuri~uiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals ~ereln contained, shali be dcem~d nu~i and void, TIIE FOP,EG01'1G RESOL~!TI~I! is si4ned ~nd apor~v~~d hv nr this 1?th :+ay of !1aY~ 1~81. ~~-~-~-a.-Qa ~ .'~,~,a~..,.-,~ CIIAIR~~~'; P;;p TEHPQ4~ ATTEST• ~1!~~~~EI~1 CITI' PLAN~~-N; C~u~11SSi^`~ SF.Cr^,ET/1RY, AllAilE IM C I iY PL/1'!'Jl;i^ C^!t'f IS~ l,:^ ,~ PC~31-104 STATE ~F CALIFORtIIA ) COUNTY OF OP,AtIGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIf1 ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do :iereby certify that the foregoing resolution was oassed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahein City Plannir~y Comr~ission held on !9ay 13, 1~31, at 1:3~ p,m,~ by the folio~~ing vote of the members tiierec`: AYES: COMt1iSSf0~~ERS: 6ARPlES, BOUAS, BUS~IOP,E, FP,Y, HEREST, KIPar, PJOES: COMMISSIO"lERS: Pl~PIE Af3SEPJT: COMMISSIO'JERS: TOLf~R IN WITPIESS llHEREOF, I have here nto set my hand this 1IIth day of hlay, 19R1. SECRETAZY, .4~IAHEIM CITY PL NNIhJ!i C(1MMISSIO,"i -'- PC81-1o3