PC 81-104.",FSOL'JTIOPd ~~o. Pr.3t-i~1F A i;ESOLUT101•1 OF THE APIAHEIM CITY PLAP;NifIG C~!1~11SS1!1'J THAT PETITIOtI FOR COhIDITIOIJAL IISE P[RF~IT ~J~. 22'1~~ E3E GRA,Fl7~D WHEREAS, t!ie Anaheim City Planning Commission ~lid receive a verified Pet i t ion for Cond i t i ona 1 Use Permi t from GF.PJERAL AMER I f,AP: L I FE I NSIiRAMCE COP4PANY, ~(,3p-B South SunF:ist Street, ~naheim, California 92"~~., oamer, and DOtI TILLEY, 15Q0-C South Sunkist Street, Anaheim, Calif~rnia ~~"OG, • ~t, of certa;n real preperty situated in tl~e City or' Anaheim, County of Orange, .tate of Caiifcrnia, d~scrihed as: PARCEL 1, ICl THE C ITY OF FlFJAf!E IM, COU~ITY OF ORAPIGF, STA.TE Or CALIFORMIA, FlS PER NAP FILED ihl ROOK 1~5 PAGES 19 ann 7.^ OF PAP,CEL MAPS, IP! THE OFFICE OF 'fF1E CnU!ITY REC~RDER OF SAID COUP!TY. b1HEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did schedule a puhlic hearing at the City Nall in tl~e City of Anaheim on '4ay ~c, i~El, at 1:3~ p.m., notice of said public hearing having heen duly given as required by laa~ and in accordance wtth the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1?.03, to hear and consider ev~~ience for and against safd proposed condltional use permit and to in~~estigate and make findinos and recomn~ndations in connection therevftth; said public hearinq having been rontinued to the Planning Commission meeting of May 1", 1~81; and WHERE,4S, said Commission after due inspect~on, investigation and study made by itself acd in its behalf, and after due consideration o~ a~~ evidence and raports of`ered at said hearing, dnAs find and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for ~~~hich a condit!onal use permit is authorized by Analieim Municipal Code Section 1~.~1.~5~.~7~ to wit: to retain an automotive upholstery shop in tl~e ML (Industrial, Ltmited) Zone. 2, That the ~roposed use ~•~itl not adverse~y affect the adjolning land uses and the gra•~th and development of the area in ~•~hich ?t is ~sro~osed to be located. 3, That tha size and shape of the site prop.ised for the use is adequate to allovr the fuYl development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to t!~e peace, he~lth, safety, and general ~•ieifare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 4. Th~t the grantinq of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, wiil not he detrimental to tlie peace, health, safety and general welfare of the Ci~;zens of the City of Anaheim, 5, That the traffic generated by tlie proposed use a~lil not impose an undue burden upon the streets and high~~ays designed and im!~roved t~ carrv the traffic in the area. G. That no one indicated t~ieir presence at said public hearing in opposition; anti that no correspondence ~~ras received in ooposition to the subject petition. PC81-104 EPlVIROIIHE^lTAL 114P~f.T FIIVDING: That the Anaheim City Plar.ninn Commission has revie~•~ed the proposal to retain an ,~utometivc upholstery sho~ in the ML (Industrfal, Limlted) 7_one on an irreguiarly-shaped parcel of land consisting o` approxlmately 7,2 acres located at the southeast corner of Cerritos Avenue and Sunkist Street (1500-B South Sunkist Streeti; and does hereby approve the Plegative Deciaration from the ~equiremcnt to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis that there 4rould be no signiFicant individual or cumulative adverse envtronmental impact due to the ePproval of this "Jegative Declaration since *_he Anaheim General Plan designates the subject p'operty for neneral industrial land uses corrnensurat~ ~•Jith the proposal; that no sensitive environmental imnacts ire involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no signifieant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; a~d that ±he ~legative Decl~ration substantiating the foregoing fir~dinr~s is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. PlOL1, THEkEFOP,E, (3E IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does I~ereby grant subject Petit-ion for Conditional Use Permit, un~n the following conditions ~•lhich are herehy found to he a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of rlnaheim: 1, 7hat all auto upholstery worl; and auto parts stora~e shall F,e confined to the interfor of tiie buildinn. 2. That subject property shall he developed suhstantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file ~;~ith the City of Anaheim marked Exhiblt Nos. 1 througn 3. 3, That Cundition `do. 2, above-mentioned, shall be comnlied a~ith prior to final building and zoning inspections. [3E IT FUFTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Pl~nning Commission does hereby find and determine that the adeption of this Resolution is exnressly predicated upon aPpllcant's compliance 1•~ith each and all c~f the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any condltion or any part thereof, he declared invaiid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contair,ed, sliall be dcemed null and void, TFIE FOREGOING RESOLUTIO~! is sinned and approve~i hy me this 18th day of ^1ay, ~981. ~~-~ ~. ~.u.a,~.,....~ CHAIR~iAN PRO TEI1POFF AMAFIEIM CITY PLA^!FlIM~ C~~!MISSIO~J AT'TEST: ~~~RCTARY, A~IAHEIM CITY PLANNIMG COPI~;ISSIOPf -2- PC81-104 STfITE OF CALIFOR~Ifq ) COUFITY OF ORA~IGC ) ss. C ITY OF APIAHE IM ) ~, Fdith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planninq Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoiny resolution o-~as passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City P)anning Commission heid on May 1", 1~31, at 1:3n p,m., nY tne following vote of th^. memhers thereof: FlYES: COMMISSIOilFRS: BARWES, BOU,4S, BUSHORF, FRY, HERP,ST~ I;IFI,^, ~JOES: COM~•11SSIOMERS: NOPIF ABSErIT: COMMISSIO;~EP,c; TOLAR li! WITNESS b1F1ERE0F, ~ have her~unto set my hand th(s 1"th day of May, 19F1. ~..Y ~~~, ,t.°~.~,,. SECF~ET~R , AiJAHEIM C!TY L:1^!t11~;G COMMISSION -3" PC°t-i01i