PC 81-105RfSOLUTIO~~ ~10. P~'_1-1~5 A R~SOLI!T I 0~1 OF THE A'lAl!E i H f, I TY °LAPJ~! I.`!~ COt1'11 SS 10"1 THAT Pf_TITI0~1 F~~? vnaintlCC ~~~. 3?11 BF GpA~ITFD blFIE;~EAS, the /\naheim City Plannin9 =ommissinn citd receive a verified Petiti~n for Variancr frnm R0~lALU TIPI~TNY Sf{~RT AtdD I'~Tiil nn~l Sf~~RT, S15 Valencia Street, Fullerton, California ~1Gj2, o~mers of certain real prooerty si±uated in the City of Anaheirti, County of Oran9~, State of California, ~lescriPed as: Lot 6 of Tract Wo. 2~t~E, as per r~ap recorded i~ I,o~{, ~1~~ p~g~ 75 of Miscellaneous t1aps, records of sai~l county, EXCEPTIPIG THERFFR01+ the blEStcrly 5 feet of said land as convcyed tn the City of Anaheim by deed recorc:ed Decemher 2, 1953, in bool: ^~i25, Page 32!~, Official Records. 4!HEREAS, the ~ity Planniny Comr~ission did hold a puhiic hearinq at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on Nay 4,, 1~1g1, at 1:3~ p.n., notice of saici public hearing havinn reen duly givrrn as renuired by la~•~ and in acc~rdance with the provisions of the Anaheim tlunicipal Cocf~, Chapter 13,n3, to hear and consider evidence for and against said nro~osed variance and to investi9ate and make findings and rrc~mmendation: in connr.ction tl-ere:~rith; ~aid ~u~iic hearin~ huvirc, been continiied to the Planning Commission meetin~I of '1ay 1?~ ~g81• and WH[RE/1S, said Corimission, af*~r duc inspection, investictatien and study made by itself and in its behalf, and afrer due considerition of all ev(dence and reoorts offered at said hearing, do~s find and deternine the follo~ti~ino facts: 1, That the netitioner proposes ~•~aivers of the rn1lo~~inq t~ construct a 4- unit apartment complex: l~i ~'t(,i IU~; Ib.~2.~!bl.u~U - Minimum hui Idir,v si tc area. 2f00 square fee~ per unit requlred; 2122 square ~et ~;r~posed) (b) SeCTiON 18,j2,0(,'1.~17 - Maximun structural heiqht. 1 story permi tted ~•ri thi n 1~'~ feet of single'~amiiy residential znnin9; 2 stories pro~osed) 2. That the ahove°mentioned waivers are hereby granted on T.he basis that the petitioner demonstrated that a hardship exists in that denial would deprive subject property of privileg:s enjeyed hy other prnperties in the sane zone and ~icinity. j. That there are exceptional or er.traordinary circur~stances or ~onditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of thc pronerty that do not apply genera'ly to the property or class of use in the same vlcinity and zone. 4. That the r~quest'ed v~rianee is n~cessa rv for the nreservation and enjo~~ent of a substartial propc-ty riynC possessed Ly c,ther ~>roperty in the same vicinity and ~one, and denied t~ the nrepert;~ in qu~;tion, PC31-1o5 5. That the rc~ucst~d variance ~,~ill not 5~ ~~~.~ter~ally dctrimental to the p~~~je ~•!elfare or injurious to the pr~~erty or imnr~vements fn such viCinity and zone in vrhieh the ~roperty is l~c~te~. ~. That three pers~ns indicated their pr~se^ce ~t said oublir_ hearing in opposition; and that no correspondenc~ ti~ias received in onoositinn to the suhject petition. E~:VIROtl~1[PlTP,L IPIP,1CT FItJpI~J;: Tnat the Anaheim City Planninn C~~mission has previously approved a Negative Declaratior. in connection ~•iitF P,eclassification No. gp_g~-33 on subject property on ~9ay 1F, 1~61, Id0'•J, THERFFORE, 6E IT RESOf_~'ED that t~c Anaheim City °lannin~ Commission does herehy grant suhject Petition for Variance, uoon the followina conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the pronosed use of the subject praperty in ordcr to preserve the safety and neneral ~-~elfare of the Citlzens of the ~ity of Anaheim: 1. That this Variance is ~ranted su~~Ject to the completion of Reclassification t~o, 3~)-ol-3s, no~r pendinn. z• ihat su!~ject nroperty snali he developed substantially ir. accordance ~~ith plans and specifications on fi!~~ ~•~ith thA CitY of Anaheim nar{~ed Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Piannin~ Commission does hereby find and determine that the adoption o` this Resol~.ition is expressly predicated upon applicant~s conpliance ~.~ith each and atl of the conditions hereinabove sc~t forth. Ct~~~l~i qf1V C(~nt)iti~n n~ , nnr'Y YhnrnnF I.., ,7y`~u.'..7 i~vnlir7 .. _..y..F..rr-nqhln hv •~.~ final judgr~ent of any cou~t of comoctent jurisdietion, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void, 1~81 THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOP' is signed and a~proved by me this l~th day of ?tay, ~'~,,.6.~.d... 2.. ~ ~.~..~-.~ CHAIRFIqtI pR0 TEMPORE A~!l1HE I hi C 17Y PLP.ritl I"!G C~M'1 I SS I Oh; ATTES7: ~ ~ . SECRFTARY, A~iP.HEl11 CITY LANNItJG Cc1Ml-IISSIO~i -?.- PCB1-ir,5 STATE Oi= CALIFORMIA ) COUPIT`f OF OR/1IJGE ) ss. C ITY OF At~AHE IH ) ~~ Edith L, Narris, Secretary of the Anaheim G~t•~ ~'~i~~iing Commissfon, do hereby certify L-hat the foregoing resolution ti•~aS passed ~r+d adnpted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Plav t,^,~ ~ny1, at i•3~ p.m,, hy the fo1)oi•~in9 vote of the memhers th~r~of: AYES: COMAiISSIONERS• BAP.NES, DUSHORC, FRY, Y,Ip!r, ~OES: COM~115SIONERS: [i0UlIS, HEP.3ST ABSENT: COM"11SS10!JERS: TOLAR IN l~llTtlESS 41HEREOF, I have tiere to set my hand this 1Rth day of May, 1pQ3. n ~fti• =i~ ~~-;/ SECP,ETARY, AN,.HEI!1 ClTY p~q~~~~~~~` r ~pMF11SS!i;tl -3- PC31-10~