PC 81-109R;SOLU710~J I10. PC31-1~9
llHF.REAS, the Anaheim City Plannina Commission did rr_ceive a verified
Petitien for Conditional Use Pernit `rom JAt1[S A. STOV.~LL Ar1D BARBARA !J. STOVALL,
1110 West Y,atella Avenue, Anaheim, California 9150:, n~aners of certain real property
sftuated in the Citv of Anaheim, Countv of Oranqe, Stat~ of California, described as:
That portion of the land sho~•m as "Dreyfus and Others" on a map of
Anaheim [xtension, in the City of Rnaheim, County ef Oran9e, State
of California, as sho~fn on a map of survey Ly 4lilliam Hamel filed
in thn office of the County Recorder o` Los Anaeles Countv,
Catifonria, a eopy of t•~hic!, is located in book 3, page 1~3 et
se~., entitled "l_os AngPles County Haps", in the office of the
County Recorder of said Orana~ County, described as folloais: The
improved real property located at 387 5outh Rnahr_im Qoulevard,
(formerly Los Angeles Street), Anaheim, Orange County, California
described as follo~ds: Comnencir-: at the intersection of the
4iesterly line of Los Angeles Street, in the City of Anaheir~, as
per boo~; !t, pagcs G2:~ and G30 0~ Deeds, racor'~ o` Lo; ;lnqeles
County, Callfornia, ~~ith the "lortherly line of °road Street;
thence North 15 1/2° West along said lJesterly line of Los Angeles
Street 229.l~ feet to thP truc point of heginnina; thence South 15
1/2° East t0:i.4 feet along said Westerly line; thenc~ Soutl' 298.'
feet; thence tJorth 1>° 41t' West 103,1E feet; thence t~orth 7f~ 1/7_0
Eas[ 299.05 feet to th~, true point of heginning; anc~
PAP,CEL ~: Beginning at the Southeasterl/ corner of rhe land
described in that cFrtain TorrFns Certificate ~~lo, ?`37 d~Yed Anril
12, 1919 on file in Volune 2, pagc 317 in the former office of
Registrar of Titles of Urange County, said corner b~ing described
therein as the intersection or the present liesterly line of Los
Angeles Street in the City of Anaheim, ~~ith the ~lortheriy line of
Broad Street, sald Westerly line bein9 parailel ~~ith arci distant
33.75 reet Westerly from the center line of said i_os Angeles
Street as established hy Deed tc the City of Anaheim, recorded
June 26, 190~, in book 11~7, page it~ of Deed~ records of said
Orange County, runnin~ alone said Uortherly iine of 6road Street,
South 71i° 21'15" West 156.:?5 feet to the South~•~csterly corner of
the land descrihed in The Memorandum of Lease recor~ied Aunust 15,
195° in uool< l~347, oa9e. 317, Officia' Rec~rds, thence llorth 15°
3C.';5" West along the '~lesterly line o` the land dc:scrihed in said
lease 7?.33 feet to the Lrue point of beginni:~g of the boundary of
the land ~escriL~eu herein, tl~ence continuina along said Ldesterly
lfne North l;° ;~'S5"',fest ~t3.G7 feet to the P~orth~•~esterly corner
of said ieasecl land, thence South 7~~~ 2?' 15" 61est ~~long t!~e
llesterly ~rolongation of thF Plortherlv line ~f said leased land,
1~+2.36 fect, more or less, to the 4lesterly 1 ine of the land
described fn said Torrens Certificate No. 3~~?: thence along sald
Westzrl 1~ lin~ S u h i,~ 51' l~F" Ea,t 't9.C7 feet; t`~encc North 7~+°
21'1;" East 1!2.1g ~eet, mc;c or less, to the true point of
WNERE/15, thc City Planning Commission did ;iold a~uhiic hearing at the Civic
Center in the City of Anaheim on ~Sa 1~ ~
hearin~ having been dul Y ~ 1~"t, at 1:3~ n,m., notic~ of said publtc
y given as required by 1a~;~ a~ci in accordance with the
provisions ~f the Anaheim Municipal Code, Cf~apter 1%',~3, to hear and consider
evidence for and against said propos~d conditio~al use permit ard tn investigate and
mal:e findings and recommendations in connection Lhereviith; and
41NER[AS, said Comraission, after due inspection, investination and study made
offeredlatasaidnhcaring,~~does~fandfand deter~inedthetfo))owing'{a~ts~nce and reports
1. That the proposed use i, properly one for ~ihich a conditional use
permit is authorized by Anahein Hunicipal Code Sections 13.1~!~,~~~,n~p and
18.44.O50.1t~~7 to 4~it: to perinit a restaurant ~:~ith on-sale al~oholic ieverages in a
converted residential strucCure.
z. That the ~roposed use ~~il) not a~v~rsely affect the adjoi•,inn iand uses
and the groiatl~ and develo~ment of tne area in t;~h~ch it is prnnoca~{ t~ h~ ~ocated,
3. That the size and s!~ape of the site prooosed for the use is adequate to
allow the fu)1 development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental ~o the
particular area nor to the pe~ce, health, safety, and general irelfare uf the Citizens
of the C i ty of Anahe iri,
imposed, ~{p a~T~'at the granting of the Conditional Use Permit unrier t!~e conditions
Y, ~~~~ i l nut be detrimentai to the oeace, healtli, safety and general
~velfare of the Citizens of the City of An~heim.
5. That the traffic generated by the proposed use wili not Impo,e an undue
burden upon the streets and high~•~ays designed and imrr~~~~d t~ carry the traffic in
the area,
~• That no one indicated their presence at sald public hearing in
opposition; and that no correspondence ~ias received in oppositi~n to the subject
EtdVlROPJI•1[idTAL IMPACT FI~1D11•J,: 7hat the Anahcim City Pl~nning Commission has
reviewed the proposal to ~ermlt a;estaurant with on-sale alcholic beverages in a
converted residential structurc on an irregularly-shaped parcel of lind constst~ng of
approxtmately 0.8 acre, having a frontaae of approxir~ately 1~^ reet on the west side
uf Anaheim Boulevard approximately 150 ft. north of Vermnnt P~venue (~'37 South Anahetm
Boulevard); and does herehy approve the N~gative Declaration frnr~ the requirement to
prepare an envtronmental impact report on the i~asis that there ~aould be no
sl9nificant individuai or cumulative aJverse envi m nmer.tal im~act due to tfie approval
of this Negative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan designates the subject
prr~perty `or general commerci.,l land uses commen;urate ~.vith the proposal; [hat no
sensitiv~: ~~nvironmental impacts are involved in the propo,~~~ that the (nitial St~dy
submitted by ~;~C petitioner indicates n~ significant individual or cumulattve
adverse envtronmentai impac*.s; and that the Negative Declaration suhstantiating the
foregoing findings Is on fi)e i~ Lhc City of qnaheim pjanninq Department.
NOW, THEP,rFORF, B[ IT P.FSOL!'~0 that thc ilnnhcim City i'lanninq Commisslon
does hereby grant suhject Petiti~n 1or Conditionol Usc Pr_rmit, ~.ipon the follo4~ing
conditions which .~re herehy found to he a n~cessary prere~uisitc~ t~~ thc proposed use
of tli~~ subject propcrty in order to ~reservr~ the safety and qeneral ~~elfare of thc
C i t i zens of the f, i ty o` linahe in:
1. That thc o~~mcr(s) of ~ubject property shall drerl to the L'itv of Anaheir~
a,trip of land 4? fect in i•~idth fron the. c~~nterl in~• ~~` t'~c ~:trect al~n~ ~naheim
Boulevard ror ;treet ~~ridcnin9 pur~oses.
2. That t'~e o~mer(s) of ;uF~jcct ~rnoer[y ~~:i11 ~a~; t~~ thc City of ~lnihein
a f~e, in an amnunt :s determined hy tf~e City Council, `nr trce plantinq p~irp~ses
along F~naheim ~oulevard.
3. That t'ash storaqe areas shall h~ nrovided in accor~ianee t~~ith ,?onrovcd
plans on file ~•~ith the ~ffice of the Executiv~ Director o` Puhlic ',!orE~s.
4. That prior to the issuance ~f a huildinq perni~, fire `~yur~nts shall
be installed and charged ac required and determined te he n~cessary by [he CI11Pf of
the Fi'e Department.
~. That dr~inage of suhject ~~rn~erty shall he disposec! of in a manner
satisfactory to th~ f.iry F.~~i~A~r.
5. That prior to tne issuance o` o hui)uinct oerrit, the rnaner(s} of
sub;eet proper[y shall pay a traffic sinn,~i assessment fee (Ordinance tlo. 3896)
amounting to the diffcrence betr~een cnmmercial ind residential f.uil~finqs (thc amounts
havin~ been determined by Lhe C?ty Council),
7• In the event that suhject property is to he divided for the purpose of
sale, lease, or ftn~:ncing, a parcei map, to record the anprovPd divlsion of subiect
property shall be suhmitted to and ~ooroved hv th~ Cir~~ ~r 4~,h,.t~ ,..~+ ~ti~.. ~..,
rccur~e~ i~ Cne :,rtice ot the Urange Countv Recorder.
o. That the owner(s) of su~ject nre~erty shall suhn(t a let[er requesting
the termination of Condi[ion~l Ilse Permit 'Jo, 147~ to the Pl.;nninc Department.
9. That the existing structure shall be brought up to the ninimum
standards of the City of Anaheim, includina the liniform Cuildinq, Plumb(ng,
Electrtcal, Mechanical and Fir~ Codes as ado~ted ~~y the City of Anaheim,
1~~. That any ~arking area lightinq prenosed shall be doti•m-llqhtinq of a
maximum hcight of 17. feet, ivhfch lighting shall he dlrected a~•iay from the nor~h
property llne to protect the resfdenttal integrltv af [he arca,
11. That suhjert property shall be rleveloned suhstantially in accordance
with plans and soecificatlons on file ~•;it', the Cit~ o` Anaheim marke~l Exhihit `los, i
through 3.
12. That Condition ~~os. 1, '?, 7 ancl 3 ahove-mentione?, shall he cor~oiie~l
wlth nrior to the comriencener.t of Lh~ activi[y authorizeu under this resolutlon, or
prior to the time that t`.c building permiC i, issueci, or within z period of one year
-3- PCf31-10~
fron date hcrcof, v~hichcvcr occurs f~rs[, or ;uc'i `~~rthcr ti^~c as the Planning
Comnissi~n may arant.
13. That Condition ~los. 3, ;, ~, 1'~ and il, ahove-nentio~e~l, shall he
comnlied arith prlor to fi~~~l huilding ~nd zoninn inspectiens.
DE I T FIIZTFIER RESOLVE~ tha t the Ana!~e i m C i ty P l ann i na ~or+~ i ss ion ~lor ~~, rehy
find a~d dr.ternine that the adoption or t~is Resolution is expressl~ predicated upon
applicant's compliance ~•iitfi each anc; all of the conditlons hereinabove set forth.
Should any condition or any part thereof, he dcclarr_d inv~lid or unenforceable hy the
final juugment of any court of comoetent jurisdiction, then this Resolutton, and any
approv~ls herein contained, siiall be c:eemc~d null and void.
TIIE FOREG0161G R[SOL'.iT10!1 is signed and anpmved by me this 18th day of May,
~.r-~-..a.~-~ Gz_~.,,,s.l,.,o-..~
ci+~,~~;nn,~~ ?pn TFh1POP,E
A~;AHE I N C I i Y PL.~~1~1 I ~! ; CO'~M I SS I 0"I
.c~. ~ /~C~~
STnrc na ~r,i IF,'~[~~~~n ~
COUt;TY OF URA~I;[ ) ss.
I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Ana!,eir~ City Planning Commission, do
herchy certify that the foregoing resolution :,as passed and adcpted at a meeting of
the Anaheim City Planning Comnission held on May 1~, 1991, at 1:30 p.m., hy the
following vote of the menber, thereof:
IN IJITtJESS idHEREOF, I havc `~ercunto set r~y hand [his l~th day of May, 19R1,
~~ ~ ~~~
-~+- PCIIl~lol