PC 81-117RES(1LUT1(1td t10. PC31-117 A RESOLU i I OP+ OF TfiE /1NAN~ I!1 C I TY PLA:'l,"I I~dR CO!1~1 i SS I 0"1 THAT FETI?IOFI FOR V/1RIA"I~E t10. 3?_1`~ f3E ~R111dTF~ bJHEREAS, the Anahei^~ City Planninn Commissi~n did receive a ve~ifie~! Petition fer Variance fron PARADISE IiIVESTHEIIT, INC., 11~ Strada Place, Anaheim, California 923~7, o~mer of certain real property situatr.rl in the City of Anaheim, Co~inty of Orange, State of California, descri!~ed ~~s: Lot 5 of Tract Ido. 2633 in the Cit~i of AnaFeim, County of ~7ran9~, State of California, as per man rec~rdeo in hool: 3~~~, paqes ~ and 7 of NiscPllaneeus Ma~s, i~ the office of tiie county recorder nf said Orange County, California. WHERFAS, the City Planning Conmission did hold a public hearino at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on June 1, 1~31, at 1:3~ p.m., notice of said puhlic h~~aring having been duly given as required hy lati•~ and in acr.ordance wtth the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chant~r i",03, to hear artd consider evidence for and against said prooosed variance ~nd to investi~ate and ma'r.e findings and recommendations in connection therei~~ith; and 11HEREAS, said Commission, after du~ insp~ction, invr.stigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consirieration of ~il evirience and reports offered at said 'nearing, does find and determine the folloa,ing facts: lo That tne petitioner proposes a~.~raiver of the folloti~~ing to retain a ground-mounted antenna: SFfTI(lrl 1?,~1t nh9 nl~ - Pnrmirhnri qntnnn,. Ground mounted antenna prohibite~i; one ground-mounted antenna existinq) 2. That Che above-mentioned ~•iaiver is herehy ~ranted on the hasis that the petitioner demonstra*_ed 'that ~ hardship exists. 3. That the requested variance is herehy gra~ted on the basis that Lhe petitioner stipulated *_o comp'.etely screen the antenna frexn the view of adjoining neighbors and from the street ~.ith a combination of fencing and lan~scaring ~~rhic'~ consists of trees of an adequate size to nrovide complete screening immediately. 1:. That there are ~xceptional er extraordinarv circumstances or conditions applicabl~ to the pro~erty involved or to the intendc~d use of the property that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in t`~e same vicinity and zone. 5. That the req~~ested variance is nrcessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a suhstantial preperty right nossesscd i~y other property in the same vieinity and zone, ind d~=ni~d to the nroqerty in question. G. That t5e requested varianc? ~;iil not b~ materially ~fetrimental to the public ~~~elfare or injurious to the property er imnrovemnnts in such vicinity and zone in aihich the property is Iocated, PC31-117 7. That one person ~ndicated their ores~ne~ at said public hearing in opposition; and that no corresp~r~dF~nc^ ~~~as recrived in apposi;ion to the subject petition, E!lVIRO~U1F.PiTAL 111P/1f,T FIPfDIiJG: 7he Planning Director or his authorized representative has determined t'»t t'~e r,r~posed nroiect falis ~•~ithin the definition of Categorical Exemptions, Class ~, as defined in the State FIR 6uidciines a_nd is, therefore, catecorically ex^m~t from the re~uirement to prepar~ in FIP,. tJ041, THERr"_FORE, RE iT RESULLrD that thF /lnaheir~ City Plarning Commission does hereby arant s•:bject Petition for Variance, upon the foll~~•~ina conditions tvhich are herehy found to be a necessary prerequisite to the ~ropnsed use of the subjeet property in order to preserve [hc safety and genera) t•~cifare of the Citizens of the ~ity of Anaheim: 1. That suhject property shall be developed suhstantially ln accordanee ~-lith plans and specifications on fiie with tlie ~,ity of Anahein marked Exhihit No, 1, 7. That trees shall he planteci in a manner ~•~hich completely screens the artenna from adjacent prorerties and streets. 3. TFat C~ndition hlos. 1 and 2, ahovc-mentioned, shall he completed within a period of sixty (60) days from the date herein. 6E !T F!1RTHER RESOLVED that the ~lnaheim City Planning Commission does herehy find and determine that adoption of this ~esol~~tion is exnressly predicaced uoon applicant's compliance ~~ith ec.ch and all of th~ condit;ons herrinahove set forth. Should any such condition, or ary oart thereof, he declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of cmm~etent jurisdicticm, then this R~solution, and any appr~vals hernin contained, shall be deemr_d null and vo;d, THE FOREGOIN~ P,[SOLUTIOt~ is siqned ancl a~prnved by ne this ist day of Jim~, 1~^7 , ~, ~ ,~ ; ~,,o.~ ~~' ; ~.~ CHAIKrtAPI, A~JAHEIM CITY PLA.MNIHG COM11!SSIQt! ATTEST: _ `~~ .~° ~/~~. SEC~ ~HrtY, Ar7 :~,H CITY PLANtdI~IG COM!415SIOPJ ~~ PC81-117 STATF OF CAL I FOF;D! IFl ) COUtdTY OF ORAWG[ ) ss. CITY OF AIJAHElFt i ~, Ed1th L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim Citv Planning Commission, do herehy certify thaC the fo;e,oina resolution o-,as passed and adoptecl at a meeting ofi the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on June 1, 19%?1, hy the follo~~ing vote of the memhers thereof: AYES: COMrqIS510MEP,S: BARt~IES, BOU/1S, BUSHOR~, FRY, HERRST, I;IPIG, T~LAR MOES: COMMISSIOidERS: NONE ABSENT: COt4MISSIONERS: ~JOh1E I tl WITtlESS WFIEREOF, I have hereunto set my ha~d th i s t st day of June, 1981 , /; c~.c-~ ,Z~ %~-~F.2~t.,,~.~. SECRETARY, AFIAHE IH C I i Y PLANr! I MG C~?4M I SS I(1M -3- PC~'1-t17