PC 81-118~rsoi_urio~; ,.n. Pc3i-ii,s
a°ESOLUTIOf•! OF THF /\t~~F!Flrt CITY PLl1!J~!IIlG Cr111HISSIOt!
TEI(~7 PETITI~)fl F~`R V/1R1,~!JCE !1~. 322~ f3E GRA~!TF~
WHcRE<15, the Anaheim Citv Planninq Commission did r~ceive a verified
Petition fo; Variance frum DANIEL [. DU~JCi~'! A~lD !IOF:rqA 3, pU~ICqFl, ,n~n East Holbrook
Street, Anahcim, California `~~";~)7, e~•mcrs, and ~L~.~L RIsBOF! f3111LDER'S IPlC., 1135 4;est
f;atella .4venue, Qrange, California )7_~G7, ac~cnt of cr_rtain real Property situated in
the City of Anaheim, Cnunty of Oranqe, Stat~ of California descrihed as;
Lot 5~., ~ract 5i~6, City of Anaheim, as per map rec~rdc~d in book
251, pages ~Et and ~~2, !1isc~ilanenus Hans, records of said Qranae
IJHEREAS, the City Planninq Commiss~on did hold a puhlic hearin~ at the Civic
Center in the City af /lnaheim on June 1, 1~31, at 1:3~ p,m., notic~ of said public
hearinn `+aving been duly given as required hy la~•~ anrl in acc~rdance wlth the
provisions of the P~naheim t•iunicipal Code, Chapter ir.~;, to hear and consider
evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investigate ane~ make findings
and recommendations in connection there~,~ith; and
WHERERS, said Commission, aftPr dii~ inc~P~tien, im~estigation and study made
by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports
effer~d at said hearino, does find and determine the fo11o~;~inn facts:
1. Th~t t!~e petitioner pr~ooses a~•~aiver of the folio~•~ina t~ construct a
rooM addition:
SECTIO'! 1:;,^7,062,02(1 - Ptaximum lot cover~qe
3;E; pern~itted; ;~,~E° nroposed)
~. il:aL :.ne abuve-m~n[ioned i~aive~ is herrby r~ranted on thc basis thaY the
petition~r demonstrated that a hardship exisLs in that drnial ~:~ould deorive subject
prooerty of a privilege enjoyed 'ny othcr properties in t7e sane zone and vicinity.
3. 7hat chere a re exceptional or extraordinary circum,tances or conditions
applicable to the ~roperty invoived or to t!~e intended use of the property that do
not apply generall•r to the property or class cf use in ttie sane victnity and zone,
~F. That the re~uested variance is necessary for the prese rvation and
enjoyment of a substantial ~ropert;~ right possessed hy other property fn th~ same
vicinity and zone, and denied to tne property in auestion.
5. That the requested varianc~ ~vill not he materially rletrtmental to the
public ~•~elfare or in_jurious to the pr~pert~~ or irorovements in such vicirity and zone
:n ~,ihich the property is located.
~. ihaC no one irdicated their oresence at said puhlic hearino in
opposition; and the~t no eorrespondence r~as recei~~e~; in ~nn~sition to the suhjeet
representative~has^'detcrm'inedTthatr,thernr~~osed oronectnfalls~within~r[hes definition
of Cate~orical Exemptions, Class 5, os define<I in the State EIR Guidnllnes and is,
ther~fore, categorically exrmpt fr~~ the requ~r~nenr. t~ nreoar~ an EIP,
I1b', THE'[~Q^E, f3[ IT RES~L1/ED that tne Anah a f,itv Pianning Commi,sion
does 'iereby q,•ant ;uhject Petiti~n for Varianr_~, upon the fo11~,.~(ng conditfons o-ihieh
are herehy found to he a necessary prerequisite t the prnonsed use of thr_ suhjeet
property in order to preserve th~ sa`etv and qPnc+r~) ~yF~f3re r,f the Citizens of the
f,itY of .4naheim:
1. That suf:ject property shall be ~eveloped suh>tantially in aecordanee
4~ith plans and specifica[ions ~n file i-iith the City of Anaheim marF;ed Exhibit hlo, i,
BE IT Fl1RTHER 't[SOLI~FD that t'ie llnahcin City Plannin~ Commisston does herehy
Tind and determine that adoptio~ of thi, Resolution ;s ex~ressly predicated upon
applicant's compliance t~ith each and a11 of t`~e c~nditions hereinabove set forth.
Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invaiid or unenforceable
by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution,
and any approvals herein contained, sha11 be deen~cf null and void.
THE FOREGOItlr, RESOLUTIO!1 is siuned ond an„-nv~~{ hy n~. thi; ist day of June,
~~,%. o/~~ /~~!'~
f,HAIR~Pt1, 11~~l1~IE1~1 C.ITY PLANrlI"~Ir CO'1NISStO~!
.; ~-t-~.l ,~ - ;~~~ '
C I TY QF A~1qtiE ift )
~, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim f,itv Plannirtq Commission, do
hereby certify that the foregoin~ resolutfon ~~as passed and ~dooted at a meeting of
the Anaheim City Planninq Commission held on June 1, 1~31, by the follo~ring vote of
the members thcreof:
fW 1JITNFSS WHEREOF, I have hercuntn set my hand this 1,t dav of Ji~ne, 198t.
`"~~2.~_~ ,r=~" ~%c~-u~:.._
S~CRET.^-.R1', r1P1l1NEil1 CITY PLJ1~~"iIP;~ Cr1~4~115510~-I