PC 81-119R[SOLUTI0~1 tJO. PC31-11~ A P,~SOLUTION OF TNE .APIAHF.I"1 ~I7Y PLF~JNI~J~ COH'11SSIO~J THAT PETITIO~J FOP, VAP,IAl1CF NQ. ?21~ 3E GRhtITFD WHEREAS, the Anaheim City P'anning f,ommission did receive a verified Petitiun for Variance from BILI. J. RARDOM AN~ FAY RARDn^I, ?1.'_ Fast BroadHray, Anaheim, California 92305, oti~m ers of certain real pro~erty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Califnrnia, descrihe~i as: The Easterly 2u feet of Lot (!o. 3 and the l~:esterly 37 feet of Let 4 in Block L of Center Tract as ~er map recorded in f3ooi~ 1~! page 13 of miscel~aneous maps in the o`fice of the county recorder of said county State of ~alifornia, 41HEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a puhlic hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on June 1, 1~;;1, at 1:3'? p•rr~., noLice of said public hearing having been duly given as required hy la~~~ and in acc~rdance ~yith tfie provtsions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chaoter 13,ri3~ to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investiqate and make findings and recomm~ndations in connection therewith; and 41HEREAS, said Commission, after du~ insnection, investiqation and study made by itsel~ and in its behalf, and after due c~nsideration of all evidence an., r.~ports offEred at said hearing, does find and determine the follo;.ling facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes o~aivers of the followinq to estabitsh an apartment unit: (a) SECTIOPI 1R,3t;.r1(,2.!132 - Minimum floor arPa ~ ` ~7(10 square eet requireci; ..7 square eet pr~posed) (b) SECTION 1~i,34,!163,~23 - Mlnimum structural set;~acl<) 5 eet reGu red tor a~•aa 1 1 wi thout ti•rindows or doors; 2-1/2 feeL existinq) (c) SECTIO"J 13.34.065.Q11 - Minimum distance betti•~een butidin~s. 17 feet required; -1 2 eet existing) (d) SECTIOP~ 18.?%i,!156.010 - tlinimum number and type of parl<ing spaces. 5 spaces wit'~ 2 enclosed and ? covered required; 3 spaces wlth 2 covererl proposed , 2. That the above-mentioned waivers are. hereby r~ranted on the basis that the petitioner demonstrated that a hardship exist; i~ that the 90-year old pumphouse, whfch is being conv~rted to an apartment, is exis!L;g and has st9nificant historical value and the s•~aivers oiil) r.ot be detr~menta~ to r.he surmunding resiciential neighborhood. Pf,81-11Q 3. That the reque;ted ti•,aiver, are herel,y ~rant~•d suhject to the petition~r's stipulation to rem~ve ~•ieeds ~~rd ciehr~s and permanentlv ~m~intain th~ 7_- 1%7_ foot i~uildinn setl~acl: ~long the east property line. ~}. That there are exception~l or er,traordinary circi.imstances or conditior~s applieahle to the property invr~lved ~r to th~ intend~d use of the oroperty that do not a~ply c,en~raily to th~ property or ciass of use in th~ ;ame vicinity and zone, 5. That the re~~ested viriance is f1nC~Sa~r~i `or the nreservation and er~uyment of a sub,tantial prooertv right pcssessed hy oth~r nrn~erty in the same vicinity and zone, and dr_~ied to th~ property in nuesti~n. f. itiat the re~uested variance iii11 not he materially detrtmental ro the public a:elfare or i~jurious to the property or im~rovement~ in sur_h virinity and zone in which tne property is located. 7. That two ~ersons indicated their nresence at sai~ puhiic hearing in opposition; and that no correspondenc~ v~as received in opposttion to the subject petition. ENVIROPIMENTAL iMPACT FI~;DIN~; Tnat the Anahein City Plannin~ Commission has rcvieti•ied the proposal to establish an a~artment unit in an existing struct~ire on a rectangu]arly-shaped parcel of land consistinq ~T approximately 0,? acre, havinn a f rontage of approximately G3 feet on the south side of f3roado-~ay, havinn a maximum depth of app roximately 135 feet, and being located aonroximately it!S fe~t east of the center)fne of Philadelphia Street (312 East Brcadi•~ay) and d~es hereby approve the "legative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report on th~ basis that t~ere :rould be no siqnificant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this Negative Declaration sfnce the Artaheim General Plan desiqnates the suh'ect land uses c mm~ J property for medii~m-~IPnsity r~c;.)~..~;~~ ° ~"'~"" ''! ~'~ t`.c propu5a, i; ~hat no sens i t ive envi ronmenta 1 impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Stud indicates no significant individual or cuinulativeYadversatenvironmentaleimpacts;~and that the Flegative Declaration substantiatinct th~ fo;egoinn findinqs is on file tn the City of Flnahelm P)annin9 Department. ~JOIJ, THERFFORE, BE IT RESOLVFD that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does herehy grant subject Pe:ition for Variance, upon the followin~.~ conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerenuisi:= to the ororosed use of the sub~ect property in order to oreserve the safety and qeneral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim; 1. That the owner of suhject property shal) c+ay t~ the City of Anaheim the appropriate parlc and recreation in-lieu fees as determined to be appropriate by the City Council, said fees to be naid at the timP thn buPldinq permit is issued for conversion oF the pumphouse to an apartment. ?. That the ownnr(s) oF suhject nroperty sha)1 pay the traffir siGnai assessment fee (Ordinance ~~o, l3yE.) in ~n amount as det~rmineci by T.he City Council, for each new d~relling unit ~rior to thP issuance of a huildinq permit. _~,_ ~ PC81-119 3. Thal- the owner(s) of suhject oroperty shail pay to the City of Anaheim a fee, in an amount as determined by tL~ Citv Council, for street lighting alonc~ aroad~~ay. ~t, lu~t the existin~ pumphouse structure shall be brought up to the minimun standards ~~f the City of llnaheim, includinry rhe Unif~rm F3uilc1ing, P)umbing, Electrical, Housin~, 'lecnanical and Fire Codes as adopted by the City of Anaheim, 5. That sub~ect property shall be develoned suhstantlally in accordance with pians and spec~fications on fiie witli the City of Anaheim marked Exhihit Plos. i through 3. b. That Condition ~lo. 3, abov~-mentioned, ,hall he comolied ~,rith prior io tlie commencement of the activity authorized under this r~solution, or prior to the time tl-~at the building permit is issu~d, or ~•~ithin a period ~f one year from dat~ hereof, ti+hichever occurs first, or such further time as the Plannina Commission may grant. 7. That Conditinn Nos. ~i and ~, ahove-mentioned, shall he complied i•~ith prior to fir~l huildinn a~d zoning insp~ctions, ouildinn pernit. FiE IT FURTHER P,ESOLVFD that the Anaheim City Piannin9 f.emmission does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is exnressly predicated upon ~pplicant's compliance ~•~ith each and ali of the conditions her~inabove set forth, Should any su~Ii conditien, or any part thereof, he declared invaiid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of com~etent jurisdiction, then this Resolutic,n, and anv approvals herein contained, shall he deemed null and void. Tnc cn~~.. ~~~- ~...,~~~1~:C? .,C~O~L'T;~~'r; i5 siyneu and approved 'uy me this 1st day of June, 19~31, _ / ~Y«:~=~ ~ ~~L G.t~ CHA i RMAN, AIJAHE IM C ITY PLAtJ~I I t!f f,ONM ISS I Ot,l ~~TT[ST: ~ Q,c.c~ ~ ~Q~~_~; SECRETARY, AtJAHE IM C ITY PLANN I FIG C0~4M I SS 10~1 STATE OF C,4L I FOR61 IA ) COUtdTY OF ORANGE ) sso CITY OF AtJAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harrls, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planninn f,ommission, do hereby certify that tne foregoinn resolution ~:~as nassed and acionted at a meetina af the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on June t, 1~81, f-y the Tollo~.•iing vote of the members thereof: AYF.S: C0~1MISSIOIJERS: [3AR'IES, QOU.4S, BUSNORF, F~Y, H~RCiST, I:i~•!~, Tf1L~.R ~JOES; COMh1I5510I~iEP.S: ~JOMt ABSEP!T: CQFi!•11SSIONEP,S: NO~dE It! WITN:SS b1HERE0F, I havF hereunt~ set my hand this +st day of June, 1~A1. .~ ~[•/-J"~ ~ ~ /lit.~ ~ -3- S C.~E A , IJ H.I~t LANN PdG CO~~tllsll[~ if 1 ~