PC 81-120Rr"_SOLUTIO!! "10. PC31-12~
/1 '.I-SOUJTIO!i OF TIIE A!I~.HEi`i CITY PL~~.~11N!; C~~a~~lSSIn"'
?IiAT PCTITIO~d FOR l~/1~IA~ICF ^!~. 3?7< ~F r,rtn?i?Fn
!dfiEREAS, tLe ~.nahefm City Planning Commission di~i reccive a verified
Petition for Variance from MARVIN C. '10~Rr, 1"11 CresC~.ro:;d Lane, Anaheim, California
92r3!14, o~vner of certain real prooerty in the Cit~~ of Anahe+r,, County of Oranqe, State
of Ca~ifornia, described as:
LOT ~EO, T~.,1CT 2222, l~l T!IE CITY OF AtJAIIFl~1, AS PF~ ~~AP RECO~DE~ I~1
B001; 113, ?Af,ES 23 TO 25 I~JCUISIVF, P1ISCELLA"1E0U5 ~1/1PS, IN THF
WHER[AS, t'~e City Planninp Commission did hol~i a puhlic nearinq at the Civlc
Center in the City cf Finaheim on June 1, 1~31, at 1:3~ p.m., noY.ice of said puhlic
hearing having been duiy given as required by la~•~ and in accordance with the
provisions of the Ar.aheim Municipal Codc, Chapter 1'1,~3, to hear and consider
evidence for and a~ainst said proposed variance and to investiqat~ and ~ake findings
and recommend~tions in connection there~:iith; and
LIHEREAS, s~id Commission, after due insnection, in~iestigation anci study made
by itself and in it~ behalf, and after due consideration of ali evidence and reports
offered at said hearing, does find and d~t~.rr~ine the follo~.Ninq facts:
1. That t~e petitioner proooses ti~aivers ~f the folla~•rin~ t~~ construct a 1!-
unit addition to an c;cistin~ apartnr_nt huildinq:
(a) SECTiOt! 1".31:.^67.~12 - !laximw-~ structural height.
nne storv t•r(fhin 1Sf1 cPY cif c(nnlr-familv
rr_sidential zone houndary perr~itted;
two stories proposr_d 123 feet from
RS-7200 zoninq)
(b) SECTIOP! 13.,~t.OG3.~12 - "finimum landscaoed setbac!<.
li eet required; 12 eet existin~)
(c) SECTIOi•1 13.34.OG3.021 - Minimum sideyard setbacl~.
1~ eet required; . eet existing)
(d) SECTION 1£3.34.066.~1'L - Hinimum numher and type nf parl~ing spaces,
15 spaces - covered or enclosed required;
13 spaces - enc ose~ ~rn~osed
T.. That the above-mentioned ~~~ivers are herehy granted on T.he basis that
th~ petitioner demonstrated that a hardship er.ists due to the unusual shape of
subject property and on tLe hasls that d~nial ~~~oulrl deprive suhject pr,~perty of a
privil~ge enjoyed by of.her prnnerti^s in t`.c same zonc ,~nd vicinity.
3. That there are exceptlonal or extraordinarv clrcumstances or conditions
app'icahle to the propertY involved or to the int«~ndPd use nf the propr_rty tfiat do
not apply generally to the pro~ertv ~r cl~ s of u;e in the sam~ vicinity and zone,
4. That Yhn requested variancc is necessary `or rhe preservation and
enjoyment of a substantial property ri9ht possessed by other nrooerty in the same
vicinity -~nd zone, and dr~nied t~ the pro~crty in nuestion.
5. That the re~uestrd varianc•^ i~ill not he materially d~trimental to the
public +•~elfare ~r inji.~rious to the nroperty or improvements (n such vicinity and zone
in ~~hieh the praperty is located.
6. ThaC no one indicated thei~- ~resenc~ at said nuhlic hearing in
oppos(tion; and thc.t no correspondencc o-ras received in opo~sition tn the suhject
[f1VlRfl!IMENTAI_ I,'1PACT FlhlDlNr,: That th~ Anaheim Cit~~ Planning Cnmmission has
revie~•red the proposal to construct a li-unit addition te an exis*_ing apartment
building with oiaivers o` maximum structural heinht, minimum landscaped sethack,
minimun sideyard sethack and minimum numher and type or" p~r'r,ing spaces on an
irreqularly-shaped parcel of land con,isting of apnrc,xim~tely ~,?? acre, having a
frontage of approximateiy 4j fect on the north side of f.rest~~ood Lare (i`~11 Cr•estwood
Lane); and does herehy approve the Negative Declaration frr_n the rea~irement to
prepare an environmental impact r.,port on the hasis tl~at there ~-~oulc! be no
significant individual or cumulative ~~lverse enviromm~ntal inpact due to the approval
of t'iis Negative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan ~Irslonat~c tha suhjPct
property for medium-density land uses commPnsurate ~•~ith the pr~posal; that no
sensitive envii•onmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initlal Study
submltted by the petitioner indicates no sinnfficant lndivid~al or cumulative
adverse er.vironmental im~acts; and that the 'legative Declaration substantiaC?ng thc
forenoing findings is on file in the City of Anahein, Plannin~ Departmenr_.
tJ041, -HEREFnRE, C3E IT RESOLVFD that the Anaheir~ City Plannin9 Commission
does hereby grant subject Petition for Variance, unon the fol}ovrinq conditions which
are hereby founc; to be a nr_cessary prerequicite to the prooosed us~ of the subject
Nr;,j;e~ ~y i n ~ru<<r ~u {.i t>> rve ~iic ~a :`ety and genera 1 i•~e i ra re or the C i t i zens ot the
City of Analieim:
1. That the ormer(s) of suhject pronerty ~hall nay to the Citv of Anaheim
a fee, in an amour,t as determined by the Citv r.ouncil, for street liqhting aiong
C res t~,~ood Lane.
2. Tliat the o~;mcr(s) of suhject prnperty shal] pav to the City of Anaheim
a fee, in an amount ~s dAtermined by the City Council, for tree plantina nurposes
a I ong C res t~~~ood Lane.
3. That petitioner shall ohtain a a~aiver of Counctl Policy rlo. 542
pertaining to sound attenuation in residentlal pro.jects ~ri~r tn issuance of uuilding
~t, That suhject property shall bc deveioped suhstantiall~~ in accordance
with pians and speclfieations on file r~it~i t~~e City of Aiah~fm mar!:ed Exhihit ~ios. 1
throuqh 5,
i. That Condition Hos. 1, ?, an;l 3, abovc-mcnttoncd, shall bn complied
LYJtII prior to the commencement of the actidity authorized unr~er thls res~~lution, or
prfor to the time t!ia* t'ie huildinq ~ermit is issueci, or S,~ithin i period uf one year
-~- PC81-1.'.0
from date hereof, ~~ihichever occurs first, nr suc`~ fnrther time as t~e Planninq
Commi~-sion may ~rant.
~. 7hat Condition I1,. ~,, abovc-~~~nti~nr.d, sh,l1 he c~mpiied ~•~ith prior *_o
final building ~nd zonina ins~ections.
L3[ IT FURTHE' RES(1L~lED that the Anaheim Ci[y °lanninn Commission dor_s hereby
find and determine that a~loption of this Resoluti~r~ is ex~r~ssly oredicateci uFon
applicant's compliarce ~,~it'~ ^~ch and :~11 of the conditions hr.reinahovP set forth.
Should any such condition, or any part thereof~ he ~Iccl'ai'P~ invalid or unenforceable
b•~ the final judyment of any court o` ccxnpetent jurisdir_ti~n, then this Resnlution,
and any approvals herein contained, shall h~ deemed null and void,
TIiE F~2EG0161~ RESOLUTIO"1 is sinne~i and an~roved by ne t'iis lst ~lay of June,
~~LC~lmr! (/' i'(J"'~Cv~_
CHA I R'1AW, AtIAI'E I~~ C I TY PL~.:'I~! i~IG COM`" I ti5 I ~~d
~f, r, .
v ~.c..~. d . ~%% „~...~,
SECP.ETARY, A'JAHE I M C I TY P A~l~! I ~I~ C0~1'1155 I ~'!
COU!!TY OF 0~'AFlGE ) ss.
I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of c`~e Anaheim Cit~~ Plannin~ Conmission, do
.-..tiv ~.r~if.~ ~ti.,r rh~ fnrrnfiin[1 r~s~lirtion ~•~~s ~asseci and adnpted at a meetinq of
'the Anahcim City Plannino Co^.~issi~n held on June 1, 1~"1, hy the foilowln~ vot'~ of
the memhers thereof:
AYFS: COM!115510PIER5: ~3ARrJ[S, ~OI~AS, BUS;10~E, F2Y, HEnrgr Y~~~r~ T~i_qR
IN WITNESS blHEP,EOF, I have !iereunto set ny hand this lst day of J~ne, 1°F1,
~ ,G
~ ~ .[1'~ ~C _ ~.~Qit,,ti-~a.
- 2- Pf.A1-1?.!1