PC 81-122RL"SOL!ITIO'1 M~. PC(>1-1?' A RFS(1L'ITIf"I OF TuF A'L~NEI!1 f.ITY PL~!I'll'I~ C.~'1'iI5Sl!1~! TIIAT PFTITI~tI FOR C~1!DITt~~JAL iISE PEP,~+!T !:~, 277n RE C~n~1TF'1 WHE?CAS, t~i~ P.naheim City Planninq Commissinn ciirf re~c~ive a verified Petition for Conditional Usr Perni[ t'ron P411_LIP SPF4Lir;r~ ~T A~, ?~~,I~ South La Cien~ga, Los Annrles, CaliFornia ?i)~34, o~•mers, anri J!1E A'-'A~F!, ??!~~ ~dest Lincoln Avenun, Anaheim, California ?2`'~1, arent, of certain real nr~oertY situr+ted in tne City of Anaheim, County of Oran~~, State of Californi~, descri~•e~' ~s: The Southeriy 1^G.~~~ fnet of thc l•lestPriv '~7,~~ fe?t ~f that nortion of the Southt•~es~ auarter of th~ So~thn~,t ~uar*er of Section 12, To~.rnsiii~ 'f South, ~.an~~ il 4!est, in thr Ranc6e los Coyotes, City of llnaheim, a, shown on a,~~~o Ch~rr~f reenr~ed in bool; ;1, paoA 11, '1iscellaneous Maps , recor~!s ~t saicl Oranqe County, lying Southerly ~f [he most Southerly line ~s T;aet 'Jo, 2775, as shotm on a^a,: thcreof ree~rd~d in 5001•. 171, pa~es 3? to 3~' inelusivP, ~lisee)laneous '~1aps, ree~rds of saic Oronne Cnunr.y. EXCEPT t'ie t,~esterly 33~~.~?~ feet th~r•eo`. P~L~~ E~(CEP- rh~ Southerly ~+~~.~)0 fcet thereof. ALSO EXf.FPT t`,at n~rtinn lyinq ~~it~iin the follo~~inn description of the ;treet ~~~nnent ~~~~ic~rinn [o th~ City o` Anahein, f~r Syracuse Str^.et: ~eqinnin~ ar a nnint on a 1 ine par~) lel ~•~i th and 4~ feet 'Jo-theriv cf thn South 1 ine ~f said Southeast quarter, sairl point hei.~q (~E~.~• feet Easterly c,f the llest line of said So~ithenst quartcr ~nd hc~inq , point of tangency with a curve concav~• HorCh~•~esterlv, havin~ a r_en*ral ..~, .c n0 r~i ~~ r ~• ._ .., . . . ,;~~u u ~uu .~.~ ..i ~_~. ~• 't'r:l~ l~i [~~l.C ~~+JiIU 1.JIt. curvc through said c~,ntral onn1~- a distance or 3~.':~ fc•~t to a pnint of tangency ~•~ith ~'inc heing parai'el ~~;ith said'c;t ~1ne of sa~d Southeast quarier,and distant Easterly thcrefr~r~ E~S,nr feet, ther~e aicnn said lEn~ 'Jorth n° 12' 1," Uest '~•'..""• feet to a point of tangcncy +,i th a ciirve, concave Sout'ia;•..sterly, having a centrai a~91e o` 3'E° 5~' ~~" and a radiu5 of $0.~1'~ feet, th~,~ce alonq said curve a distanc~ of 3~.47 fePt to a point of reverse curvature with a curve, coneave Southerly, havinci ~ eentral anale of ?4~1° 4~' 50" and a radius of 50.~0 feet, thence alon~ said curve through said central angle of a distance of 21'.~7 feet to a point of reverse curvature ~rith a curve, c~ncave Southeasterly, havinq a eentral angle of 31~~ 54' ~S" arn~ ~ radius of 5~.'1n feet, thenee alonq said curve throueh said centr;,l anqle a distanee of 30.1i7 feet to a point of tangencv ~•:it!~ .i l~ne helnci par~llcl ~•~Ith said tdest line of saicl South~ast quartcr and f,eino dlstant tasterly thrrefrom 72~1,~0 feet, thenee alonq said 11ne South no 12~ 1;" East 7_~l+.64 feet to a point of tannrncy ~:ith a curvr., coneavr Ilorthe~sterly, fi~vinn a centr~i anqle ~f ?'?~ ~7' `~2" ind a radius of 2;.0~ fcet, th~ncc along said riirv~ throii9h s~i~i an~1lc a distanct of 3~.32 feet to a point ~f cus~ a~i th af~~rer~entic+ncrl 1 inP bein~ parallel ~~ith ano h~ feet tJortheriv of s~id S~uth itne of said Southe~st quarter, thence alonp sn(d llne, South °~° 4n~ 1~3~~ l•lest 111~,0~ feet to thc~ poinT of he~inrin9. P~Bt-t7_2 WifE~E/1S, thc City Pianninn Cornr'i>si~n di:l !iold a nu~ilic ~rarin~ ~t thr_ Civi~~ Center in the f,ity nf llnahcin on June 1, 1'~31, at 1:3^ ~•ri,, n~tiee ~f said ~ublie hearing having been diily ~ivcn as required '~y la~! and in 3ccordance ~:;ith the provisions of rhe Anaheiri !tunicipal Code, Chaptcr 1~.~',, t~ hear an~1 consider evideree for and anainst said nroposed conditionai ~se nermtt and t~ investiqate ~~nd make f i nd i n~s and ~ ecommrndat i ons i n a~r,ner_[ ion ti~nre~;~i th ; anr' 41HERFAS, >aid Conr~ission, a`ter du^. inspection, investlaatinn anri study ~n~de by itself ~nd in its hehalf, and afrer dur_ c~nsideration of all evidence and reports of`ered at said hearir^, d~es find ~nrf determine the foll~~,lin~ Taers: 1. That the nroposed use is nronerly nn~ for ~~~hic5 a concli~~ona1 use permit is ~utharized by Anaheim Municipal Code Secti~n 1',~E<<.'?~^,n~n to ~•~it: to pernit on-sal~ beer and ~•i1nP in an existin~ r~staurint. ~,!ith ~:~aiver of: SECTIO~! 1~~,OC.~'16~~.~231 -~tinimum nunFer of parkina snaen~ 7~ soaees renuire~i; 5`~ soaces er.istin~) 2 That tiie req~ested ,.:aiver is `~erehy .~ranted nn thc~ basic that the parkin~ l~t i: ~h~rrd and f+ar~in~1 ~rm~ndv ~•,oula varv ~nd ~n the hasis th~t denial ~:~ould dr_nrivc ;ubject property of a~rivilrnc enio~red hy ot~ier nrnp~rtic~ in the same zone a~d vicinity. 3. That the ~mnosed use ~,rill not a~iv^raelv ~ff~rC t~,~ a~iininir,~ land us~s and the gro~~vt`~ ard drvr-.lonment ~f thr. area in ~~~hic~ it is ~ronosed t~ be locatr.d. h, That the si~e and shane ~f thc site nr~oosed f~r t'~~ use is adeouate to alla~ t!,~ rull deve~~pm~nt of the ~roo~se!i use in a manner n~t detrime~tal to the ~~rticular area ror to ~he peac~~, ~e:~ltn, ;a°rtY, end neneral '•~elf,:,re of the ~iti>ens of the Cit~ ~f Anah+~im. j. That the 9rantino oF the Conditi~nal !ise F^r~~it ~~n~lPr the conditions imposed, if any, ~•~ill not `~e drtrimental to the oeac~, '~~~ it`~, safety and qeneral welfare ~~ the Citi~^ns of tne City ~f Ana'~eim. (. That t~ie tr~Tfic 9enerated hy the. pronnsed use ~'ill not impose an undue burden upon tLe streets and hiqhrrays designed and imrrnv~d tn carry the traffie in t:ie area. 7, That no onr_ indicat~d th~ir nres~r.:r at said n~ihlie hearing in opposition; anc~ thaC no c~rresp~ndencr.~~as recciveci in ~nn:~sition to the su6ject petition. EilVIR(1tJ~tE'lT~1L IHP~~T FI"n~~~~; The Planninn ~irecter ~r hls au*.horized rc?resentative has determin.~d that the prr~nnsrd pr~_icct fal lc ~:~f thir. the ricfini ~ien of C~te9~ric~1 Exenntions, Cl~ss 1, a~ define~i in t'~e Stirr. FIR Guidelines ard is, the'r.f~re, cite9orically exem,~t from thc reauir~ment t~ nre~nr,-, in EI~. IJ~11, T~iERFr~nE, i~C I~ "~S~L!'FD t!~a~ t~~c 4n~hei~^ ~ity Plannin~~ Commission do~s herehy grant sulject Petitinn f~r Conditinnal Use P^rmit, u~en the follcwrln~ eond i t i ons ~~ih i ch a re herehy found to f~c a necess irv ~r~r~~u i~ i tP t~~ the nrot~osed usr. of the suhject pronerty in ord~r to nreservr. the safety ind ~~ncr~l ~•~cifare of ~he Citizens of the City of Ana~ieim: -2- PC91-122 1. That str~et lic~htinn i~cilitie; ,~lon~~ ~yr~~c~isc ~tre~t shall be ~nst~ll~~ci as rrnuir~d hy Thc Offic~~ nf I~tilitic~ ~cnrr~l "anin~r, and in accorrlance ~~ii±h soeeifieations on filr in [he C~ffie~ of Utilitie; Gen~.r~l 'tana?er; and/or that a hond, eerti`ieite oF dcn~:;it, l~tter of credit, ~~r -.a~h, in an im~unt and fnr~ sa t i sfactory tn t'~~ C i ty of ~nahe ir~ sha 1 1 he ~nsTr,i ~-~i th t~~r ~ i tv to quarantee t!~e installnrion o` t;~e af,ove-m~nti~ncd recuirrr~nnt~, nri~r tn ~iccu~aney. 7_. That su+,ject nropertY s`»il !,c ~i~vrlnnerl suhstantially in accordanGe ~.ait1~ ol~rs and speciFie,~'ions nn filr ,.,it`, ;.`,e Cit~~ o* '+na!~~ir, r,:~rG•er' Exhihit "~os. 1 and ._. ?, That Condition No. 1, ahove-ncnti~ned, shall Lc e~r~oli~~1 ailth prior to th^ comnencenent of thr activity auth~rized under this '~solutton, ~r nrior t~ the tim~ *_hat the huildinn nernit is issued, or ~•~it!~in a peri~d cf onr year from date hereof~ tihieh~vr.r occurs first, or such furth~r tine as the Planntn~ Commission may g~ ant. ~f, That Condition iln, Z, .ahove-mnntioned, s`~all he eomnlie~i ~:rith prior to i'inal buildinn and ~onin~ ins~ec[ions. B[ IT FURTHER RES~L~!ED t'~at the llnahe i~+ C i ty P 1 ann i nn Co^~~~i ~s i on dees hereby r"ind and deternine ti~at aJ~;~iion o` t`~is °.r_sot.~~~~;; i~ r~•,r•,5c~~ pr,•dicat~~i upnn a,r,plicant's complianc~ ~•lith eaci~ and ill of the c~nclitions hereinahove cet forth. Shouid any suc.~ condition, or ~ny ~art [`.^re~*, '~c decl~red invalid or unenforceable by the fjnal jud~ment of any cour*_ n` conpetent juris~licti~n, then this °.esalutfon, and an'.' ~pprovals herein c~ntainrd, s~iall he d^emed nul l t.,id vni~l. 1pO1. Tf~F r~°.F.G~I~~% R,~,n~iir~n~~ is sinncri anJ .~p~r~vnd hv nc this lst daY of June, ~ n'~r.~r~' ~ ~~ CH/112'~'~, A~IAh!F1~1 f,I7Y PL:^~."!I~!r, r,nM'+iS510t1 ATT[ST: ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ _ : ~ .~.L.~.t~~.~~_. SECR[TARY, AHAHE 1!! C ITl' PL~~JI! II1~ C~"'t ISS I ~~~ STA'i OF ChL I FOR~IIl1 ) CO~IMTY OF ORAMGE ) ss. C ITY OF A!!AHE IH ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary o` the anah~iM Citv Plannin~ f.orm~ission, do nerehy ccrtify that the Torrgoinn reselution ~•ras n~ssed and ~clo~ted at a meeting of the Ana`~eim Ci[y Plannin~l Comciissi~n h~l~~ ~n Junc 1, 1^~'i, ~~v the follrn~:(nq vote of che menhers thereof: A'rcS: COH'iI5Sf0'JE~ 5: E~AR~ltS, BOU,15, :?US~I~°.E, ~ZY, !I~^..^.ST, f;l~l~, TnI.~.R '!OES: C~i~1'•iIS51U~lt^5: !lOI~E 1:;Sf.'JT: C~'1'+!SSlfl';ERS: 'I~'!E I'I '.11Ti![SS 1•lHERliOF'~ I h~Vr hercunt~ 5r'.C n~ h~ntl [~~i~ 1~C d.yy Gf .lUl~~ ~"~'~. ~ ~.- C~G! ''~ :t,~~-L~ , ., A. ,1 , ~L ! . M , -3- PCi>1-t72