PC 81-127RFSOLUTIO~! '10, ?C~1--127 A P.ESOLUTIO~! OF T~IE AtJAH[I`1 CITY P;.Atl~~ItIG C~~~~115~i~tl R~CO!1MF~1DItJG TQ TfIE f.ITY COI1~lCll THAT TIfE ACCESS P01"!TS ?0 S~1F1TA AP~A CA"1Y0~! R~AD l1S I~1DICnTE~ OH EY,HI~IT P;~, 7, GY CITY COU'ICIL RCSOLUTIO': ~:0. ~(,•R-27 6E REVI~E~ T~ I'ICLI!~F A~! FlCGf 55 P01 i!T ~ES I G'JATED AS ~~~ , AS SH01•1~1 Ofl EXF~ I P IT A WhIE°E~S, t'~e prnpcrty o~-rrn~r has reque,t~d th~ CiT.y Planning CoMmission to consirier access onto Santa Ana ~anyon P,oad for a ~~,( acre ,r.r~~osed commerci~l center located on the south~•test corner of Santa Ana Canyon P,o3d an~1 Fairmont Roul~vard, said aceess proposed approxi7ateiy 44? r'eet ~~~st of the cen[erline oT Fairmont P,oulevard; and k'hIEREAS, tne City Planning Corrnissior. did hold a ouhlic hearina at rhe Civic Cent~r, in the City of Anahein on April 20, 1^n,l, at 1:3~ r.n., notir_e -,f said pub)ic hearing havin9 6een duly given as reauired t~y lai~ and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1''.~;, to '~Par and consider evidence for and against said pro~osed revision oF access ~~ints on Santa Ana Canyan Road, in connection the;r~;~ith; and said he.ring ~-~as continueci t~ *he meetinq of June 1;. j~^j~ ,7ni 1J11ERE.45, said Commission, .~fter d~e inspection, investig~ti~n anrl study maje oy 'ts~alf ~3nd in its hehalf, and ar*er due consideration of all evi~ir~nce and reports G`fer~~ci at said heirinr,, d~es finri ~nd deternine the folloa~inn facts: 1, That it is dezn~cd aopr~priate and nr:.cessarv to imnrove access and circulation in the stud;~ area and, more snecificall~, the south~•rest cnrner of Santa Ana Canyon Road and Fairmon[ 3oulevard, because ~f futur~ ~~tential access problens as ~ddirional devel~nment ~eciirs in ttie suF~i~cf ~rra. 2, That the Santa Ana Canyon Road ~ccess Point Study, as ado~ted by the City~ Cuunty and State, designates limi:ed a~pro~~ed access pnints (il) along Santa Ana Can;~an Road, said access points i•rere 7dO~~tP.C~ as a lonlcal method of providing access to those properti~s fronting on Santa Ana Canyon P,oad at suc!~ t(r^e as sald Ptoperties were to be devclopec for uses more intense were presently zoned, Subseq~ent to approval, four revisiors Ga, ~a, 5a and l~a have occure~l, 3, That the Santa .4na Canyon ?oad Aecess Point Study foun~i that at sucFi time as property o~:m ers choose [o develop their properties, they ~~~ould have the responsibility of jointly solvinq their mutual circulation ~roblems sc+ as to conform to Lhe prnposed ac~ess peints to Santa Ana Canyor r.oad. 4. That th€~ Circulation Element of the Anahe~m General Plan desiqnates Santa Ana Canyon ,:oad from Cerro Vista Drive to Weir Canyon Road as a Seenle EYPr'essway ~•~iCh •~ccess limited to those points as defined tiv the access point sTudy. 5, That anproxir~at~lv t.^.n (1~) nr~perty o~mrrs a~ne•~r:ci at s~id nublic hearings in oppos(tion and a netition siGned f:y ao~roximitely one hundred, seventy- ~even (l/%) area property rn.mers ~•~as received in ~nposition. I~pt,r, TI!EREFn':E~ fiF IT RESn~~'F~ TH.4T the AnaFeir~ Cit•,~ Plannin9 C~nr~tss:on has revie+aed the proposal to construct access onto Santa Ana Canyon Road as a oart of ~n overall access plan for ~ prop~se~l shonninn center on a F.~ acre narcel loc,ated c,n PC81-127 thP south~•~est corner of Sarta ,4na Canyon Road and ~airmont "uulevard sai~l access to be 1oe~ted approximately ~i4~ fect vrest of t~~e centerline of Fairmont ~oulevard; an~1 dces hereby aoprovc the Ilegative Decl3ratior. from t:he requirement to prepare an environmrntal impact report on thr_ basis that there Y,ould be no si~nificant individual or cumulative adverse environinental imnact due to the a~proval of this "Jeg:tive Declarati~n; that no sensitive environment.~l i~^acts are involved in the pro(~osal; that [he Initial Study suhmitted hy the petitioncr indicates n~ sianifieant individual or cumulativ~ arive~rse env?r~nhental imnacts; and that the Plegative D~_ti~ra[(~n substantiatin~ the foreg~ing `in:lin~s is or file in the City of Anaheim Plannirg Department. GE IT FURTHER RFSC_UFD that the Anaheim ;i*_v Pl:~nninn Conr~ission ~1oes herehy reconm~nd t~ rhe City f.c~uncil ~~ the ~ity ~f „naheim a~l~nticn of the ~rr~posed revision [o Exhibit ~~o. 7, adonted in c~nnectio~~,-,ith Sant~ Ana Canvon Boai Access Points study, as sho~•m ?b on Exnihit A. 1. That an access point ne perc,itted apnrnximately !~f~~ feet west of the centerline of Fairnount E3oulevard consistinn o~ a 1^-`n~t ~•iide, ~:S-foot long deceleration lane for easthound traffic enterin~ the nropos~d certer and an 19-fo~t WI(~@ right turn only `or traffic exitina the center. 2. Tha[ a traffic signal should he installed at Fairnont "oulevard and Santa Ana Canyon Road a.,d [hat the property orm er shall c~ntrihutr ~, min(mum of $2>,0~0 to~•~ards the cost of a traffic sianal. 3. That the exisYing openin~ 1n [he 1,~ndscaped ^~e~lian on Santa Ana Canyon Road providing access to che nrop,<rty located immed(ately to the west shall he closed. ~+. That the nrc,nosPd hicvclP ir,n.~ ah:,tt ti,. r~l~~.,~~,+ ~,. F.,ii,,,., ~ti. proposed sidewalk onto the suhject pr •ty and sh~il n~t cross the access lane, except at a designated crossoralk, 5. That ttie proposed equestrian trail shall he located on thP north side of Rio Grande Drlve and the ~•~est side of Fairr~ont Bou'evard; also prov(~iira a trail easemen[ 4~hich traverses the north~~~est boundary along the 5~1~11 Cznal which is necessary `or connection to the Santa Ana Canyon trail extending from the west; that the oamer(s) of subject property de_dicate ~n~i im~rove the eauestrian and hi;<inq t~ails in accordance ~•~ith standard plans and specific~Cions on file in the office of the City Enginecr; and that the rid?ng and hikinq trall remain adjacent to Santa Ana Canyon Road, if the r^questr_d access onto Santa Ana Canyon R~a~1 is denied. G. That pr;or to issuance of a buildin~ nermit, the doveloper shall submit specific circuiatlun plans to the Traffic En~ineer for app m val. 7. That prior to ti~e (ssuanc~ of a hull~inn permit, thr• devcioper shall submit specif;c p1,~ns to [hc P)~nnin_y Ccmr^ission for appr~val. ~~. That t'~e nei~ access point :~e ciesinn~te~l as ^h on tbe Santa Ana Cam~on Access Point,, Study, as indicateJ on txhiblt A. ~ B[ IT rURTNER RF.SOL~~E~ t!,at t`~e Anaheim fitv Pianninct Co:^n(ssion does h~reby find and de[ermine that th2 adontion of th~s Resoiution Is ex.prPSSly predicated uoon -'- PCBt-~27 ~pplicant's cempliance o-~ith each and all of the conditions hereinabcve set forth. Should any condition or any part thereof, be ~eclared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of conpetent _jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals lierein contained, shall be deemed null and votd. 1931 THE FOR~G01~lG RCSOLUTIOh! is signed and approved by me this 1~th day af June, ~~~-~~a G~ . 1~~~~--~_ CfiA I RMFlN PRO 7EMPORE ANAHEIM CITY PLA~dtJiNG COM!11S510N ATTEST: ~~ ~° ~~.~:~.. SECfiETARY, ANAHE 1 M C I TY P!.A.tdN I MG CONN I SS I OPI STATE OF CALIFORNIFl ) COUMTY OF ORADJGE ) ss. CITY OF AIJAH'cIM ) I, Edith L, Harris, Sc~retary of the Anaheim Cit~ Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregcing resolution o~as passed and adopted at a meetinq of the Anahetm Cit;~ Planning Commission held on June 15, 1~1`3i, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARWES BOUAS, HERRST, Y.I~;G NOES: COMMISSIONERS: BUShORE, FRY A~SENT: COMMISSIO!dERS: TOLAR IPI WITtICSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 15th day of June, iQQI, ~~~ ~ ~~~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM C1TY PLAPIPIING COMMISSIOM -3- PC81-127