PC 81-128RESOLUTIO~! t10. PCC1-1?^ A R[SOLUTIOi! OF THE At;NIEIM CIT`f PL~~RlIiiG COhV115SI0t! THA7 PETITI01! FOR P,[CLASSlFICl~TIOtI t10. [;0-B1-3C, E3F GRAIlTED. b1fIEREAS, the Anaheirn City Planning Cor~mission did i-eceive a verified peti tion for Reclass i`icat ion from SPEECII /1I1D LAf1GUl1GE DEVELOPti[i!T CENTER, ~FlC., ~i„M.ar9aret 1•latkins, 41, H. Daum and Starf, 11t51 Quail Street, ~~ewport Deach, California 92GG0, o~•~ner, and OSCAR [. 1J111TEC001;, P. 0. [3ox 314, Yorba Linda, California 92G3G, agent of certain real property situatec in the City of Anaheim, County of Oranye, Statc of California, described as follev~s: TfIE EqST 1>1.29 F[ET OF TIiE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF TNE tdORTHIlEST QUARTER 0= TIIE t10RTH41E;T QU~RTER Of SECTIOtI 16, T041NSIIIP ~~ SOUTII, RAt1GE 10 4/EST, Ild TH[ R.ANCHO SA~J JUAN C/1JO~d D~ SAPIT/' ANA, AFlD LiEIPJf A POR'ilOPl OF LOT h, OF HELEP! l1FlU LYDlCIi'S ADUITIOP! TO ANAIiEIH, AS PER r~n~ TfiEREOF, RECOP,DED II! BOOIC 4h2, F'AGE 15u, DEEDS, I I! THE OFFI CE OF TIIE COUPlTY RECORDER OF LOS AHGELES COUtlTY. EXCEPT;p1G THEREFP,Or1 THE SOUTII 39~E.13 FEET OF SAID LAI4D. ALSO EXCEPTI~lG THEPEFROi1 7H[ NORTH 195.00 FEET OF TNE P,EhlAlilDER OF SAID LAhJD. SqID LAIJD !S ALSO SN01•lid ON A P1P,P OF SURUEY FILED IM B00f: 28, PAGE 3, FECORDS OF SURVEYS, I~J Tfi[ UFFICE OF TfiE COUNTY P,ECORDER OF 5l;ID COUtJTY, 1•ItIEREAS, the City Planning Corimission did held a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Flnaheim on hiay 12, t~~il, at 1:3Q p.m., notice of said public hearing havin; becn uuly given as required by la~r and in accordance ~•rith the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1.`',.0;, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed recl~ssification and to investigate and make `indin9s and recomr.~endations in connection therei•iith; said public hearing having been continued to the Planning Commission meeting of June 1~, 193i; and ldiicncN~, saiu Gommission, af;.er due inspection, inves*_igatien and study made by itself and in its bchalf, and after d;,~ consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearin~,, does find and determine the follooring fac*_s: i. That the petitioner proposes reclassification of subjer.t property from the RS-A-~E~,000 (Residential/Agricultural) Zone to the ML (Industrial, i.imited) 7_one. 2. That the Anafieim General Plan designates subject property for medlum- densit~• residentiai )and uses. 3. That tlie proposed reclassification of subject property is necessary and/or desirable for the orclerly and proper developnent of the cor~munity. 4. That the pro~osecl reclassification of subject pro~erty does properiy relate to tne zoncs and their permitted us~s locally e;tablished in ciose proximity to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses c,enerally established thro~~ghaut th~ community. PC81-128 5. That one person indic~ted their rresence at said public hearing in opposition; anc.' that no correspondence. ~•~as received in op~osition to the subjert petition. EIJVIROPL"1cFlTAL IFSPACT FINDIt1G: That the /lnafieim City 'lanning Commission has reviea~ecJ the proposal to reclassify subject property from the Rs-n-43,0~0 (Residential/Agricuitural) Zone to th~ MI_ {Industrial, Limited) 7_one to perr~it an a~tomobile storage facility ivith waivers of maximum structural height, minimum sideyard :.etbacl: and required site scrcening on a rectanyularly-shaped parcel of land consistiny of approximately !i.2 acre, having a fruntage of approximately 72 feet on the west side of Loara Street (135 South Loara Street); and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration frorn the requirement to prepare an environmental inpact report on the basis that there ~•rould be no significant individual cr cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this t~egative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan designates the subject property for medium-dersity residential land uses commensurate ~~ith the proposal; that no sensitive environmentai impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Iritial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no siynific~nt individual or cumul~,tive adverse environmental impacts; and that the PJegative Deciaration substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Plannin9 Departm~nt. tJ0•;1, TIIEREFOP,E, BE IT R[SOLVEU that thP ~r.aheim City Planntng Commission does hereby g~art subject Petition for Reclassifica~ion and, by so doing, that Tir1e 18-Z~ning of the Anaheim ~~r~nicipil Codo he amended to exclude the above-described property from the Rs-Fl-43,000 (RESIDEP!?IG1L/AGRICULTURAL) ZUFJE and to incorporate said describecl property into the PiL (It1DUSTP.I/1L, Lit•11TED) 7_ONE upon the follaNing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerec~uisite to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City cr ~naheim: 1. Th~+t trash storage areas sf.all be p~ovided in accordance with approved plans on fi?e with the Office of the Fxecutive Director of Public 4lorks. t. Ihat subject property shali be served by underground utilities. 3. That drainagc of subject property snall uE disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the City Enginecr. ~E. That the a•m er(s) of subject propcrty shall submit a letter requesting the termination of Conditional Use Permit PJo. 101E5 to the Planning Department. 5. That the own:r(s) of subject property shall pay the traffic signal assessment fee (Ordinance P~o. 3396) in an amount as determined by the City Council, for industrial buildinys prior to the issuance of a bu?idin9 permit. 6. That appropriate ~-~ater assessment fees as determined by the Office of Utilities General Manager shall be paid to the City of Anaheim prior to the issuance of a building pcrmit. 7. That fire sprinl:lers shail be installed in the p;oposed building per reconmendation o` the Cnief of tho Firc Departrient. -2- PC81-128 3. 7hat subject property shall be developed substantially in aeeordanee with plans and ,pecifications on file ~•~ith khe City of Anahein marked Exhibit Plos. 1 and 2, Revision ilo. 1. 9. Pr~or to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, Condition IJos. 1 and 5, abovc-mentioned, shall be con~leted. The provisions or rights granteci by this resolution shail become null and void by action of the Planniny Commission unless saicl conditions are cornplied t•iith ~:rithin one year from the date hereof, or ,uch Furthcr timc as tho Planning Comr.iission may ~7rant. 10. fhat Condition ~los. 2, ~, <<, G, and 1~, above-mentioned, shall be complicd with prior to final buildiny and ;oning inspections. 11. That conpletion of these r~classification proceedings is contingent upon the yrantiny of Conditional Use Permit 1Jo, 221], BE IT FURTFIER RESOLVED that thc Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and deternine tha~ the aduption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance o-rith each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any condition or any part thereof, be declared invalid or uner,forceable by the final jud~ment of any court of cornpetent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be dcerned null and void. T;IE FOREGOI~IG RESOLUTIOPI is si9ned and approvcd by me this 1>th day of June, l~ul. ~2^'~-Qc~. ~ • ~i l c:r1-~~- CHAIR~1Atl PRO TEt1PORE AtlAllEltl CiTY PLAN~JING COMh115Si0F! ATT[ST: ~~ ~ ~~~ SECRETARY, AtJFlfIEIP1 CITY PLANFJIilG C0~11115510"1 STATE OF CALIFORWIA ) COUfITY OF ORAI;GE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEit1 ) I, Edith L. Ilarris, Secretary of ~he Flnaheim City Plannii~g Conmission, do hereby certify that the foregoiny r•esol~ition ~•1as passed and adopted at a meet?ng of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on June 15, 1_181, at 1:30 p,m., by the followiny vot~ of tfie members thereof: AYES: COHHISSIONERS: f3ARfJES, GOUAS, 6USIIOF;E, FRY, H[RCST, KI~IG PlOES: COh1MIS5101•JERS; ~~01lE AE3SEilT: COMI11 SS I OIIERS : 'fOLAP, ItJ WITt1ESS WIIEfiEOF, I have hereunto set ny hand this 15th c'ay of June, 19£31. - %~ ~`Ti . ~? s~" ^.~ttiai SFCRETARY, AtJAfiEIP1 CITY PLANiJItlG COpV1;SSI0tJ -3- PC81-128