PC 81-129r,~so~uTio~~ no. r~c~i-i29 A RESOLUTI01; OF TII[ A~I/111EIH CITY PLAtlII!I1G COh1111SSI0t! TH/`,T PCTITIOI! FOR C0~lDITIOllP~L USE rrr,riir tl0. ?217 (3E GFA;ITED, ItJ PART WfIERE/15, the ~naheim Cit•• Pl~nning Commission did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit from SPE[CII AIID LAl1GU/IG[ DEVELOPII[~!T CE~IT[R IIIC., c/o I~largret 41ati:ins, lJ. ;i. Daum ancl Staff, 14;1 Quail Street, PJea~port l3each, Cai i fornia, 92i,G0, a~~ner, and OSC/1R [. bltIITED00K, P, 0, Cox 3i4, Yorba Linda, California ~2CoG, a,ent, of cert~in rr_al pro~crty situatcd in the City of Anaheim, County of Oranae, State of Californi~, descrihed as: TIIE [/1ST 151.7.~ FEET OF TfIE SOUTfiEAST OU/1RTER OF TIIE ~IOP,TtitlEST QUARTER OF TII[ NORTIIldEST QU/1RTER OF SEC?IOI7 1(~, TOLlPISIIIP h SOUTN, RAt1GE 10 41EST, It! TI{E RA~1CH0 SAiJ JUAIJ C/1.i0fJ DF S/INTA AElA, AtJD (3EING A PORTIOP! OF LOT G OF fiELEIJ A~JD LYNChI'S .4DDITIOt! TO AIJAIIElt1, AS PER M~P THEREOF, R[CORD[D lil E001: i+42, PAGE 1;£~, UEGDS, II9 THE OFFI CE OF TIIE COUtlTY FECORDER OF LOS A!lGELES COU~lTY. E:(CEPTIIdG THEREFR0~9 TIIE SOUTFI 3o1f.13 FEE7 0~ SAI~ LAtJD. ALSO EXCEPTIIlf TIfE~EFROti TIIE IlORTII 195.00 FEET OF ifiE REHAIPIDER OF Sf11D LA`!D. S~ID L/1tJD IS AL50 SIiOWtI 0~~ ~ F!/1P OF SURVEl' FILED It! BOOK ?_8, P(1(;E 3, ?ECORDS OF SURVEYS, I ~l TfiE OFFI CE OF THE COUtITY RECn~;DE~ OF SnID COU~;TY. 4111[R[,15, the City Plannin~ Corimission diJ schcd~lc a public hea~ing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheiri on ~tay 1~^, 1~E1, at ~:3n p.m., notice of said public hearing haviny been duly ~iv~n as required by laa! and in accordance ~~~ith the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1F,'>>, to hear and consider evidence for an~ against said proposed conditional use permit and to i~rvestigate and make findings and recomr:iendations in conr.ection thereo-ri[h; said pubiic hcaring having been continued to the Planning Cocuoission mectinq of June 15, 1981; and WIIEREAS, said Cornmission after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, ancl after due consideration of all evidence and renorts ui(ereu a~ saiu nearing, does tind and determinc the folloe~ing facts: i. That the proposed use is properiy one for ti•~hich a conditional use permit is authorized by Anaheiro Plunicipal Code Sectior 1".(1.050.070 to vtit: Tc permit an automobile storage facility with a~aivers of [he follot•ring: (a) S[CTIO~J 18.61.062.Q11 - hlaximum structural height. 0 feet permitted; 20 feet proposed) (b) SFCTIOtJ 13.G1.0G3.020 - t1inimum sideyard setback. ,20 feet required; none proposed) (c) SECTIOtI lu.G1.OG3.020 - Re uired site screeninq. -foot higli block wall adjacent to residentia' zone boundary required; chainlin~: ence laith redr~ood siats proposed PC81-129 Z. That the ~,ro~osed use consi>tinq of an irn~ound yard for fi~ie (5) ears is hereby granLed for ~ period of one (1) year >ubject L'o revie~.~ upon ~~ritt:en request from the petitiuner tc~ ~Jeterriin~ ~~~hether or noC the use has cre~ted a parl;'ng ~;;oblem in L'he area an~l if any adverse iei~~ac[s have been created in t!ie adj~cent school and residential areas. IY aclditional and acceptable parkinq is ma~1e available to subject property, up to ten (1~) cars r~ay be storecl at this iocatien. 3. That thc F~mposed use is herehy qr~ntecl a~ith six (6) parl:ing spaces being cJesign~ted for the pro~csed industrial buil~ling ~•;hich ~•~ill be used for an office, an asserblin~ operation and ~ ~•iarehnuse, and ~;~ith a maxinum c,f five (5) parking spaces being utilized for tiie storan~ of repossessecl automobiles. !f the petitioner subriits an executed anci acceptable parl:in~ a~reement to the City Attorney's Office for approval, said a,reenent ~ermiting employee parking on the adiacent residential prope:rty immediately to the south, the number o~= impounded vefiicles may be increased to a maximum of ten (10), 4. That the re~uested ~•raivers (a) ard (b) are hereby granted on the basis that d~nial ~~~ould deprive subject pro~erty or a privilegc enjoyed 'oy other properties in the same zone and vicinity and that adjacent property te the south and wesr is developed with a publit school altho~~qn the zoning is residential. 5. Tliat thc requested waivcr (c) is hcreby denied on the basis thaC the petitioner stipulated at the pubiic hearin~ of Hay 7E to retain the exi,ting 6-`oot h+c7h i,iasonry block ~~ral1 adjacent to ti~e sin~le-fami ly residential ~ore to the north of subject propcrty. ~. That the pro~~osed use is hereh/ ~ranted subjert to the revised pian relocaCing the proposed ~ate a minimum of twenty-five (25) `eet from the f ront property line alony Loara Street. 7. That the proposed usc is hereby 9rantcd subject to the petitioner's sti~ulation to Cerminate all e;<istinn conditional use permits and variances on sub_iect nr~ncrr" $. Th~t the ~roposea use, as grarted, ~-~i11 n~t adversely affect thc adjoining land uses and the gro~.ath and development of the area in ~yhich it is praposed t~ be iocateci. 9. That the s i ze anci sl~ape of the s i tE: p roposed for the use, as grantNd, is adequate to allo~•r the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular arca nor to thc pcace, health, safety, and general weifare of thc Ci;izens of tiie City of Anaheim. 1~• That tiie granting o` Y.he Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, will rot be dctrimental to the peace, neaith, safety ~nd general welfare of the Citizens of the City of F~naneim. 11. That thc traffic ~crereit~.d by the proposed usc, as granted, wi11 not impose an undue burden uron Che streets ~incl hi~~ha~ays d~~signeci and irmroved to carry the traffic in the area. -2- PC81-129 ~ ~ _ _, 12. Thot onc person indicated t:hcir ~rc;cncc at >aid ~1ay 1~", 19111, public hearing in opposition; anJ that no correspondence ~~iis receive~i in oppesiCion to the subject petiti~~n, EiNiRO~!hIFfIT/1L IIIPACT FIIIDI~JG; That the ~naheir City P)~~nning Commission has revieo~ecl the proposal to permi± an ~utoi.;ob i le stora~c faci 1 i ty vii th waivers of maximu~n structural heiglit, r,iinimuri sidcyard setbacl: and required site screer~ing on a reetanyularly-shaped parcel of land consistin~ of ap~ror,imately 0,2 acre, havin9 a frontage of approximatr.ly 72 f~et on the ~~.est side of Loara Street (13!; South Loara Street); and does hereby approve thc ile~ative Declaratinn from the requirement to prepare an envirc~nment~~l ir~pact report on the basis th~t ther~ would be no significant individual er cumulativ~ ~dverse environmental impact due to the approval of this tJegative Ueclar~tion since the Anahein General Plan designates *_he subject property for mediurr density residenti~~l land uses corunensurate with the proposal; that no sensitivic environmental impact=_ are invoived in the proposai; that the Initial Study submittcd by the petitioncr indicates nn significan*_ individual or cumulative adverse environnentai impacts; and that the Negative Declaration substantiatirg Che foregoing findin~s is on filc in thc City of Anaheim Planning Departnent. t~OSI, TIIEREFOf'[, QE IT P,ESOLVED that thc Anancici City Planning Comnission does hereby grant subject Petitior for Conditional Use Permit, upon the folluwing conditions which are hereby founJ to be a necessary prerenuisite to the proposed use of the subject propcrty in ord~r to presr_rve th~ safety and general ~•~elfare of the Citizens of thc City of Anaheim: ~• Thit this Conditional Use Fermit is grantecl subject to the compietion of Reclassification I:o. £;~-3t-3G, r,a,~ pendinq. Z. That subject p mperty sh~ll be developed substantially in accordance w~th plans and specifications on file ~•iith the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Plos. 1 and 2, Revision No. 1. ~• iiia~ Lonaition ~~o, Z, ~hove-mentioned, shall be conplied ~vith prior to final building and zoning ins~~ctions. 4• That thc use is hereby ~ranteJ `or a period of onc ye~r subject to review upon written request from the petition~r to uetermine ~~~hether or not Che use has created a parking problem in the area and if there have been any adverse im~acts on the adjacent school anci residential areas. BE IT rIlRTIIER RESOLVED that the Ar.ah~im City Pianning Commission does hereby find and detcrmine that the adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compiiance ivith each and ail of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Shouid any condition or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgr,ient of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. TIIE FOREGOING RESOLUTIO;! is si~nccl ~nd a~preved by me this 1!;th day of June, 1~"ul. l';. ,~~ ~~~- ~, ~ ,'.~R~~~~ I~ . ~~ ~.1C_." o- `~-. S~_ CfIAi R!illtl PR~ 7Ef'PORC AI~AIiEIM CI7Y PLAil~lftlG COMMlSSIO!! ~3 PC81-12y ATTEST: (~ ~ .l~ ~'.' ~ ' t~. SECRETARY, A,JANEIPi CITY PLAtdNIIIG COMMISSION ST/1TE ~F CALI FOR~II/1 ) COUIJTY OF ORnlIG[ ) ss. CITY OF AIlAflEltl ) I, Edith L. Narris, Secretary of t~ic Anaheim City Planning Conmission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution v~as passed and auopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commissi~n held on June 15, 1~31, at 1:3~ p.m., by the following vote of the members tlicreof: AYES: C011MISSIONEKS: LiARIlES, [30UhS, QUSHO;[, FP,Y, HCRu~T, t:IliG NQES: CON~~1iSS10~1[ftS: ~lO;JE A[3SEIlT: C011t11SS10(lERS: TOL/1R 111 411TIi[SS 4JIIEREOF, I have here~n set my hand this 1;th day of June, 1931, ~ ~~~~n t ~ SECRETA?Y, ~tIAIIEIN CITY f'l.F1Nt~ltlG COMMISSIO!! I -4- PC81-129