PC 81-13r,
RESOLIITtOrt N0. PC81-13
Petition forRConditionalAUseePermittfrom,AHMANSOPlC~TRUSTi~CQMPANY,rec/oVeTHE VMACKLIN
COMPANY 2861 pullman Avenue, Santa Ana, California g270,, owner, and TNE MACKLIN
COMPANY, 2861 South Pullman Avenue, Santa Ana, California 927~5, agent of certain
real property situated in the Ctty of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California,
described as:
PARCEL A: Parcels 1 and 2, in the Ctty of Anaheim, as shown on a
Parcel Map filed in Book 61, page 50 of Parcel Maps, in the office
of the county recorder of said county. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the
Northerly 20 feet as conveyed to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe
Railway Company, a ~elatoare Corporation, by deed recorded July 22,
1974~ tn Book 11201, page 167 of Official Records. AL50 EXCEPT
from Parcel 2 above -lescribed that portion there~f descrtbed in
deed to the Orange County Flood Control Qistrict which was
recorded May 17, 1976~ in Book 1173~, pa~e 1259, Official Records
of said Orange Lounty, and described as follavs: PARCEL B: The
East 10,00 feet of that portion of Lot 1 of Tract 925, Tn the City
of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California~ as per map
recorded in Book 29, Pages 42 to ~iA tnclusive of Mtscellaneous
Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said county,
recordeddFebruarye28,~e1q74toinGBookn11085,EPageY 64£~reofie0fficial
Records in the office of said County Recorder. EXCEPT that
portion thereof included within the North 20,00 feet of said Lot,
PARCEL C: That portion of Lot 1 0~ Tract No. 925, In the Ctty of
Anaheim, County of Oran~e, State of California, as per map
recorded in book 29, pages 42 to 44 inclusive of Miscellaneous
Maps~ in the offtce of the County Recorder of said County,
described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said
lot; thence North 7F3 degrees 23' 00" West~ 30.03 fGP.L along the
North line of said lot; thence South 17 degrees 20' 20" East,
Gy.00 feet to the 4/est line of the East 10.00 feet of said Lot;
thence South £39 degrees 57' 20" East, 10.~0 feet to the East line
of said lot; thence North 0 degrees 02' 40" East, 56.~1 feet along
said East line to the point of beglnning, EXCCPT that portion
thereof included within satd East 1!1.00 feet. ALSO EXCEPT that
portlon thereof inciuded within the North 20.00 feet of said Lot.
WHEREAS, the City Ptanning Commission did hold a puhltc hearing at the Civic
Center in the City of Anaheim on January 12, 1g81, at 1:30 p,m., notice of said
publtc hearing having been duly given as required by lav~ and in accordance with the
provisions of the Anaheim Munictpal Code, Chapter 1A,03, to hear and consider
evidence for and against said proposed conditional use permit and to tnvestigate and
make findings and recommendations Tn connecti~n thereivith; and
WHEREAS, said Cormiission, after due inspection, investtgation and study made
by itself and in its behalf, and after due consid~ratlon of all evidenca and reports
offered at said hearing, does ftnd and determine the followinq facts:
~. That the pro osed use is
permit is authorized by Anaheim Muntcipal Code~p5ectionne'~o~,ai~5~h4n~conditional use
permit an industrial office complex in the ML SC to v~it: to
Corridor Overlay) Zone. ~)~~ndustrtal, Limited - Scenic
2• That the proposed use is hereby granted for the followtng businesses,
as stipulated to by the petlttoner at the puhlic hearing:
b. Engtneering,,testi~yrand light assembly
c. Semi-conductor engineering, dtstribution and light manufacturing
d• Transportation engineering firms
e. Aerospace engineering, research and development
f. Hospital and medical supply distribution and marketina facilities
9. Research and testing firms such as architectural and engineering
h, Retail distribution of products (with no on-site retail sales)
i. Research and development of a~ricultura) products
3• Petroleum research, deveiopnent and marketing factltttes
k• 4eta(1 distribution of hardward prcxl~cts (with no on-site retail sales)
1. Services facilities such as general contracting offices
m. Computer faciltties.
3. That the proposed use wi11 not adversely affect the adJoining land uses
and the growth and development of the area in r~hfch it is proposed to be located.
!~. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to
allow the full development of the proposed use tn a manner not detrimental to thP
particular area nor to the peace~ hea2tfi, safeCy, and general welfare of the Citizens
of the City of Anaheim.
S. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the condltions
imposed, if any~ wili not be detrimenta) to the peace~ health, safety and general
welfare of the Cttizens of the City of Anaheim.
6. That the traffic generated by the proposed use will not impose an undue
burden upon the streets ~nd highways designed and improved to carry the !raffic in
the area.
7. That no one indicated thetr presence at said public hearing in
opposition; and that no correspondence o-ras received in oppositfon to the subJect
E!lVIRONMENTAL iMPACT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commisston has
reviewed the proposa to perm t an industriat office complex tn the ML(SC)
(Industrial, Ltmited - Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone on a rectanaularly-shaped parcel
of land conslsting of approximately 14.7 acres having a frantage of approximately 937
feet on the north side of La Palma Avenue, having a maximum depth of approxtmately
1035 feet and being iocated approximately 600 feet west of the centerline of Imperial
-2- Pc81-13
Highway (5515 East La Palma Avenue); and does hereby approve the ~~egative
Declaration from the requirement to prepare an envtronmental impact report on the
basis that there would be no significant individual or cumulative adverse
environmental impact due to the approval of thfs Negative Declaration since the
Anaheim General Plan designates the subject property for industrtal, limited land
uses commensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive environmental lmpacts are
involved in the proposai; that the Initiat Study submitted by the petiticner
indicates no significant individual or cumulative adverse envtronmental imnacts; and
that the Negative Declaration substantiating the foregoing findtngs is on file in the
City of Anaheim Planntng Department.
NOt~l, THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Pianning Commission
does hereby grant subJect Petition for Conditional Use PermTt~ upon the followtng
conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use
of the subJect property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the
Citizens of the City of Anaheim:
1. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved
plans on file with the Office of the Executive Director of Public Works.
2. That the o~~mer(s) of subject property shall pay the trafftc signal
assessment fee (Ordinance No. 38~6) in an amount as determined by the City Council,
for industrial buildings prior to the issuance of a huilding permit.
3. That subject property shall be developed suhstantially in accordance
with plans and specifications on file with the City of Aniheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1
through 5.
ti. That Condition Nos. 1 and 3~ above-mentioned, shall be complied with
prior to final building and zoning inspections.
5. That the proposed office uses for subject property shall be limited to
Che fal torrIng:
a. Energy consultant firms
b. Engineering, testing and li9ht assemhly
c. Semi-conductor engineering, distribution and light manufacturTng
d. Transportation engineering firms
e. Aerospace engineering, research and development
f. Nospital and medtcal supply distribution and marketing faciltties
g. Research and testing firms such as architectural and engineering
h. Retail distribution of products (with no on-site retail sa!es)
i. Research and development of aqricultural products
j. Petroleum research, development and marketing facilities
k. Retall distribution of hardward products (a~ith no on-site retail sales)
1. Services faciiities such as general contractinct offices
m. Computer facilittes.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Canmission does hereby
find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predlcated upon
applicant's compliance with each and all of the conditions herelnabove set forth.
Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared Invalid or unenforceable
-3- PC8t-t3
by the final Judgment of any caurt of competent jurisdiction~ then this Resolution~
and any approvals herein contatned, shall be deemed null and votd.
THE FOREGOI~IG RESOLUTIO~! is siqned and approved hy me this 12th day of
January~ 1981.
/CYCGG~ (/~ ~fCG~t_ ;
~i~.~, z° ~~.
l~ Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City ?lanning Commission, do
hereby certify that the foregoing resolution v~as passed and adopted at a meettng of
the Anahelm City Planntng Commisston held on January 12. 1Qf~1, by the following vote
of tt:e members thereof:
IN WIT~lESS 4/HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 1?.th day of January~
H ~ ~ I ~~Lt~t.c~~
_ !
- -4- PC81-lj ~
r- ~-
RES~LuTI(1PI tlf), PC~,I-1?
41HFRF/1S, the Anaheiin City °lannir.c Comrii,sinn cii~1 receive a verified
Pet i t i on for Cond i t i ona i Use Pern i t f rom AH11l1NS~N TRUST C~11p!',~ly, c!o TH[ PIACKL I M
CO~iPFlIJ}• 2~G1 p~~~m~n F,venue, Santa Ana, Caiifornia ~2705, o~mr-.r, and TNF !1ACKLIN
COr1PA~lY, Z3 ~1 South Pul im~n A~•~~i~e~ Santa Ana, Cal ifornia ~'7nr~ ~~ent of certaln
real prnpcrty situated in the City of Anahei~, County of Oranne, State of ~all`ornta,
described as;
PARCEL A: ?arcels 1 and Z, in the City of Anahefm, as shotvn on a
Parcel Map filed in Book 51, na~e 5~ of Parcel FIc3p5, in the office
of the coun~y recorder or said county, EXCEPTIWr, TF!ERFFRO"1 the
~lortherly 2~ feet as conveyed to th~~ Atchi,on, Tope~;a and Santa Fe
~'~~1~•~ay Company, a Dela~~~are Corporation, by deed recnrded July 2~,
~974, in BooF: 117_O1, Pa9e 1C7 of Official Recor~is. ALSO EXCEPT
frem Parcel 1_ ahove descrihed that portion thereof descrihed in
deed to the Ore~nge Cou~ity Flood Controi Dictrict t•ihirh ~•~as
record~d tqay 17~ 1°7~~ in (3oolc Il"J3". pane 17_>n~ ~FF~~~a~ Records
of said QranRe CountY, ~nd described as follo~•is: PARC.FI 9: Th~
East 10,0~ feet of that ~ortion of Lot 1{~f Tr~ct °7.5, fn the City
of Anaheim, County or Orange, StaCe of Calif~rnia, as ner md~
reeorded in Book 2q, Pages ~a? tc, 1i1; inclusive of !tiscnllaneous
Maps, in the office of the County rtecorder of sai~i county,
descrihed in the deed to Golden 41est Equity Pr~~c~rties, Inc.,
recorded Fehruary 28, 1974, in Qool; lln~5, Page ~~~r of 'Jfficial
Records in the office of said County Recorder, EXCEPT that
portion thereof inclu~l~ci ~.,iri,~~ -~,.. ~~.,_..~, ..
YHftCt~ (;; ihat ~ortion of Lot 1 of Tract~~Jo.~~25,LinrthelCity~of
Ar.aheim, County of Orange, State of Calif~rnia, as per map
recorded in bool; 29, papes 42 to 4~r inclusive of Miscellaneous
P1aps, tn tfie office of the County Recorder of said County,
described a; fo)ip~;~s; [ieglnning at the Wortheast corner of said
lot; thence North 7G degrees 23' 00" 41est, 3n.~; feet a?~na the
Plorth )ine of said lot; thence South 17 deqrees 2(1' 2n" East,
~5.~!~ ~eet to the 41est linA of the East 1~,nn fee* of said Lot-
thence South ~i4 d~grees 57' 2~" East, l~,i~0 feet to the East line
of said lot; thence fdorth n de~rees 07.~ 4n~~ East, 5f,,~~ feet alona
said East line to the point of heginning, FXCEf'T that portion
thereof included within sai~1 East tn.nt~ feet. ALSf1 EXf,FPT that
portion thereof included ~•iithin the !Jorth 7_0.~1~ feet of said Lot.
~Jf~FZF,~S, thc f,i.y Plannin~ Coaimission dic! hol~i a puhlic hearino at the Civic
Center in the City of Anaheir~ o~ ,Ja~i~~ry ~~~ ~~Z~~ ~t ~.,~~ '~
pcblic h~~arinn havinq her_n :lu1y 7ivrn as renuired hv ~~i.~ ,~~~~ ~~ ' ^~'tice of said
provisions of the Anaheim t!unicinal ;;ode~ Ch»t~r ~'? n~ ^ -'ccnrdance ~~ith Che
evidence for and aqainst said propos~d r.onditionai uc~ ~.."' t f~~~r and consider
ma{:e findings and recanmendatlons in cc~nnection therewith;ra~~ ,~`~ t~ investigate an~'
l'1NERF/1S, ,aid Commis,inn, ~Fter du~ in;peerf~~~ investin:~tinn anrl ,turly r~ac~~
by itself and in its hehalf, nnd after due c~nsidrr~tion nf all evfdencr and rPperts
offered at ,aid hcarinq~ d~es find and deL'rrmine t!,e f~llo~.iing faets•
~• Tfiat the p m osed use is ~rn erl ~
permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Cndr nSectionn~l9,~(,~1.~~rr~jh~,^~conditionai use
permit an in~lustrial office com~icr, in thc ^11. $C1 tO ~'~it: t~
Corridor ~verlay) 7_one. ~ ~~n~I~~strial, Limited - Scenic
?. That the ~roposed use is herehy qr~nted fnr rhe `nllot,~inn bu,inesses,
a, stipulated tr, by the netitioner at the ~u~~iic hearinq;
~. Energy consultant firms
h. Engineering, testing and light assemh)v
~• Semi-conductor ennineerina, distrihution and lictht manufacturinq
d• Tr~nsportation engineerlnn firms
e• llerospace enqineerino, research and develnnnent
f• Ilospital ~i~d medical supply distribution and marketina facilities
9. Research and testing firms such ~s archi'tectur<~1 ~nd enoineering
h• °etail oistrihution of products (~::ith no on-site reta;l s~les)
~• °esearch and developm~nt of a~7rfcultural nr~ducts
~. Fetroleun ri.s~arch, development ard marl;etinq faci)ittes
k• Retail distribution of har~~•ia~d p~~~{~~ts (a;ith no on-site retail sales)
1. Services facilities suc'i as ~~neral cnntr~ctin~ nffices
~. Comouter Tacilities.
3. That the pr~po,ed use ~.~,ill n~~t a~iverselv affect the adj~ini~q ~a~d uses
and the c~ro~vth anri development of the area in ~;~hich it is nro~oseri t~ be located.
tF• That the size and sha~e of the site rro~osed f~r the usF i~ ,-,~1,.,,,,,t„ .
alloo-~ the `ull dev~lonm~nr ~f rti„ „
~~~;":" ",~ in a manner nnt d~trimental to~ the
particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, an,l general ~•~elfare oF the Citizens
of the City of Anaheim,
imposed, if any,a~t~~~h~ot~hend„trim~nta)eto~thetoeace,l~shea)th,t safetytha~cl~npeneral
welfare of the Citi~ens of the City of Anaheim,
~. That the traffic 9ener•ated hy the pronosed use ~:,iil not inpcse an undue
burdPn upon the streets ard highways designed and improved to carry t'~e traffic in
the area.
7. That no one indicated their presence~ at said nublic hearing in
opposition; and that no c~rrespondence ~:-as received in o~pnsition to the suhiect
E!1VIRO~JMENTAL IH°ACT FI?1DING; That the A~~heim f,ity Plannin4 Commtssion has
reviewed the proposai to permit an industrial office cmm~lex in the `i_(~f,)
(Industrial, Limited - Scenic Corridor Overliy) lone on a rectan~uiarly_sh~ped parcei
of land consisting of approximately 1~.7 acres having :, `rontac~e of approximately 937
fect on the north slde of La Palma llvenue, h.:ving a miximiim denth of a~proximately
1035 feet and beinn located approximatel•; 600 feet ~•rest of the centerline of Ir~perial
'- PcBt-t3
Fligh~~~ay (5515 East La Palma Avenuc); and d~es hcrchy app m ve thc Ne9ative
Declaration from the r~quirement to prepare an en:•ironmental impact report on the
basls that there v,ould Le no significont individual or cumulative adverse
environ^~ental impact due to the anprrni~l nf this Plegative ~eclaration since the
Anaheim General Plan designates thc suhject property for indu;trial, limited land
uses commensurate ~rith the proposal; that no sensitive envir~nmental impacts are
invoived in the pronosal; ttiat th~ ~nitial Study submittrrl hy thc ~etittonAr
indicates no significant individual or cunulatiue a~lverse e mii mnmental impacts; and
that the Me9ative Oeclaration substantiatinq the fn;egninn findinos is on fiie in the
City of Anaheim Planninq Denartment.
IdOI!, THEREFORE, E3F. IT RFS~'?LI~ED that the ~'+nahei~~ City Plannin9 Conmission
does hereby grant subject Petitian for Condition,~l Use Permit, upnr the folloH~ing
eonditions ~•~hich arP herehy found to he a necessary prereauisite tn the prop~s~.d use
of the suhject propert•; in order to preserve the safety and c~ener~l ~•~clfare of the
Citizens of the City of ~lnahein:
1. That trash storage areas shall be prnvide~i in ~cc~rd~nce ~~iith apf~roved
plans on file with the Office of the Fxecutive Direet~~r of Public `.lor4:s.
2. 7hat the oi•,ner(s) of sutiject prc,rertv shall pay the traffic signal
asscssmcnt f°c (Qrdinance Plo. 3'~~61 in an a~+~~int ~a d~rermined hy the CitY Council,
Tur industrial buildincts prior to the issuance of a huildina permit.
3. That suhjeet property shall be develoned su!~stantially in aecordanee
with pians and speciTicitions on fil~ ~.:it`~ the Cit~~ of ,~nahcim narlced Er.hihit Nos. 1
through 5.
h. That Condition tJos. 1 and 3, ahove-mentinneri, shall bc eomnlied ~•~ith
prior to final buildin9 and zoninn insper_tions.
~. That the prnposed office ~ises tor suhject propertv stiail ne iimited to
the follo~•~ing:
a. EnerclY consultant firms
h. Engineerinn, testin~ ~nd li9ht ~ssenhiy
c. Semi-conductor en9ineerinn, distrihution and light manufacturin~
d. Transoortation en~ineerino firms
e. Aerospace engineerin~, research and develonment
f, flospitai and medical sunoly distrihution and m~r<<etinq faciliries
9. Research and testina firm~ sucti as architectnral and en~ineerin9
h. Retail oistrihution of products (with no nn-site retai~ sales?
i, Research and devel~~ment of ~oricultural nroducts
j, Petroleum research, develo~ment and marketin~ facilities
k. P,etail distrihution of hardi•:anl p~o~iucts (~•rith n~ on-site rztail sales)
l. ServicPS facilities suc~~ as 9~ner~l cnntrictinn ~fficPs
m. Con+putcr f:.~cil ities.
E3E IT FU:THFP. RFSOLV[D that the Anaheim City Piannfnn Commissinn does hereby
find and determi~e that a~ootion of this Resolution is ex~ress!y prca~catcd upon
applicant~s compliarce ~.~ith each and ali of the conditions herelnahove set forth,
Should any sech condition, or any part thereof, be declare~ invalid or unenforceahle
-3- PC31-1'i
by the final judgment of any court of cmm~etent jurisriiction, then this ",esolution,
and any apnrovals herei~ cnntainr..d, shall "e dc~emr•ri null and vnid,
THE r~a~r,o~rir, r'ES~LU"ilnN is signecl ~nd anproved hy mr_ this 12th ~1ay of
January, 1~&1.
~~~~ ~'~~
c~ini~.r+nrt, A~1~.HFIP1 CITY PL~."I?IINf' r,nr+~,~ss~~tr
~~..~.~.. .~ ~~~ ~:~.
SECRETl1?Y, At1hHE IM C ITY PLArdrl lt~r, CnM!+.ISS lOr;
I, Edith L. 4arris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planninq Cor~missi~n, do
hereby certify that the f~regoinn resolution o~as passed anri ~dnotr~ at a mePtina of
the Anaheim City Plannin~ Cormissi~n h~l~f nr, .l~m;~n~ i~, ?~"1, h~~ thr fo1lc::i~q ~:otc
of t!~e ~embers thereof:
AYES: C01•1~11~510~1[°5: 30!!/1S, i~Ucl!~~~=~ F^Y, !:I"r, T~~nr,
MOES: C~h1'11$SIOt~Ef'.~: tln"!E
ADSEPIT: Cf~~i'11SS1!lt1ER5: ~FlR~lES, N~R?ST
I'! lllT~!ESS 1d!IEREOF, I have hcre~-intn set ~y h~n~l t~~is 1?th day n` Jan~~arv,
~Qt.wx~ st ~ /~-YC(/1./t~c.LJ
SFC~ET~.RY, P!!1N~1'1 CITY PLq>lhl~J~ r(?~~r~iSSl~'I
'~'- PCR1-13