PC 81-133RESOLIiTI(1~1 I10. PC~1-1i3
!1 Rt~QLUT10~i OF TIIE ~i1/111[III CITY PL~1NIlI~IG COt1t^,ISSI0~1
~!H[RFkS, the !~nalieim City Pianninq Comrnission did receive a verified
°etitiun for Vari~ncc fro~~i GE;! IIATIIFlWl1~( ~'!i~ ~:lIRY LOU IIA'fllAllAY, 1~r60 l•lest I<atella
~lvenue, Anaheim, California 97_3'17_, v:mers, ancl CLARflIDA L. l•lILLIAt1S~fl, 10~•0 tJest
Kat'ella Avenue, l~naheirn, California 92~02, ~gent, of certain real property
situated in Che City of Anaheim, County of Or~ng~, Statc of California described
7he 41est 1~70 feet of the Ilorth 21~ feet o` the North~•~est quarter
of the ~lorthi-~est quarter of thc tlorth~,~est quarter of Section 27,
in To~mshi~ ~i South, Range 10 41est, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon
de Santa Ana, as sha•!n on a Map recorded in Book 51, Paqe 10 oF
P•tiscellaneous Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of s~aid
4111ERE~S, the City Planning Cornmission did hold a rublic hearing at the Civic
Center in the City of Anaheim cn June 1>, 1931, aC 1:~0 p.rn., notice of said public
hearin~ havinc,~ been duly givun as t•c:yuired by la~•r and in accordance with the
provtsions of the Anahcim tlunicipai Code, Chapter 1~.~~, :c~ hear and consider
evidence for and ayainst said proposed variance and to investigate and mal<e findings
and recommendations in connection there~•:ith; and
b111ER[i1S, said Comriission, after due inspection, inve>tigation and ,tudy made
by itself and in its behalf, and after due corsideration of all evidencc and roports
offe red at sai~ hr_arin9, does find and determinc the following facts:
1. That the peti t irmer' nr~nns~~ ~•,,~ ~.~r .,f «ti„ f..i i,.,..;, J`v i;`_.,;~ ` ~.i
outdoor advertisinn vehicle: ~~~y~
S[CTIOt7 1:~,C>,OLl~.Q1~0 - Prohibitecl signs.
Outdoor advertisinq vehicles not permitted;
(~opcorn and peanut vendinq trailer proposed)
2• That the above-mentioned ivaiver is hereby granted on the basis that the
petitioncr demonstrated that a harclsliip exists in that denial taould deprive subject
property of a privile,e c•njoyed by otFer properties in the same zone and vicinity;
a~cl cn the basis that no parl:ing spaces t•ii 1 i be el iminated.
3. That the requested variance is hereby granted subject to the
petitioner's stipulation that there shall be no :•~ritten identification or other
advertising signs placed on the vendi~g trailer.
~!e That there are exceptional or extraordinary e~rcumstances or conditions
applicable to the ~~roperty involved or to tfic intended use of the prnperty that do
not apply gener~liy to the ~rorerty or class of use in ttie same vicinity and zone.
5• ThaC tl~e reyuested variance is necess~~ry for the preservation and
enjoyment of a subst~ntial property ri<iht ~ossessed by otL-er property in the same
vieinity ~nel zone, anc: clenied to thr pro~:~_rt~~ in question.
G. That the re~ucsted variance o-rill not be materi~lly detriF~:r,tal to the
public v~elfare or injurious to the pro{~crty or improvements in such vicinity and zone
in which the property is located.
7. Th,~t no one inciicated their presencc at ;aid public hearing in
opposition; and that no correspondence ti•ias reccived in on~osition to the subjeet
EtJ!(IROtJi1E~l7AL 111PACT FItIDItlG: The Planning Director or his authorized
representativc has deternined tl~at the proposcd project falls t•~ithin the deflnition
of Categorical Exemptions, Class j, as uefined in the State EIR Guidelines and is,
therefore, categorically exempt froin the rec~uiremcr2 to prepare an Elf~.
~JO',l, TtIEREFOR[, E3E IT RESOLV[U that the Maheim City Planning Commission
does hereby yranr subject Petition for Variance, upon the follcx-~ing conditions which
are hereby found tc be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject
property in order to preserve the safety and general t•~elfare ~~f thc Citizens of the
Ci ty of Anal~~im:
1. That subject property shall Le developed substantially in aeeordance
with plans and s~ecif;caCions on filc ~,~itli the City of Anaheim marl<ed Exhibit Plo. 1.
D~ IT FURTHER RESOLVED Lhat the Anaheim City Plannin9 Commission does i~ereby
find and determinc that the aJo~~tion of this Resoiution is expressly predicated upor
applicant's com~liance with each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth.
Should any condition or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the
final jud~ment of any court of compc.tent jurisdiction, then this Resulution, and any
approvals herein contained, shall be dcemed null and void.
19~1 .
TtIE FOREG01 i7G kESOLUTIOI! i s s i 9ned and approved by me th i s l;th day of June,
;~.~.~,-~ ~:. ~u.aR.~-~~
AtJAH[ I it C I TY PLA'JN I IlG COFiF11 S51 Ot!
`~~ ~ ~~~ ~ .~,
sec~Ernr,Y, nunri~i r~ C I TY PLAU~I I I!G cor~~r~t ss i or~
-2- PC81-133
COUtJTY OF OR.lItlG[ ) ss.
CITY OF ~NAfiElft )
I, Edith L. Narris, S~cretary of thc P,nahcim Cit~ Plannin~~ Commission, do
hereby cert9fy that the foregoir.g resofution• : passed and adopted at a meeting of
the Anaiieim City Plannin~ Commission held on June i;, 1931, at 1:30 p.m., by the
folla,ving ~dote of the ne~bers thereo`:
t~0[S: COt1h11SS10~lERS: PlONE
I~! bllT!~ESS IJHEREOP, f f~avc hereu *o set my hand this i5th day of June, 19~1.
' ^ ~ ..i~ /'b'-~'/ ~t-~-L
SECREiAP.Y, /1!l;111E!'1 CITY PLAflt~t(!G COh111 1 5 5 1 011
'3' PC81-133