PC 81-135P,ESOLUTI~;! ~l0. PC~1-l~r A R~SOLUi10;1 OF TIIE l11U1iIFit1 CITY PL/11111l~;r, COM~'ISSIOI; TIiqT P~TITIO,'J F~JR Vi1RllIiICE I10. ,22j CC GR~IiITED, I!! PART b1IlEP,EAS, thc llnaiicin City Planning Cor~mission did receive a verified Petition for Variance fron tIORTH ,1tiE,;ICi~ti ItlVEST~IF!ITS, 1!lfi0 ~lor[h Tustin Avenue, Suite 10(l, Oran~7e, California '32GF5, o~~~ncr, an~~ MITCHC!i II:DIISTRIE~, 21t31 South Mne Strcet, Santa /1n;~, Cal ifornia ~27~~t, ac7cnt, of cert~,in rcal ~,roperty s i tuatecl in thc ~;i ty of An~lieim, County of fir~n~~e, St~tc of Cal i forni ~ described as: Pr"~RCELS 1 TQ '~ ItJCLU~I~lE, II; TIIE CITY OF AllllliEl;1, COU,"!TY OF ORAPIG[, STATE OF Cl1LfFORt11;1 !~5 P[R Fi/1P FILEU I'1 ElOn~, ll~u pqGES ~ /1t1D '~ OF Pf~.RCEL I1l1PS, It! Til[ CFFIf,E OF TfIE COUiJTl' PECORU[P, OF SAID COUt1TY, 41fIEREi1S, thc City Planninr Corimissiun did hoid a~uhlic he~ring at the Civic Center in tlie City of Anaheir~~ on Junc 1;, 19~.1, at 1;3~ p.m., notice of said public hearing having ber_n duly given as required by laa~ ~n~ in aeeordance ~~~ith the provisions or [he Anaheim 1lunicin~~ ~~:le, Chapter ~B.~i, to hear and consider evidence for and a~~ainst said proposed v~riance and to investi~ate and ma~;e findin!~, ane! reeorr~endations ~n cn~~o~~jor, thcre:•iith; and WII[REAS, s~id Comriis,ion, aftcr duc inspection, investiaation and study made by itself and in its behalf, ancl after du~ censider~tion of ~~~ eviclenc~ ancJ reports offered at s~~ic; he~rin;, does find and deternine the followin~ facts: 1• Th~t th~ petitioner proposcs a~~iaiver ot tlie foiloo-~ing to construCt ~ freestandin~ Si~~; l~! SECTI01! 1~.05.n~3,~z~ - ~ermitted location. 240 feet from west property lire required; ?3~ feet proposed) (b) SECTIOIJ 1v.05.09j.Q~li1 - I?aximum heiqht. 25 feet pernitted; :9,j feet proposed) 7. That the abovementioned i~»iver (a) is hereby ~ranted on the basis that khe petitioner demonstrated that a harclship exists in Lhat thc request is minimal, 3. That the obovementioned ~•~aiver (b) is hereby deniecl on the basis thaL `he petitioner did not denonstrate that ~ hardshio e:<ists duc to size, sh~pe, tonography, locition or surroundings of subject pro~e,ty; and approval could set an undesirable precedent. PC81-135 1+. Th~:t [licrc ~r~~ ._•r.c,cnti„n,~~l or .;:~r:~r:rc!inriry circur.ist~nccs or co~ditions ~pnl ic:~blr C~ thc propcrty inv~~lvc ~l ~~r ~o t!~c intcnr'~~f us~~ of thc property that ~Jo not apply ~;eneral ly to thc ~ro;~crty or ci,~ss v~ usc in thc s.~,mo vicinity ancl zone. ;. That thc rcruestcd v~iri,inc.c is n<:ec~sary `~r thc ~rescrvation ~nd enjoycicnt of J SUfJStarti~l ~'ru~,crty ri_~ht ~~os~;r_„c~:1 by c+t`•.cr prc~crty in the same vicinity and zonc, <~nd c;enicd t~ thc ~ro~~crty in yw.stion. G. Th.;t th~: r~:nuestcd v,;ri~ncr ~:ii 11 not t,c r~~tcriril ly dctri~~ental to the public ~•~elFare or injurious to the pru~~erty or im~rovements in such vicinity and zone in ~•%I~ich the prunerty is !oc:•~teci. 7. That c~ne ~erson indic~ted iier presence ~t s~iid public hearing in opposition; ~n~i thc:t no corr~sF~onuence ~:~as receivec in opnositinn to the subjeet peti tion. [t11,'IRO~IN[I!T!',L IIiPACT fI~1DlilG: The Plinning Direc*_or or his authorized re(~resentative has dcterriinecl that the prnposed oroject falis 4~~thin the definition of C.atccorieil Excnptions, Cl~ss 11, ~s c1e`ined in tlic St~te f.iR Gui~felines and is, thereforc, eatc~~oriu,l ly er.e~~pt `r:~r Che rr~~~uiremenr to prep.~re ~r, EIP,. PIO':l, TiiEREFORE, E3E IT F[SOLVEi~ that the /lnoinim City Pianninri Comrnission does hereby c~rant subject Petition for Variance, up~n the foila.iing conditicns whieh arc hcr::by founJ lu t,~~ ~ r~~c~~sary pr~rcqu~sitc t~~ thc propcsc;! usc of thc subject property in ordcr to ~r~~scrvc tlie SJ~~=Cy and r,en^ral ~~elf~r: of thc Citizens of the C i ty of ~1nahe i n: l. That subjcct propcrty shall be ;.Icvcloped suhstantially in accordance ~•rith plan, an~ s~ecifieotions on file i•riti; the City of ltnahein ri~rked Exhibit i1os. 1 anu ?; provi~ecJ, hcarever, thot the height of s~id ;inn shall ~e reduceu to ?5 ~eet. 2. That the orrner(s) of subject pro~,erty shall submit a letter rec~uesting nc~• terminati~n ~f Conciitinn~l U,e Permit t1~. :?1' t~ the Piannin~ Den:~rtment. 3. That Condition tlo. Z, above-nentioncr:, shall be conplied ~•rith prior to the corirx:ncemE:nt of the ictivity authorizeci un~fer this res~lution, or prior to the tine that the buildin~ perr,i*_ is issucd, or :•ritl~in a perioJ of one year fron date nereof~t~hiehevC~ occurs first, or such furtl~er tir.e as the Plannin~ Commission may grant. ~F. That Condition tlo. 1, ab~vc-mentioncu, shall b~ cnmplied ~•~ith prior to Yin~l buildinq and zoninc; inspectic~n,. G[ IT FUR711ER RESOLVED that thc /1nah;;iri City Planning Coinmission does hereby rind and deterriine that thc adoptior, of this hesolution is ex~ressly nredicateu upon applicant's cornpiiance :iith cach ~nd all oF ~he conditions here.inabove set forth. Should any conJit~on or c,ny p~r[ ti:ereof, be ~iecl~re~l invalicl ur unenfurceable by the final juei~n~ent of -any cc~urt uf c, i,~etrnt juri~diction, tl~en thi, Resolution, and any aN~rovals hcrcin e:~nt,~inc~1, sh~l I ~e ~lccr•ccf null n~cl voic'. -z- ~'C81-135 THE FOREGU I14G RESOLUTI CII i, s i qnecl and approved by in^ thi 5 l~th day of June, 1981 ~~~ G~.~ ~.,~.~--~-- CfiAI RF1N1 PRO TEhtPORC AIlAhIElt1 CIiY PLAIl~IItIG C011111 5 5 1 0tJ FlTT[ST: (/1 0.~-~. ~ FV-~i/~ .c-t. S[CR[TAP~.1 , AtlAHE I ~t C ITY PLllti~l l t!G COMI•11 SS I Ot1 STATE OF C~L i FOP,II I A ) COUM'~Y GF ORnilG[ ) ss. CITY OF AiIAHEIM ) I, Edith L. tiarris, Secretary of tlie Anaheim City Plannin~ Comnission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passcd and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission heid on June 15, 1981, at 1:30 p.m., by the foliaf~ing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COt~iMISSIOtIERS: 6ARPlES, BOUAS, BUSIiOfE, FRY tJ0E5: COh1MISSIOtlEP,S: HEP,GST, KRiG ABStPlT: COMI•11SSIOIdERS: TOLAR IN WITIIESS blIIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 15th day of June, 1951. "~ ~2.c.~.~ ~~ ~~~ SECRETFlRY, APUIHEIM CITY PLANtIIMG C011h11SSI0t~ -3- Pc81-13~